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A lot of people who get WLS have excess skin removed. A lot of people who get WLS also wind up gaining the weight back, most or all of it (or more).

My question is whether anyone knows of any cases where the regain happened after the skin was removed. Like, what happens to that tighter skin?

Maybe it makes no difference... I know skin stretches and replicates, which is how the ladies we love don't tear open like a cheap garbage bag as they put on 100, 200, 300 pounds in the first place. But does the initial stretching then removal surgery change the quality of the skin in any way? What about the scars?

It seems like this would be a fairly common phenomenon. I'm not expecting pics (though that would be amazing), just anecdotes or info.
I've always wondered about this omfg I hope someone can actually have a decent answer to it.
Look up Khr on Fantasy Feeder.
So I'm currently dating a girl who had a gastric bypass several years ago. She was just average/thin when we first met then lost quite a bit of weight when we first started dating 20-30lbs. When she realised I liked bbw's she realised she had been dieting for zero reason and could enjoy whatever she wants.

When she had the initial gastric bypass she lost about 50% of her body weight and had skin removal. She ended up getting closer to her pre bypass weight.

Her weight distribution was a lot different this time around - she was a more belly pre weight loss as she gained weight the majority went to her lower half. Her belly was soft but didn't get to a point where it started to hang much. She ran into issues due to complications with her bypass so couldn't keep up the calorie intake and has since lost some weight. It was fun while it lasted.

Your body has a set number of fat cells when you remove them through lipo or skin removal your body will produce more so your body. Depending on a number of factors will determine where the new fat cells are stored.
I was talking more about skin removal surgery and aftermath than fat (re)distribution.

Though not a bad tangent... FWIW your experience with the GF is not atypical, I can think of a few women on Instagram who lost weight via WLS then went more pearshaped when they gained it back. (Mostly civilians so I'm not gonna provide links.) WLS particularly seems to thin out faces, which then don't plump up again on the rebound.
IIRC Destiny had WLS twice and regained the weight both times, and she still ended up with a massive gut both times.

But I've seen this (i.e. gaining elsewhere instead of the tummy) with plenty of insta thots who've had a BBL and/or undergo regular liposuction (Diamond Doll being the best example I can think of off the top of my head).
tfw I find the "insta thot who eats like an absolute pig and gets lipo to manage her weight" concept incredibly hot and want to write a story revolving around it but have no idea what to do in terms of plot

Diamond doll would be close to 450 lbs and getting stuck in doorways if she didn’t have lipo and fat transfers as an option. Very annoyed that she didn’t post much of anything when she was pregnant, what she did post made her look enormous.
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>IIRC Destiny had WLS twice and regained and she still ended up with a massive gut.

I'm not saying it's universal that women turn into pears when they lose and regain, just that I've seen it in several cases. I suppose these are women who are somewhat pear-shaped to begin with. Destiny wasn't/isn't.

>Diamond Doll

Never heard of her but she looks like she was created with a beta version of an AI image generator. The idea of sculpting her own body with fat is kinda hot but the reality... yikes. Especially version ?.0 with the baboon anus for lips. I'd rather look at a natural size 2.

Another tangent: Just like I was asking about skin removal and reinflation, I'm now interested in liposuction followed by weight gain. At one point Sofia Rose had a tummy tuck and lipo on her midriff, breaking my heart, and I pretty much lost interest after that. But I looked her up just now and she has obviously gained since. Most of it is "in all the right places," as they say. Her boobs are notably bigger (and if they're implants bravo to the surgeon) though her waist is still thin and stomach fairly flat, which is intriguing. That sort of "fat sculpting" is definitely more appealing than Diamond Doll's version.

Why are you posting Sofia Rose like she's not retired? Is that new content?
I had no idea if she's retired or not, just saying I stopped being into her after her tummy tuck. Curious what she's up to, I found her instagram and clipped that gif off a montage she posted a week ago. So even if she's no longer doing porn she still has a public social media presence, apparently.

Either way, sorry I offended you lol.

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