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Hey all, just found this board and it’s been great. Thanks for posting so many amazing BBWs and SSBBWs, many of whom I’d been a fan of years ago and haven’t thought about in years. It’s been a treat seeing some of these beauties again.

To start, let me just say that I’ve been a BBW enthusiast since I hit puberty. The second girls stopped being icky to me, I knew I wanted the bigger ones. It helped that early on I found my dad’s stash of BBW porn mags – Score, Voluptuous, etc., from the early to mid-90s. Obviously these focused on big bust models more than properly fat girls, but I quickly learned to associate huge natural tits with softer, squishier bellies. And I was a goddamn boobhound for years because of it! As I got older, I developed more of an appreciation for big bellies, thick thighs, bountiful hips and fat booties. I’ve never really felt like I’m a fat fetishist; I like the way a soft, plush body feels against me, or the way a woman’s body moves when she’s heavier, more than I care about the fat itself, and the numbers on the scale really don’t matter to me. As far as feederism goes, I’m excited to see a woman luxuriate in her own pleasure, whether that’s food or masturbation or whatever. I want to see her really enjoy herself. A woman granting herself an extra slice of cake is sexy; a woman on her hands and knees, eating an entire cake without using her hands, is uncomfortable to me.

I didn’t date prolifically; I was an awkward nerd and truth be told, I went through what would now be called an incel phase where I felt owed for being a nice guy. Honestly, growing out of that mindset is the best thing that ever happened to me. But I did start dating when I was 17, and went through a series of relationships, all with women who were at least chubby, if not full-fledged BBWs. I’ve never actually dated a thin woman; I’ve had close friendships and even been flirty with slimmer women, but never felt any sort of spark towards a relationship.

Around 2004 I found a website called Fat Forums and my eyes were opened. Here was a whole message board, and an extremely active one with tens of thousands of users, dedicated to BBWs and their admirers. I wasn’t alone any more. It was here that I first learned about SSBBWs and USSBBWs and became aware of a lot of cam models that I’m still a fan of today, even if their sites are long gone. I wasn’t really into SSBBWs at the time and viewed USSBBWs with an attitude of “yikes,” but the BBW models (and even some of the “smaller” SSBBWs) were cool. I should note that at this point in time, “SSBBW” seemed to apply only to women over 300 lbs. Times change.

As an aside, I got to interact with a lot of BBW and SSBBW models on FF, including Boberry (still going by “Mary Boberry” at the time), Carrie from Carrieland, and Ivy Davenport at the start of her career – I feel old saying this, but I remember when she was under 300 lbs. The board’s dead now, with just automated bots replying to each other, which is sad, but so it goes.

I drifted in and out of FF over time, but started posting regularly again in early 2010; I’d graduated college in 2009 and moved back home, but my girlfriend at the time was still a student and wasn’t interested in trying to make a “long distance” relationship work (we were an hour’s drive away from each other, but whatever). I was lonely and while I worked with a number of fat women at the factory I was working in, they were either three times my age or batshit insane (I’ll never forget the woman with the waist-length mullet who believed “CSI: Miami” was a documentary show like “COPS”). Dating apps weren’t really a thing yet and I wasn’t sure about trying a dating site, but chatting with fat girls who liked showing their bodies off sounded like a good time.

On the board, a young woman caught my attention; she was smart as hell, witty in what she had to say, and her profile picture was her in zombie makeup (at the time, I was writing a horror movie review blog and was very active in that scene). Even more intriguingly, she didn’t post nudes; she’d posted a couple of artfully blurred selfies, and one shot showing some ample cleavage in a red lacy bra. We got to chatting via private messages and really hit it off. In November 2010, we talked it over and decided that we were boyfriend and girlfriend. She showed me her body over webcam in either late December 2010 or early January 2011; we met for the first time when I went to visit her at the end of January 2011. She was bigger than any woman I’d dated previously, and at the time I considered her an SSBBW. I had a really great weekend with her, and knew I wanted to continue the relationship.

We did the long-distance thing for a while, and both of us drifted away from FF around 2011-2012; it was starting to feel like a toxic environment, with a couple high-profile “blow-ups” sticking in my memory. The first was another woman my girlfriend and I had become friends with expressing a need for some emotional support as her mom battled a serious illness, and getting lashed out at for it; she’d posted her request in the appropriate subforums and everything but for some reason one of the mods really got vicious with her about it, resulting in her quitting the board. The second...yikes. A model posted a spread-asscheeks photo and had a very visible smear of shit around her asshole. This was very much not a scat board or anything like that. Somebody responded with a comment along the lines of “Uhhhh, is anybody going to say anything about the lack of wiping?” and multiple people replied in all-caps, condemning the commentor for “body shaming.” Yeah. That’s when my girlfriend and I left the board.

Fast forward to February 2014, she moved in with me, and by 2015 we were describing ourselves as “married in all but paperwork.” We didn’t officially tie the knot until summer 2022. The relationship hasn’t been perfect – no relationship ever is – and we’ve both had to put in the hard work to grow and learn as people and be there for each other. Nor is it necessarily the BBW relationship I’d dreamed of; her libido’s never been particularly strong, so while lovemaking is infrequent, when she loves she loves hard.

My now wife is 5’9”, with 44DDD breasts and a 62” hip measurement. Her weight has fluctuated over the years, with her heaviest being around 350 lbs and her smallest being about 290. She’s hovered around 320-330 for most of the relationship, I’d guess. She worries a lot more about the numbers on the scale than I do; me, I just fall more in love with her and her body every day. I’ll be honest – I jack off to my wife more than any cam girl or porn star. I never used to be a huge ass addict, but I can’t get enough of her ass. I’m dramatic about it; if she swats my hand away when I’m trying to give a cheek a squeeze, I act like I’m dying and give an Oscar-worthy performance of “death from no ass squeezing.”

She’s had some health issues in the last year – nothing weight-related, though her weight does add an additional challenge to treatment; it doesn’t help that getting up over 320 lbs tanks her self-esteem, either, so she’s currently working on losing some of the weight with my full support and encouragement. Her goal is to get down to 250 lbs; I’ll love her the same at any size.
What are your top 5 horror movies and what interests do you share? Thanks for sharing, oldfag.

I hope she can be healthy and try to keep her weight, but best wishes drowning in all the ass, grandpa. Maybe she can be temporarily thin enough to pump babies into then she gains mommy weight?
Top 5 horror movies, no particular order: The Mummy (1932), The Thing (1982), Alone in the Dark (1982), Them! (1954) The H-Man (1958).

No babies for us, I got the snip last year. Pregnancy would unfortunately be life-threatening for her so it was an easy decision to make. The big issue that cropped up last year is she's got neurological damage, triggering migraines and right side weakness (it was misdiagnosed as a stroke during her first flare up). We're learning to live with it.

Don't worry. You'renot missing out on anything. Believe me.
Don't make me post the Happy Merchant meme.
Maybe you can adopt an orphan from the war in Ukraine one day? I'm sorry about that though. And thanks I'll check those out, surprised you chose a 30s film, I guess you don't like the 1999 version haha. Very classic choices.

I haven't made any choices (yet), and nutter, please don't post any memes, for your own sake. How did I know? Sometimes I know, sometimes I don't know. I don't really care. I see it all. I see it in my dreams. Sometimes I know about it, sometimes I didn't know of it before hand. All I am saying is that if I had a say in the matter all of you would be in a deep dark ditch for the terror and what you have done to the people of my country.
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I'm a couple years older than you and was a regular in online feedist spaces and the IRL bash scene in the mid-2000s. Thanks for sharing your story, fellow oldfag. I wish mine had a happy ending like yours.

You waiting twelve years to actually put a ring on it was the right decision. In hindsight that's what I wish I had done. I've rambled about it here before and don't want to write yet another tl;dr self-pity post, but I'm the unhappily married guy who's stuck in a dead bedroom with a fat woman who I find beautiful but who thinks it's gross that I'm attracted to her. (She admitted a few years ago that during our courtship she had been faking it.)

I don't regret burning out on the feedist community and marrying a "vanilla" fat woman who I met on a normie dating site, because it was the right decision at the time. I was sick of the toxicity you mentioned, and the "fishbowl" effect which made it difficult to have a normal "getting to know you as a person" dating life with women in the community. (Everybody knows everybody, everybody is somebody else's ex, and the minute you get romantically involved with someone the whole scene starts gossiping about it.) I knew I wanted marriage and maybe kids, and I don't care about real life weight gain as long as my partner is fat enough to get me going, so those were the criteria I was using for a potential relationship.

But I do regret rushing so quickly into getting married. She seemed perfect at the time, but our relationship went sour quickly once our initial infatuation wore off. The sunk cost fallacy of being legally married made me trick myself out of seeing obvious red flags until we had a kid together and it was too late to turn back.

We're staying together for the sake of the kid, because in addition to the emotional damage it would do, a divorce would totally nuke both our finances. (Besides the sex issue, we have pretty serious lifestyle differences.) But it's a bleak situation, and sometimes I feel like I'm slowly going insane from lack of intimacy.
I love the 1999 version, but it's less horror and more action/adventure to me.
I would have probably put a ring on it sooner, but she wanted to take time to focus on her education and building a career.

I'm sorry you're struggling with that. Our bedroom seems very nearly dead pretty often - between her health issues, feeling uncomfortable in her own skin, and being somewhat asexual, she doesn't feel capable of intimacy all that often. I love her, I adore her body...the only time we've had a fight recently was when I told her she was beautiful and she told me to get my eyes rechecked. That hurt to hear, and it's part of a bigger issue we're working through.
>Our bedroom seems very nearly dead pretty often
>she doesn't feel capable of intimacy all that often
>I told her she was beautiful and she told me to get my eyes rechecked

Uh, anon, I'm not trying to be snarky here, but this doesn't really sound to me like you're "living the dream"...

I'm glad your relationship is meaningful enough that you're able to live with the lack of sex. I don't feel that way about mine. It's a complicated question that every man has to figure out for himself: what's the difference between being a good man who sticks with his woman even when times get hard, and being a self-mortifying fool? For me it's a moot point because my primary duty isn't to her, or to an abstract belief in the institution of marriage, it's my responsibility to my kid.

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