
(259 KB, 1080x596, Screenshot_20230301_160143_org.adblockplus.browser_edit_435108589332565.jpg)
The only things which get me aroused include:
-the woman being visibly fatter and all thay comes with it
-stuffing herself in public while wearing clothing which dosen't cover much at all especially not her fat belly
-fondling her fat and making remarks about it in public
-her being friends with one or multiple other young women who are preferably much skinnier than her,who:
a)want her fatter with as many stretch marks as possible
b)want her to show as much flab as possible and how fat and permanently stuffed she is
c)want to stuff her until she is "stretched out" and then eat some more until she can hardly breathe or walk
d)will poke,grab at and jiggle her fat mockingly
e)will tease her about how she let herself go,how much she can eat and how her stomach is an endless hole,how lazy she is,how she resembles a pale pig
f)will buy her tons of junk food,tight clothes she is going to burst out of when going out and other stuff of this nature
g)want to bring her everywhere to make them look good in comparasion and embarrass her
*for d)-g) all the while heavily encouraging her to stuff herself and when she gives in gaslighting her saying that they didn't make her do anything and that she is just a gluttonous pig controlled by her stomach or something similar;all the while in public but not necesarily only in public
you must be the same gypsy who said he has never mastrubated. pretty sure all these scenarios appeared in porn you watched, none of them appeared organically. so you're a FA who needs to see something specific to get off, not much different than all of us and other coomers, who scour the net to find the perfect porn vid for the day.
>who said he has never mastrubated
Good memory pajeet
>pretty sure all these scenarios appeared in porn you watched
I don't think so

Why an FA?
okay here's the response you're begging for, you're a slightly autistic guy that gets off to talking about his fetish under the guise of a discussion
He just like me fr
As for you, OP, find slightly less obvious avenues and be much less obvious about it. 4chan is a great place cause they always seethe so much whenever an obese woman is mentioned or shown that they don't realize you're just fetish-posting. Also, because way less obvious about it
I just read this over and it sounds incomprehensible lmao
What are you trying to say
>OP, find slightly less obvious avenues and be much less obvious about it
What? Why?
I made this post with the purpose of finding what the things I like are categorised into
It's humiliation and exhibitionism. It's amazing this obvious answer wasn't said sooner.
>It's humiliation and exhibitionism
The OP has a fetish related to fat women being embarassed and/or showing their bodies in uncomfortable situations. Which is actually more complicated than "humiliation and exhibitionism" but hey, you asked.
If not "humiliation and exhibitionism" then what?
I’m saying it’s exactly humiliation and exhibitionism, just that I was overexplaining it.
>humiliation and exhibitionism
Humiliating and exposing himself? What?
Humiliating and exposing FAT WOMEN, stompzinnige.

JFC, I know there may be a language barrier but can we employ a ~little~ intuition here???
>>27111 whats it called when you humiliate and expose fat women?
What's it called when you have a foot fetish, but you only find women's feet sexy if she's wearing legging/sewatpants or any other king of long pants that reach down to the ankles?
How is this related to the subject at hand
They were shitting on me
They were saying my question/fetish is autistic
That's because it is

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