
(271 KB, 672x672, cloud-9-loyalty-point-card-free-burger.png) (1.3 MB, 2550x2767, 2022 Bracket Final Results.png)
It's coming up to that time, degenerates!

Last year, we figured out who was the definitive crowd favorite among FA's, in both BBW and SSBBW. Chloe and Jackie made it onto through and it was a nailbiter (for Jackie, Chloe was the clear favorite to win in her division). Now it's time to crown another pair of fatties!

You have between now and 12:00pm, March 31st to submit your picks for best BBW and SSBBW respectively using the Google form below. Afterwards I'll be posting new survey forms every Friday to vote in each round.

Form is here, use Base64 to decode it (didn't know if these forms are filtered): aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5nbGUvZXhDYXQ4VjkxTFoxTVJRWjY=

Previous results picrel. Who do you think will come out on top this year? Who will be added to the fold?
I think Haley is gonna do well this year in SSBBW. Confirmed 600lbs and no signs of stopping!
Definitely a top contender. Always has a thread.

I wonder if Roxxy's gonna get as far as she did last time.
Can't imagine why she wouldn't, she's still pretty top tier. Jackie got as far as she did because her weight exploded, so Adeline might be the favorite this year.
i'm expecting Lauren Lush to get the edge over Chloe this time, both aren't gainers anymore but Lauren manages to keep the excitement high with the bimbofication+pregnacy+collabs, and to her credit she's honest about not gaining anymore. Adeline over JJ seems a to be a given.

does anyone else remember the thenortherngoddess? it was a blog from a Curvage member were galleries of mostly amateur bottom-heavy fat women were posted along with pompous descriptions. a couple of the women ended up as models,
(Scarlet, Phoenix, Mary, etc).


He held similar contests, the winners from 2008-12 were:

2008: Plump Princess
2009: Gwen
2010: Becca
2011-12: Boberry
ooh I didn't know you can't submit Chloe&JJ
You can, I'm just going to ignore them. Most likely I'll put last year's winners up in a post-tournament round. Maybe do a winner's bracket after a few years.
Winners bracket after a few years would be ideal, especially since we can't submit JJ.
Well I have every intention of doing a match up after this go-around. But after the fourth iteration it would qualify for actual bracket status y'know?
Chloe is losing weight now anyways good you can’t submit. Dating some creep and going private I read. Content down the drain
Interesting, I thought it was weird I haven't seen much of her lately. Then again her content has always been sort of one-note for me so I might have tuned her out anyway,
boooo chloe sucks now i cant believe she won last time, she sucks and will up like kellie kay is nowadayd bluh disgusting!!!!!!!
Should be interesting. I imagine Adeline will win since she's blown up and will die by the 4th of July. Too exciting for the deathfeedists.
BoBerry and Rox will advance I'm sure but there will be some vote stuffing for MissT.
I don't know who on the BBW side will win. Probably a matter of match ups.
Its a rigged election folks
Russian shenanigans meddling in yet another election.
Bet you both think you're pretty fuckin cute. No suspicious activity yet.
Hey you! If you haven't submitted your favorite BBWs and SSBBWs you should do so. See how popular your tastes are and all.

It's been about a week, so I figured I'd give a quick update - we have enough names submitted to start this but there would be some WILD seeding taking place for over half each bracket. It's a little too early to tell who will make the cut in that sense, but I can tease a few tidbits from what I'm seeing.

- I'm getting more submissions for MochiiBabii on the SSBBW side than the BBW side. Anyone know her last known weight?

- Surprising no one, Adeline is looking to be top seed in the SSBBW division due to having a stellar 2022 weight-wise.

- Seeing a lot of love for LisaLou as well, whereas last year she didn't even make the cut.
Mochii's last weigh in was 380. She is also planning another in about 2 weeks I believe after her current restaurant tour
Brought this up in the chan discord, just doing my part. Pretty sure Adeline's going to take it this year, but I put in for FatWaifu.
Bumping one last time for visibility - use the Google form in the OP and let us know who your favorite fat chicks are.

Voting will start Friday!
Hey all, OP here. Apologies to the handful of you looking forward to this, I had a busy month end and weekend. Should have that bracket out for voting today - less participation in the submissions this year, so there's been more judgment used in who should be listed, but I'm going with who was voted on last year first before the wildcards are determined. I'll post the breakout as well when it's out.

Which Friday?
Sorry, I'm just curious to see the brackets.
My bad, work got ramped up. I'll be posting tomorrow, I'm out having a social life.
What's with the social life jab? You're the one that said it would be out on Friday that week no one forced it on you
Op was busy on a date with his boyfriend
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Alrighty, after battling general malaise and working out who needs to be where, we finally have a bracket. Y'all got a week to vote!

Use base64 to decode below (avoiding chan filters), and follow the link - or check some of the subreddits for much larger girls, you'll probably find it.


Sorry, I guess I'm a bit tetchy when I'm drunk. I don't remember meaning that as a dig at the chan or anything, but that's how that came off. I'm more disappointed in myself for not getting it out when I said I did, even if this is all inconsequential. Thanks for being patient.
Also, as promised, here is the full ballot count for this year. It's decidedly less than last year's, which really shifted the balance around between those who seeded highly previously.


In essence, if you were on the bracket last year you were very nearly guaranteed a spot, and your previous seed was weighted among others with the same vote count. The only exception were the wildcards from last year - it didn't feel right to grandfather them in on that basis and so they were subjected to the same lottery as the others that only got a single vote.

Which is why honeybiscuit420 is up against BoBerry of all people.

Let me know who you think will take it this year - I love a good slapfight.
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Here's my rankings/semi-predictions. ? means I don't know or can't decide, but it doesn't matter as neither of them would proceed anyways. For example I've never heard of Celestial or xBBWKITTYx, but it doesn't matter because neither of them are hotter than BoBerry. I'm curious to see what happens with Hayley and BoBerry though, as they seem very likely to match up given their respective match ups. Roxxie seems destined to win SSBBW, and I was quite surprised to see that Chloe didn't even get any votes??
Chloe nor Juicy Jackie had any votes recorded because they won last year. There will be no title-defending with this.

Yeah, the rankings pretty much played out that way last year and Roxxie sailed to the finals, only to be beaten by Jackie. I'm curious how Adeline will do this year.
Oh fucks sake, ill voted for both of them at the beginning... sad
You weren't the only one, don't stress. I put it on the form that they wouldn't be counted but would count votes for others in the same submission.
If I were to guess who will advance far it'd be pretty much the top 4 - 6 seeds for each of the brackets. But some early matchups could eliminate a couple. Candii might be able to upset Mal. Double Denise has a chance to advance this year, she was pretty new to the scene last year.
I guess the Final 4 for the bbw bracket will be
Chubby Chiquita vs Mal
Aliss BonyT vs Udderly Adorable
Of those 4 I would choose Mal everytime. I couldn't guess right now who voters would pick.

The ssbbw's Final 4 I would guess
Roxxie vs Lisa Lou
Adeline vs BoBerry with a chance that Hayley could pull off the upset vs BoBerry.
I expect Adeline to win it. She's gained a lot and last year we saw Jackie win because she was getting fatter then.
We're about mid-way through the first round of voting and I gotta say, I'm enjoying the fact that these matchups seem somewhat balanced. Last year it seemed like the SSBBW fans had their full gambit of their division, but this year the BBW voters are letting it be known that biggest isn't always best...est. Some of the girls I thought would coast through to the semi-finals are actually having close contests.

Surprisingly, there's one matchup where one girl is winning so much, if her opponent got 50 votes she'd still lose. Wild to see sometimes.

Also, in the spirit of discussion - are there any Fantasy Football fans or tournament nerds that have notes on how the matchups and seeding are done? There was an option to have the seeds randomized when inputting this, I'm just wondering if there's a different way people would like to see this. Maybe pose it as a question at the end of the tourney.
If you haven't voted for your favorite BBWs and SSBBWs, go for it here (Use Base64 to decode):


Voting ends for this round on Saturday

Also, quick note? Please don't stuff the ballot box. I can see it. Obviously I'm not counting those. I know me running a bracket for fat porn models screams I have no life, but dedicating an hour to submitting identical responses to tip the scales (heh) is way more pathetic.
The reason I hosted this on Google Forms is because it allowed for the most responses and questions and didn't have anyone sign up for yet another thing. If I restrict it to one per person, then people would need to sign into their Google accounts and frankly, that's a bridge too far for some people (even though I genuinely don't care about that data). Anything further like IP addresses would just seem like a honeypot. This is entirely on the honor system.

Being able to see the timestamps and responses all laid out in a spreadsheet is a nice bonus, so, at least I can clean up when something is off.
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Second round is now live! Go on and judge these girls against each other for brownie points!

Use Base64 to decode the link and have at it: aHR0cHM6Ly9mb3Jtcy5nbGUvN1V0VTdwVzJpUHA1blBQZDY=

Couple of notes:

- Matchups where both girls are/were BigCutie models so far: 3

-Biggest winner in the BBW Division was ChubbyChiquita - SSBBW Division: Plump Princess

- Please just vote once - I can see the ballots and I had to toss out a bunch that were blatant vote-stuffing attempts.

Which matchup result has got you the most salty and why is it Hayley/Destiny?
To that last question, definitely whoever tf Lexxxi is beating TCG
What an upset in the SSBBW bracket, bbwkitty is so much hotter than Celestial
>>28667 i was surprised by this too, TCG held her own last year for a couple rounds, her inactivity and that feabie picture where she looks smaller really must have did her in
Well looks like I was wrong on a couple of my predictions. Really thought Hayley would advance. Denise was another I was wrong on. I guess with her I should've considered that Lily's thread is more active of late.
Very surprised Adeline didn't crush her opponent. Margin much smaller than I would've predicted.
Kitty Piggy, ain't my thing, find her unappealing but those who like her will push her through so Alex Storm is probably going down.
Mal vs Candii will probably be a close one
Stuffingkit losing to cookie is outrageous 😑
That and Haley losing to Destiny were my "the fuck is going on" moments. Turns out Haley had an early lead with some other vote manipulation. It sucks, I really like both of their stuff. The BBW lovers are definitely making their voices heard in the fatter division.
I absolutely refuse to believe that Haley lost to Destiny. Haley went from 500 lb to 600 lb in a year. She's adorable and sweet as could be. Destiny is old news and hasn't gained a pound in a decade. Her belly looks like a deep sea clam. She's trash next to Haley.
double bellies have a hold on me, sorry for your loss bro but i back all the double belly queens
Destiny sucks and only the old heads voted for that trash
Personally I don't like double bellies but on a woman like Roxy, The rest of her is so amazing, It doesn't really matter. But then you compare her to Destiny. It's just a cellulite mess.
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>Destiny is old news and hasn't gained a pound in a decade. Her belly looks like a deep sea clam.
Destiny’s double belly is gross
I'm so glad I'm not alone. Still though she beat Haley. So there's plenty of them out there, people who live double bellies. They live among us.
yes Hayley's gain has been great but she hasn't put out content consistently enough to let us map out her gain in detail. when you start counting the amount of vids she uploaded since 2022 it's give or take 10 clips and you can see she has shelved vids from what she has teased on Twitter. The good news is that guy who films with her (yes it's a guy) seems to be OK with putting her out there but he isn't pushing her enough to work hard.
Depends, are we talking the soft jiggly ones or the bellies that move like the model drank fuckin concrete mix bc those are a buzzkill. Holdon lemme provide some examples of my favorite double bellies
nvm i dont wanna take this thread off topic but in short the soft double bellies are my favorite but if you're talking about the hard ones that are all misshapen i get u
Nah, you're good. This is way more discussion than last year.
True I guess. Content output is certainly a factor here and yes, her weeb in chief does need to getting her to work more as current levels are unacceptable. And it was a close count so it’s not like no one voted for Hayley. It just still was very surprising to see her lose in the very first round.
About a day left to vote - if you want to prevent another upset for your favorites, now's the time.

As always, decode with Base 64:

(258 KB, 1700x1806, u028lncj-2.png)
Third round of voting is open!

Use Base64 to decode, as per usual:

Everything's narrowing down now - all of these girls won their matches pretty handily. Fun fact: there's a matchup making a return from last year's semifinals: Chubby Chiquita vs KittyPiggy. In the SSBBW Division, 6 girls are returning to the third round, with Brianna making it further than she did last year (previously losing to Sadie) and LisaLou having a strong showing after being snubbed out of the bracket entirely last year.

Who are you banking on? Who shouldn't have made it this far? Let's see some squabbling.
My prediction so far has been pretty accurate so far, which isn't surprising since I based it mostly on the voting numbers in the first place. Like everyone else I was very surprised to see Hayley get eliminated so quickly. The only question mark I had at this round was the slot vs Mal Malloy, which turned out to be Lily; I doubt anyone expects Lily to stand much of a chance against Mal. This confirms my initial prediction that it didn't really matter who the 8 people were that Mal was up against as she was always going to beat them. With all that said this next round is the one I was most certain about and the following round is the one I was least sure of. I have no idea if Mal is going to win this upcoming round (57) and I'm even less sure who's going to win number 58. As for 59 it seems unlikely LisaLou could pull off an upset against Roxxie but it's possible, and I think Boberry is pretty much a shoe in for 60.
I personally don't see LisaLou overthrowing Roxxie, but she HAS had an impressive gain over the past year or so. I think it's going to come down to Roxxie vs Plump Princess (which is a forgone conclusion) and BoBerry vs Adeline which will DEFINITELY be interesting to see.
I was wrong in my thinking the Mal vs Candii would be close but am happy to see Mal advance.
Here come the Kitty Pig fans. If she advances I'll suspect ballot stuffing like I did last year.
Lisa vs Plump P will be close I'd guess with Lisa probably edging out the win.
I'm pretty surprised right now that Adelines opponents are getting any votes at all, especially double digit numbers. The Adeline death feedists must not know this thing is going on right now.
If Adeline wins and Boberry loses two years in a row would be very interesting indeed. She could turn into a sort of Leonardo DiCaprio of SSBBW models - clearly one of the best to ever do it but always snubbed at the awards.
Yeah Plump P vs LisaLou seems like a toss-up to me. We'll just have to wait and see. Theyre kind of like opposites as virtually all of Plump P's votes are from old heads and old timers who grew up with her stuff back in the 1300s, and LisaLou really only became famous this past year. As for adeline, well, maybe someone should go into /ssbbw and let them know the bracket is happening lol
BoBerry got plenty of accolades before she even started modeling. If I did this bracket years ago, anytime between 2011 and 2020, she'd probably be the contender for top spot every year until she won. Anyone remember that blogspot Northern Goddess?
adeline vs. brianna, that was a hard choice. a real battle of the heavyweights (pun intended) the kittypiggy vs. chubby chiquita will be interesting. just about everyone in the sweet 16 is still an active model. kittypiggy has seemingly disappeared. that mattered in my vote but probably not others lol
Lisa lou better win, idc about these old ass mfs man. They stick to the past of models who fell off, lisa lou has done much more than lame ass pp
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Sup, channers? Go vote for your favorite fatty in the semifinals now:


Biggest upset goes to LisaLou, who had such a strong showing this year and was something of an underdog but ultimately just missed out on taking on Top Girl Roxxie. Seriously, that was the only real nailbiter in the bunch!

Also I guess we have our answer to Chiquita vs KittyPiggy! Last year was such a different story, huh?

Now we have some big choices to make. Which match are you anxious to see the results of? My money is Adeline & BoBerry - both are favorites of mine and while BoBerry's been a community queen for a while now, Adeline's amazing gain has really made her stand out in the past year.
Roxxie winning this I'm sorry but boberry sucks now
I'm really surprised Kayla lost by so much. Wanted to see her go head to head against Zoey
I thought it would be close but not that close. Any girl who's noticeably gaining seems to get so much more attention which is why I thought Lisa would advance.
Well I've gotten 3 in each of the final 4's right. Mal and Lisa I was wrong on.
I like Lilly, but didn't think she'd advance. Every match up of hers was against someone I liked more so she didn't get a vote from me. IF she had been in the other side of that bracket though I would have voted for her each round into the final 4.
I'm going to guess/ predict
Chiquita vs. Aliss is the final for BBW
Roxxie vs. Adeline for SSBBW.
For my votes, I'm still unsure of the BBW ones and I know who I'll vote for in the SSBBW matchups.
Even tho Lisa Rules and iam a big fan of her and gave her every vote i could, she could not get the crown of best SSBBW this year, think about it.
LisaLou got scammed. These ancient fucking nursing home zombies need to let go and move on. Plump princess is no one and zero people care about her. I voted for LisaLou every time wtf
Jae, BoBerry, Roxxie, and Plump Princess are part of an old guard with a lot of fans behind them. They've been around for quite some time. Honestly, with how Lisa has been putting out content she could have very easily pulled off an upset this year but might have been stonewalled by Adeline later on (assuming she beats BoBerry). I could very easily see her making it to the finals next year - she lost by a VERY narrow margin.
Fact is. Lisa Lou at her prime isn’t nearly as attractive as those old heads were (in their prime). I don’t go for older women, but compared to Lisalou they’re prettier, better shape and actually have an ass.
It’s been a good year for her gain, but without the gain she’s incredibly mid tier.
>without the gain she’s incredibly mid tier

You could say that about most models.
We must not be looking at the same woman cuz Lisa has always been north of mid no matter what weight she was
“North of mid” sounds a lot like mid-tier. He face is kinda manly, kinda bird like.
Yeah I never got the hype aside from the gain either. It's her dead little eyes and front rat teeth for me. Great belly and gain but in those new photos with Rox I was not looking at her face AT all. I bet my life if she wasn't a blonde y'all would be agreeing quicker.
Thess old heads be voting for old withering pp instead of the now beautiful lisa lou. Fucking old heads
She’s not remotely beautiful. She doesn’t look too young either.
OK old man 👴
This isn’t about me. It’s about you masturbating to what easily could be a man.
I love how unironically angry this makes everyone. Would be sad of it wasn't so funny
It's the kind of slap fighting I love to see.
>> This isn’t about me. It’s about you masturbating to what easily could be a man

Translation: my brain is so smooth I convinced myself of this dumb shit and so now I must try and convince others
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You are actually retarded. Your brain has been running out from years of rampant pornography abuse. Your perception of what is attractive in a woman has been skewed beyond repair. Since you can no longer tell the difference between a normal looking mildly attractive woman and a man I suggest you leave and go jerk off to tranny porn fagot.

This is clearly a woman, a reasonably attractive woman, a woman who many on this board would find to be out of their league. This is an industry riddled with disgusting women who managed to make it just because they're fat Lisa is not one of them. Look at Lisa next to some seriously mediocre fat women who look like dog shit If it wasn't for them being fat and even then they're pretty fucking mid for fatties. Get your head screwed on straight and stop being a dumbass.
Man you're too fucking old grandparents can even see properly anymore and you're going blind. Everyone over 40 should just get banned for being old heads who can't appreciate the new beauties like lisa lou
Everyone fighting the good fight for one of the truly special models gives me hope in humanity. Lisa is pretty, has a nice and proportionate body, and is genuinely into the fetish. Keep fighting y’all cause ur on the right side of history with this one. Also yes we should absolutely ban everyone over 40
>LisaLou, Leighton, Caitidee
>Look at Lisa next to some seriously mediocre fat women who look like dog shit If it wasn't for them being fat and even then they're pretty fucking mid for fatties
I agree that she's not as bad as some people are making her out to be but you tipped your hand with this one bruh
Tipped my hand? They look like sacks of potatoes in bikinis with hair.
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Last day to vote in the semifinals, gentlemen

(284 KB, 1700x1806, 2023 Finals.png)
Voting for the FINAL ROUND of BBWs and SSBBWs is open!


Final rounds are between:

Chubby Chiquita vs Udderly Adorable


Roxxie vs Adeline

Make your voice heard and we'll see how things shake out next week!

BoBerry fans, we'll get there eventually. Stay strong.
What's the source on thus 👀
Roxxie's Tumblr for now
Well about what I figured the finals would be. Really close for the BBW's, I was one of the 2 to vote UdAdorable over Aliss. Aliss doesn't do it for me, looked better before her chin ballooned.
Not shocked BoBerry didn't make it. Adeline is on the verge of death which excites some here a little too much.
My opinion of Lisa Lou is she's very attractive, not the hottest. If I ranked the top 10 of the SSBBW bracket she's def in it but somewhere in the 5 - 10 range..
Predictions for winners...
BBW Chiquita
SSBBW Roxxie
I won't be surprised if Adeline pulls the upset though.
BBW turned into battle of the butterfaces
Let me suck that double chin
>When a poll you've been monitoring for a little over a month that averages about 140 responses a week gets over 300 in 3 days

I don't know who thinks they're being clever, but knock it off.
I expect Chubby Chiquita to beat UdderlyAdorable and Roxxie should be able to edge out Adeline. That legendary gain drew a whole lot of attention though, so an Adeline upset won't be too surprising.
Fuck Chiquita she's so mid there's no way any sane person would choose her over Udderly. She's cuter, friendlier, sweeter, and .ore mentally stable.
(1.1 MB, 498x413, listen-here-you-little-shit[2].gif)
I'm pausing the form. There's one person in particular that is spamming and I need to come up with an alternative that doesn't require track IPs or email addresses but also keeps people honest (or at the very least, discourages cheating). I don't want to since we got through a month of this without having an issue, but someone is abusing the trust in this whole process and I'm not going to comb through what would eventually be 1000s of votes if left unchecked.

I'll be back with something new, I just need to put in some research. Honestly, it might just be a Reddit poll and I link it here.
the guys in the UA thread on /bbw/ seem to have a vendetta against Chiquita or something

>>29537 this one included I assume
Thanks for the heads up. Honestly, I'd be tempted to do it again and just post the link in each girl's threads just for equality's sake, but I think Google Form is out.

If anyone has a non-intrusive alternative, I'm all ears and will probably implement it after work later.
Thanks for your hard work on this. sorry it happened this way
It's literally my fault. I didn't spam over 300 fucking entries I don't know who was that stupid but I guess I was the catalyst. I apologize for ruining the fun.
It's fine, there are some unhinged people on here that would (and have) dedicate an hour at a time to vote for UA and Roxxie 90 times. If it was spread out over the week I wouldn't notice, but it was so close together and so damn lopsided I had to shut it down.

Looking like a Reddit poll at this point - I know most people here have a lurker account so that might be the way to go. Apologies to whoever has been trying to avoid that site.
I found this website after looking for fat chicks on the net, the people on this website are mentally ill porn addicted psycopaths and im not staying here to turn into one of you.
Don't be so dramatic. By saying you're leaving because "you're better than the people here" you're just showing that you have poor self-control and are in fact no better than the people you detest on this site
Aren't you the Canadian sperging out in the other threads tho
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>Goes to see fat chicks
>Goes to /gen/ board
Nipples. They've been watching all of uou for decades. They have groups of pseudo intellectuals examining and studying every1 in public and watching your children in public school, keeping records of all of them and selling information to criminal groups. Your failure of a government hasn't done a thing about these groups that work in secret. Your phones can be hacked by Google and other companies with their pre-installed apps that can't be uninstalled.

These groups have caused the deaths of thousands of citizens who are provoked by these groups in public places trying to scare them and they sometimes go insane usually ending up killing themselves. They joke about it as if it's some sort of "human experiment" and make jokes on the internet in sites you visit to the tune of "It's just a prank bro!" They have stored data on all of your family and docial media, and it's been shared worldwide with criminal organizations. What fucking planet do you live in, moron?

the UA simps have already poisoned the well, they're still going. no chance of a fair competition now.
Voting is open for the BBW/SSBBW 2023 Bracket Finals!.... Again!

Alright, I'm giving the Reddit poll a shot. Given the nature of it, you'll need to log into that lurker account you definitely have to participate. If that's a bridge too far, take it up with the overzealous fans of a certain BBW. You have a coin flip of figuring out who.

To vote in the BBW Finals between Chubby Chiquita and Udderly Adorable, decode and follow this link:


To vote in the SSBBW Finals between Roxxie and Adeline, same deal with this link:


We'll just have to see how well it holds. I'll be posting the links in each model's thread here so it's on the fans to keep the enthusiasm going, but since it's just the 4 and they're already pretty popular I feel better about that decision over say, two weeks ago with 16 girls to keep track of.
Ignoring everything else You can really look at this as a popularity contest between double bellies and normal bellies
Just want to say thanks for doing all this work for running this poll and doing all this work for it. its fun to see where models are at popularity wise
Yeah the weebs are, it turns out, the most toxic and obnoxious faction of the feederism world. I wonder if anyone else is as shocked as I am. The guys who are obsessed with hayley are the same way. There's just something off about those weebs
at this point it's probably which fan base has more time to waste making alt reddit accounts

based, the most popular personality types on this site are "none", "blonde", or "weeb"
Listen, I'll take people taking the time to make fake reddit accounts to skew this. There isn't going to be a perfect solution that doesn't turn off way more people than it brings into the fold. But the Google Form didn't work - one person (or a few more, possibly) would spend an hour at a time, multiple times a day, to submit a poll response, close the window, open another window with the link, and submit a new response. It would take them 30 seconds. At least making an account on Reddit slows them down even for a little bit.

The only other way I could keep the Google Form is to require sign-ins, and that's going to turn away more people who are willing to follow the spirit of this than deter cheaters.

So whatever, UA wins - they can't vote for her next year since she's off the table. Kind of a weird prize when nothing's at stake in the first place.
nothing against you man, I love stuff like this and I think you're making the best decisions possible given the circumstances.

I'm just autistic as shit and have a problem with tainted data.
Alright, it's official - one of the mods is playing favorites and deleting posts in the CC thread mentioning the bracket, but not in any of the other threads.

I'm not MAD or anything, just sucks we can't have a fair contest.
I'm team UA but that's not fair at all.
thanks for changing it up to make it as fair as possible. funny im in a subreddit that is doing a character poll and it got botted too. i thought you had to have no life to crash an anime poll, but to crash a bbw/ssbbw model poll? my brother in christ, touch some grass, go on a walk, get a life.
how's chubby chiquita not a weeb? her twitter is full of anime art.
best he's one of those guys who is mad cause CC doesn't weigh 700lbs right now despite her medical and life issues
You are on an anonymous fat porn sharing board
>>27489 (OP)
Hello everyone! :)
Zoey here (aka udderlyadorble)

Not sure if it’s inappropriate if I am here 😅 (I like free porn too can ya blame a girl?) I got out pretty early this year. No hard feelings 😜

Please feel free to reach out to me on any social media and let me know what I can do to be a better SSBBW for you ☺️ and if I am just not your type also no hard feelings! I am just so happy to be included at all 😭

Hope you all have a splendid weekend! 💖
Zoey? You, uh, didn't get out. You're in the final round. Your fans just kinda gamed the system so I had to revamp things. There's still a few days left in the whole poll, and there's no prize for winning, but you're welcome to court votes. It's not like I can stop you, y'know?

But thanks for stopping by!
Sucks they did it. Surprised it took this long before some losers tried to vote spam.
who has that much time to waste, and why waste it? It's just for fun, there's no prize, award. or money for the winner.

That chin isn't sexy.
>>who has that much time to waste?
>>why waste it?
They already waste their lives on having the cringiest and most insufferable personalities humanly possible.

Here’s hoping UA isn’t eligible in next year’s poll
I say this because of her fans by the way. I would consider myself a big fan of UA and voted for her in this poll. But her fanbase is too much of a problem for the poll imo
Even in a site as shitty as this you manage to stand out as a massive piece of shit
It was fun while it lasted
CC and UA fans ruined it, and UA herself didn't help by responding multiple times in her own thread about it. I still think both models should be excluded from the next poll as their fanbases can't be trusted.
(844 KB, 1700x1930, 2023 Bracket Winners.png)
Not that you can't see it for yourself on Reddit, but here we are: 2023's Top BBW and SSBBW are Chubby Chiquita and Adeline!

I know the last round was messy, so I've decided in addition to the "fun" rounds of voting between the winners of this year's bracket and the contests involving last year's winners, I've also added...


So please, let me know all of the ways this could be enhanced for next year. If I had my druthers, I'd keep it on the Google Form, but unfortunately we've learned it's ripe for abuse. The reason I went with it in the first place is because it will track the most amount of answers for free and it's not necessary to make an account to participate.

Furthermore, I don't want to ban any model from being eligible in future contests. UA has a dedicated fanbase and it was super fucking cool that she visited her thread to address her fans, and she seemed to take coming in second with grace. I consider that clout.

So go on and decode that link and tell me how I can make this suck less next year. As for the rest of you, you may pontificate on who is better in the form.

Or you can sit here and shitpost, that works too. Thanks everyone for participating!
Form & winner's circle matchups here. Whoops.

Shut the fuck up retard

smooth brain take. its a literal fucking popularity contest, if someone wins because they have fans then they won fair and square.

besides, UdderlyAdorable is suuuuuuper hot I mean come on

thanks for putting this on! lots of fun! I wonder who will graduate from BBW to SSBBW by next year!
It's not the MOST unheard of take - this contest is really only talked about here on /gen/. Any attempts to advertise it on other boards and it either gets shot down or removed by mods. I've posted on Reddit but that's really only out of obligation at this point.

So when some fans pick up on it in model threads, it's not so much an unfair advantage as it is finding the right audience. Only issue was the Google Form was ripe for abuse since it was deliberately left open. In all likelihood, UA will probably win next year unless there's a dynamite newcomer in the bbw scene, or Aliss puts out some killer content.

Roxxie coming in 2nd 2 years running is interesting to me, but then again Jackie & Adeline had huge gains in their years so they were absolutely favorites to win. Unless someone packs on 100lbs in the next year she might finally get her due.
Hey all, bracket organizer here. Would be helpful if you guys made use of that form over in >>29874. I'm not going to do this again until next March but it would be helpful to know how everyone feels about this going forward.

So far, it seems most are okay with using a Google Form that required your account to track your response. Again, I'm not interested in anyone's information, this is only to deter cheating. Second, while the idea to hide seeds are a popular idea, we seem to be split so far on if the matchups should be randomized within each division. More data, better decisions - let me know how you want this to be run next year. I'm keeping this up indefinitely.


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