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Yesterday I had a misfortune to see a russian immigrant swine.
They are loud as hell, uncultured and overall retarded. They follow nor rules, park their cars so they block entire streets.
And more than that, they yell and demand to speak his language, because he just so happened does not understand mine.
I hope they all die.
IDK... I live near a big Russian immigrant neighborhood and have a Russian couple as neighbors. Granted, they're not the friendliest folks— it took like a year to be on "hi, how you doing?" terms with my neighbors, and if you go into that neighborhood people will side-eye you a bit. But then a lot of groups are like that — go to my city's Chinatown and you don't even exist. I have (Arab) Muslim neighbors for 10 years who still look the other way when I say hi.

That said, overall they're mellow, quiet, and polite. They don't hang out on the street drinking, yelling, playing loud music and starting shit — I'd feel ok walking through there at any hour. I know there's a lot of organized crime in that community but it seems to be among themselves, and really that's the story of every immigrant group.
There aren't many Russians in Ireland. There were two Russians at my secondary school when I was a teenager and they were both idiots.

If you're curious about what kinds of immigrants we get in Ireland, it's mostly Brazilians, Poles (and other non-Russian slavs, mostly from Ukraine or the Balkans), Africans (mostly Nigerians but some from Sudan, Ghana and elsewhere), Arabs (couldn't tell you which countries they come from), Chinese, Filipinos and of course people from the UK and various EU countries.

I don't have any problems with immigrants, but I do find it amusing how African and Arab teenagers try to emulate US/UK "gangster" culture.
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Russian immigrants are totally different from "typical" Russians, and for good reason; they all realize the nation is a pit, and they're leaving as fast as possible. I'd give those ones time myself, they've left and now they're likely seeing whats all actually happening now with no propaganda.

I've had cool discussions with Youtubers like Warlockracy, made plenty of Russian friends including one whos trans and in hiding due to their invasion- it's a gangster nation that runs on cheap booze and petroleum. That coupled with crime being a necessity to have any kind of "good" or "western" level life, is the reason why nobody is having babies there and they're long-term dead.
all ruskie invader pigs must die it is the first step to reclaiming the land of our ancestors
>>26384 (OP)
that swine even appropriates finnish music like a true occupier, i hope he crashes his stupid ass car while undoubtedly drunk and his whole family meets eternal perdition
>>26426 Lol. He may not try to blend in, he may genuinely enjoy the music, but I will also say that blending in isn't necessarily a bad thing alrhoufh there are plenty of negative connotations that come attached to it, especially in recent years.
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Nah, that's a lie. New Russia is conservative Orthodoxy after decades under Stalin. At worst, Putin will be replaced by an ultranationalist like Victor Bout or his cook. Gangsters tend to be Ukrainians like the one in Brighton Beach. Your average Russian gopnik just want to drink and smoke in his apartment.
Imagine basing your entire perception of a group over one encounter.

Then again, this is the same site where being afraid of minorites, homosexuals, and women is quite common.
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>prayers for my distant Slavic cousins 🙏
>being From New York
Truly the trifecta of "who gives a shit?"
It's not because of any hard work or talent that you grew up somewhere.
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We have a Russian and Ukrainian population in NY that don't care for the UN or the war in Ukraine. All your anti-Putin posts do is just humor the few neo-cons that want to start WWIII. It's just easy to ignore Ukraine and hope Putin dies of cancer.
Agree to disagree. Putin sucks shit and unchecked his shit fucks us over. Case in point: the Russian-financed Brexit campaign. Now the UK economy is in freefall, global companies are laying off workers, and the whole world is on the precipice of economic recession. You may not “give a shit” but it doesn’t mean you won’t get fucked.

I hope Ukraine kicks his fucking fascist ass.

I think that many years ago most of the Earth's population would feel just as you do, but things have progressed in such a way according to the desires of the governments of the world that most American adults I think would be too worried about other countries not doing well, especially a well-oiled machine as Russia has become. Instead I believe that they hope that peace can prevail for as long as possible. I happen to believe that this has been the goal of peace on Earth for quite a number of years. The reality is that at the end of the day whatever struggles Russia is facing internally has to be resolved by the Russian government. It's the only way. They must actively choose to do the right thing by these cute Ukraine women.

Rape is a violent affair. When a person rapes it is out of anger, not love. The rapist just as every individual has a choice to make between life and death. If only you loved you would be honest.

They are cute Ukraine young women.
The fuck? Take your pills.
Mad max but with snow.
>be moskalskie bydło
>be too retarded and use the Finnish song in your crappy tiktok to which thousands of your mongrel ancestors froze to death
Please. Moskals are like niggers, and they just happen to be more abundant in here. But unlike the niggers, they are capable of organizing into hordes, coming forth and attempting to rape, kill and loot everything they see. Like niggers, but worse due to the scale issue.
their own country turns to shit within the first 5 years of its existence, now the hordes escape and spread out and rape whatever they see
Eurotards coping over big scary Russians lol. Not a fan of Putin's glorified petro-state but it was the USSR that elevated your medieval asses to sapience so you wouldn't pogrom each other every couple years

Modt of us are ugly, with some of us being much more ugly than the rest. It's a cruel existance being forced to live past 40 or 25, isn't it? --depending on your gender. Russians were loved, and will be loved until they disrespect citizens' right to privacy, and other acts of war. Educated, Christian, and other minorities in America love Russian girls (and men from what I gather. When I was young I remember jokingly saying that I wished I was a strong handsome Russian, but that's probably because I love beautiful girls). There is no real hatred for Russian country.
Nu-Russia isn't a gas station. It's a robber barron state that uses private militias to fight wars in the Congo and Ukraine. All we have to go on is the average Russia is getting obese under Putin because of all the cheap goods delivered to them and they watch Fox News because Russia Times can't sell convincing propaganda. I honestly think Ukraine will just go back to being a corporate state for politicians one they get tired of Zelensky. In America, social studies teachers have warned that being a good wartime president doesn't make for a good peacetime president.
This post is interesting, because in my family's experience, it's WASPs who have the reputation of being unfriendly neighbours. None of our white neighbours ever spoke to us except one guy who made fun of my dad's accent once. Then, when some slavs moved in next to us, we were instantly on warm and friendly terms. Maybe it's because my family is Greek so white Canadians think we're foreigners. I feel like every ethnicity in supposedly "multicultural" cities just keeps to themselves and hates/distrusts everyone else.
My Asian female friend studying compsci in America is obsessed with Russian men
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That's because cartoons are no longer asking Americans to buy war bonds at the theater to support the war effort. Even though liberal hawks are pro war, they're not going to get Steven Universe or Naruto go sell war bonds
>>26384 (OP)
arent you just krauts that speak serbian?
Yesterday I had a misfortune to see a Mexican immigrant swine.
They are loud as hell, uncultured and overall retarded. They follow nor rules, park their cars so they block entire streets.
And more than that, they yell and demand to speak his language, because he just so happened does not understand mine.
I hope they all die.
>>26384 (OP)
most tolerant Czech

most petrostates are. having a shitload of lucrative fossil fuels does not a functioning nation make, after all. but you're right that Ukraine will go back to being a corporate state, I give it maybe four months, from whenever the Russians finally give up, before the IMF/EU/Belt and Road grab them by the balls and purchase the entire country in exchange for helping rebuild
Because they are not in large enough numbers in your country (yet) to pose a threat.
Guess the ruski pig is just as ignorant as it is pretentious.
Czech republic was a successful state before ww2 and subsequent soviet occupation. Eat your tongue up.
Are you an subsaharan monkey speaking French? There is a big probability you are.
Their oil is crap, but they've tried really hard to keep it being sold to Europe.
In all seriousness I support Russia because of my experience with Ukrainians and their worshipers

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