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The screenshot is from the NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) website. In the text they admit they are oversampling certain ethnic groups for their health surveys.I didn't take in-depth look at their sampling methods so correct me if I'm wrong: HANES extrapolate obesity rates based on self-reported BMI (not their weight). Do they fail to account for certain minority ethnic groups higer body fat per the same BMI? Does it make sense that rates in the US soar while in other countries it stays fixed? Are certain socioeconomic groups oversampled too?
>>26419 (OP)

You're asking the wrong site for this information.
Didn't click the link, but I can tell you from experience the perception of the US being a fatty heaven is pretty overblown. I grew up in the northeast and now live in the midwest, and obese people have always been a rare sight for me. Overweight? Sure. Not uncommon, but seeing a woman much over 200 pounds registers in my brain as a noteworthy occurance. Maybe it's because I'm in a weathy suburb, but everyone around here is so fit it almost pisses me off. Everyone on here who desperately wishes they could live here to escape their particular fatty desert needs to really taper down their expectations.

I do not mind looking at fat boys or fat girls. It's their bodies that they have to live with not me. I think most of the pooulation that makes up the skinny is the low class minorities, if I'm being fair. The middle and upper classes, and the older population are almost exclusively "not fit". I remember back in my day by the time most girls were 18 and out of highschool most of them let themselves go and by their 18th birthday they would've had at least belly rolls. Comparing that to 9th grade were fat girls were there but they made up a small fraction of the group. Most 9th grade students were fit or "skinnyfat" chunky which is a good look in my opinion at that age.

>>if I'm being fair. The middle and upper classes, and the older population are almost exclusively "not fit"

>>I think most of the pooulation that makes up the skinny is the low class minorities

You can not be anymore wrong. It's the other way around. Only upper and middle classes can afford to eat healthier, subscibre to gym memberships, excerise, jog, and overall have a better lifestyle than the lower class that not only can't afford the mentioned above, but are regulated on surviving on processed and cheap food.

I meant to type low class (poverty) and minorities, not only because minorities are usually more poverty stricken, but also because minorities live a different lifestyle and come from cultures that is difficult to explain. To give you an example in brazil it is their culture to have fun and party and the reason they are all fit is because they're always partying, going out with friends, and going to the gym. It's the way most brazilians live and they enjoy food, alcohol, and "sexual liberation" just as much, and that is why the consequence to or the reason for all of the transexuals, the anal sex, and the aids. But what I'm saying is at least a lot of them are fit. It is in their life they chose those as priorities.

All brazil girls love to dance, love to eat, and love to get fucked in the butt. That's their 3 things. If you forget to fuck them in their butt it's like if you didn't fuck them at all. I can't explain it. They will probably think your gay if you don't fuck their asses, or not manly enough. The girls from there can be rough on a man if your not careful, and if you don't have strong of character. You have to look at the round butt in the face and say I not afraid of you. Minorities choose to be fit and skinny, and do so mostly because they know that it is in their best interests and convinience. It is not from lack of food or the enjoyment of eating. When you live beautiful girls your lifestule reflects that and uou are barely home because of it. The less you are at home, the less hours you are 100% motionless.

None of what you've said makes any sense, nor is on topic. What does Brazillian girls getting butt-fucked have to do with the United States? They're two different countries on two different continents.

Hell, you're on the other side of the world so where do you get off with the knowledge of a country that you've never even visited?

There are many brazil tourists in Neyherland probably why
I can't argue with your perceptions but this is not my experience. I'm in a skinny part of the Northeast and people over 200 pounds aren't the majority, but a significant minority these days. And when I venture out into the boonies, an hour outside my city, they do become the majority.

I can't speak for the Midwest, when I travel through the South I'm floored by the superfat population. I've been in places where 3/5 were morbidly obese and the rest overweight. I'm 5'10" and 200 and felt skinny.

On the other hand I've traveled all over Europe and Central America, and a bit in the Middle East and Northern Africa and nowhere comes close. Only northern Mexico, and it's still nothing like what you'd see shopping at a random box store in North Carolina.
As someone in a large coastal city, I’m always floored in the Midwest in particular by the number of regular, middle class, good looking people that just so happen to have an extra 30-50 pounds. The same people would absolutely be skinny back at home. While there are plenty of ugly gross overweight people everywhere, where I am, there is a definite socioeconomic/racial crosstab to be had with 1) attractive people that keep the extra pounds, or 2) are ssbbw levels of overweight.

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