
(791 KB, 216x120, InShot_20230225_215111546.mp4)
This is Pedro Sánchez after approving Podemos' "improved modification" of the trans law.

An absolute 🐖.

No wonder (as I am typing this) 34 million spanish people are angry at him
Did they build this website near an asylum or some shit the off topic schizoposts are insane here
so he's a real dirty sanchez, huh?
>>26884 (OP)

If there's 1 thing I've heard consistently about Spain throughout the Latino and South American community is that "in Spain there is a lot of sexual perversion and racism/prejudice". I don't know because I haven't ever been there in that country. The only thing I know is that my 1 Spanish cousin is without a doubt the most beautiful out of all of my cousins. lol. She is breath-taking.

So, are Spaniards really racist perverts like Latino Americans always say? I'm not so sure, but I can tell you that I would rather live in Spain than in the US. lol. Unless they would treat me like an old dog in that country. I don't know. But look, I love sex with beautiful girls, and I don't like Latinos either. I call the Backinos. Trans rights? No. There's no need. Let's love and do what's best for those children. Let's provide them with a loving home and family, and let's do so selflessly. No. You don't want that either. You see? You're evil. Love is the only way. I will marry as many wives as it takes. I will hold them tight and say please don't ever leave my side.
>>26906 I don't need much rain. I'm not much of a drinker. I can go for weeks without water. Just a nice tall glass of bbw lemonade every once in a while is all I'll ever need.

Oh , nd getting my butt licked, too, but it can't be an ugly hoe. I only let cute girls like my butthole.

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