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I need some help guys.

I've been speaking to a girl for weeks. She's around 450lb, body of my dreams, wanting to submit etc. Just spent the weekend with her, doing everything every FA / FEEDER thing I have dreamed of, every possible fantasy, without a single complaint. However I just feel really... Unfulfilled?

I kinda feel like I've gotten the ick, but I feel the magic is kind of gone. I'm not sure if it's because all my life as an FA I have dreamed of a sexual experience like this and all happened at once but, the thrill has just seemed to have disappeared. Has anyone else had this? Am I donE as a feeder / FA? She's everything ever wanted on paper but now it's arrived I can't help but feel... Dissatisfied

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Yeah you definitely sound like a homosexual to me, most definitely. Either that or a stupid woman. They those complain for the sake of doing something wrong. Old and bitter. You will not ever see a beautiful girl that's happily being loved fucking up. That is my guarantee. You want to know what I think? I don't think you do. Go back to gossiping about hoes on instagram then and how she's pregnant again and she's mixed but she lost weight and wants her hair dyed brunette, but please know that if it were up to me you would suffer dearly a slowwwwww death and then you would go straight to hell for all your gossiping. I can't wait to see what happens to this country.
Some experiences are better left as fantasies. I'm not sure I'd want to live out my feeder dreams, if given the opportunity. I think the tease and taboo nature of it is one of the big things that make it hot. The dog who caught the car and all that.

Also you may be the type of guy who needs a true emotional connection to have a satisfying sexual encounter. I've had a handful of hookups and one-night-stands over the years and they always left me feeling kind of depressed.
>>26596 (OP)
I get the feeling you're talking about. I think you might have your focus in the wrong place; you are not letting yourself just be happy with her. The sex may be great but don't let that cloud you from just enjoying her company, it is a high you will always chase and only real love will fill it. Spend more time with her, have fun with her and make memories together, and you will find the sex will follow. Her size isn't the issue here: you'd feel dissatisfied with anyone if you go into it with only fantasy in mind. Giver her a chance; you might surprise yourself.
Honestly dude you just sound like a faggot
>I kinda feel like I've gotten the ick

Why are you talking like a gay?
Guarantee he felt that pussy is warm and wet and got grossed out.

Go back to jacking off in your parents basement dumbass
You're 100% right. This person is either gay and doesn't know it yet or a complete loser. A true feeder knows he canNOT live without feederism.

Over the years I've been very fortunate to live out basically all of my feederism fantasies, with multiple different feedee girls, I can tell you that it would be impossible for me to be happy in a non-feedism relationship. 100% impossible. My first feedism experience was with a 230 lb girl in college and my response was the exact opposite of this loser's response: I knew right away that it was the only thing I wanted to do with girls. So yeah basically what I'm saying is this guy is a fake feeder (aka loser) or he's gay. Or a gay loser.
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>>26596 (OP)
OP, to hear you out; the 'ick' is a convoluted rolled together term made up for a TV show called single female lawyer, its not real.


Why are you lifting terms from cosmo, are you gay?

This isn't to insinuate that the shock from the reality not matching the fantasy, doesn't exist, because this does happen a lot, but what the fuck are you talking about the ick lol r u gay.

I cant even begin to understand this.

Get over it; whatever disgust you might have from her not wiping or reaching her ass will probably go away, right now you are the near envy of literally everyone chasing the dream on this board
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OP, you mention nothing about her personality, whether you connect with her as a person outside the fetish, or whether this is a potential relationship or just a hookup. I disagree with >>26606 about this stuff being better left as a fantasy (doing it with the right partner is the hottest thing ever), but he's right that not everybody enjoys one night stands and you might be someone who needs more of a connection to be fulfilled.

I've been there too, with a 500 pound bombshell who had the perfect SSBBW pear body. The sex was incredible, but as soon as I busted my nut I felt depressed and unfulfilled, because she and I had nothing in common outside the bedroom. Maybe if it had been an explicit FWB / booty call situation I would have felt differently, but we were trying to have a relationship. I knew on some level that I was living a lie and that the only thing that interested me about her was her fat. (She's a good person and we still keep in touch occasionally, she went on to make a great wife for a guy who was much more on her wavelength in terms of interests and personality.)

A couple years later I got with a girl who was only around 280, but who I genuinely connected with as a person. She wasn't trying to gain IRL, but she was a hardcore feedist in her fantasies and eager to share those fantasies in the bedroom. Feedism with someone I actually felt connected to as my gf was a whole new level of intimacy and the post-nut afterglow was totally different.
I think you are experiencing what Slavoj Zizek described in "The Pervert's Guide to Cinema". Basically he said when fantasy and reality collide: disaster.
All the people calling him gay are hardcore projecting. Probably just jealous because they're autistic virgins. The answer is fuck fatties but marry a normal woman. Of course it was disgusting once you came. That's your brain telling you to hit the road son. It's a sexual fetish plain and simple. Once the sex is over there's nothing. People who unironically date women that obese are deadset spergs. They make horrible partners
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When I said he was the "near envy of literally everyone chasing the dream on this board"
I didn't mean me.
It happens. It really takes the thrill outta fucking carnival side show sized women, but hey it is a weird gross fetish the novelty is gonna wear off. I still bet you’d prefer bigger women and prefer to date medium sized bbws, but the women who can’t properly wash themselves come with a lot of baggage and it’s easy to be grossed out by them after busting a nut.
never thought I'd see Zizek here, lol
For jacking off anything goes, but for an actual relationship I’d top out around 300. Obese women can be relatively clean. Severely obese women are not that pleasant as sexual partners IRL.
I understand OP. I was with an SSBBW long-term for about 4 years and around year 3 I thought the same. I loved it for a long time, but then much like yourself it became unfulfilling. When we split and I moved out of state I ended once again dating women of all body types.

However, it's been a solid 9 years since all of that and the lust is back with a vengeance. It's shocking me a bit since the craving is back in such an extreme way and I'm currently in another relationship with someone I really click with. It's a little nerve-wracking, honestly.

Just a little food for thought.

Imagine dumping a cute ssbbw and after fucking many other hoes later being able to be
>Meh. I miss my old ssbbw. I think I'll get bsck with her now.
What a Chad. You're an inspiration to us all.
Makes sense to me because sexual attraction has little to do with success in LTRs. A lot of the time it's what brings people together in the first place, but it fades fairly quickly and if there's not a deeper connection then that's that. But enjoying a monogamous relationship doesn't mean you're neutered. Porn is 1/3 of the internet for a reason.
Ehh fucking oddball sized women isn’t normal. The post-nut-clarity of having to deal with a. 350+ pound woman afterwards is usually enough to taint the fetish for a bit.
If it’s not the massive, sweaty, mouthbreathing pile of humanity, most fat women’s personalities are pretty rank.
Honestly I didn't mind going the extra mile for her. She was over 300 lbs and it didn't stop us from doing too much and she wasn't a whiny person. I think my problem was that we just wanted different things and I thought me being into SSBBWs was a problem, which at this point I don't think it is but I may never know.
It’s still kinda disgusting. We’re attracted to women who are definitionally sick and disgusting. It’s fine to get grossed out by them sometimes.
lmao maybe try the other team if you're disgusted and grossed out by women
Geeze some fatty here getting angry and out of breath. Try harder to misinterpret post-but clarity as being gay, fucking virgin scum.
They’re not attractive in any healthy or normal way. Half of what’s attractive about fat chicks is dirty and weird, like scat play or amputee fetish.
Obese women are an embarrassing addiction for the sane men here.
I mean it's okay to admit you're ashamed by your fetish I guess but there's also nothing wrong with actually enjoying fat girls. It just sounds like you're projecting the fact you're insecure about even being on this website.

You can't expect to talk shit about fat girls like that on a BBW lover board and not meet resistance.
you can feel the incel energy radiating from this post
You can’t act like it’s not reasonable to find them gross outside of as a strange fetish.
You and I would be disgusted with ourselves if we got that fat. Hell, 90% of bbws agree with me, you respect them more than they respect themselves buddy.
The incel shit here is acting like you need to respect fat women to get action. Shit, as a fetish weirdo most fat chicks are disgusted by you too bro.
They’re a sick fetish for us or a TLC carnival side show to normies.
>You can’t act like it’s not reasonable to find them gross outside of as a strange fetish.
You and I would be disgusted with ourselves if we got that fat.

fat doesn't furnish the same aesthetic on women as men. do I need to like the look of me with moobs to unhypocritically like tits on women? I feel like the logical male equivalent to BBWs (emphasis on the 2nd B) are strongfat/strongman types, they can be fat but don't trade in much on normalcy.

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