
(22 KB, 450x450, Z2o6KwhcpEx_.jpg) (60 KB, 450x450, Z2o6KwhcpEx_1.jpg)
The "Is she really into it" game got me thinking - we all know there's girls in the BBW/SSBBW scene that hate how they are. Some took it too far in their gaining, others have been doing this for too long a time, a few more are resenting the attention they are getting, etc. Whatever the reason, some of these girls are in too deep and want out, but are continuing to cash in when they can.

I present to you: two switches.

Switch #1 is an instant weight loss switch - whoever activates it will immediately lose all their excess weight (down to, say, a BMI of 20), with no skin stretching, no exhaustion, no looking like they aged 30 years in an instant. They will look as if they never gained weight at all deliberately; for argument's sake we'll consider the size they were when they started modeling officially, and from that point dieted to obtain and maintain a healthy weight at a reasonable, doctor-approved pace. In this sense, anyone who started off super obese would not immediately be assuming a body that is impossible to conceive. Someone like MochiiBabii would look the same as when she arrived save for a few years older, Plump Princess would have lost about 150 pounds from her start in her early 20s and have some signs of having loose skin, and someone like Echo would have lost over 300 over a long period of time up until now and would have shown signs of being huge but "slim" now.

The only catch is all of their porn and content would still be out there and still exist.

Which brings us to Switch #2: Whoever activates this switch over the other would have never gone into modeling. No pressure or coaxing from a fanbase or a community to gain weight, no online fame, no influencer status; the model that chooses this switch would have assumed a normal career in a field of their choosing they are qualified for. It's ultimately speculation what they would have done unless they have a career already. This switch is a temporal do-over in the sense that whatever triggered them to start posting online and flaunting their fat bodies would never have happened. Whether they gained or lost weight after that, I leave to your imagination.

Furthermore, which models do you think would walk away from both of these switches? Who would look at the face of a cosmic reset and think "Nah, I'm good."? Let's hear it.
This is exactly the same thing as the "is she really into it?" thread
I'd argue there's some merit in discussing which models would want to leave and be normal and which wish they never got into it at all. I would wager BoBerry would probably hit the first switch and Ash would hit the second one, still have gotten fat, and did the body positivity route without getting so huge that she looks silly and bitter.

Either way, it's a continuation of that thread when someone answers "No, they're not into it." Simple as.

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