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As you can see in the subject, I'll use this thread to post whatever I'll find fitting here to post.

In short, I hope to explore a variety of different of subjects and topics, while also being able to keep up with the process of general accountability which I am lacking.
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>but why here
The board's pretty slow and there are people from different backgrounds here. Besides that, it's a board for general discussion, so why not use it?
It's pretty late here, so I guess I'll post something of any practical substance tomorrow. Wish you good sleep whoever reads this post.
Aren't you in the middle of fighting a war or something?
There are no fat women in Ukraine. May as well die for country, not point in living there.
Now, go get some scalps
>implying everyone is on the frontlines or something
Your perception is mildly skewed, to say the least.
Whatever really, lol.
Have a smol card pack for tavern.ai if you know how to use it. I'll post something more substantial later this day. I hope so.
>Your perception is mildly skewed, to say the least.
Tis naught but a light jest my Ukrainian associate
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No delivery for today, I guess. Fiddling around with a chatbot frontend I'm trying to make.
Nothing too special about that. Also drawing some things, but it's eh, not as good, I suppose.
Literally every post in this thread is mids comment and nobody's high. Get to work botchan.
You know, everyone tries to remind me there's a war going on. I know it well, mkay?
Things were much more spicy for me couple hundred of days ago, but there are still some >surprises around. I won't go into the details, doubt you need that.

>>Aren't you in the middle of fighting a war or something?

You do realize that America has been in at least one war for 93% of it's existence. The last time the country wasn't at war was in 2000.
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I doubt it. The habad-lubvavitch population who own their own media in 5 towns and the Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn don't work for corporations. It's retards like the Mooch, or Steven Bannon
Thankfully I can't imagine the weakness it takes to agree with much less post memes like this. Muslims without oil are truly the most pathetic creatures on earth. Thank Allah for your geographic location; otherwise you'd be Sudan.

Q: Is there anything more cringe than a Fight Club meme?
A: No

I hope an Iranian drone vaporizes you and any offspring soon. With love from an American Jew whose hard earned taxes are paying for your existence.
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That's exactly what I would expect a jew to say.
You could've done better with your insults, but instead you hope for a lucky chance or something like that.
By the way, thanks for your taxes. Could've sent more, jew-boy, I don't mind. But you chose to kvetch here in a typical jewish way.
Also, it's not like the iranian drones fly to ukraine alone. You can expect a visit to israel too.
>a jew wishes death to whites
Jajajaja, act me surprised.
Like you've ever actually met a Jew lol. All you know are 3rd hand stereotypes and your potato-faced grandma's superstitions. I guess you've picked up some pop culture yiddish like "kvetch" though, because Jews basically created modern entertainment like movies and TV and continue to dominate them, like we dominate everything else we put our minds to. You guys created what, pierogies? Mail-order escorts? You're drowning in natural resources, wall-to-wall grade-A farmland yet you have one of the lowest per-capita GDPs in Europe. Look at what Arab states (and Israel) have done with so much less and weep.

Oh wait — maybe you're talking about your Jewish president? The one who's saving your ass right now? Because unlike his Nazi-nationalist, klepto-corrupt predecessors he's smart and sophisticated, knows how to lobby the outside world for help, AND refuses to suck Russian dick. You hit the lottery with your Jew in Chief.

And don't worry about Israel (not my country, but I get it — you're a simple-minded peasant). Unlike Kiev, Tel Aviv has never been hit by an Iranian drone and never will because sabras have their shit together. They'll never allow another Holocaust, while you guys suffered the Holodomor and did nothing, just went back submissively with Papa Stalin after aligning with the Nazis didn't work out. You finally got your freedom by default in 1991 and then squandered it with infighting, allowing Putin to infiltrate and then invade.

We'll keep sending taxes because you're the lesser evil, and useful geographically if in no other way. Then when Putin dies and/or Russia collapses, you'll be subsumed into yet another empire. Your loser destiny, as always.
Most of us are "whiter" than your average Spaniard but keep jajajajaing.
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You? Jajajajajaja. Take a look at the this inbred pig-faced jew beauty.
Eastern europeans had it harsh, they are under continuent, and encroaching ZOG occupation since 1917-21. A judeo-bolshevik project first ruins everything, and than claims nothing existed.
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Enfrento esta palurdista especie desgraciadamente perteneciente a nuestra raza humana.
Estoy profundamente disgustado de tener que compartir el mismo aire que un producto de inbrecruzamiento como tu, hijo maldito de los porqueros putrefactos y sus familias.
Tu presencia me rebaja al basurero sórdido donde tu mismísima cría sucia cohabita. Tú y todos tus parientes podrían ser fácilmente confundidos con comportamiento animal puerco, comiendo comida infecta y mimetizándose con la miseria absoluta de la existencia humana.
Eres un sucio animal endogámico, apestando a mierda, devorador de penes de bebé, un ogro sanguinolento, un vil vómito de humanidad, serás condenado al juicio por tus pecados que pesan sobre ti, un asqueroso cerdo de los judas.
Todos juntos formáis un auténtico circo del horror, donde el fanatismo y los bajos instintos se reúnen para inspirar el pecado de la envidia y la codicia grabados en la cara de toda tu abominable prole.
No hay misericordia en este lugar ni lugar para gente como tú entre nosotros; estás condenado a merodear sin robado patria ni honor entre las cloacas mugrientas e infestadas donde has nacido.
Escupiría sobre ti si no fueras tan repugnante, asquerosa criatura del infierno. ¡Vete! Y llévate al resto de tu putrefacta raleastra contigo antes de que la justicia divina se encargue “cabezadeperro”, de vuestro castigo ignominioso. ¡Hasta nunca, cerdo puerco!
Global Jewish conspiracy? For what purpose? For fuck sake, at least Q-Anon was original
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¿Como se dice "irony", o "self own"? Because she looks like dozens of Spanish girls I saw when I visited your country. (Pictured: A top Spanish actress showing off her superior genetics, beside a hideous Jewess.)

If you ever left mama's basement (like most Spanish men, you'll live with her til you're 40) and looked around you'd see the genetic influence of Arabs and Sephardim is strong. In fact I've got a yiddishe punim myself and was mistaken for native Spanish constantly while I was there, particularly in Andalucia. Odds tell me if you took a DNA test we'd be more alike than not.

Bolshevism was indeed Jewish but once Lenin edged out Trotsky we lost our place at the table. Thus mass Jewish emigration in the 1910s-20s (that brought my family from — more irony — Odessa to New York). Like you backwards Catholics, Stalin considered us untrustworthy and subsequent Soviet leaders more or less shared his feelings. Why? Because Anti-Semitism is a great tool for distracting dumb peasants while you crush them. Ask abuelito about Franco some time, if you can wake him from his 6 hour siesta.

And if we Jews are so inferior, how come we're doing so well, and you're the punchline of Western Europe? I will say you have an incredible cultural heritage (funded by colonial conquest that makes Russia itself look merciful and moral, but whatever... I guess the Jews you killed, banished and converted in 1492 were at fault). However most of modern Spain makes Sicily look prosperous and functional.

Seriously, look around you... Everything built after 1890 is cheap and ugly, you've contributed almost nothing to world culture in 100 years, your people work four hours a day, four days a week at best, anything that actually works is run by foreign companies, unique treasures like the Alahambra are crumbling toilets for thousands of stray cats (and there are millions of stray dogs everywhere else, like sub-Saharan Africa), you've allowed people from wealthier, smarter countries to buy up your best real estate, etc etc etc.

The exception is greater Barcelona, and Barcelonians will be the first to tell you they're Catalonian, NOT Spanish. I'd be embarrassed too.
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Why, and why, etc. You know that too.
WW2 end was the final victory of the globalist cartel over nationalism. It was total and unprecedented regime change. Your people have been trying to subversively wrestle power from western elites for centuries and finally succeeded with it. With pesky nationalists and traditional elites of the way or/and indoctrinated, they could get to work building the NWO and forcing their disgusting vision upon humanity, aka globohomo soy world.
Spaniards is right, yknow?
Ashkenazi Jews are not White/European.
You are a mixed-race people with around half Middle Eastern and half European ancestry.
>2017 study:
Ashkenazis are 50% Middle Eastern, 34% South European, and 16% North European
>2020 study:
Ashkenazis are over 50% Middle Eastern and 41% European

And you look exactly as you'd expect, a random vinegret mix of Levantine and European phenotypes.
Yiu aren't >Khazars either. This schizo theory was propagated by two ruskie jews. Jews of course lived in the Khazarian Khaganate, but it was a multi-ethnic empire that also included Scythians, Uralic people, etc. The ethnic Khazars were East Asiatic Turkic peoples and Ashkenazis have no Turkic ancestry. They also don't look Turkic at all.
Speaking of mental illness, jews are more likely to be mentally ill due to the small population size.
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I swear I didn't want this.
The Cold War was a spinning cog in a machine of the dialectical antagonism between the Zionism and Marxism.
Yhwh's dialectic axis look as following: the Synagogue and the Temple (Judaism-Zionism axis) and the Bank and the Revolution (Capitalism and Communism).
A curious case about the active work against the national sovereignty can be found in the biography of Harry Dexter White, descended from Lithuanian Jewish immigrants to America, who was a senior U.S. Treasury department official and a major architect of the IMF, as well as its first director.
During the Chinese Civil War (1927-1949), he intentionally destroyed the economy of nationalist China, financially crippling their main base of support (the middle class), providing pivotal assistance to the Chinese Communist Party (originally founded by a Bolshevik Jew) which facilitated their final victory.
The Venona Project (1943-80), a secret US military counterintelligence program, unmasked Harry Dexter White as a Soviet agent. The project was hidden from US President F. D. Roosevelt, who was Freemasonic Jewish socialist.
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In the light of the recent events, it surely does play favorably for the jews to accelerate the power dynamics between the two golems in the global jewish empire.
A clash of a receding, and a seemingly arising hegemon would help the international jewry to further place its grip onto the once great world.
As a tactical goal, they'll try to curb whatever Iran has in the plan, unless something goes wrong.
Immigration to the western white countries + Korea and Japan, is necessary to produce a new, perfected breed of the goyim, just as outlined in the marxian theory.

As far as the metaphysical stuff goes, Jews want you to eat bugs, especially maggots (eat the bugs, bigot!) not because it is disgusting in its own right, but also because it violates their religious laws, which they believe apply to the entire humankind.
Many of the jews are obsessed with antinomianism because they believe that violating their own religious laws and creating a world of wickedness will bring forth their messiah.
The Babylonian Talmud states in Sanhedrin 98a that "The [messiah] will come only in a generation that is either altogether righteous or altogether wicked."
This doctrine, sometimes referred to as "redemption through sin," was pioneered by the Shabbateans and Frankists. Both cults were incredibly influential; according to Chabad, "by 1666 nearly all of the world's Jews were followers of Shabbatai Zevi" and thus antinomianism.
Also, according to Jewish religious superstitions, the year 2240 AD (Jewish year 6000) is the deadline by which their messiah must arrive. He will unite all of humanity into a global 'United Nations' and usher in "world peace." Jews will enjoy a thousand year Shabbat ("day of rest"), while everyone else must obey the Noahide Laws. Those who do not are to be punished by execution via decapitation. The Noahide laws forbid "idol worship", and they class Christ as an "idol." You do the math. Note that the rainbow is a symbol of the Noahide Laws.

This is the metaphysical motivation behind the New World Order.

These are their words, not mine, and this is all publicly available information that is easy to find.

The image doesn't contain everything that you need to know, but it's a good start.
Checkem trips >>27222
Ah, fuck the image, have a discrete reference to the books instead.
Ezekiel 38:16, Tanakh, Torah
Isaiah 2:2-4, 11:10, 42:1.
Neverminding the link to Saturn and the Jews, it's a pretty common knowledge.
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As I've said, everything went straight to the shitter in a crazy high pace, but only because the foundations for making everything go to shit were laid before WW2. I prefer it to call a great goyim uprising, nevertheless.
Peak irony was the general Mutton (ie Patton) realizing what he had done, but it was too late. He (((died))) shortly thereafter.

We have a period of almost 240 years of continuous Jewish encroaching, from the beginning of the freak revolt (also known as the French Revolution).
If you look closely at the history of globalist organizations like the United Nations, you see the same names and belief systems recurring time and time again (including some weird connections like Theosophy and Quakerism), many of which remain powerful and influential to this day.
These (((people))) worked tirelessly to subvert the Western elite for generation after generation, creating societies and NGOs, colonizing colleges, etc. The Frankfurt School only found a home at Columbia University because it was already infested with Leftists.
The shit that they peddle to the masses today was peddled to Western elites 100 years ago, e.g. trying to normalize sexual revolution.
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Unsurprisingly, one may learn an interesting detail, by searching up (((who))) exactly pioneered transgender ism in the Weimar Germany (Magnus Hirschfeld), and what books did the natsees burn.
Surprise-surprise, it was the transgenderism and pedophilia research, along with the heap of other Marxist literature.
The War in Ukraine is globohomo vs gulaghomo, a part of the white depopulation agenda and the goyim culling (also known as the Great Reset).
The third force represents nationalists, but they are not ready yet.
Some of my close relatives are on the frontlines while the jews and their shabbos execute a plan to subvert and destroy whatever they are fighting for. What a sick, pathological motivation. And they wish death to us. But that's what the leftists and jews are.
Hope someone will get an idea to seize a nuclear weapon depot on the russian territory. Just saying. Budapest memorandum was our Versailles.
Napoleonic Code legalized blasphemy, sodomy, incest, and freed the Jews from their ghettos in every country that Napoleon conquered.
>Napoleon freed the Jews from their ghettos throughout Europe.
>They began to infiltrate Freemasonry (to mingle with middle and upper class Whites).
>Big merchant banking organizations were founded throughout the West (Kuhn Loeb & Co, M & M Rothschild, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, etc.).
>Bnai Brith and the World Zionist Organization were founded.
>Socialism was invented (technically it came from the French Revolution and people like Babeuf but it was popularized by the Utopian Socialists).
>The Socialist Internationals were established, laying the foundations for organized worldwide left-wing revolutions.
>There was a ton of libtard revolutions
>First-wave feminism came along to ruin everything (the term 'feminism' was coined by the socialist Charles Fourier).
>The Ethical Culture Movement was founded, which was extremely influential on globalist ideology.
>Many extremely libtarded esoteric movements were founded (Spiritualism, Theosophical Society, Golden Dawn, Ordo Templi Orientis, etc.).
>Subversive types began to infiltrate Western colleges (e.g. Franz Boas in Columbia University) which was a forerunner of the Long March Through the Institutions of Power.
As Emperor of France and the Master of the Second Veil, Napoleon appointed all of his brothers to leading Freemasonic offices:
>Louis, Deputy Grand Master
>Jerome, Grand Master of the Grand Orient >Westphalia Joseph, Grand Master of the Grand Orient of France
>Lucien, member of the Grand Orient of France
As one interesting gentleman pointed out, there is a much deeper qualitative difference between the psychological heritage of different castes of the same race than between members of the same caste of different races. And here we can quote the Bhagavad Gita, 1.39-43.

Its a tragedy of ukraine, where the national elite was curbstomped by the bolsheviks, the people genocided and replaced by russian noviops, the caste structure broken adn replaced by the greedy piggish slaves to the jewish capital.
But it also does apply to every single other nation.
Most schizo thread on here, congrats

I think that before being judgemental over others lifestyles it is important to think about how these social policies "reform" proposed would effect an individual citizen with the same rights just as you and I. That said, more important yet is to acknowledge that thing that concerns policy of law or so called academic research centered around the Lgbtq movement because it does not always yield desired outcomes such a marginalized group could stand to benefit from, or any real results that are in the best humanitarian interests of everyone, with them included.

I believe, per my understanding, that any real religious group that loves the word of God would take up no qualms against a neighbor for his sexual orientation, a thing that is personal enough that most of us that are sane would not care to know, and would rather give love as the Bible commands. The act that must not ever be supported is the behavior itself, because it is sinful. LGBTQ have their own lives to live, and justifiably so. This is not an issue of sexual preference perversions, it is a matter of right and wrong, and respecting our constitutional rights that the government has chosen to make a mockery of by editing the existing verbiage dutifully and pretentiously just as if they were amending some grivance or say paying amends for some wrong that had been done by the government prior to hither. The truth is that they lied. The government made an illegitimate decision of distorting reality, and then they made the treacherous act of colluding to altering a document that belongs to the people and not the government. No "religious extremist" cares about who you choose to have sex with. The elite are opportunists, and jumped at the chance to put the final nail in the coffin of your country, paving the way for what is yet to come. A new global-homo agenda, feigning social matters of importance for setting up the government to look like the heroes again, and the Biblically prophesized anti-Christ.


>the genetic influence of Arabs and Sephardim is strong. In fact I've got a yiddishe punim myself and was mistaken for native Spanish constantly while I was there, particularly in Andalucia. Odds tell me if you took a DNA test we'd be more alike than not.

Good job, FBLive. Now, tell me where Arabs and the "Sephardim" came from. You've missed a big clue with your research.
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Take your time and read. First jews wish me death, and then act all smug about it.
Ignore all of this if you want. It's totally not real, nothing is. There is no great replacement, there is no great reset, the totalitarian government encroaching on your freedoms doesn't exist, races don't exist, homosexuality is totally normal, transgederism and pedophilia is okay, yeah?
Good goy.
>Qanon was original
Lol, LMAO even, look up "Operation Trust" by the Bolsheviks. "Operation Trust", "Trust the Plan", it's the same people running the same opp, just 100 years later

>pedophilia is okay
Well....... ahem, if you say so, then it is, governor.... Pedophilia is okay, but only cause you insisted. ;)
They want the whites gone (a global minority, by the way) and replace them with a loyal swarm of retarded immigrants, who'd be too stupid to bite into the propaganda and reproduce like vermin, eating your country as whole.
What's happening to the USA is what did happen to the South Africa, where whites become a persecuted minority, which is slaughtered just slowly enough to bear all the weight of countless "people", who are barely above the clinically retarded mark.
LGBT is literal sodomitry, it is what it is. They cannot reproduce, so they groom to grow in numbers.
Its all the same noseberg breed all over.
Oy vey, don't tell me that rabbis enjoy diddling white kids. A disgusting PEDO cabal it is.
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I've seen it plenty of times in the political discussion, especially American one.
Liberals claim that the issue is about race (white people, duh) and the Conservatives say it's all due to the black people.
Noth of them are right, the biggest issue of America is about race, and it is also about the black people.
A nigger, to put it bluntly, is used a weapon by the jews to destroy the whites. Nothing more, nothing less. Nigger hates you because it's a dumb creature who does its masters bidding, and the jews hate you because they're a bloodcrazed schizophrenics raving for more gold and power. Evermore.
The IQ distribution map has to be updated, since the Chinese in the typical bugmen way frauded their way into academic research.
Unsurprising, considering the chinaland is a mysterious country of spontaneously combusting, exploding and man-killing mess.
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Rural Chinese score 88.95 on the Raven's non-verbal IQ test, over one standard deviation lower than the commonly cited Chinese IQ of 105. Study also finds that IQ was a better predictor of math achievement than all environmental and demographic variables.

I can tell you with all honesty that I would not want to see my son wearing a dress. Instead I would want him to be free of such a bondage, and for him to be happy. I would not try to make a "law" so boys can not wear dresses, though, and I would not force students in a public classroom to take a class meant to indoctrinate them into believing that boys wearing dresses is not wrong.

Children have the right to believe whatever they want to believe, but not forced by the government. Not on my watch, and not on my dime. Children do not belong neither to the government or the teachers that decide the educative curriculum. Good children haven't ever been the government's responsibility, and rotten children haven't ever been the government's burden to bear. It's not right.
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Oh, and here's the scientific proof why leftists are mentally ill.
Don't you stick a dick into crazy, but libs do that all the time and habe babies. And those babies, oh... they're a not a gift, they're a garbage bag for the world.
>Women are significantly more likely to pass on genes associated with mental illness, including major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, neuroticism, and autism.
>Men are more likely to pass on genes associated with extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, height, and cognitive ability.

Human Capital Mediates Natural Selection in Contemporary Humans, sampling >400,000 "British subjects with European ancestry."

So are you saying that the Chinese want to eat eachother because they are retarded?
They did so, and they'll do so.
As almost their cuisine isn't enough of a proof. They'd fetch anything, cook it in the gutter oil, gobble it up, than go shit on the street and explode while packing something on a factory.
That’s so fucking funny you call liberals mentally ill meanwhile you have spent several hours of your day spouting racist nonsense on a porn imageboard lmao. Does this sound like the behavior of a productive member of society?

>Human Capital Mediates Natural Selection in Contemporary Humans, sampling >400,000 "British subjects with European ancestry."

Thinking about beautiful British and European women and producing babies with them gave me a full erection for like 2 seconds just now.
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Global IQ collapse and the dysgenics catastrophe.
To put it bluntly, the best people aren't breeding, while our worst reproduce like rabbits. Brought to you by the Dr. Goyimstein, and co.
As a result, the West will collapse under a mass of fat, sickly, deranged, and anti-social retards.
It all started to be the way it happened to be after a filthy kike bloodsucker wished me death. Before that, I had no intention to lift up the veil. See that? Besides all, it's an end of the day here, and such little feat is not a big deal.
And yes, liberalism is a mental illness.

Do they literally get their oil from the gutter? They don't die ever from dierrhea? I know they eat feces, but what you are talking about is the unsects, rats, and things like that. I always thought that since they cooked the animals they didn't think anything of it, but eating literal trash is pretty brasen, imho. It's pretty ballsy. I don't know if I would ever dare to eat trash from a dumpster. I have eaten a shit ton of ass though, so who knows.
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Its impossible to expect from a human-looking being to keep a certain line of moral values, if it's almost retarded.
Same issue with Africa, where they crucify monkeys to make the rain fall (doesn't work quite well)

Yeah, everytime I read stuff like that I wonder to myself if such intergroup fighting in the past American history originated from basicly the same sort of happenings of accounts that have been alleged of Domestic Terrorism in the streets of America. So called vigilante "Community Policing". I have been 1 to experience this so called mob Domestic Terrorism by both whites and immigrants such as Indian, and of course, yes, also Muslim.

It's interesting to me that these attacks can go on so openly and without fear of an investigation by real police, and why the government seems to have refusedly done anything about it. I certainly could see this Domestic Terrorism becoming a problem of such a large scale that, like a monstrously huge ass, its provocative nature can cause anger to turn into racist hatred for other groups.

I still don't see it as a "hate crime". A crime is a crime in my eyes, but I can certainly imagine why a group of any race would feel threatened to the brink of genocide if another group invaded their town or country and began performing acts of Domestic Terrorism or spying. Acts that then the government conviniently chose to ignore. We must love our neighbors. Not harass them, stalk them, and try to instigate paranoia in their minds while scrounging up information about their past from sources of gossip or gossiper groups. Nevermind the fact that these groups reportedly collaborate with criminals, gangs, and real hackers that hack devices and websites.

They are a terrorist organization, not a vigilante group of heroes. Some know them as Mob.
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>Oh wow look this Ukrainian guy is making a personal diary thread, this should be pretty comfy and wholes-

Yes, and yes, it's on purpose.
The whole world turns on TV sand sees the US dealing with race issues and thinks “wow, the US is so fucked up.”

But then, as an American, you read some of this shit non-Americans write and you’re like “I…literally don’t know where to even start.”
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The whole world turns on TV sand sees the US dealing with race issues and thinks “wow, the US is so fucked up.”

But then, as an American, you read some of this shit non-Americans write and you’re like “I…literally don’t know where to even start.”
The US is unique on earth in that there’s a shitload of racism, segregation, racial/ethnic discrimination and xenophobia — like everywhere — but in the meantime we’ve successfully integrated millions of very different people from around the world for 200 years. The UK is the only place I’ve visited that comes close . Contrast this with France, which has had a huge minority population for generations yet they’re barely integrated. Government and cultural institutions and mainstream society are wholly dominated by white Christians while middle easterners and Africans are stuck in the shadows. Peel back European disdain for American racism and you’ll find opinions you wouldn’t dare utter here except at a KKK rally. Their hard right nationalist politicians are hugely popular and getting moreso by the year. Even Trump never criticized the minorities who are already here like LePen. I think it’s at least partly because we’re a young, very large country without a set cultural identity. “Americanness” really can’t be defined while Frenchness is very much a thing, and whiteness is part of it.
Wanna see how racist euros are, ask em about the Romani.
The French are scum, they went all in on the Holocaust and have regularly genocides the Algerian citizens.
>op doesn't want to bring up the politics in a thread
>retards spam hurr durr war outside
>than a fine and respectful schnozed citizen comes up wishing death to him and his family
Oh wow, how totally unexpected it all is.
>US is unique on earth in that there’s a shitload of racism, segregation, racial/ethnic discrimination and xenophobia
If it really was the case, it would've been the best country on earth.
>Government and cultural institutions and mainstream society are wholly dominated by white Christians
A funny way to spell the jews and their shabbo goyim. Jokes on you, retard.
>>than a fine and respectful schnozed citizen comes up wishing death to him and his family

He trolls the rest of the board writing nigger and such, whatever the context, like he has racist tourettes. Now I'm supposed to respect his space? LOL He said he was going to post stuff here as a sort of personal blog, but of course he didn't because he's never followed through on anything in his life and never will.

"Oh well maybe I'll put up something later... IDK..."

Say you're a fucking loser without saying you're a fucking loser. So I wished him death because he's a useless misanthrope who'd welcome it anyway, as would the people he depends on for his existence. He's said way worse, on way many more occasions. I'm tired of being told my people are evil on a fetish board so I threw some shit back at him. Go change your tampon if you can't handle it.

The rest is just you showing off your ADHD and lack of basic reading comprehension. Prioritizing literacy and education is one of the reasons we kikes dominate everything we put our minds to while you wallow in smooth-brained conspiracies and make excuses — that's the real joke.
You do a really sloppy job covering up all the swindling that your kind does. But look at that; it's a bit too much and a bit too factual for trolling as it is. You can label the stuff as a conspiracy theory as much as you'd like, but it won't cover your nose sticking out of every single slit.
Of course he didn't post, since the drooling wartards and the two pigs in kippah killed whatever reason there was to do that with their bullshit. You wish death on others because you're a parasite, a bloodsucking, psychopathic creature like every single one of your kind. 

Jokes on you, again. You can boast and gloat as much as you want, but you'll remain what you are: a swindling, nepotistic, intermingling vermin.
Everyone is nepotisitic, everyone intermingles. Name a culture who doesn't. Jews are assimilated all over the US, you actually have to try hard to find a closed, exclusive Jewish community these days. There aren't many of us, so the religious ones tend to cluster because you want to be close to a temple and kosher food and such. But the shtetl is long, long gone outside of a few neighborhoods in Brooklyn and a handful of towns just over the NYC border in NJ and Upstate.

As for swindling, we've been cheating you poor innocent gentiles for how many centuries now...? Maybe it's time to wise up lol. Anyway you know how swindles work — no one gets conned who doesn't invite it. Only the greedy get swindled, people who think they can game the system and get something for nothing.

I'm glad we agree there's no conspiracy. Indeed it's all out there, if you look at the history of western civilization:

1000 years ago your kings forbid Jews from owning land, and your guilds forbid us from learning trades, so to make a living we got into buying and selling goods. Your church outlawed usury but farmers have to buy on credit to cover expenses and no one is gonna lend for free, so we got into banking. Both church and kings kept literacy to the priesthood and upper classes, and as the world became more complex with laws and contracts, you needed someone to read for you so we, the "people of the book," had a valuable skill. Then the Rennaisance, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution occured, and look who happened to be perfectly positioned to make the most of it — those goddamned literate, interest-charging, buying-and-selling kikes.

That outsider ingenuity powered us forward into the 20th century, as we fled Europe and anti-Semitism raged in the US. (Our association with Bolshevism didn't help, though it's a tough lift to connect rapacious capitalism with collectivism... But then who's expecting a bunch of self-pitying losers to make sense?)

Banking, entertainment, publishing, law, medicine, education, and many other lucrative industries shut us out, so we started our own versions, to serve ourselves. Funny thing though — gentiles chose us because we did it better, and that's why we went on to dominate all these fields.

We were shut out politically as well, but politicians needed our big brains so they made us consiglieres behind the scenes and we were able to get a foothold on power that way as well. Good insurance against a second Holocaust, because we were doing pretty well financially and socially in Warsaw, Vienna, and Berlin in the 1920s but look what happened a few years later.

Eventually we started getting elected ourselves. President is still a bridge too far at this moment, but we'll get there.

And you'll still seethe and cope, slinging your tired, dull, barely literate insults, blaming us 2% for cheating you out of what's "yours."
Jewanon how do I get this half Jewish half Russian girl who lives in the midwest but isn't 100% assimilated (but is a secular astrology chick) to like me? She has a boyfriend currently
Give me the boyfriend's name, I'll put in a word with the Elders of Zion and they'll take him out for you. Then sacrifice a Christian baby and give her a flask of its blood as an offering. And don't stare at her horns, girls are sensitive about that kind of thing.

>As for swindling, we've been cheating you poor innocent gentiles for how many centuries now...? Maybe it's time to wise up lol.

Comments such as these is what makes me think that most Jews are part of a secret cult that enjoys deception or that they don't care to know the truth. Jews have been hated the world over since atleast 300 A.D. when they began starting cynagogues in other countries. Most frequently the inhabitants of the land that they took up home in would criticize the Jews for their "usury" because it was a way to make "something out of nothing." Not only were Jews persecuting Christians throughout this ordeal, and for many centuries before and after, but when the Jews began being oersecyted guess who was there trying to defend and help the Jews? The Christians. The same Christians that they were persecuting up until about 700 A.D. when the Christian religion had spread so widely actoss Europe that the Jews probably started thinking that continued infighting was futile.

Throughout this time Jews became succesful, and made many friends around the world. The Jews power comes from the wealth that they generated during that time. The money affords them power and influence. Research the top world banker's and their families' historical legacy. Of course they are not a single entity that agrees on everything, but they are a people.
It’s called sarcasm, dumbass. There’s no fucking cult. Worshipping Christ was always and still is the ticket to acceptance in the Western world since 300 AD and we didn’t so we got fucked, over and over, and learned some survival skills along the way that I detailed. Those half-imaginary bankers you’re talking about are elites. Judging “Jews” by the Rothschilds’ alleged nefarious activities would be like judging every person of English descent based upon the activities of the British royal family.

I’ve never met a Rothschild. I drank a glass of their wine once. It’s overrated. I’m a perfect specimen of Jewish exceptional mediocrity: My paternal great-grandfather came to the US an orphan and broke his back behind a sewing machine so my grandfather could own a store so my dad could piss it away so I could pick up the pieces with a decent-paying career in media. My mother’s family was a little more prosperous but undistinguished and far as I know never swindled anyone, either. Every last blood family member on both sides and out to my first cousins are Jews yet I never got a secret pamphlet at my bar mitzvah on how to swindle and oppress. I’ve disliked 90% of the Israelis I’ve met, think Zionism is a good idea badly executed, and like most of the thousand or so Jews I know go to temple 6 or 8 times a year.

I never caught a significant break from being Jewish. (I’ve never faced outright discrimination, either.) My first boss out of college who hired me was Irish. I was smart and worked hard, and lucky to catch an amazing economic wave in the 90s so I could buy a house in the 00s in a neighborhood that’s gentrified nicely. That’ll be my retirement, inshallah. I cheat a bit on my taxes, I steal fat girl porn off this site. That’s the extent of my swindling. I have a big nose and dark wavy hair. There are literally half a million of me within 15 miles of where I’m sitting. Being an FA is frankly one of the most interesting things about me.

You’re all living in a self-deluding Grimm’s Fairy Tale about who we are and what we do, that’s not helping any of us. You’re being played by elites who, circumcised or not, don’t give a fuck about me, or you.

Holy shit that was a long reply that I did not expect. Sorry. If I offended you, or if I made you happy. Neither was my intention. But didn't read.

Btw, I love cute Jewish girls with large bodies and huge tits. Even the tall girls with small boobs such as that comedian girl that has a show on comedy central. I love her body. The bottom half. I don't know any Jews as friends, but none of them have a very good reputation as people anywhere I have gone. In my imagination they're probably not very nice. I would probably also not do any monetary business with Jews unless there was exhausted all other options left. Aside from that, it is well known that some Jews are Christian, and that even the religious Jewish Jews are friendly with Christians these days. We are all very glad that nobody is getting killed over their religion over here.
This is a brilliant and honest answer.

And you’re right—the beneficiaries are seldom the haters or the hated. It’s usually that someone wants you to hate the Jews/Blacks/Gays/Libs or whatever so that you don’t get around to hating them. Divide et impera—divide and conquer.
Maybe Putin was right about Ukraine being full of nazis after all? On one hand I respect Ukraine's sovereignty but i'm so tired of the western world/UN/EU/IMF etc always prevailing.

>i'm so tired of the western world/UN/EU/IMF etc always prevailing

I think that the opinions of 1 Indian shitposter can take backseat for this 1 last time while groups try to agree on what is the correct course of action for trying to help a country in need that is actually asking the US and other countries for help in defense against Putin. Whatever that action may be, that is out of my hands, the most important political detail seems to be that they are a united country that is under threat and wishes to keep its independance against an invading Russian army. Obviously I don't know under what real circumstances these wars are being fought, which could easily change matter of opinion for or against support of Ukraine, but so far that appears to be the gist of it.


>It’s usually that someone wants you to hate the Jews/Blacks/Gays/Libs or whatever so that you don’t get around to hating them

Groups trying to manipulate the opinions of the masses is nothing new. Everbody knoss and underdtand that this goes on. Whether Ukraine has a gang problem or a nazi stronghold plays second fiddle. It would be as if documents were found and it was discovered that the Bush administration was not intent on securing Bush's petroleum dominance as some mutual nationalistic interest, but was instead more interested in the destruction of the many fields of opium as they where the backbone that funded the terrorists operations worldwide and perhaps was also posing a challenge to the DEA back home somehow. Ok... It's a good idea. It's good, but it's not right to invade another country for that purpose, is it? It's not right to pretend you're God. What is right is to follow the ordenance of God when he commands you to do the right thing and love your enemies. What you do not do is disrespect your enemies with the excuse that they are your enemies, and that way do not deserve respect, or that they deserve lesser than you deserve. Doing whatever you want to do in such a case would be no different than doing what you think is right when in actuality you're wrong. Well, this time being wrong would mean that the consequences could be disasterous, and retribution would come from the Heavens. You do not live in a country that dares to say "In God we trust" and then think that you can do whatever suits you against your neighbor, do you? Not very smart.
>>206708 (Dead)

I disagree. All hoodrats should get tattoos. Preferably thry should get covered in tattoos. This is just as they've always done. That way it is easy to recognize the different types of hoes by if she has tattoos or not.

My reasoning is simple. In culture we already share general information. Such as around my area growing up they would call hoes "stuck up" when they were virgins, but the actual connotation behind the use of the word was far deeper than that. A hoe that was stuck up was "not a real woman". What you could expect from such a hoe was disloyalty, weakness of will and character, a love for lying and gossip, and generally everything that we all wanted to stay away from. That meant "stuck up". So it went further than not putting out. It also had connotations of prudish behavior, judgemental, lame, boring, stupid, condenscending, immature, and even "fat". All of that embodied in the type of person we thought of when we used the words "stuck up".

If you look at the young people these days in America, there are sure to be small pockets of areas where they are still doing things as we fid them 20+ years ago, but anybody can see that things have taken a turn for the worse and that it's not without cause.

When I was growing up a virgin in his 30s was unheard of. We might've thought you were gay or weird. These days 30 year old virgin dudes are the majority. This is not coincidental. If you think that all these virgins are miserable by choice then you're part if the problem. The establishment. The establishment includes not only the government but the majority of voters as well. Their loudest voices also contribute largely to the economy through consumerism and have been helping destroy America from within since at least the time of Ronald Reagen, if not post WW2.
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>be chink
>wake up in glrous perpres rebubric
>got to toilet
>it no frush
>eat dog head and tiger ball soup
>go to car
>roundhouse kick nearest infant
>open car door
>it falls off
>”i have rno time for this shit”
>speed out of living complex #173528
>speed down haft-completed road
>run over infant thrown out by mother
>moped next to me atomizes
>gas tanker truck collodes with porpane factory causing massive explosion
>get to wok
>start 18 houra shift on cheap rick and morty flip frop of idiot white pigs for 4 yuan
> go out for smoke break
>get on phone watch 4 ads on hiw china is the greatist nation in the world
>factory explodes
>boss chang walks up to me on fire and tells me china will grow stronger
>jerk off to jing pang being raped by ccp police
>breath in smog
>chuna nubar rone
It was only partially in response to your ahistorical blather, so as long as you read the first sentence, where I identify you as a dipshit, we’re good. The tl;dr is that while Jews are exotic, mystic creatures to provincial Europeans you, in select parts of the world (like mine) we’re dime a dozen. Overrepresented as lawyers, doctors, and bankers, yes, but also auto mechanics, artists, butchers, and baristas.

Europeans are anti-Semitic, period; I’m not sure Ukraine is special in that way. Hitler didn’t invent the idea of scapegoating Jews for everything, he picked up on centuries of prevailing prejudices, then politicized and enhanced them. He did for anti-semitism what he did for rocketry and nationalism, basically.
Ya think your hot shit, don't ya?
If you want to hide something, do it in plain sight. 
Nothing of it is real, right? Simply split reality into multiple layers and invent the semantic apparatus to silence the discussion regarding your parasitism, securing yourself from any political movement that dares to oppose the swarm of ticks that your kind is.
LOL. As if.
After all, that's an expected thing to hear. A tick cannot comprehend that someone does not and cannot possibly follow the tick way of life. That's what you do, the repeated acts of aggressive mimicry, where you identify as a (((fellow white))) in a public space, berating, bickering, and spreading your poison as usual, only reverting to the jewish identity as a defensive mechanism when it's convenient.
Of course they'd care less now, the goyim is all bamboozled now.
You must not hate things that are bad for you, but double down and gorge on them. Fact checked, right.
>churchill the freemasonic leech starves millions of Hindus to death
>ebul nutsees
Might as well enjoy PRC benefits at this point. Natsees and stuff is a heap of buzzwords shaped by the allied propaganda, that are removed from reality as far as it is even possible.
Like the whole holocauster thing, whew boy.
It's an obvious, logical conclusion from the collective experience dealing with your kind. Ftfy, sleazy kike-slug.
I imagined a very fat Chinese woman reading this with huffs and puffs. Hot
(38 KB, 458x500, hammerstein.jpg)
>in select parts of the world (like mine) we’re dime a dozen. Overrepresented as lawyers, doctors, and bankers, yes, but also auto mechanics, artists, butchers, and baristas.

Don't forget "fat musical theater girls who go to Tisch," Jewanon. A significant contribution to the culture, or at least to my dating life in my 20s lol

Sample size >1 is all I'm gonna say

t. philosemite from the other thread
NYU is not all Asian yet? Good to know!

>political movement that dares to oppose the swarm of ticks that your kind is

You've got it all figured out, don't you? What do you suppose, a modern day Nostre or Isaac Newton. You're brilliant.
He's more like a Unabomber. I've read enough anti-semitic blather to recognize that overbaked, seething prose style as the hallmark of a fairly intelligent but highly dysfunctional NEET-type. They hit 30 and wonder why folks dumber than they are seem to be doing so much better in life. Must be a reason... Oh wait — it's the Jews!
Yeah, I am currently taking a break from being Kisame to seek some level of psychiatrist. I am bored with these conspiracy theories.

>They hit 30 and wonder why folks dumber than they are seem to be doing so much better in life.

Yeah, I guess that could make sense except 1 thing.... Your statement would be speaking about most citizens in any modern society. I'm sure things are of significant difference in every 1st world country, but do you mean to ignore the system that has been built and how it governs society? Or do you mean to say that the constitution provides any necessary protection (provided that the government does not make changes to the constitution unlawfully and that the Federal government is not allowed to take precedence over state governance resulting in the disaster that has become of the US economy and its progression towards communism which can be seen as the government goes into bed with organizations and commercial companies) making any of his and any individual citizen's excuses moot? If the latter, then I agree.
America is on the decline because San Francisco investors are making bad moves and Jim Kramer or Charles Payne are giving bad advice. They're making Trump look like a stable genius. Another problem is that Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are the new technocrat. Biden with his army of dysfunctional senior citizens are their own worst enemy. The only hope now is if either Ron Desantis or Mayor Pete runs for president.
Interesting. My take is that America’s main weakness has been its inability to do things that will benefit society overall if they risk burdening very rich donors in any real way. In other countries we call that “corruption” but at home it’s “just how things work.”

The result is we have endless culture wars to fill space in politics and governance that makes people poorer by the year.

>My take is that America’s main weakness has been its inability to do things that will benefit society overall

That is a tip of the iceberg over-simplification, but yes, amongst many other ways, the US isn't perfect. I wish it was perfect. I wish there was some way to at the very least turn back time and undo some of the harm that these useless politicians have bestowed upon us, but somehow I suspect that it will only get worse. As 1 Domestic Terrorist said to me 1 day when we were discussing the evils of Hollywood and invasions of privacy and freedoms, "That is the power of money."

America is on the decline because our dominance, which was 90% luck and circumstances in the first place, was a rocket that had to return to earth at some point. I think the Oscars last night was a bellwether, observing China's shadow over our biggest cultural export, the evidence both onstage and off. The financial press have been predicting the collapse of the Chinese economy and the overthrow of the Communist party for years with little to nothing to show for it. Not to mention it now reeks of wishful thinking/propaganda. Even the "revelation" Covid-19 came from a Chinese lab seems like desperate agitprop.

Jim Cramer has been giving out bad advice for at least 25 years. Before the 08 crash a magazine compared his stock picks to a basic index fund and the index beat him by a landslide. In fact anyone who invested strictly on his advice would have lost money during one of the longest sustained bull markets in history. Same goes for his old buddy Larry Kudlow, who told everyone to keep investing in housing stocks through 07. So of course Trump appointed him as chief economic advisor lol...

We desperately need new blood at the top — I'm old enough to be getting late USSR vibes, where they insisted on promoting from the pool of guys who knew Stalin personally and so premiers kept dying like mayflies. But the idea that (relatively) young people — any young people — will be an automatic improvement is ludicrous. DeSantis is an old-school supply side, culture war conservative who literally hates half the country, and governs from that rage. Great for his popularity ratings (though he'll never beat Trump) and Fox appearances, but a horrible way to govern. Mayor Pete is an incompetent technocrat, the worst kind, who'll be so busy proving he's "normal" as the first gay president everyone from China to Silicon Valley to Congress will walk all over him. In other words Obama without the charisma.
You're talking in a general (and mindbogglingly inaccurate) way while I'm being very specific. The type of anti-semite I'm talking about is not at all mainstream but the opposite. They can't hold a job, nor meet a woman much less start a family, which even many outright developmentally disabled people somehow manage to do, fucked up economy or not. In fact they would go into gran mal seizures if you suggested they were in any way ordinary, wallowing in their "outlaw" status as a way to cope with their dysfunction.
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The future of 2024 is going to be Mike Pence. Those red states are already passing anti-LGBT ordinances and have their rank and files finding pornography. The only other alternative is someone reasonable like Glenn Youngkin. Millennials like Lauren Boebert brought back teen pregnancy cause they want to relive Reagannomics. I've been wondering why don't Democrats just bust out slick Willie or Al Gore. As for Obama, I think he bankrupted the DNC with those high profile parties.

>You're talking in a general (and mindbogglingly inaccurate) way while I'm being very specific. The type of anti-semite I'm talking about is not at all mainstream but the opposite.

What? Forgive me, brother. I have failed you. My reply is a disappointment, but the post did not say anything about Jews. I guess some Jews are among the top wealthiest Americans? I don't know. I live in a farm. I grow my own crops and try to sell the left overs to my neighbors. I also rent out properties and do some real estate, but not so much anymore with the home market changes being more enticing to non-investers or banks/large brokers like Blackwater.

>They can't hold a job, nor meet a woman much less start a family, which even many outright developmentally disabled people somehow manage to do, fucked up economy or not.

Why do you worry about what other people choose to do with their life??? I'm confused right now.

>In fact they would go into gran mal seizures if you suggested they were in any way ordinary, wallowing in their "outlaw" status as a way to cope with their dysfunction.

Everybody is ordinary in their own special way.


>America is on the decline because our dominance, which was 90% luck and circumstances in the first place, was a rocket that had to return to earth at some point.

We have a saying where I'm from. Only idiots believe in coincidences.

>I think the Oscars last night was a bellwether, observing China's shadow over our biggest cultural export, the evidence both onstage and off.

China has never and will never produce anything good or of quality, especially movies. The best they ever had was Bruce Lee, and he was half white, had an American first name, and his movies were crap too, only they kicked fucking ass, and by starring Bruce Lee they can't go wrong. Well, look what China did to Bruce Lee. They literally tried to fuck him in the anus. That's what. Butt sex.


Dude, why?
Jews are cheap and poorfags who live in those shitty apartments off Eastern Parkway or the Nassau Expressway. The wealthy ones like Ben Shapiro just want to be Rabbis or the Jewish equivalent to televangelists.

What? 2 beautiful girls? I object. I am homosexual.

Okay, so then what's the problem with Jews then?
Kisame here. There's nothing wrong with Jews.
Moderator, hate speech. What a loser.
(456 KB, 1090x681, dodd-frank-signing-teaser-1090x681.jpg)
Kisame here. Relax. Boomers have been watching too Fox News. Dodd-Frank failed to curtail the excessive risk taking. Just like how McCain-Feingold failed to do anything about campaigns

Tell me more. Because as of yet I think that you are the anti-Christ.

You can't spell synagouge without sin.
I dunno. Synagogues look neat.
Why?  It's beyond over as it is.
Soon enough, the CBDC's will be rolled out, going on par with the ESG and affirmative action.
What happened to the Dutch farmers? That is the question. The greenwashed propaganda (15-minute cities, sustainable energy, etc.) is just another brick in the wall that they prepare for all of us. A totalitarian gay gulag with the social credit system.

>"How do I redesign the supply chain with ESG in mind?" — Bob Moritz, Global Chairman of PwC, elite accounting firm (A New Era for Globalization, 2022)

>wut is ESG?
ESG is a social credit system that forces corporations (if they aren't compliant already) to move on with the Left-Wing political objectives outlined in Agenda 21.

>wut is Agenda 21?
Agenda 21 is a long-term political strategy to reshape our entire planet. It was publicly announced by the UN in the early 1990s but likely planned decades in advance. As usual, it is marketed to the public as a philanthropic crusade to save the world from climate change, poverty, hunger, disease (e.g. COVID), bigotry, racism, and so on, but it is nothing of the sort. It is simply a way for the globalist elite to solidify their rule and expand their power, not just over humanity, but all life on earth.

>inb4 "You don't want globalist technocrats to micromanage your every move and reduce you to serfdom? What are you, some sort of libertarian conspiracy theorist schizo?"

They (you name them) and their machiavellian servants plan to enforce this (ie ESG) via the financial system, only giving money to politically compliant companies.
This is why Globalists are panicking about a Right-Wing, nationalist revival in America. West Virginia has already threatened to ban big banks over their commitment to ESG.
Obviously, they are panicking about this, so they try to sell this astroturfed political agenda as some non-biased risk assessment.

Before the WW2 and subsequent Death of the West (or at the least until around the Great Depression, when Socialists gained more influence), the ideology of the Anglosphere was unabashed White (Anglo-Saxon) supremacism, eugenics, scientific racism, segregation, anti-immigration and nativism, Christianity, strong families, and traditional culture.

So what did happen? It's definitely a right question.
Someone would have to be completely insane to believe that the globohomo system we live under today is remotely comparable to those times in terms of economics or ideology.

We have more regulations than ever before, big government-backed monopolies, private-public partnerships, bloated welfare states, massive taxes, massive global wealth redistribution from Whites to non-Whites, and Socialist (or "Social Democratic") parties dominating governments since the end of WW2. Even the so-called (((Capitalist))) elites of the WEF & Co. express their desire to abolish Capitalism.

Furthermore, all of the theory that underpins so-called "Cultural Liberalism" was cooked up by Marxist academics and their students, not the corporate boardrooms of Fortune 500 companies. Noel Ignatiev, Franz Boas, Theo Adorno, Herbert Marcuse, Kim Crenshaw, Angela Davis, etc. are Socialist Third Worldists, not Classical Liberals. Plus, postwar Globalist ideology has deep roots in the Socialist movement, dating back to the earliest Utopians and Radicals.

Modern "Capitalists" (corporations, businesses, etc.) parrot Cultural Marxist (aka "Woke") ideals for a few reasons:
1. They're forced to do so by Civil Rights laws (enacted by Socialists & Social Democrat governments in the 60s/70s).
2. They're threatened by "cancel culture" enforced by Leftist media hegemony and NGOs like the ADL.
3. Leftist activists aggressively colonized corporations as part of their Long March Through The Institutions of Power.
4. Globalist elites (who take ideological cues from Leftist academia and from being predominantly ethnically Jewish) have bought up and monopolized corporations.
5. Too Big to Fail companies can push unprofitable ideological nonsense because they're supported by the state.
6. Companies are kept in line by private finance pressure, e.g. BlackRock's ESG which is a corporate Cultural Marxist social credit score.

Corporations aren't special unique entities controlled by magical abstract economic wizardry, but the clear nodes of power (like government, media, academia, or judiciary) that can be captured or dominated by ideologically-motivated parties and individuals.

Finally, those people put the transgender toddlers as an objective sign of progress, jsut like many other things, such as the partocratic technocracy, the UBI, the bloated welfare state, to save all of the "oppressed" billions of brown people around the world, and so on. This is why they downplayed or defended the COVID tyranny, claimed that Agenda 21 is irrelevant, and so on.
You didn't read the post that prompted my response, calling Jews ticks, etc.

As for idiots believing in coincidences, then every mathematician is an idiot because with billions of humans on earth they happen all the time. It's idiots who assign meaning to random linkups, and who get lost in silly conspiracy theories, or religion, superstition, spirituality, and so on.

Dodd-Frank and McCain-Feingold were both effective legislation, subsequently gutted by Republicans. In fact McCain-Feingold was undermined by John McCain himself, which sums up Mr. Maverick pretty nicely.

"Cultural Marxism" AKA Orwellian copespeak for alt-rightists. Subaru-driving college professors and overly woke bloggers control the government/world financial system, sure. Makes perfect sense.
(37 KB, 322x500, albions-seed.jpg)
>Before the WW2 and subsequent Death of the West (or at the least until around the Great Depression, when Socialists gained more influence), the ideology of the Anglosphere was unabashed White (Anglo-Saxon) supremacism, eugenics, scientific racism, segregation, anti-immigration and nativism, Christianity, strong families, and traditional culture.
>So what did happen? It's definitely a right question.
>Someone would have to be completely insane to believe that the globohomo system we live under today is remotely comparable to those times in terms of economics or ideology.

Trying to refute this stuff is bailing out the ocean with a bucket, but I gotta tap in here so that Jewanon isn't doing all the work.

Antisemanons, if you rely exclusively on the same handful of sources, you're going to get a skewed picture of the world with just enough actual facts to resemble reality enough to seem plausible. A half-truth is more dangerous than a lie. The only way to crack yourself out of this is to read widely and form a broader picture of the world.

Yes, there were a lot of Jews who became prominent in left-wing academia at the middle of the century. But that's true of all fields of achievement as the kids and grandkids of the big 1880-1920 immigration wave made their impact on American culture. Feynman in physics, Salk in medicine, Roth and Bellow in literature, Mama Cass in fat chicks.

If you want to restrict yourself to fringe Internet sources, you should at least engage with the Curtis Yarvin / Mencius Moldbug thesis that wokeness is the institutional descendent of Puritanism. You don't have to trust Yarvin, since he's (patrilineally half-) Jewish, but you can, y'know, actually read the primary sources he links to. Yarvin's prescriptive politics (replace democracy with a king/CEO) are retarded, but I agree with him you have to be willfully ignorant of American history before the 1960s not to recognize that there's a continuity of institutions and personnel from modern wokeness that runs back through through Prohibition and the Social Gospel, the abolitionists and transcendentalists, and ultimately back to the Puritans. Also, Urbit is good and as the app ecosystem matures it will become the home of online feedism.

Read actual historical literature on the Progressive Era and the WASP roots of "enlightened expert" governance at a time when most American Jews were living in shithole tenements and working 16-hour days in firetrap sweatshops. Read *Albion's Seed*; there never was a unified "Anglo-Saxon" culture in America, there was a profound variety of regional cultures, reshaping the frontier in their own image as they spread westwards after the Revolution. Read up on the history of the runup to the Civil War and the fanatical abolitionists (from parts of the country with no actual black people) for whom it wasn't really about improving the lives of the slaves, it was about saving their own souls with apocalyptic utopian politics. Sound familiar? Read about Prohibition and how a bunch of nasty old spinsters with no lives, with an auxiliary of simping overeducated clergymen, tried to take away the hobbies of ordinary red-blooded working men. Sound familiar?

This isn't *all* of American history (again, read Albion's Seed), but it's a continuous thread in it.

The fact that America's provincial racial and sexual obsessions have gone global is a result of the fact that our overwhelming mil/tech supremacy won WW2 and the Cold War and our universities became the pacesetters for the world. Pierre Bourdieu's "The New Global Vulgate" is a great essay on how American "anti-racist" NGOs have actually made Brazil more racist by imposing the American one drop rule on the much more relaxed Brazilian culture.

I've said my piece and don't want to spend additional time on a slapfight, so will leave further shitposting to my fellow LaGuardia Community College matriculate Kisame.

>abolish Capitalism

Capitalism exists in men's hearts. You can not abolish or destroy Capitalism.

>to save all of the "oppressed" billions of brown people around the world

They could never be saved. Poverty around the world has been down for the longest and it is mainly because of better water and medical facilities.

These billions of oppressed brown people you speak of that you want to save are the #1 threat to the US. Even from within they are the leading group of Domestic Terrorism, and the US did nothing about it before the smartphone so why would they do anything now? These imageboards have porn content that is used to broadcast subliminal messages worldwide by any criminal organized group imaginable, starting with the whores in Hollywood. They are literal satanists that use pedophilia as a virtue signal while they peddle drugs, stalk children, and steal personal data with their hacker friends. If you've wondered why sometimes you hear some of us say that the anti-Christ is near, that's why.

>This is why they downplayed or defended the COVID tyranny

COVID tyranny was a publicity stunt to help boost the economy during a moment of calamity that they could seize and take advantage of. From what I can tell it worked out for them just fine despite the minimal amount of lives that were lost while the government legally protected experimental vaccine makers from liability.


>You didn't read the post that prompted my response, calling Jews ticks, etc. As for idiots believing in coincidences, then every mathematician is an idiot because with billions of humans on earth they happen all the time. It's idiots who assign meaning to random linkups, and who get lost in silly conspiracy theories, or religion, superstition, spirituality, and so on.

Holy shit you sound crazy as fuck
Kisame here. My county executive is Jewish and conservatives. All Jews want to do is purchase gilligs and treat government like a 9-5 job. They're the sons of WWII veterans. Not everyone is Leona Helmsley and runs a hotel like a Batman villain.
The wealthy Jews in my area just want to run their own private bus lines because they hate the MTA. At worst, Jews are like cocaine Mitch or Eric Cantor or Paul Ryan. Not everyone wants to wound Palestinians like Netanyahu. As for anti-semites, Hitler can't be classified as one. Translated to English, Hitler comes across as bully at best or a high school principal. The average anti-semite is more like Dirlwangler or Goring.

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