
(71 KB, 1079x1098, f57f29f188b8ef97208a0cd77c6e4be0de89293f8a2b821dab925205853dca82.jpg)
Trying to make a list of all the models who have been 600lbs or more at some point in their life. Here's what I've got so far:

-Carmin Carmello
-Reenaye(???) (not buying that she's now over 700)

-Juliet Summers


-Vanilla Hippo
Who am I forgetting? And who do you think will be the next model to cross into this exclusive club?
Juliet showed up here a few months before she passed and confirmed she’s at least 800 pounds in her final videos (those low quality soundless ones that still float around spankbang).
Right! How could I forget?
*summoning kilo troll*

-Bibi (is she Jewish? I spotted a David Star necklace on her)
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>>27309 (OP)
I’m impressed with the accuracy here. You’re right to put a question mark after Ivy—smart money says she’s ~500. Renaye might be close to 600 in real life, but it’s hard to tell based on how she does her content.

Not sure if Jiggly counts since she was so long ago, but that was legit 600 for sure. CouchPanini is legit over 900, but she’s never technically modeled. Hayley is over 600, going for 650.
>CouchPanini is legit over 900, but she’s never technically modeled.

Who's she? Google turns up nothing of note.
Try Feabie. Now Funfatticake
I don't think Lailani ever actually made it to 600 (despite what she says), right? Or did she just not stay there very long? The rest I agree about, but why does it matter if Bibi is Jewish?

Totally, Jiggly should be on the list--my criteria was just if they'd hit 600 at some point. Agree with your takes on Reenaye and Ivy, though my guess is farther north of 500 than that.

And thanks for the tip about CouchPanini. You're right, she hasn't modeled, and she does seem to be losing weight right now. But damn, she's huge.
oh, and which Hayley are we talking about here?

oh, of course! practically sinful to leave her off the list
lailani is the OG weight scammer lmao. I would be SHOCKED if she ever even touched five hundo.
those vids are cursed relics of bbw porn, like I remember the Indiana Jones motherfucker who showed up and dropped them here years ago was lauded like a king. it's too bad you can clearly see in them she's not the same person she was in her old vids.
Do you still have those videos?
>>27309 (OP)
Echo was 804 lbs in one weigh-in, and that was when she'd already lost some.
>>27309 (OP)
Pauline? Pretty sure she topped 700 at some point.
All of this is from memory so my numbers might be off by a dozen pounds here or there.
Her peak weight was somewhere between 610 and 620.
She hit 500 (or close to it) when she was only 19/20 years old, then slowly lost about 100lbs over several years.
This was all before she started modelling.
She gained about 200lbs over the course of her modelling career, starting in the low 400s and peaking at 610-620.
She didn't stay at her peak weight for very long at all, and she managed to lose ~100lbs surprisingly quickly.
She's been in the low 500s for a long time now AFAIK, but she might even be down to high 400s by now.
She’s back up to ~550 now per her latest weigh in
Debra Perkins aka Teighlor was 55stone/770lbs at one point after being trapped in her feeder's house for ~2 years apparently.
At least that what the fat girls and feeder documentary claimes.

Also Gina was 821.
All good suggestions, thanks for those. Can't believe I'd forgotten Ninjah, too, since she crossed the 600 mark so recently!


This is basically right, except that she got as high as 550 by the end of HS, I think, and I'm not sure her more recent weight loss took her far below 550. She's been hovering around that mark for years now anyway, I think.
I just looked it up. Turns out I underestimated how big she was when she joined BC, oversestimated how much she gained over the course of her career, and overestimated how much weight she lost after hitting her all-time peak.

She hit 200lbs by age 13/14.
She reached the 400s during high school.
She hit 550 between the ages of 19 and 21.
She started losing weight at 21, slimming down to 460 by 25.
She started modelling and gaining at 25.
She hit 614 (her all-time peak) at 34.
She started losing weight again at 614, slimming down to 550, where she has been pretty much ever since.

It's kind of surprising that it took her 9 years to gain 154lbs but only a few months to lose 64lbs.

Unrelated but I found out that she's half-Welsh and half-Nicaraguan, which is kind of neat.
Kinda easy to lose that much when a lot of it is water weight. Also not eating nearly as much and swapping out some foods for others. She literally had a set where she ate Greek yogurt & honey when a year prior she was eating three take out meals or a three-tier pastry display.

Whoever got her to be more active also got her to switch her diet HARD.
Some of it is also down to Greif counseling where she said something about doing more things/getting out more. Plus ya know with the counseling she found healthier ways to deal with her father's death than eating her feelings.
*grief counseling
F*CK autocorrect
Is spanxbeluga codnfirmed 600? Sasha is also allegedly getting closer
Where does she talk about her pre-BC weight?
In some older BC vids if I'm not mistaken.
I believe she said something like 550 in her early years and then she lost down to 300 and then she gained back to 420 (her first BC weigh in I believe)
Hayley she's already 600+ at only 22
Do you think she'll end up 800+? Even 1000/record-breaking+?
Way too early to say - she could very well tap out at 650 or earlier since now she's out and about traveling. Could be the BoBerry effect where tourism and being active stalls any weight gain.
tubby toni hit 600 not too long ago, remember seeing it in a discord
>She hit 550 between the ages of 19 and 21.
Did she ever upload any pictures from this time?
>>27309 (OP)
Not even trolling, but do you guys really find the 600lbs hot? I mean I assume you would fuck them. But would you date and marry one? And how do you know u wouldnt have sex with one and immediately regret it?

Just curious, I like some BBW's. But I prefer chubby with a gigantic ass. But I dont get someone being attracted to 600lbs
No fucking way Jae is past 600
To me it doesn't matter how fat a woman is, as long as she's pretty and carries her weight well. Fatter is generally better, but only when those two parameters are kept in mind. I would much rather sleep with a 300lb girl (or even a girl who isn't fat at all) with a pretty face and a good figure, than a girl who weighs twice as much but doesn't have those things. I personally don't like fat just for the sake of fat. She has to be pretty and feminine as well - something a lot of the women on OP's list lack, IMO.
Would I marry a woman that big (if she met my criteria)? Probably not.
Would I fuck one? Absolutely.
Would I regret it? No.
I see what you mean, but She’s like 5’11” tho
(64 KB, 800x1013, 600 pound Boberry.jpg) (27 KB, 536x496, 600 pound Hayley.jpg) (44 KB, 1280x720, Juicy.jpg)
Yes but, speaking for myself, it matters mostly about face and shape, there are chicks that are only 300 pounds because they have a humptey dumptyey shape, while there are 500+ pounders I go wild over. Not all fatties are created. That being said getting super fat is like the ultimate test of genetics since it reveals your fat distribution
>makes a boberry weight change chart in this estonian flute forum
dear god, I love you germans
This is autism.
Calm down, I didn't make this, I just thought it would fit here.
bro boberry looks too fuckign sexy in this eight at 600 lbs please she needs to fucking eat so much fucking food everyday to get back tot this size and stop that weight loss bs she is too skinny
>It's kind of surprising that it took her 9 years to gain 154lbs but only a few months to lose 64lbs.
Not really. Losing fat and water weight is a breeze relatively speaking
Who is this?
Honestly 600 lbs aint big enough. The standards gotta set higher. Its great but gotta fatties gotta pork up to 700 lbs. That should be the new goal for a lot of models or 500 and 600 pounders in this community. The more ussbbws and heavy ssbbws there are that fattening up to 700 lbs the better. Bigcutie jazz is on her way and so is brianna. Even models like the dumplin and the bigasssbbw have the potential to turn into fat hippos at 700 lbs. Like if most of the models could outweigh certain wild animals like bears or even fucking horses thatd be great. Ik no one asked but thats my piece and what i think
Hayley aka HayleyTheBigNoodle
I feel like 700lbs is still a taboo weight even among the SSBBW lovers. There's such a steep drop off in quality between 600lb and 700lb, but wow is reaching that peak bananas to see. 600lbs is still plenty even if the club is getting more popular now.
Ultimate Pear is definitely in the 600s
Superdome was over 590 at her heaviest, so maybe?

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