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Hi guys, umm, first of all, Im also into fat girls just like everyone else here I suppose. I just want to share my thoughts on the fetish and the way I like it. I just really want to share it since I've never talked about this with anyone, so... Please tell me what you think about it, the answer doesnt matter, just wanna know. So, to be honest I actually look more into fat art from people like "Better With Salt, Kipteitei, Anastimafilia, etc." and weight gain stories from devianart authors such as "Logitechk1, Bobiscool18, etc." rather than actual images of real fat girls (doesnt mean that I dont look for those, I just dont do it that much in comparison to the other options mentioned before) . The thing is that among all the different body types (fat ones), whether they are a bit exaggerated on fat art or WG stories, the one that I like the most is an apple shaped girl with small boobs. By this I mean that I like the fact that as she gains weight her belly is the main focus for all the new fat, all while her boobs are barely growing in comparison, thus making her look kind of flat chested with a massive belly filled with rolls of fat. Besides, I truly love it when they are teased by the contrast between her small boobs and her massive belly, comments like "Huh? So fat and still no tits" or "Umm.. It seems like that belly took all the pounds for itself". A great example of what I mean is seen on this devianart story called "Hannah's goals" by Logitechk1, in which the girl is an apple shaped one, gaining most of the fat in her belly, while having small boobs in comparison, leading to the "villain" (the girl who forced her to get fat by blackmailing her) to sometimes tease her because of that, not to mention that the protagonist (Hannah) herself admits that too sometimes, which I really love, comments like "Why are my boobs not growing!?" or "If Im gonna get fat anyway, then at least Id want to gain in the right places". Finally, I also love when this kind of girl is forced to exercise in WG stories and is described in such a way that shows how much she struggles with her new body and still emphasizes the apple shape, like mentioning that her belly touches the ground while trying to do a push up or that now even her small boobs are jiggling along with her massive belly.
Having said all of that, what do I exactly want to achieve by sharing this? As I said at the beginning, Ive never shared this (not even here lol) and I just wanna see what you think and see your usual/normal answers. This is my favorite body type when it comes to fat girls, and the second one... Its pretty much kind of the same, also apple shaped girls, but with big boobs (yeah, Im definitely a boob guy, not that I dont appreciate pears though).
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>>26495 (OP)
Well, first off, I like to think of this type of attraction as you would think of a spectrum. It varies a lot, from slightly pudgy girls to something quite absurd. So it's either a harmless preference or a hardcore fetishism barely (if even) compatible with reality.

It also depends on how this spectrum overlaps with other fetishes, how extreme they are, and what their general combination would look like. 

The key is being able to mentally separate fantasy from reality; otherwise, it can lead to a lot of confusion and other unwanted happenings.
In my case, I leave the wider chunk of this fat attraction spectrum to my fantasy, and I would not like to mix this up. 

As for the fantasy, I take the attractive elements of the spectrum and throw the nasty subjects out of the window. For example, such nasty subjects as slobs, severe health issues, overly dark themes, and so on

Nevertheless, I like the following selections: weight gain or loss (sinusoidal movement towards the higher weight), stuffing (always with weight gain), mild sweating or struggling, stuckage, contrast of proportions, dynamic characters (mild or serious personality changes), clothing misfits, and hiding weight. 

Last but not least, I like the big things but can appreciate something small (and the contrast as well) too. 
There is a small selection of rpgs that I like to play, and they pretty good for my liking.
I see, thanks. Seeing it that way, I don't really enjoy slob nor health issues either. But, just as you mentioned, I really like the contrast between proportions (small boobs and big bellies), weight gain, teasing (specially when it is about still having small boobs despite getting fat) , sweating, struggling and as for WG stories (in most cases) when it is about 2 girls if you know what I mean. I think that I pretty much keep all these things on my fantasies, mainly because when I see a pretty fat girl in real life I really don't imagine such a situation like the ones that we've been mentioning. I mean, I may think things like "Oh, she's pretty" and of course look at her, but not to the point of thinking about fattening her up out of the blue. (not gonna lie, its quite relaxing to talk about this =) )

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