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It's from My Name Is Earl. Her name is Sheila. What is the hottest thing you ever seen on tv?
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This probably isn't the hottest-hottest, but first thing that came to mind was this massive scooter-riding, oxygen-huffing judge who was herself on trial for abusing her position in various ways. One of them was making her baliff massage her feet.

It really does read like fetish fiction you’d find on Deviant Art. Imagine going into that courtroom and the judge is a massively obese bitch on a scooter with an oxygen tube. I’d assume I’d been drugged in jail.
>a pre-teen boy gasped aloud when he saw her
The exact moment another fat admirer is awakened.
Imagine if she got that fat because she was being bribed with extravagant feasts at mafia-owned restaurants.
>Judge Elizabeth Halverson enjoyers
Patrician taste in this thread.
>To this day, Chairez, now a candidate for the Nevada Supreme Court, considers her a brilliant legal mind. Her problems getting along with others started on Day 1, he says, when, already obese but still able to walk, she asked for a handicapped parking spot, which perturbed other staffers, for whom parking is an issue.
This is my waifu. This woman was made for me.
Absolute queen. How did I not know her before. Need morbidly obese girlboss judge wife.

Also she divorced her husband because he hit her with a frying pan lol
>One of them was making her baliff massage her feet
Lucky bastard.
I watched his trial testimony, he seemed really upset about it, actually started crying. Criminal court baliffs are not known for their sensitive feelings. He could have been angling for a follow-up lawsuit if she was dismissed but that seems a longshot. No judgeship, no money. I think she's one of those toxic master manipulators who did a number on everyone who worked on her.
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>>26837 (OP)
Not my preferred body type (or music genre), but 1) the huffing and puffing between phrases, 2) the inability to sit upright, 3) scale provided by the crypto gay enabler bf and the chubster host, 4) the startling regain after well-publicized (and contract-required!) loss, 5) that they DON'T mention fat — the "elephant in the room," so to speak — are golden.

Yikes, the comment section is brutal lol
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OH my gosh, wow. What is she eating? Her agent must be going insane. This is literally cartoonish, this reminds me of that episode of Producing Parker where Dee grew huge. It's like she's wearing a fat suit. I wonder how many FA fans she has.
Did Chrissy Metz regain? I could’ve sworn she lost weight and it was a thing because she lost a hundred pounds.
Yeah, wasn't she contractually obligated to lose weight for This Is Us?
Best I can tell (sifting through her million clickbait links), she lost 100 pounds in 2020 but has obviously gained it back since and then some. That talk show clip I posted is from a month ago. Also saw on her Wiki page she lost 50 lbs in 2017 but tracing her photos she gained that back and more before the bigger loss a few years later.

I heard about the contract too but can’t find confirmation, seems to be a rumor. I’m not sure how the show could enforce that anyway — seems a doctor/psych could get her off the hook.

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