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Anyone been reading about the new GLP-1 class of weight loss drugs going around? How big of an impact will they be? Will this be the end of big girls as we know it?
>>26892 (OP)

The medicine costs almost $1400 per dose without insurance. At least do some reasearch before posting another bullshit doom thread.
Most of the attractive bbws with all their teeth can get their hands on it. Right now; the fatties I know are down big. Maybe they’ll yo-yo it back and more once they stop because this shit isn’t sustainable.
Location has a lot to do with it. Impossible to get in NYC, LA, Bay Area and other places with a lot of rich people. My friend has great insurance and is actually diabetic and can't get her hands on it. And far as I know the weight loss is 15-20 pounds (?). Drop in the bucket if you're 350+. Finally, these drugs are new, and long term effects are unknown, and apparently if you go off them the weight comes back on twice as fast. I'd hold off before calling this the FA apocalypse.

Bright side, it could be a net win. They seem to be very effective against T2 diabetes. Women can blow up bigger without worrying about the 'beetus.
Why does anon think that pretending to be an American and a boomer (80 years old?) while using this imageboard justifies an excuse to act like a retard in every thread?
This shit gives you cancer doesn't it?
We’ll find out soon enough. This is medication to control insulin but thousands of doctors are prescribing it off-label for weight loss. The drug wasn’t tested for this. Meanwhile both the doctors and the pharma companies are banking insane money off it, rolling the dice. With the massive opioid settlements from a few years ago, we see the money they make in the run-up can easily offset a few hundred million or even billions in lawsuits and fines.
Mine’s on this. She hasn’t lost much, but I won’t have to worry about her losing a foot. I’m not too worried about it’s impact on the lifestyle.
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I am a pharmacy tech. There was another thread recently about Saxenda (which is a similar but different drug) which I posted in.
I will do a little FAQ for you.
>How much does it cost?
I have attached an image which shows the trade price. This is how much an Irish pharmacy pays for Ozempic. "MCS" means "manufacturer cannot supply".
Pharmacies generally charge customers about €200 for it (bear in mind this includes taxes etc, but we are obviously profiting from it). One pen lasts 4 weeks.
The government will give it to you for free if you're diabetic. Otherwise you have to pay. I don't know whether insurance companies will cover it (that isn't really a thing here), but I would guess no.
>Does it work?
I hear conflicting reports. Some people say it works for them, others say it doesn't. Anecdotally, one of my colleague's friends is on it; he lost a lot of weight but he looks like shit. Another colleague's friend lost weight but immediately gained it all back (and more) as soon as she stopped taking it. Personally I have not seen any of my patients lose a noticeable amount of weight from being on it.
>How does it work?
It's supposed to make you feel full sooner while eating. This is supposed to help you eat less and therefore lose weight.
>What are the side effects?
From the BNF (medical book):
- excessive burping
- gallstones
- constipation
- diarrhoea (patients have personally reported this one to me)
- dizziness
- fatigue
- nausea (patients have personally reported this one to me)
- vomiting
>Will this cause the BBW-pocalypse?
Too early to say. I think the high cost and scarcity of this drug both present a big barrier to entry for most people. If it was cheaper and easier to get, everyone would be on it. I see a lot more people on Saxenda (even though it's more expensive and harder to use) because it's much easier to get.
I haven't really seen any attractive BBWs on these drugs. Usually it's soccer moms or middle aged women. I have seen very few people we would consider SSBBW/SSBHM taking it.
BBW-pocalypse or no, I think the extreme popularity of these drugs should remind us just how much (the vast majority of) women hate being fat.
Drug costs in the EU are tightly regulated. Here in Freedomland big pharma can charge whatever they wish, so it's about $1,000 without insurance. With insurance the average cost seems to be around $200, so about the same. Of course insurance coverage in the US varies quite a lot depending on what state you live in, whether it's provided by your employer, union, or you buy it individually. There are Obamacare (govt-subsidized) plans that don't include drugs at all, or have a very low deductible per year on meds, or that only cover generics, not on-patent stuff like Ozempic. Guess why the leading cause of bankrupcy and greatest source of debt in the US is medical expenses.

>Guess why the leading cause of bankrupcy and greatest source of debt in the US is medical expenses.
You're full of it. It's the 3rd leading reason for bankruptcy, and medical bills are not a "cause" for anything except maybe depression. Look in the dictionary for the word "cause" idiot

>Obamacare (govt-subsidized) plans
Obamacare was a publicity stunt to get their foot in the door with the idea of health being a responsibility of the government somehow, as if the country is some sort of collective being with a concious. The reason for Obamacare is greed, and politics. The medical and pharmaceuticals industry is the most powerful industry America has ever seen by a factor of 3 (or 3 times the size of any other industry.) There's a lot of old citizens. There's a lot of money stored in old citizens bank accounts. There's also a lot of African American voters who supported Obama. African Americans tend to have hereditated problems. You do the math. Next on the agenda is likely to be government payed-for housing and an amedment to the constitution that it's the governments respondibility to provide housing. Why? Greed. You are their slave because you're stupid.

Even before Obamacare there were government assisted and non-government assisted programs and some of them are for anybody to use independant of your income. The most popular of these programs is not government assisted and is advertised on TV regularly. A rash I had needed a prescription (or so said the pharmacist. kek) and it went from $110 down to $20 and this is without any other combination of helper programs or Obamacare. The medical industry literally has enough money to give some away, and to throw some away.

>Will this be the end of big girls as we know it?
Will Science be the end of Science? Greed called and said "no".
>>33144 (Cross-thread)

The people who support Obamacare the most are employed by or work within the medical/pharmaceutical industries. Would you call that corruption, conflict of interests, or something else?

For example if I believe somebody in my family is somehow affiliated with Domestic Terrorists should I call the FBI on them?
What about in a few years when they become less expensive and easier to come by?
This is why I'm reluctant to try any drug for anything unless it's been around for a few decades. There is no way they can possibly know all the side effects of everything without years of data, and even then some of these companies are so crooked that they'd hide the data just so the can continue making money.
would you happen to be the same anon who posted a demographic breakdown of fat relationships in your life a while back?
I’d bet not taking it and eating like a pigs more likely to give you cancer. GLPs are pretty well understood chemistry.
You’re taking drugs from the past whose side effects are worse and everyone knows it.

>>What about in a few years when they become less expensive and easier to come by?

Cheap healthcare? In America? Come back when a ride in an Ambulance costs less than $1000.
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>bbwpocalypse status

You do realize only smooth brains use reddit, right?
That’s fine OP, this preference fucking sucks.
There will still be women who are proud of their curves, just because it's available doesn't mean everyone will take it. With size acceptance being a thing, it seems likely not everyone may want to take the WL drug. Plus how do you know it will work and not come with side effects? Like weight regain, or increased chance of heart attacks/strokes?
insulin isn't patented and should be dirt cheap to manufacture, yet it's only been getting more expensive for America. you guys should be fine. as for we Europeans... depends on whether our governments decide to fund the health services or not
I mentioned this earlier but the Irish govt gives Ozempic to diabetics for free, but won't give fatties any kind of financial help with it

Saxenda is different. the govt will give you financial help but you need to meet several different criteria
>≥18 years old
>BMI ≥35
and probably more shit that I'm forgetting
the soccer moms always get butthurt about this, that you need to be actually morbidly obese to get Saxenda covered by the govt lol
I think so yeah
I have a penchant for long winded autistic posts
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Autistic documentation of niche interests is the correct use of the Internet, continue making these quality posts and fuck the haters

t. fellow autist
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i’m not a hater at all! quite the contrary. i have a little sapio crush on you and i’d like to get to know you. i kept thinking about that last post but by the time i tried to find it it was gone. i’m not willing to post contact for obvious reasons but if you are i’d love to talk. i’ve got discord & kik, or a burner email would work.

t. fat femanon, see picrel
I didn't think anyone read that post, lol. I posted a pic of MacDougal from RDR1 with it as a tongue-in-cheek jab at myself because he's a hack armchair sociologist, which is the vibe I imagined I was giving off.
The post in question is here if you (or anyone else) wants to see it: >>24738 (Cross-thread)

My discord is thegreatfapsby#0923

I fully expect other people from here to message me / fuck with me but I don't really mind
Are you a gainer or have you always been chunky?
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Sorry for assuming you were a hater, femanon. I give my blessings to you and Eirebro.
Am I big retarded for thinking that this an absolute win for feeders and feedees? If weight loss is widely and cheaply available then any remaining fatties are almost certainly into it. At least for me, there’s nothing more disappointing than hitting it off with a (SS)BBW only to discover she hates her body and wants to drop +100lbs.
People losing weight would be a major loss for FAs. First, the acquisition of fetishes likely has an environmental component based around exposure. Meaning the more people that are exposed to heavier people the more fat fetishists there will be. Second, how comfortable fatties are in their skin is directly related to the percentage of the population who are also fatties. There is much less guilt in weighing 300 pounds when half the people you know are also obese. Third, the number of feeders is larger than the number of feedees. People losing weight will result in more people being unable to satisfy their fetish as you wouldn’t just be able to date some local fattie anymore. This raises the competition among feeders for their feedees.

All of that being said, I don’t think we have that much to worry about. It is not like this drug will remove most of the underlying causes of obesity. So it is likely most people will put the weight right back on after they lose it. From my understanding, this is already how things go. Most people can lose the weight when they diet. They simply put it right back on once their diet ends. This just makes the weight loss phase quicker.
Please post it here
It seems inevitable that, if not now, the end will come. At this point it seems like a matter of when, not if, something like this is brought to market for a reasonable price and available over the counter. Whoever manages to make that a reality will make an awful lot of money.
Idk how much Americans are gonna want to see their premiums jump so every fat woman can eat up 10-20k a year in cosmetic medicine.
You're probably right, the mystery is why it's taken so long. Then again big pharma's also dragging their ass on baldness cures, natural breast enhancement, and addiction treatment.
>>26892 (OP)
Finally... all the fat broads will be into it...
When I comment in this thread the mods always delete it, but this post is tempting to respond to.
>>26892 (OP)
I doubt it.

I have a family member who has diabetes and all of the bimbos trying to take this drug to lose weight has led to shortages.
So I am going to guess that there will probably be either regulations from the government to try to restrict it's usage to only people who have a prescription for diabetes. But probably just for the short term.

But in general, more diabetes treatment drugs will be coming around as obesity rates rise and more and more people get it. If anything the phrama companies where expecting you to pay around 1 to 2 million in lifetime medication expenses back in 2015, I think. So they are absolutely going to make more.
And honestly, diabetes is terrible for BBWs because although the changes to their metabolisms makes it much easier for them to gain weight and quickly too, it also fucks up their skin, hair, dark circles around the eyes, and drastically increases her risk for premature death.

So long term, I think the availability of these medications will probably lead healthier and prettier BBWs.
my 2 cents as a lifetime fat bitch: it is grim right now. I've recently been pursuing treatment for a health issue, and doctors literally dont even ask about diet and exercise anymore, the first thing they ask is if you've considered weight loss surgery and weight loss medication... the amount of times i've had to say "no I dont want an incredibly dangerous and invasive surgery to mutilate a vital organ leading to potential long term unforseen side effects" (in not so many words), only for them to ask me again next time if i've changed my mind. its no wonder to me why so many people are getting WLS and getting on ozempic, you can't go in for wound care these days without being peddled it.
It will never be better than it is right now. The hot fat chick population is going to go down.
Something morbid sci-fi about this is what I would say, but it seems like just with the opioid crisis this is a phase of corrupt doctors bribed to take advantage of an unregulated market. A lot of people are going to end up with mysterious illnesses.
The jab certainly doesn't help them either this way

I'm afraid of this. It seems the halcyon days of ever growing numbers of bbw, as well as the ideological growth of body positivity may be at an end. Since like 2020 I think celebrity culture has turned away from it and embracing thinness. And masses will continue to follow as this gets more available. That being said, I do think the internet has changed tastes and thickness will be forever more "in" for enough people that I don't think we should realistically be worried. It's not the 90s heroin chic era anymore where mass media is all that's available. Culture has irrevocably fractured and people have many more body ideals in their many microcultures today. There will be a large body posi contingent to refuse these drugs as well, as it does seem superficial and trendy. Plus as others point out this doesn't change underlying eating habits, just appetite suppression for a little while. Ultimately this will thin the herd but I think we shouldn't truly worry. There's still all those projections saying most of the world will be obese by 2050 or whatever, I wonder how these play into those projections.
How much does this matter to the people in this discussion? You’re not getting laid and will obsess over one mid grade bbw regardless

Idk I do get laid decently regularly, and like I'm young and plan on living in a bunch of places and wanna fuck a bunch of bbws. Online dating l and going out and meeting girls makes it so larger demographic trends do matter to personal experiences. If you got a wide or partner or are an incel then maybe it doesn't. Also if you are fucking it still probably doesn't matter since in a large enough dating pool there will still be plenty of fat chicks, even if there is a 25% decline or something.

Imagine bragging about getting laid.
>I'm young and plan on living in a bunch of places and wanna fuck a bunch of bbws
Ignore the shitposters, this is a good life plan for a young guy. It's what I should have been doing when I was your age tbqh.

Yeah thanks man, it's been a good time so far - but if these evil big pharma bastards cut down the bbw population it's gonna be a total bummer.
>>26892 (OP)
I've looked into this and this medication literally like.... dulls the pleasure-centres of the brain which doesn't seem particularly good for longterm health or just general enjoyment of life?

Yeah since this post was made awhile back, I keep seeing media hyping ozempic up as "the end to addiction" as we know it. Just ending compulsions in people outright who take it. Really interesting, kinda scary, any pharmabros know any more about this?
Pharmabro here. That sounds like a load of shit to me. Ozempic specifically works on your appetite and insulin response, which is why it was originally developed to treat diabetes. I don't think it would have any effect for addiction other than food addiction.

There is another drug called Mysimba (a diet pill) which is closer to what you guys are thinking of. Mysimba has two ingredients, Naltrexone and Bupropion.

Naltrexone is a drug which stimulates the opioid receptors in your brain without actually getting you high. It is most commonly prescribed for opioid addiction (as you would expect) or alcoholism. I have seen it prescribed on its own as an appetite suppressant for weight loss, but this is kind of rare. However, Naltrexone (specifically "low dose naltrexone" or LDN) is prescribed for a ton of random shit, and there is a very weird culture of quack doctors and patients who think it can cure just about anything, although there isn't really any evidence for this (obviously). Unsurprisingly, this bullshit is basically encouraged by the company that makes it, which annoys me.

Bupropion is an old-fashioned antidepressant, much more common in the US than in Europe. You've probably heard of it under the brand name Wellbutrin or Zyban. As well as depression, it is often prescribed to help people quit smoking. However, it has the ironic potential side effect of increasing suicidal thoughts. It is supposed to have appetite-suppressing qualities as well, which is why it is combined with Naltrexone in Mysimba.

Basically, I could see Mysimba (or either of its ingredients) being touted as a "cure for addiction" rather than Ozempic (and this would make a lot more sense based on how these drugs actually work) - but this hasn't happened, for the simple reason that Ozempic works a lot better for weight loss than Mysimba. In other words, smoothbrains are saying "omg guys ozempic can cure any kind of addiction!!" just because it works for weight loss. But that's just my two cents.

This is completely unrelated, but I dispensed a different weight loss drug for my ex's mom today. The drug is called Xenical, and it works by preventing your intestines from absorbing fat, with the side effect of giving you horrible, greasy shits. This works about as well as you'd expect, i.e. not very well.
idk i feel like this isnt going to be nearly as impactful as people think. still riding on that 80% obesity by 2050 or im losing a bet and a glorious utopian future

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