
If I'm purely focusing on weight distribution, i'd say black women. Now let's say 2 fat women were in front of me 1 black, 1 white my eyes would automatically go the white one. Curvy black women are such an usual sight that it has become a mundane fact of life in my head, whereas white fat women looking super striking. But how are we defining race here, haplogroups?
I'd say going by the common breakdown of races, fat black women are the most aesthetically pleasing. But to break everything down:

>White women
Their proportions generally fill out pretty well, though kinda middling in the ass category most of the time. Skin texture also tends to become a bit iffy once they push SSBBW territory for some reason.
>Black women
Having great tits AND ass seems to be more common with Black women than any other race. If they're missing one, they're very likely to have the other. Their skin usually remains soft to the touch as well. Only issues are that their faces can be a bit of an acquired taste comparatively speaking, and their hair is probably the least aesthetically pleasing out of any race.
>Hispanic women
Tend to have the best asses overall, though that seems to draw from boobs, which seem to usually remain pretty underwhelming in size even if the rest of them balloons. Good skin tone/texture, faces tend to be fairly easy on the eyes.
>Asian women
Usually have pretty underwhelming assets, but make up for it with possibly the nicest-looking faces of any race. This is applicable to both East and SEA BBWs.
>Native American women, Indian women, Anything else not listed.
Haven't seen enough of them to really draw any patterns.
There is no such things as races you fucking nazi
I tend to agree with your list, and I happen to live in a big, diverse city where just about every ethnic group on earth is represented so I can fill in some of the blanks:

Native American women turn into blocks when they get fat. Huge moon faces and thick torsos but small boobs and flat asses. Basically the worst. To a slightly lesser extent the same goes for Mexicans and Central Americans who are 100% indigenous.

Similarly, Pacific islanders are the fattest by percentage and so it's a shame they gain horribly, basically turning into fat men.

The Indian Subcontinent — India/Pakistan/Bangladesh — represents a lot of different ethnic groups, so it's hard to lump them together. (Same with "whites" imo.) But the northen Indian women I see the most tend to gain in their bellies, if you're into that... But then a lot of them grow huge asses as well. I happen to like Indian faces (big features, especially noses) and I think their faces stay attractive when they get fat, unlike a lot of whites and other ethnicities.

Arab women have a tendency to get super-pear shaped which I love. Same goes for ethnicities from the same neighborhood: Persians, Armenians, Turks, etc. I've seen some outrageously wide hips on Arab women, and it sucks they cover themselves up like they do.

I've noticed Ethiopian, Eritrean, and Northern Somali women, besides being beautiful, also tend to grow gigantic asses and hips while their faces and upper bodies stay relatively thin. That's my favorite figure type, so big shoutout to the Horn of Africa.

IMO Thai women gain best among Asians, in that they get curvier rather than blockier. There are a lot of fat Chinese people around now and though they're cute in an inflatable toy kind of way, I don't dig their bodies.
I've wondered this myself for a long time.
I'm someone who is specifically into disproportionately large round bellies, and I haven't been able to figure out why select women carry nearly all their weight in their belly and seemily most do not. There definitely seem to be some racial trends, but there are always outliers.
Jewish women tend to have bigger boobs o/a than their white gentile sisters. I don’t see a pattern otherwise, not really a cohesive ethnic group.
>SEA bbws
>indian women
...is India not in SEA?
Why do you like big noses?
No it isn't. SEA = Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia.
Totally different phenotypes bruh
Actually I do. An FA and a Beak Freak; go figure.
Oops sorry, you asked "why"... Same reason I'm into fat chicks I guess — I have no idea.
>>26853 (OP)
I'd say Hispanic is number 1
Followed by blacks
3 = Eastern European
5= western European
6= Asian
7= south asian
8 = islander
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Based nose enjoyer.

I could honestly write a novella on this topic. As a kid, I was actually disgusted by all noses. I loved noseless anime, South Park etc styles. I just saw them as ugly and weird, but over time that turned to morbid fascination. Then gradually regular fascination with some female noses, then arousal I guess. I only like certain types like pic related, generally "aquiline" or Roman.

My favorite features are a slight bump, coupled with a "curl" of the nostril (technically called an alar rim to doctors), so it's always as if the nostril is flared a bit. Not in like an African way though. Pic related.

I got lazy writing this already so I'll just day I think long noses and prominent features in general are super hot, and I'm repulsed by snub noses and overly soft features. In fact a sharp big nose is a win-win no matter a woman's size, because it's like a refined elegant queen when thin, and the same except decadent and warm and squishy when fat. Complement and contrast. Strong features are a marker of good genetic health, as we know in Nature from intuition (do frail little birds and branches survive storms?).

Some Slavic and Nordic women win in the sharp nose department, followed by Mediterraneans (Italians, Spanish, Lebanese, etc) for the similar Roman nose (including some Jews but it depends, ironically I don't like "hooked" much). After that it's a sharp pitfall for me. I've only liked a few noses of Asians and other races, usually when they're Euro-mixed or appear so.

Society sees women with big noses as masculine. I see it as true ascended, aristocratic feminity. The word "snooty" exists for a reason. The female nose was meant to be pinched, smooched, squeezed, and sucked. Even the literal BIBLE praises a woman's strong nose "like the Tower of Lebanon" in Song of Solomon 7:4 (look it up seriously). Jesus is with me on this one; deal with it fags brainwashed by pedo media to like dainty snouts.

>And yes Anon, before you ask, I have thought of fucking it.
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Excellent post, nose bro. Now I want to read a thread of high-quality posts like this where we talk about our other fetishes besides fat.

It's not a sexual kink for me, but I definitely appreciate a good nose. I find "aristocratic" long female faces attractive even on skinny women (matsumoto gang represent.) You see this in Northern Euros, but you also see it in certain Central Americans with indigenous blood, the classic Aztec sharp nose and long face. I'm not turned on by it sexually but I appreciate it aesthetically as being top tier, ya feel me?

As a nerdy romantic boy in a gifted & talented elementary school program, I had a lot of pre-sexual puppydog crushes on my classmates who were "smart girls." I'm a gentile, but I grew up in NYC suburbia so this usually meant Jewish girls. To this day I still have a low-key appreciation of the Ashkenazi facial phenotype, with the nose a big part of it. I find it striking and attractive on women, likeable and trustworthy on men. I always kinda figured I'd end up married to a nice Jewish girl from Scarsdale or Great Neck, although it didn't end up working out that way.
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Here are a couple of examples of random Slavic women I think have the sexiest noses, especially on the left which is like as close to perfection as I've consciously noticed in a woman, I think, combined with the rest of the face.

Anyway, it's so funny you post that anime girl because just yesterday I saw this guy posting 80s anime girls like that, praising them for big noses (possibly from French influence then - forgot to say French women often have the hottest profiles of West Euros too, that Gallic beak.) It just screams elegance yet strength to me. Maturity and sculpted refinement. Death penalty to cosmetic surgeons plsthx.

As for Jewesses, I agree that when they do have a truly beautiful schnoz it can be stunning, but so many get nosejobs these days and others are just homely in a way that isn't charming to me. It depends. At the end of the day I just need the "sharp" factor more than anything else. I need to feel the lady's face actively jutting into the fabric of spacetime making herself known, does that make any sense? "Slay queen."

(Btw I know this is always awkward for anons but let me know where I can follow you sometime if you have twitter or something)
OG nose guy here and I'm glad to hear I'm not alone (though I knew I wasn't lol).

Thinking about it a bit more, there's almost definitely an Oedipal thing going on because my mom has a pretty sizable schnoz, as do many women in my family. And having grown up in nabes with a lot of Jewish, Italian, Greek, etc, women big ones were almost the rule rather than the exception.

>I always kinda figured I'd end up married to a nice Jewish girl from Scarsdale or Great Neck

You dodged a bullet, brother.

I'm with you on long and sharp but I like big bulbous ones as well, like on some Indian women.

And btw if you want to vibe in a slightly less anonymous way I'm MrWrong1 on DA. Many of my comics and stories feature big-nosed babes.
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Sorry for deleting reply to reformat when you replied lol. Essentially all I said was pic related are my fave noses, left is pretty much perfect, these random Slavic women are top-tier to me.

Also I love big nose anime babes too, I had just seen a post of some guy showcasing 80s anime women with long noses, very cute, possibly French influence then (French women can have very hot nasal bridges as well). And some Jewesses have hot schnozzes as well indeed.

I'm very happy to meet 2 fellow rhinophiles (sorry lol) so soon after feeling so weird a long time. And I'll check you out OG nose guy!

Question then: What's the most fetish-y affection you have for noses? What do you want to do, or is it just admiration?
Just admiration. Like maybe I'll lick it if I'm in the moment, but same goes for her neck, etc. And yeah, we beak freaks are legion. You are not alone!
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Wow I didn't even know "beak freak" was a kinda real term, I found this woman from googling it.

This is like my true upper limit for size maybe but this is a hypnotic nose. The bump and nostril curl, everything is stunning. Of course she's married lol. Imagine her with 70 pounds of fat on to cushion such a regal profile. I would lick her nostrils.

You know any communities for this? Best I got is a su reddit /r/BigNoseLadies but it's pretty tame. :/ and self submission. I just want more of this. I want to pinch it a lot and feel it stab my cheek in a kiss.
SOrry, can't help you with communities... While thin women with huge noses turn me on more than thin women with small noses, it's still not enough for me to search them out.
Like the other guy, it's just an aesthetic thing for me, not a sexual thing. Skinny women do nothing for me sexually, period, so I'd still take an SSBBW with a snub nose over a long-nosed thinno, but if I had to choose between skinny women with otherwise equal faces the long nose would win. That said, if you asked me to sketch a beautiful female face in the platonic "these are the timeless proportions of ideal beauty" way, as opposed to me specifically being a feedist perv who likes triple chins and jiggly jowls, it'd look pretty much exactly like #2.

Trying to find a long-nosed Mesoamerican bas relief to accompany this post, but Google Image Search is not cooperating.

>You dodged a bullet, brother.

Heh, you're probably right. My (middle class gentile transplant) wifey is driving me crazy enough already with a move back to the suburban rat race and keeping up with the Joneses. I don't think I could handle a Scarsdale cardiologist's daughter, even in the unlikely event that she was a superfatty. (Gimme an old-time LES punker girl though... I'm liking your fiction and low-key crushing on the gals in the band from "The Big Bird.")

Off-topic: are you the NYC Jewish guy who's arguing with wignats over in another thread right now, possibly also the guy who had a convo about Gen X alt-comics a few weeks back? I feel like I recognize your writing style from a bunch of threads recently. Jealous of your property ownership if so. I fucked around and found out with a worthless humanities degree, so I missed the boat on buying before BK gentrification took off. A buddy of mine bought a loft in Williamsburg at the height of the Strokes / Yeah Yeah Yeahs era and he's been eating off that investment ever since.
I'm openly racist so Whites, but Latinas are a close second with asians coming close.
Other races are too valueless to be worth considering.

>>I'm openly racist
>>Other races are too valueless to be worth considering.

- Average mindset and vocabulary of a chan user.
Yeah that’s me lol. As it happens, I know one SSBBW doctor’s daughter from wealthy Jewish Westchester and she’s an awesome person but then I’m not married to her…

And indeed, buying my house was the one really smart thing I’ve done financially. It was a risk at the time and though I can’t retire off it yet (unless I want to do so in Honduras) if an Escape From New York scenario doesn’t happen first I’ll sell it and see out the sunset somewhere cheaper. And though I do count my blessings I had an opportunity to buy on the lower east side in the early nineties and chickened out. I’d be writing this from my private jet had I pulled the trigger.
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Lol, it's a small enough world that I may know who you're talking about if you've been involved in NYC FA/bopo stuff. And yes, very cool person. Hell, you and I might well have met IRL at some point if that's the case. But saying anything more would be doxing myself on bbw-chan and that would be foolish.

On-topic post regarding the Semitic ethnolinguistic clade and its distinctive nasal features: when I was in college there was definitely a "type" that was attracted to me, small quiet mousy girls who liked my non-threatening androgynous art boy vibe. Sadly, this is the exact opposite of *my* type (self-confident and gigantically fat) so I never followed through on this attention. One of these was a Palestinian girl in my comp sci class. Mostly she just flirted with me -- very smart math major and way better than me at the finer points of theoretical CS, but she'd ask me to come over and "help her study"~. Occasionally she would low-key try to get me interested in the Palestinian cause, because she knew I was involved in left-wing politics (I was the classic "idealistic but not actually very well-informed campus commie" at that point in my life.) She was a Marxist, in hindsight probably had some sort of PLO national liberation politics, definitely not an observant Muslimah. Unfortunately she weighed like 95 pounds and if I had responded to her affections (I didn't) I suspect I would have been literally physically unable get it up for her. Gotta be 300 at least to ride this ride.

No particular moral to this story beyond "she had a big nose and it was cute."
I recently saw this young woman who said hi to me briefly while talking to my mom. She was definitely of Levantine origin. Slightly tan, assimilated, dressed fresh yet modest. Bubbly, active smiley (but kinda subdued) personality, but with a BLUBBERY body and face. Had to be at least 280 pounds I very roughly estimate. She had a big nose, actually a bit bulbous which isn't my favorite, yet cradled in her double chin that was more like a little collar of lard and overall thick rotund shape and big chest, it was actually a bit hypnotic. All the bumps and curves with that personality were enigmatic. Unfortunately, I was dressed like a slob and feeling not 100% so I didn't even bother talking to her beyond a hi back. I just instantly wanted her to sit on my lap and suffocate me whilst she giggles about some inane drama.
Arab/Persian and Latina or anything brown

I actually think white and black girls look bad as BBWs (but hot as chubby)
Ok yes, let’s leave it there… I’ve already dropped too many hints where an enterprising psycho antisemite from the other thread could triangulate me and I’ll wind up a tragically weird news story.

Interesting chart, and as for your Palestinian admirer, not that women have ever jumped over each other to date me, but I’ve always gotten more attention from skinny women than fat. As in, I’ve always had to make the first move with fatties but I’ve been asked out by several thin women over the years. Flattering, but as you say, useless as tits on a bull. I think it’s because I’m more relaxed when talking to thin women, because I’m not interested in them. My game has improved now that I’m older (and it becomes a buyers market for solvent, nonincarcerated men) but I was kind of a dork in my youth.
Get in, chuddie, we're about to learn some racisms.

Very funny that the British bog apes are continuing this like their empire hasn’t been thoroughly destroyed by the burgers and arabs siphoning off all the money. Any explanation for why your cultural high watermark was when you were getting it with V2’s and doing the nighttime bomb runs (pussies)?
Blacks generally are really gross. Indo Europeans are the hottest from my pov
Showing flags on this website is a mistake, you just get fuckwits like this ignoring the point of the thread and derailingso he can wank to owning le brits

Yet you didn't say shit to the guy who started it by literally saying that he's openly racist. Or are you saying something just because he said something about your piss smelling country?
say it with me
Go back to your horse drawn carriage and run down shack Czechia. You’re a failed state and a failed people. Putin will own you.
Funniest shit I've heard in ages
bLacks even in america have better lives than you pathetic, literal peasants. The rest of the world advanced from medieval times but not you, no you still all wear the same burlap rags and live in huts and dried out mud piles. It's like hobbiton if the hobbits never learned to make circular doors. Get out of prague where the only internet in the whole country is and where you don't belong, take your wagon back to the fields and go to bed on your bag of straw.
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if you switched prague with any african city(north africa included)it would be even more accurate
>>26853 (OP)
East Asian is definitely bottom-tier.
South Pacific is worse because besides the manly fat distribution they’re ugly too. At least many East Asians have pretty faces.
lil bro's got personal issues with czechia
Eastern European women have some of the manliest faces and fat distributions. The people basically descended from livestock and reproduce like feral dogs. Those babushkas are half as old as they look.
British people look like melted candles, all waxy with sunken piglike eyes. They seem covered in skin tags and moles and other evidences of a poor genetic composition and equally poor diet.
Out of all the things that could've been said about white countries, you call the women ugly? Are you racist?
>>28639 l
Canadians are somehow uglier than white Americans. Small gene pool of francophonic fur trappers and British people. Dude literally called black people gross and you’re offended someone called white women low mid grade.
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Ugly men in French society are the chads. They assert themselves in such a way that Stacy's bend over. Hugo and Karine are noticably the two characters who assert themselves in Les Nombrils. Clover from Totally Spies is the outlier cause she's nonchalant about gaining weight.
You should become a poet, you really have a way with words
Just adding I love me a big jewnose/italian nose
So much I married a jew, but somehow my italian nose is bigger than hers lmao
Sauce pls
Bless you fellow beak enjoyer. Got any public figures you compare her to? Hope you bite and kiss it.
This is cope tbh. Some of the most beautiful women in the world are Slavic (yes without surgery), and even yes, a number of Anglos, I'm serious. One of the few actual 10/10s I've seen facewise was half Slav half Celtic-Germanic.
Yeah, look at Greta Thunberg! How are you gonna say Slavic people aren’t all gorgeous
>>26853 (OP)
I nominate this for most indian question of the year
>pls open VERY BIG bobs and vagene. yes pls do the needful fat lady thank you come again

>I'm so smart I'm practically psychic.
Next he'll get up and get something to eat. You're getting hungry. VERY hungry... Then after he eats I will predict that he's going to go take a shit!

The country with the most stupidest old ppl. I regret moving to this forsaken country everyday (In English). And my gf is a granny now, btw. She's got a big heart. She's 1 of the good ones. The rest are pure evil. I love to suck on my old girl's titties.
>>318209 (Dead) I thing I can't stand about homosexuals is their disengenouity. It's got nothing to do with their lies or deciet. It's their life. Idgaf. They're not real men. Everything about them and their personality's copied and fake. Everything about them is stolen from some other cock. They're pretenders. Posers. They've got no brain or a soul. They're disconnected from God. They're pure evil. Much like old ppl in that way.

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