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If a man tries to seek out a "feedee" for a relationship, wouldn't that just be narrowing down their chances of finding somebody they're truly compatible with? Just because a girl is into the same kinky shit they are, it seems like there's a slim guarantee that she can connect with the person on an emotional and spiritual level.
>>26655 (OP)
Yes that's why it's advised not to go for a long term relationship with someone just based on your kink. Beyonce said it best when she said "it turns me on to know I turn you on", even if a woman isn't into the fetish if she loves you she's still going to try to please you.
>>26655 (OP)

>>Just because a girl is into the same kinky shit they are, it seems like there's a slim guarantee that she can connect with the person on an emotional and spiritual level.

I like how you answered your own question.
The irony is that the weird people often into this fetish are, to begin with, compatible with fewer people than NPCs. So that's a double axis of limiting your pool neurologically. Even the most "independent" outspoken women will overtime drift to your beliefs and tastes at least a bit, it's hardwired.
It’s easier to “just take what you can get and be happy” if it’s really all you can get.
You will be entirely let down and unfulfilled being in a relationship where you don’t share kink. If you’re used to getting good kinky pussy, this will be a relationship incompatibility. At least find someone with complimentary kinks.
He’s right. Get tons of shots in the goal, make your kinks clear, eventually someone’s gonna be cool with it.
Most people haven’t heard of this kink, even women who would be into it might be against the idea initially. But if she doesn’t leave after telling her what your about she’s probably gonna be cool with it.
Old girls' silly.

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