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This thread is all about explaining the struggles of daily life as a fat person and things you’ve experienced with fat people (or even yourself)
1) public transportation is pointless. Mine is pushing maybe 360 and the bus gives her anxiety. Granted, that’s only if we go into the city, since who wants to drive, but still. I’m sure it’ll get better once the suburbs calm her down.

2). A good amount of fat girls I’ve known are noisy eaters. Sometimes it can be grating.

3). Ive started sitting in on her doctors appointments. It’s mostly to help her anxiety, but I also want to make sure some fatphobic doc doesn’t meddle too much.
Does she struggle with her walking and breathing at all yet? My girl is hitting around the 250 mark and so far she seems the same mobility, hygiene wise but she wants to get fatter which I’m all for but I’m just curious on how much of a struggle it is being 360 pounds.>>26715
I can definitely tell you from my super fat friends that creeps aren't nearly as hesitant to approach you and cop a feel IRL. They all have stalker stories that my thinner friends don't even touch.
Gotta slow down when I walk with her, but other than mobility is still fine. Definitely gets winded if you walk too far without a break. Entirely manageable.
Can confirm. Mine has told me about guys trying to chat her up. Usually on the bus or oddly enough while grocery shopping.
It’s fat women’s fault: they got all that tastey meat and a nice big shiny coat of skin to match.
Mmmmmmm. Food and fashion.
Not OP, but my girl is 5ft4 and has ranged from 300 to 350. At 350 she's *really slow* at walking but at 300 basically normal. She says some of the difference is down up asthma though (changed medications has improved her breathing).
That’s pretty interesting how 50 pounds can make that much of a difference
It’s the habits that helped her put it on, too. Mine’s been more sedentary, for sure. I’m assuming some people are reading this for things to expect, but you’ll have plenty of nights in when your girl hits a certain size.
Vacations take some extra planning. Currently looking at fat-friendly resorts, but it’s hard to find anything post-covid. I’m guessing some of these places didn’t make it.

So yeah, plane seats and the like. These women are worth the extra effort, though.
I honestly didn’t even think about vacation planning but hell yea, fat women are worth it 100%
A few years ago, I was on a date with this gay girl who wasn’t obese but definitely a little big. I’d say 5’3 150-160. I had asked her out and we went out for a smoothie and then went to go out walking. After just 10 mins of walking, i could hear her breathing heavily but doing it really quietly so I didn’t hear her. She was trying her best but I definitely heard it and literally starting getting hard. I was really trying to stop but I couldn’t. She noticed it and her exact words were, “what’s going on down there?” I was kinda embarrassed but she was more just joking around and she said she didn’t mind I was getting hard off her. Also later that day we went out to eat and she got a salad. I felt bad cuz Ik she only got the salad because she was heavy and wanted to give off a good impression. Sadly not with her anymore but thought this was a good story for this thread.
Omg I meant fat not gay 🤦‍♂️ no clue how I missed that up
You didn’t try to stop for a sec for her to catch her breath? Like you could’ve offered and given her an out.
I should’ve yeah but I didn’t because I didn’t want to embarrass her. I could her she was trying to hide it.
If I can be discreet with a girl in the mid-300’s, you could have been with your twig. I don’t turn to mine and say “hey, you’re gulping air. Why not find a bench to support you?”. Stop and point out something scenic. Stop walking and just chat. Letting her get gassed and stay that way isn’t noble or respectful of her lol.
That’s fair enough I should’ve done something like that. At least now I know for my next fat girlfriend lol
Anyone have skincare routines? My gf has a pretty good regimen for moisturizing and stuff, but nothing for folds and stretchmarks. I know some ssbbw swear by baby powder or something similar. Any tips? She’s not actively gaining, but it’s piling on. I just don’t want her to end up smelling like death.
seconding this. My girl carries most of her weight in her ass and legs and gets chub rub behind her knees. I love her and don't want her to get that red inflamed bleeding skin thats susceptible to infection you see in some big girls folds. I've seen it on Brianna in some pics and videos. My girl doesn't have it anywhere else just in her knee rolls. Any help would be appreciated boys
How big is she? They make silk powder for chin rub, along with some kind of roll-on thing. The bleeding, though…how big are we talking? Fluid retention and lymphedema (or whatever Randalin has) might be exacerbating it. Just spitballing, here
*chub rub
Those of you who happen to be obese, know any obese people, or used to be obese, what is physically the hardest thing to do? I mean like walking, breathing, stairs, putting on shoes/socks, anything that involves you physically doing anything.
She doesn’t have bleeding. Like I said I want to prevent it progressing to that. When I mentioned the bleeding I was referencing what I’ve seen on other girls for instance Brianna. It’s just chub rub/dark skin. It looks like it might be painful though. As for her weight I’m not entirely sure. I would say at least 180 kgs though
Discoloration is normal. Mine has darker areas of her inner thighs. I think the bleeding might be from skin being easier to tear due to being stretched
Chairs with arms, smaller cars, shitty ikea furniture, city stuff (smaller spaces, more walking) are all things mine has had to deal with. Best to be preemptive: bidet, sourcing good furniture, planning trips out with more detail, etc.

You mitigate these, and they’ll have fewer reasons to be miserable about their size and to diet. Being an architect means giving them incentive to stay this way just as much as it is about keeping them fed
I’ve found that a doughnut tied to the end of a stick and dangled in front of my lady can motivate her walk up a short staircase.

Grease the doorframes, first. Trust me.
Compression socks are useful, especially if she can’t be that sedentary due to work. Helps reduce swelling.

The usual stuff with planes. Mine gets embarrassed asking for a seatbelt extender; coaching them beforehand that there’s no shame in it helps somewhat.

Jewelry. Ring sizes, mainly, but bracelets can be tricky. Fat wrists.

Dental hygiene is crucial. These girls don’t always fit nicely into a dentist chair, so finding a good place AND keeping on top of it so it’s only cleanings is worth the effort.

Just get a bidet. Even if she can reach. Be proactive.
as a fat person who has previously dealt with heat rashes and yeast infections during the summer: dr bronners peppermint soap is a fucking life saver.
i havent dealt with any of that since i started using it, it instantly cleared it up, alternatively tea tree soap or the remedy peppermint + tea tree soap is a similar alternative
as for chub rub, i dont personally deal with it but ive heard good things about baby powder (though apparently talc is bad for you? idk, theres alternatives), and vaseline is good to stop existing rubs from being sore
also i use glycolic acid under my armpits and everywhere basically, its an exfoliant and can help with underarm odor and discolouration
Baby powder sometimes has asbestos in it. I think there are alternatives, but I have to look it up. Definitely gonna float this idea to her when it gets hot out.
Interesting thread idea tbh

That just what I thought. That's why I stole it.
I’m not obese but my girlfriend is, at around 400-410 pounds. She says she loves being obese but there are lots of daily struggles. Heavy breathing, clothes don’t fit, can’t wipe ur ass, but the things she complains the most about are stairs and walking. She’s fine walking for a few minutes, but when we go out we have to take breaks constantly from the pain she has in her feet, back, and knees. She also hates stairs. She can’t even go up the stairs in our house that lead upstairs without taking a break. (There’s only 10 stairs). But she has told me lots of good things about being fat too. Eating whatever you want, better sex, she loves being soft, her belly is like a table, and she loves seeing the number on the scale go up.

My girlfriend also told me that one time she got stuck on the ground and couldn’t get up. I was at work and obviously not with her, but she had went to the store to grab gifts for a birthday party and she had seen something on a lower shelf that she wanted to get. She bent down and grabbed but she told me that her knees wouldn’t cooperate and she wasn’t able to just push her self back up. So then she fell on her butt on the ground. She had tried using the shelf to get up but it wasn’t sturdy enough and was too low to actually give her good support. She was stuck sitting there for about ten minutes too embarrassed to call for help. She said she was completely out of breath from trying to get up and when someone finally saw her she could barely even talk and was gasping for air. The lady that saw her helped her up and my gf thanked her. If you think about, it’s kinda sad that she’s so obese that she was unable to pick herself up off the ground, but that’s why it’s so fucking hot. I felt bad for her but it turned both of us on talking about to each other haha.

Sounds like you've got a lot of love to give.
Yep you’re absolutely right haha

Or at least sounds like it.
So I just have to ask, how does the ass wipe situation get resolved? You? Bidet?

It's a secret. Don't tell nobody..... Shhh. You'll figure it out 1 day when you have a young girl with huge boobies that wants to lick your anus and you want your ass to be clean to impress her.
A bidet can help yeah, the main problem is just that there’s so much fat around her ass + her big belly both get in the way of the wiping. She can barely wipe now by lifting up her belly and spreading her legs while standing up. I have helped her before but it was still pretty hard lol. It’s mainly the fact that all the fat is kinda blocking it and it’s hard to move.
My fat wife, 350ish, has an apron belly and the skin would get irritated underneath, she just has to do daily showers, and she said using my dandruff shampoo really helped too.
“She just has to take daily showers”

Do you guys not usually shower daily, making this an extra step?
I’ve heard the trick is baths: specifically taking a dump in a bath under water. Followed by a shower. Easiest way to take a dump without wiping.
This was a nice thread until it got clogged up with idiots and LARPers
For me being formerly 500lbs and down to 272.9 and at 6 2 I dont date BBW anymore. I dont mind a curvy woman but I find BBW is dealing with a lot of mental issues. I don't go over a size 14 and that has made dating easier. I find that most BBW dont like themselves and they look at men who find them attractive the same.
Was with BBW/SSBBWs exclusively for about a 8 years, with one being a 4 year long relationship. I haven't been with one in about 6 because of certain challenges that have been expressed here, but I'm finding myself lusting over SSBBWs more than ever these days, so I guess that's saying something.

Last relevant girl I was with was about 330, pushing 400 by the end of the relationship. All the guys who say just take the extra step in life are absolutely correct. Especially if you're trying to get her to gain, you gotta make sure she comfortably get through each day. You gotta remember that while reduced mobility in any way is incredibly sexy to people like us, or even the women themselves, the cost is a waning sense of individuality and self-sufficiency. You gotta minimize those feelings of doubt every step of the way and honestly, it isn't hard to integrate it if you want to be with these kinds of girls.

It might be a meme, but you really can't just literally let the girl sit there and get fat. She's gotta be able to carry it all if you want her to be happy and that means consistent physical activity of some sort. BBWs who are former athletes I've found understand this the best and while I'm not saying they're gung-ho about working out (they're REALLY not) they are the ones who understand their situation the best. Walking is perfectly fine and doing it on a routine together can genuinely build your relationship, especially if you've got somewhere scenic or a route that has a lot of wildlife. Someone else mentioned elegant ways to take breaks and that is essential, they must be embraced.

It can be tough at times, especially if your girl IS the whiny, homebound, legbeard shut-in type who just never wants to be in public ever. Though it really is true that being with BBWs and especially SSBBWs is incredible, they're the hottest things out there when they're confident, you'll have the best sex with them and make great long-term partners if you minimize the day-to-day challenges.
I’m about 500 (F) and I use baby power for rolls and ironically jogger’s balm (Body Glide) to prevent thigh chafing if I’m expecting to walk in my day.

Also, stairs are the worst. No stairs for me if at all possible. I use a lot of Google Maps images and Yelp images of places I’m considering going to scope out seating, walking, stairs(!), etc. You kinda have to plan stuff out well in advance. I do miss being able to just accept invites from friends. Instead, sometimes I have to decline based on where they want to meet, or cajole into changing venues (like “hey this other place has better food/atmosphere” when that may or may not be the case).

I also miss the fashion choices. The fatter you get, the less cute clothes options. It takes a doctoral thesis-level of research to not look completely unappealing.
I should clarify that we have small children, so, doing any kind of self care consistently is kind of hard. She's a super clean/neat person, so occasionally skipping a shower isn't laziness/slob behavior, it's just being drained/running out of time before bed.
Was she that size during pregnancy? Mines that size and we’ve been considering trying. If so, is there anything we should keep in mind?
Why man? She probably won’t be fertile, if she is it’s a high risk pregnancy. Just get a cat, caring for another humans is more than either of you can do bro.
Oh shit, had no idea I was talking to her GP of 3 years
Yeah, she maybe put on about 50 pounds between the two kids, so about the same size. We had literally zero problems conceiving and our kids are extremely healthy and smart. Don't believe the weird fear porn about fat women having trouble conceiving, at least in our case it was less than a non issue, both times we tried she got preggo immediately. She also got a caesarean both times, probably because she's fat, but doctors push that for all women these days because it's quicker($$$) and less risk of death for a mother of any size. There's something called gestational diabetes or something, but it also happens with thin women. Despite being fat, my wife's blood work etc is always surprisingly good. Does your girl have any known health issues in the family? If not, please, please, don't let weird internet people like
>>27118 dictate your family choices. Kids are awesome anon, have as many as you can afford and then have another anyway. Good luck bro.
Weird internet people are us folks cheering on diabetic women having kids. Adoption is fine but let’s be real, if you can’t stay below 300 are you really capable of raising a kid? We’re talking like heroine addict level eating irresponsibly. Not to mention saddling her husband with another dependent to wash and whose diaper to change.
Yeah agree. Girls that big are shit mothers. They don’t understand healthy choices and not just to do with eating. Their bad habits will rub off on the kids and the kids will get teased. Get your shit together if you wanna have kids
Lol, I could tell you were an idiot from your first post, but the fact that you rage-skimmed my reply, saw "diabetes" in the sentence about "gestational diabetes" and ran with it just sealed the deal. On the off chance that you're trolling, ("heroine" is leaning me in that direction) well done.
I dunno which is the sadder scenario: either you’re just on here to troll because you don’t have anything better to do, or you’re some bitter dipshit who can’t get a fat girl to look your way and want to make it everyone’s problem.
Option C. I’m saying what you neighbors and doctors say behind your gigantic back. Wanna bet OP is as big as his hippo wife and getting huffy.
Insecure fat man shifting the blame. Imagine being unable to control your weight or eating and thinking you could control a child. Neither of you are healthy or mature enough for this.
Take this whining bitch attitude to r/TwoX if you want people to gaslight your hog wife and say moderated comments.
If you’re so down on these women that you talk about them this way, what the fuck are you doing on this board? Is Algebra class so stressful that you need to take it out on an anonymous board?

Speaking of pregnancy, your parents should’ve spiked you like a football right there in the delivery room.
Right I’m sorry, this is a simp board for huffy losers. Let me fix that: “medicine is a conspiracy to oppress the obese by fatshaming doctors. your wife’s spare 200 pounds of pure fat is the picture of ideal health. In fact, she’s not fat she’s just big boned.”
You know those politicians and religious leaders who rage against homosexuality but then get busted trawling for pole? Yeah, that's you, closet FA version.

Driest dick in the land
I’m waist deep in pussy bro, that’s why I’m willing to say the truth while you repeat shit you heard feminists say on Reddit.
Man I’m out as fuck. You can think fat chicks are attractive without saying “healthy at any size” garbage.
Keep telling lies to yourself and the women. I hope it’s at least getting you the leftover crumbs of sex after these women get dicked down by real men.
Lol, I'm not OP, and I'm not fat either. If you don't have kids(you obviously don't) then you don't get to dish out parenting advice or judgement. Simple as. I immediately dismiss all non-parents who judge parents as busybody retards, which they(you) are. If you have kids, fine, judge away, but if you've never had kids you'll never understand.

I'm not HAES by any stretch, but the honest truth is that my wife is in perfectly fine health, I don't get it, but she's probably healthier than I am.
I should rename this thread to arguing about fat people.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha you’re a fucking cartoon, dude.

Suuuuure. You sound like a real winner
You can tell she’s right by how the extra letters spell out her angry sarcastic tone.
Honestly, you guys everythread sound like virgins and I would surprise me if the majority of posts on this board don't come from anon that haven't ever spoken to any girls. Dudes love telling eachother sex stories especially about beautiful girls or 4somes, or something special. All you guys ever do is talk nonsense trying to be funny with memes and references. That might've worked for you in college, but hoes in real life want 1 thing, and that's penis.

If you don't know at least how to treat girls correctly you won't fuck, and you'll die a virgin. Is that what you want? Be it your bitter resentment, or your immaturity, it has kept you from experiencing the single most greatest pleasure life has to offer.

Ñet's not go into the effects that your generation has had on the economy, and the country. Let's not talk about how much you love your momma's tiny tits, so much so that you can't stop talking about them. Everybody secretly thinks you and your "race" are pathetic, and thinks that your parents are "manchilds". An entire society that has become fed up goes onto the internet to express their desdain feelings about you, and you immidiately throw a tantrum, then you go behind closed doors and gossip in secrecy about others and convince yourselves that Domestic Terrorism isn't such a big deal. You're pretentious as a lifestyle.

The establishment has been cautious of your generation, but it's been out of fear. They are treacherous and sometimes blasphemous parents and grandparents who have lost all but hope. You could be living in a trash can and you would still be talking the same nonsense, and that, my friend, is why your hoes have all been ugly. Not because you're broke and fat. Beautiful girls want different things, and some of them even want ugly, but none of them want you.
Oops I forgot

You need to go back José. Trump 2024.

What? Who is that mickey mouse? Read the Bible next time, idiot. Your country's a joke.

It was a reference, asshole. Read again.
This thread was great at first, but I guess we can’t have anything on these boards. Fucking hell.
That's Osaka from azumanga daioh
Exactly what I’m saying. Arguing over fat porn and fat ppl on a website for admiring fat ppl makes no sense.
This shits changed. The men used to be able to get pussy and just liked fat chicks.
Now it’s all simps who can’t get anyone but fat chicks calling themselves “fat admirers” and getting huffy when we refer to fat women in any objectionable way.
Apparently, it’s now offensive to m’ladies to call them obese.
Thing is you don't come off like a guy just laying down some truth about HAES. You come off as a guy who hates fat chicks, yet likes to jerk off to them which is fucking pathetic.
The thing is, people here sound like miserable simps who aren’t allowed to say the truth or their butch wife will beat them.
My wife’s fat as fuck, she’s not an idiot and can read so I don’t have to dance around facts.
Hating on HAES is just a self-justified reason to hate on fat people. “Health At Every Size” is simply the argument that you should do healthy things no matter what size you are (or aren’t). My brother was a smoker for many years but ran marathons—it would be idiotic for me to say he had to quit smoking before he could do other healthy stuff.

If someone has not been successful at losing weight and decides to do other things that are healthy, they’re not “delusional”. They’re just deciding that that’s not their main focus right now, which in the big scheme of things seems perfectly reasonable to me.
You can’t be sexually into fat girls without being dumb enough to knock them up. Doesn’t mean you hate them.

The guy you were arguing with wasn’t being very articulate about it but he does make a fair point. That being it’s possible to be into fat chicks without being foolish enough to bring kids into that situation. It’s not about being “in the closet” about loving fatties. It’s about the long term feasibility of choices. Being a parent means dedicating 20+ years of your life to guiding them. You wife may be in fine health now but what about 10, 15 or 20 years time. Calling randoms virgins because they wouldn’t make those same choices is childish and says a lot about your insecurities. By all means fuck fatties but personally I wouldn’t settle down with someone who can keep up with the kids and you can go on adventures with. That can work with a smaller bbw but over 300 pounds it’s just wildly irresponsible. I don’t have kids myself so you say that means I have no place commenting. I guess to some degree that’s a fair point but then again you’re here encouraging people to make the same stupid dangerous choices you did and that’s frankly much more reprehensible
>but personally I wouldn’t settle down with someone who can't keep up with the kids and you can go on adventures with.

I'm the guy with the 350lb wife, no, she doesn't go hiking with us, but that's when you have time with just dad, and that's when mom gets a break to do something else. That's how real grownup relationships work, you divide and conquer the task of child rearing sometimes, dad takes the kids to a park so mom can grocery shop, take a break from being a SAHM, etc. Not to mention up until maybe 40 years ago women didn't "go on adventures" with their husbands and children either(and they were skinny as fuck, whacked out on "diet pills"), they stayed home and did domestic stuff.
Ideally, dad does the crazy, wild energy outside play time stuff and mom does the quieter indoors activities, that's how we do it anyway. You sound young, so do yourself a favor and observe a busy playground sometime, you'll see lots of skinny women ignoring their kids in favor of their phone and usually it's the dads chasing after kids, doing the energetic stuff no matter what the mothers weight is. Despite being fat, my wife is a fantastic mother, no, she doesn't play tag with them, but honestly, that's my job anyway, and she does other things like taking them for walks, swimming, etc. I'm sure there's shitty fat moms but there's rail thin shitty moms who ignore their kids all day and park them in front of the boob tube. If you find a deeply caring fat woman who really wants to be a good mother then she will be a good mother, and the kids will turn out well, provided of course that you are doing your job as a dad and not being a lazy sports fan, or terminal gamer. Best of luck with everything Ausanon.
I’m 31 so I don’t know if that’s young. How old are you if I can ask?

Honestly though despite our difference of opinion your response was thoughtful and nuanced so respect for that
I'm just a few years older than you, I suppose I should say that you obviously are not a father, and sound inexperienced in parenting. The reality is a lot different than expectation. Raising hypothetical children is infinitely easier than raising real children in the real world.
Parents who try to make rules that only parents can criticize parents are the worst.
You gotta know you’re wrong if your answer is “it’s hard and if you haven’t done it stfu”.
Followup: is your wife intentionally this gigantic or is she unable to lose the weight?
It’s been assumed she could have lost weight and been a more capable spouse and mom, maybe she’s just out of control and he’s doing his best to rationalize his life.
It's not that only parents can criticize parents. More that it's so much easier to raise kids in theory than in reality that it's hard to take that kind of criticism seriously. I know kids raised by fat people who turned out just fine, or better than fine. I know kids raised by thin people who are a fucking mess. I bet you're the same.

Like, you know how you're not perfect? Well you don't achieve perfection just because you take on the Sacred Duty of raising kids. You start out with the best intentions but life happens and your flaws don't necessarily disappear, whether they're overeating, looking at too much porn, raging over stupid bullshit, etc. I don't know about you, but I was raised by flawed people who nonetheless did a pretty good job.

The only person who's trying to rationalize anything here is you. To be so blindly judgemental is like waving a giant red flag for your own insecurities.
My dude. Have a sandier vagina.
I had one at Applebee's, extra vodka. It was delicious.
I literally don't care about your opinion on parents and never will, because you haven't been one and probably never will be, so your opinion is futile, purely hypothetical speculation and has no bearing on anything. It literally doesn't matter, like a fart in the wind, it'll be gone and forgotten with no meaningful impact, just like you. LOL, LMAO even.

Followup: Was your father ever proud of you or have you always been a disappointing loser? Did he ever have hope for you or did he just throw in the towel around grade school?

Good reply mr dubs
If you can’t tell I’m a massive narcissist, I thrive on success and people’s admiration. Every part of my life you would envy without any understanding of what’s emptiness drives it.
We’re not all losers like you, some of us are just sex freak that like fat women in our spare time.
Talk to enough fat women. We’re everywhere.
You know guys like me are fucking your fat wives before during and after your marriage.
Thank you for this extremely mature and adult response
Extremely based
You're welcome anon, I mostly kept up the replies with the anti-fatmom anons to show a realistic picture of what marrying and raising kids with a fat wife is like and to encourage other men to become dads. I'm glad it reached you.

Last point and I'll step off my soapbox, but every couple is different, and we all have fights/arguments, but I've NEVER, EVER had an issue with my wife not being active enough physically with our kids, firstly, she's a real trooper and does about as much(or more) as other, thin mothers, but we have always had a spoken and unspoken understanding about our different roles as men and women. Like I said above, it's my job to get them outside, show them how the world works, push them physically and mentally in terms of the outside world, and it's her job(which she was stoked to take on) to create a safe, warm, clean environment in the house and show love in a distinctly feminine way. I take them on bike rides, or build projects with them and she bakes them cookies or plays quiet games with them. I never wanted a hyperactive tomboy who wanted to go hiking every weekend and she always wanted to be a fat, loving housewife, so it worked out. It's my sincere hope that every anon ITT can find a similar arrangement if that's what they are after.
God that story makes me diamonds every time I read it. Too bad the author hasn't uploaded the last parts.

>Author makes account
>Uploads 1-2 great stories
>Refuses to elaborate

Many such cases
The author said she changed jobs and hasn’t had as much time to write
It’s low key hilarious how much these dudes (and their wives) would look down on a massively obese dad who gets winded doing normal chores and playtime.
It’s fine, it’s not child abuse, but have a little perspective on how much your fetish for fat women let’s you feel this way.
I'm sorry your fat mom spanked you as a kid and it gave you a boner and you ended up here, but that, and your horrific reading comprehension are not my problem.

My big fat, tremendously obese, whale of a wife has no issues keeping up with the kids or the chores, our house is probably the cleanest on the block and she walks them to school every day. You can choose not to believe me, but it's true. It sucks that your fat mom was apparently such a shitty failure that you're so attached to this issue, but not every fat woman makes a terrible mother.

Also yes, I do judge fat men differently than fat women and expect them to be able to do more than fat women, just like I expect skinny/fit men to be able to do more physically than skinny women. Physical activity is in the male sphere, and men and women have different roles. Having a mom that doesn't normally break a sweat isn't "child abuse", that's just normal, lol.
You’re such a weird little man. You try so hard to act mature and right but daddy, you’re a massive hypocrite and a whiney bitch.
How you look at fat men is how the entire world looks at you wife. End of story pops.
>fatphobic doc
(571 KB, 1600x900, cover3.jpg)
My armchair Freud alarm is going off like crazy. You had a fat lazy mom, and got judged for it and now you're ashamed of being seen with the fat girls that you want to fuck because you're concerned about how others will judge you and that makes you a closeted coward.

There are men walking the streets loudly proclaiming how much they love eating ass or getting pegged in a Pikachu costume and you are terrified that someone will discover that you get a big old boner for huge fat women. You are bigger pussy than both of those examples, in a very real way, they are more courageous and authentic than you are. I don't want any of you in my house, but I'd respect either of the first two examples more than I respect you.

Get over yourself, no one cares and you are not that important. I don't care about how other people view my wife because I think she's beautiful, and she is. No one else is married to her but me, so it's only my opinion that matters. I am (kinda) mature, but I'm definitely also right. I'm living a happy life with a woman I love and you're jumping at shadows of people judging you because you're a gigantic pussy. Fix it, loser.

I don't see what the big deal is. I used to love getting spanked. Sometimes I would do stupid shit on purpose. You've not been spanked by a girl before? The girls that I've known my entire life love to spanking and massaging butts too. You're weird bro. Parents have been spanking their children since the beginning of time.
Like most of the people fucking your wives I was raised in an anti-fat sporty household.
You’re all just massive bitches from my perspective, get a backbone and just be honest.
You’re an idiot and no one reads Freud.

Every one of your responses is an SSBBW-sized self own. It's bizarre you don't see it.

> raised in an anti-fat sporty household.

Gee I wonder why you're compelled to hang out on a fat fetish site and dis fellow FAs and BBWs. Mommy won't approve? You're like Lindsay Graham talking about how gay rights violate the sanctity of the family.
Your entire bitchy attitude reeks of the women on feabie and Reddit feminists.
You feel like a winner because you wifed up some used-up midwestern hoe who’s not into the fetish and let your sub-standard genetics survive one more generation.
You sounded like a hypocritical loser and now you’re just emotionally lashing out with tired stock insults. Keep feeling oppressed bitch boy.
I'm not the guy with the SSBBW wife. I'm single atm, though I was married to a BBW and have dated SSBBWs since. Your mancrush/enemy comes off a little too trad/republican for me, but for all the dysfunction you pin on him, he seems a hell of a lot more fulfilled and better adjusted than you. Your responses reek of jealousy, you just don't see it. It's remarkable.
You had me till you threw in “jealous”.
Im not the most well adjusted, but I’m doing real good in life. I’m sure I’m luckier, taller, more handsome, harder working and more successful than you. I’d also bet I’m more liberal and have a more diverse life. Guys like me don’t need to pretend to respect women to some unreasonable degree.
You’re both sad I see thru your moralizing and politics of randomly picked moderate libfem mixed with tradcon.
It’s fun arguing with simps who cry rivers for fat women’s feelings while being disgusted by fat men.

Gentlemen, why the fuck are we arguing about success and “lucky bloodlines” on an anonymous porn sharing board? Both of you are losers for keeping this thread afloat solely to prove the other is inferior
Nigel coming in hard with the truth, lol. I've enjoyed arguing ITT, but he's totally right.
Of course you're right, but the dude's big contribution to a "day in the life of a fat person" — a rare interesting thread here with potential — is to criticize a guy with a ssbbw wife for having kids. He then goes on multicomment rant about HAES, which no one brought up but him, and so on with his insecure self-righteous bullshit (including a sadly typical "I have six pack abs and a Bugatti" brag).

Obviously he's insecure, among other pathologies, and should be ignored like the open psychic wound he is. But it's like you're at the pub and trying to have a drink with friends and some dude jumps on top of the bar screaming how we're all losers who should go to AA. Eventually someone has to slap his ass down and show him the door. And if it turns into a brawl, well, the night was ruined for everyone anyway the minute he showed up.


Good luck.
You’ve never slapped down anyone little man. Stop derailing it with your cuckery and get back to the topic of day in a life.
Do you think this guys dick is long enough to get in his fat wife or did they artificially inseminate her like a cow?
Only a virgin has to ask.

I agree


I don't need you to stick up for me, tough guy. I'll fight both of you at the same fucking time. Fucking pussies. Probably globohomo as fuck probably call the cops or call your terroris friends.
/gen/ would be a better place if people ignored obvious bait
They’re censuring anyone who questions the globalist agenda. I’m with you brah we gotta fight these globalists and l their machines the Jeff Bezos, and Tim Cook and Soros and not Satan! Do you Understand that Soros! You pathetic maggot! We're in charge not you, is that clear? Is that clear? You little maggot and your little maggot son! You understand that? You think you're going to have this fight and have robots winning? No! We'll defeat you and your god damn robots. You understand that? Damn you to hell, Satanist!

I'm not sure if you're talking about American mob groups of terrorism that think that they are the illuminati that shines light on the darkness, or something else, but you are making jokes about something that exists and is going on and has affected countless American citizens.

If you're not going to help then why are you getting in the way of victims of mob stalking? You're making things more difficult for everybody by either talking about things you are not sure of or pretending it is not real.

Perhaps you do not understand that the mobs are made up of many different individuals working together, and they include actual terrorists from communist and socialist countries. They are now performing organized domestic terrorist attacks on American soil. They are fear mongering your fellow Americans in broad daylight, and communicating their locations to others in their groups.

If you don't understand that these information groups exist then don't say anything. Ask me what I've seen and I'll tell you, but do not make life more difficult for innocent victims.
The mob in America is commonly associated with the mafia. Your average white supremacist just want to snuggle guns, drugs, and prostitute women across state lines. Each gang only averages about 10,000-20,000 members which isn't enough to trigger some revolution that libs fantasize about. Another problem you britbongs have is that nobody gives a shit about the DC-Virginia-Baltimore metro area. I know NY-NJ-CT gets shit on for doing the 5 hour commute, but it's a 6 hour commute to/from DC-Virginia because of all the traffic. When you remove the federal government and agents, DC and Baltimore are murder capital.
Anyone have a partner with ciliac? Mine might have it, and i'm wondering how we can keep her weight on, even if she can't do gluten. Any advice would be appreciated!
Rice, corn, and potatoes are fattening starches with no gluten. Lean on Chinese and Thai food and cook meals with white rice as a base. It's addictive and piles on weight like crazy. As for dessert, if your flag ID is accurate I'll bet your local supermarket has loads of gluten-free baked goods. The good news is that they often make up for the lack of taste/texture with extra sugar, bumping up the calorie count.
Is this why the Manhattan DA got white powder mailed today? Look, Manhattan liberals aren't powerful. Even Jon Stewart berate CA Governor Gavin Newsome for crime in SoCal. It's kinda sad that Jews are slaves to the police state. It's like watching John Milton's Lucifer.
Mines lactose intolerant, I funnel feed her milk products regularly and she’s basically a constant volcano of liquid death. Cleanup sucks and I hate eating her out after.
(67 KB, 720x460, A1465CEE-4B72-48DD-BD6E-7BB62ED914C5.jpeg)
I used to be quite obese (300 pounds, 6’6”, male) up until a few months ago (I dieted very hard and worked out and got down to 240) I’ve never been happier. I don’t have a weight gain kink for myself, so I really didn’t mind losing it. It was a health thing especially. I’m young and don’t want to get diabetes or heart disease before I’m 30. My mobility is better, my posture is better, my breathing is tighter. I hate to say it, but this shit turned me off of my fat fetish. It made me kind of realize that dating a fat girl or making s thin girl fat is pretty miserable for the girl involved even if she’s into it.
Maybe those girls aren’t massive losers like you?
You mad because he’s 6’6 and healthy?
this is why im no longer into feedism or weight gain (outside of rapid in fiction.) I'm haes-pilled but intentional weight gain is never healthy. I would love a fat gf who is physically active and eats right, though
I’m saying he’s a fat out of shape neckbeard. Shut up fatty and go eat some more cake.
You can’t undo the low self esteem beta of a guy who grew up fat
I help mine stay active, but that’s also to offset her eating. I’d like to keep her around 300 for now, as gaining would complicate conceiving a kid (it can still happen obviously, but I’m trying to be safe). Afterwards, as far as gaining goes, I’ll let what happens happen. She’s already said she’d never want to be like 700 lbs, but she’s in no rush to diet.
Dude, what??!?
That's a new one but I was corresponding with a 500+ woman who admitted she shit in the shower so she could clean up immediately. I wonder how common that kind of thing is. Not everyone can afford a bidet or bidet/toilet and I'd imagine the rag on a stick thing isn't a perfect solution.
Shitting in the shower kind of makes sense since you can waffle-stomp it through the drain, but I wouldn't feel clean using it until the shower was bleached afterwards. I've seen the 4chan threads, I know it's a thing - I still wouldn't even with mobility issues, I'd just be looking into a bidet and biting the bullet. Shitting in the tub is straight up unsanitary and could definitely lead to some infections if the fecal matter gets into any open orifices or wounds, no matter how fast you shower afterwards. And if you're at a size where shitting in the bathtub you're currently using seems like a convenient idea, you're definitely at a size where your skin is prone to infections anyway.
Criminals make for the best cops. Sometimes to stop evil you have to be evil. Wolves in sheeps clothing.
It’s not even like you have to stomp too hard. Have you seen the fecal matter coming out of most bbws? There’s not much protein or fiber in the diet.
I wish mine showered after the milk shit I hate the smell when she makes me eat her out after.
I have noticed the larger SSBBWs tend to have a shower chair that one could probably take a dump while sitting on.
It just sort of comes with the territory. That’s why food in bed is so dangerous, once a fold gets full of crumbs it’s gonna smell yeasty.
My thoughts are that global trade isn't "paradigm", and that you are either asking me what I think about corrupt international corporations, or corrupt governments. I think they're real because I, unlike you, have seen it with my own eyes and not Hollywood. If you don't think your big tech companies and federal authorities have some of the most corrupt ppl in the world working for them, you're an idiot. Don't call somebody a schizo that has actually seen what they believe. Your an idiot that thinks these ppl actually care about you or your children while your phone's get hacked and your conversations get spied on, but the dread heads and drug dealers run rampant. You need to grow the fuck up and realize that your iphone isn't safe unless you work for Apple.

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