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I’ve had this fetish for as long as I remember - really into bbws, ssbbws, immobility etc. but I just want to be attracted to normal people. There are loads of people that I know who I think are really attractive but I’m scared if I sleep with them I won’t be able to get hard because they’re not fat. Please help?
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You're in luck, I know a doctor in the UK who'll cure you.
You don't
This is pretty much your sexuality forever. Pray and try to find compromise in balance, I suppose.

Bro please invest in a dictionary. I keep telling you. You make us look stupid. Stupider than we are. Sexuality isn't even a word. It's supposed yo be "sexualness". The word sexuality became popular many years ago because some asshole coined it, and it doesn't mean what you think it means.
My man where do you think words come from?

>>26896 (OP)
In my personal experience personality and connection goes so much farther than looks to get it on. The looks can help in casual encounters for sure (most of my casual encounters are with women 2-3 times my weight) vs most of my long term relationships with women who are chubby at most (mostly due to compatibility more than anything, I'd love to date someone three times my weight), in both scenarios I have had amazing sex. And in LTRs I go through times when I am watching SSBBW porn daily and others where I don't watch for weeks. The desire comes and goes. But we all have fantasies and desires, they can be appreciated as such. Sexuality is a dynamic and fluid thing too, just do what makes you happy and find ways to explore your fantasies and desires before really giving up on them or putting them aside out of fear treat people with respect along the way and you'll be fine.

>where do you think words come from?
Stfu everything you know you've learned from reading my posts. Fucking joke
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>>26896 (OP)
Its like being gay or any other fetish you don't, the best you can do is either mitigate and keep it to fantasy (i.e don't get involved in feederism and FA stuff irl) or go full turkey and live somewhere with little to nothing pertaining to your fetish (i.e a country with mostly skinny people or a monastery) thats really your options. Well I guess you could be like that one meme, and have a skinny gf/wife and fap to bbw pics online but that wouldn't really be fair to them lol.

>Its like being gay
-Anon, 2023

Oh, btw.... words come from sounds fucking idiot stop fucking without condoms

I said no lies here, dude is fucked just like the ret of us
It's possible to find the right balance. Find a girl that you can't take your mind of in the 80-100 kg range, for me at least it's enough to satisfy the hunger for a big girl, but still small enough to avoid facing the judgement for dating a big girl and all the problems as they are still avle to be relatively fit and healthy when needed. If you date a genuinely thin girl after a lifetime of masturbating to SSBBW softcore it's pretty likely you'll be left dissatisfied by her body.
At its core. Being 100% feeder will scare away and gross out 99% of women. Just forget all the shit feedees say, they’re full of shit.
Be in shape, get money… unless you find someone special fat women are dime a dozen and will make it easy to bang them.
You think hot value fat women are a dime a dozen??? I have yet to find one
Fuck it's true. Got in too deep with a girl I'm with who is super hot but I've been with SSBBWs pretty much since I started dating and now I'm becoming the meme.

Hoping it's a phase but goddamn it's hard going to work in an upper middle class area where BBWs and even SSBBWs are plentiful.
I violently disagree with this. I believe that the vast majority of (American) women would be ok dating a feeder. Most of the non-feeder couples I know have one or both couples accidentally gaining 20+ lbs. If your girl knows that you like her bigger, then she's likely to just give in and eat more, since it's a short and long term win.

So long as you aren't totally creepy about it (gain weight or I will break up with you), then you're fine. just don't be a retard about it.
Bumping to get some more insights…
>>26896 (OP)

Take this advice from somebody whose been down this road: you're attracted to what you're attracted to. No amount of conversion therapy or convincing yourself otherwise is going to change that. Going down the suppression path just leads to anger and mental illness.

You're attracted to fat chicks. It's not that big of a deal at the end of the day, and life is way too short to get hung up on it.

Your options are essentially to date people you're not physically attracted to (or not date at all) which will only work out well in a narrow set of circumstances, like if your partner is asexual and you're okay with using porn to get off. On the other end, you can date the immobile you are attracted to, which in your case is probably impractical given how extreme that is. Most practically, you can find a compromise somewhere in the middle, where you date somebody whose still quite big and that you find attractive but in a more manageable weight range.

None of these options are going to change your sexual attractions, they're more management techniques. Some are more manageable than others. All rely on you accepting that you get off to fat women.
why are there so many threads crying about having a fat fetish

when did FA men become such losers
People keep getting born?

I just assume they're all started by 15-19 year olds who are still figuring themselves out, say my piece about getting the fuck over it (but a little bit nicer), and move on.
What wrong with these losers?

Nobody's forcing anybody to be in a relationship or get married! Maybe they should start though!!! Hahaha. You're all retarded
I dunno. I am effeminate man.
I have been looking into hypnosis. That is all the advice I can give.
Delete your porn stash. Normal women make better partners anyway. Once thing I’ve learnt from dating fatties is they have terrible personalities and they suck to be around long term. It is possible to at least be able to fuck normal women if not completely rid yourself of the fetish. First step is deleting the porn though
Why do this happen, do they just hate themselves?
What? Why are you dating women with terrible personalities?

Go to an event or convention of something you’re actually interested in, then see if there is anyone fat and cute there. Chances are high you’ll be talking to someone dateable.
>It is possible to at least be able to fuck normal women
Can only get it up to specific instances of feederism porn
>>26896 (OP)
Try dating a fat woman, somehow something deep inside your mind will snap:
>You'll get disgusted and rethink your life
>You'll get aroused and won't let go the fatty with her cushion arms

Idk, women can be total cunts once you pump their egos and might even see you as the father figure they never had, even the most traditional girls have her skeletons hiding in the closet.
>>26896 (OP)
It don't recommend it, but this is how I did it.

I've got addicted to stims about 1,5 year ago and when I was high I would stimfap to fat porn for hours, for days sometimes even. Few months ago I stopped feeling attraction to fat chicks when not speeding, but kept attraction to "regular" girls. As you can guess I failed at keeping clean and I'm high for the first time in a month, and of course I ended up here. I think it's a effective method but risky for other reasons and I don't recommend it bro
god has struck us with a punishment, for he hates us. I say, live, out of pure spite.
Yes often. It’s the way insecurity often manifests. Projecting, controlling, clingy, and misery loves company.

Not every fat girl is like that, but I have unfortunately dated girls who were insecure and it’s exhausting
>Delete your porn stash.

there was some discussion in the Candii Kayn thread about this but it was deleted so i'll post it here

My OCD habits cause me to archive content but I rarely actually watch it. porn is great for figuring out what you like but once you've found out what that is every minute spent watching it is time lost you could've spent on making yourself more attractive to a partner or finding one which can make it possible live out fantasies IRL.

as a man you're not going to hit a wall anytime soon, but dating won't become easier.

it's also good to realize you might be more attracted to certain proportions than pure size itself.
This. It's been documented that over time porn will make you seek out more and more extreme content.

You need to maintain a healthy relationship between fantasy and reality. My favorite models tend to be in the 250-350lbs range but IRL I'm perfectly happy with a woman much smaller.

One of my most recent exes was only 160lbs and I had no trouble getting it up or enjoying her body.
Kisame here. I consume porn and I don't seek extreme content. I already accepted Satan
In my experience, it's really obnoxious having this fetish and maintaining a relationship. I have not been lucky enough to find someone who naturally was into this, and the girls I've dated have 100% been insecure about the idea and their weight despite having 100% tendencies. They're worried about health related things or think that being skinny is the only metric of attractiveness, so it always felt like a constant tug of compromise where I always have to get the short end of the stick. Makes me think it's better to erase the fetish altogether like OP because even if there's more of a positive "movement" for fat women, it only ever seems to apply to those predisposed to being large and embracing it, rather than enjoying the idea altogether.

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