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I was listening to an episode of One's Ready on the AFSR Pipeline, and the host said he hopes that they get cancelled for fatphobia, which lead me to wondering if there were any FAs serving in the military (I mean statistically, yeah it's garunteed there's some) here.
I mean, my country has conscription so yeah.

Not to many fat girls thought, only one proper fat girl. There was another with BBW like proportions but a flat stomach, pretty incredible sight.
>>26331 (OP)

USMC, 2003-2007, artilleryman, Operation Iraqi Freedom vet here. Can confirm the army and USMC love their fatties. The Navy had a lot of cute BBWs while I was in. Being combat arms, I didn't serve with any women in the Marine Corps, but they were often fit when not getting pregnant before a deployment.

My first gf was a BBW. I knew her from high school. Second was more thick than BBW, (think Mal Malloy before she got pregnant, but with E cups). Fucked plenty of skinny girls though while in but I'm a proud FA. Current wife is 5'11" about 300lbs.

Buddy of mine was this ripped black dude, did great at PT (not as good as me) but this dude was always dating SSBBWs. Some were cute but some were butt ugly. He didn't give a shit. A lot of people married skinny girls that got fat due to inactivity or depression or pregnancy.

My 2 best friends married BBWs. Cute ones too.

Where do you live and are there Domedtic Terrorists or surveillance problems/information gathering spies where you live?
>>26331 (OP)
I met one once. An online gaming buddy I met playing PUBG a few years ago. He was in the US Army, playing on EU servers because he was stationed in Germany. I can't remember how the topic came up, but he told me that his wife was fat as fuck (about 400lbs) and he loved it. I told him my gf (at the time) was about 350lbs, so naturally we bonded over that. It was nice to have an FA friend because I've never met one IRL.
>>26331 (OP)
Isn't having a fat "dependosaurus" at home a cliche in the military? At least in the US.

Anyway keep the stories coming. Warrior dude with fat doting wife at home is hot as napalm.
Ig, but the One's Ready podcast talks about the pipelines/experinces in AFSOC (mainly PJ and CCT), and how to get ready for them; so I geuss SOCOM may be different

I got a story. So I had been in the Marine Corps for about a year when this guy came to our battery from Oki. He was FDC, I was a cannoneer (pull string go boom) so we didn't really interact a lot at first because different platoons, different jobs. Anyway he had apparently been talking to this woman for a while online while on Japan because he got married very quickly to an SSBBW Latina. This was in San Diego mind you so there's quite a few there.

Anyway this guy is a skinny and short little fucker, very meek sounding. He was always broke, bumming cigarettes off me or any smoker nice enough to let him bum one. On the rare occasion he did have his own smokes, they were Liggettes or worse. In fact I'm sure he still owes me money.

We got sent to 29 Stumps to test out the M777 howitzer. Came back on some weekends to fuck off but spent most of our time slinging 155mm rounds down range, seeing how this new weapons system can handle everything. Anyway this guy was always on the phone with his wife. She had visited him at the barracks while they were waiting on base housing. She was ok, not my cup of tea but whatever. She ends up trying to hook me up with her half sister. I chatted with her sister a few times, she sounded cute. I did ask her sister if she was fat and she said she wasn't. I wasn't trying to be rude, I just wanted to know. Things petered out I guess (this was damn near 20 years ago) and we didn't talk much but apparently she was very interested in me.

So we get back to Pendleton after a few months of testing the new gun. He invited a few of us barracks assholes to his house for a Friday night party. Cool, we brought the liquor, he would feed us. His wife is there with her sister. She was cute actually and an SSBBW. Not gf material in my eyes, just slampigg material. She came on hard with the innuendos and shit. We get drunk as fuck but I'm really not that interested and she seemed like the type that wanted to baby trap a military guy for the Tricare and I didn't bring a condom, so I pass much to her sister's chagrin. Turns out I was right, she fucked some other dude from Pendleton and got knocked up so I dodged a bullet.

Anyway my skinny friend and his fat wife divorced or whatever. My good friend ran into him working at some shit desert gas station near Death Valley where he's from originally. Married to an old and frankly very ugly woman now.

Are you back?
>Anyway my skinny friend and his fat wife divorced or whatever. My good friend ran into him working at some shit desert gas station near Death Valley where he's from originally. Married to an old and frankly very ugly woman now.
Thank you for your service, also this reads like a Bukowski story (I mean that as a compliment)

I am no longer in the military if that's what you're asking.



A good way to stay out of trouble.
>>26331 (OP)
>they get cancelled for fatphobia
Scary! Only in the burgeristan.
> also this reads like a Bukowski story
LOL totally

Probably has something to do with nutters, and something to do with stupidity. Btw, that's the biggest lost of crap I've ever read who came up with that Jordan Peterson? (Btw I have nothing against the guy I just know I'm smarter than him).
That's exactly Peterson's schtick, stating the blatantly obvious in a faux-profound way. Just like religion.

Bonus: This cringe brought to you by "the loner wolf" lol. Got a Punisher sticker on his truck and everything.

I wrote that for fun. I didn't really read or care if it was accurate. I don't need a chart to tell me what a victlm mentality is. I have my own brain.
Nobody I knows has ever heard of Jordan Peterson. We had Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Maury, Pat Robertson as the healer. I think the Daily Wire is trying to go after the young earth creationists, but they don't have the clout that Mike Huckabee has. Megachurches are dying in the states cause those are tax shelters. Part of it is due to evangelicals abandoning the Donald for Ron Desantis, and Raphael Warnock betraying evangelicals for politics. Then there's Catholics who thinks Joe Biden betrayed them for Americanism. Paleoconservatives like Tucker Carlson and JD Vance are the heroes now.
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>That's exactly Peterson's schtick
Working from multiple angles to combine (useless) politics with empirical psychobabble?

Catholics have old traditions and are also known to be more liberal than Christians from the Christian's point of view, but even Catholics take strong stands against certain things especially on a federal level. I heard that many of them oppose abortion even though in Washington virtually everybody pro abortion is from the Democratic party. There is a lot of fear behind the issue and it's enough for them to speculate some sort of Authoritarian government to somehow come out of a single de ision against abortion. Ofcourse to me it's all very silly but I don't know enough about politics to tell you fir certain only that it's probably not likely that anti abortion laws will result in the formation of a fascism takeover in the US government. I believe Joe Biden, being president is a Democrat first and a Catholic second, and this poses a great moral dilemma and risk on key issues that are of special importance to the body of the Christian church and also to Christians, and many others.

"Americanism" can be seen by some as anti-American if it's purely a progressive agenda by mutual beneficiaries, but have no ground in traditional American values. Progress that does not hold onto true American traditional values is essentially commerce and profiting off of a new false religion of prosperity, and nothing more.

>the body of the Catholic church and also to Christians
>Jordan Peterson
OMG just kill me now, this guy is so mind-numbingly inane. Like, does he even hear himself speak?!
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That's the thing, I don't buy into Ben Shapiro's teen genius, Matt Walsh's trade cath, or Jordan Peterson's talk. I think he just doesn't have that ultra dyke lesbian voice that a lot of these Republicans seem to have.
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The thing about cucks like Matt Walsh and Ben Shapiro is they claim to be for freedom but they're only for freedom for their identity. Shapiro is an Israel First Republican and a neocon. Walsh is a Catholic socialist theocrat. Both are authoritarians and don't give two shits about individual liberty. Gutfeld wants to be the second coming of Jon Stewart but he's not that funny tbh, he should go back to Maxim magazine.

I have more BBW stories from my time in the Corps as well, ya know the actual topic at hand.
I agree with everything you and the previous 4 posters wrote but yes, please share your Marine FA/BBW stories, and thank you for your service.
are you trying to tell me that guys who cry about fat acceptance at the drop of a hat don't have a victim complex? because that was my point. i like how this somehow became about ben shapiro.
Somehow a thread about FAs in the military became an excuse to drop a nonsensical political comment, and your cringe manifesto. That's how Shapiro came into the mix, because you guys make everything about your personal grievances.
Every Vietnam War veteran I've met have been skinny men with a sweater and shorts in thirty degrees of weather. The political vets are typically the Air Force War on Terror Vets with their windbreaker and aviator shades talking about how much they hate Bush. A lot of the fat army vets are Afghanistan War vets like Lee Zeldin, or JAGs like Ron who side with the Donald and subsist on Chick-fil-A. Jags are just military judges. On paper, JAGs are supposed to be Judge Dredd for the military, instead they are Jessup from A Few Good Men.
None of what you said is true or makes the least bit of sense. You're painting in broad and inaccurate strokes dude
Not my fault you truth telling liberals are too retarded to just live in small town America. Veterans just want their burgers.
Story 2

This was during Christmas 2004. I had kept in touch with a high school lady friend whom was a grade younger than me. We had a couple classes together and bantered in class because we were also both involved in local music scene (indie/punk/hardcore/etc.). We would always talk at shows but I didn't show any interest in her or anything. We started hanging out a little when I found out she lived a couple blocks from me.

Anyway I'm a year in the Marine Corps, she's messaging me on Xanga that she'll be home from her first semester in college for Christmas and we should hang out. I was on a field op and had she actually called me to hang out. I was surprised to have phone service out in 29 Palms and at the fact that she called me because we're just friends. She's says she's fascinated with the Marine Corps and that I joined it. (She said this when I first told her I enlisted but her interest was further piqued when I actually went through with it.) I told her we should watch Full Metal Jacket together sometime. Again, I had no intentions with her, I really just wanted watch this movie with her.

She was a solid BBW. Let's call her Kendra. Very cute in the face, pretty blue eyes, short brown hair, nice smile, very funny, but very liberal. Against the war but not against the troops kinda thing.

So bring my DVD copy of Full Metal Jacket with me and we talk a little at the airport, nothing serious. I get home, hang with my family, go to a local indie show with some friends, party etc. We solidify a night to watch FMJ and she comes. I'm staying at my dad's and I'm setting up everything when she shows up. My stepmom answers the door and brings her downstairs and makes this face, obviously about her size but Kendra doesn't see. I pay her no heed because it's not a date or anything, we're just watching a movie. Dad and stepmom leave us be. We start the movie and if you haven't seen it, it immediately jumps to boot camp and all the screaming and abuse. Kendra is a little shocked, asking me questions like if this was really what boot camp is like, are you afraid of going to war, blah blah blah and I answer her honestly. Yes and no respectively. She eventually puts her head on my shoulder and scooches closer. I'm like "hmm ok" in my head. I'm also slightly autistic so I'm not sure if she's into me or just looking for a friend's comfort or was tired. Anyway, I grab her hand into mine and she doesn't pull away and kinda sighs/trembles. After a little more back and forth, I ask her if I can kiss her because I'm horny as fuck. She says yes and we make out hard. Deep tongue kissing, I go in for a breast move almost immediately which she lets me. Her tits were so big, I guess I never noticed because she always dressed in hoodies. I could feel her rolls but didn't wanna push it because I was sure she'd be self conscious. I gave her a hickey, she gave me couple. She let me pull her shirt up and her tits were even nicer to look at. Nice and round, pink nipples, good sized areolas. She let me suck on them and I guided her hand to my cock (I was wearing jeans lol) which she rubbed but jeans lol. I put my hands down her pants which she was cool with but I didn't wanna push too much or go to fast but rubbed her clit through her panties which was also hot as fuck and she whispered in my ear that she was about to cum. It was at this time she whispers that she's had the biggest crush on me and wanted me for so long. Then she moaned in my ear and I started shaking like I was about to cum too but I didn't. Just like a total serotonin overload. She stayed a little a longer after the movie, I put on Sportscenter and turned the volume up so we could make out more. She made it clear she didn't wanna fuck that night which was cool with me. It's around 2am so I offer to drive her home which is just a couple blocks away which she accepts. I told her we should hang out again after a cup of coffee at our usual spot and she agrees.

And we do hang out a few more times. The first couple times were more of the same, titty play, cock rubbing etc. I did eventually get to go down on her after almost begging that I needed it. She tried to dissuade me by saying she had a full on bush. I replied that I love bush, the hairier the better which is true. That turned into me taking her virginity, which was special and awesome and she was totally in love with me after that. I asked if she wanted to do a long distance relationship and she did. That lasted almost a year but she couldn't handle my deploying and she was busy herself with school anyway.

I have more stories of course.
Good shit, and unlike a lot of stories here it rings true.

Had you seen Full Metal Jacket prior to this? It's about as stark an anti-war/anti-military movie as they come lol.
I saw Full Metal Jacket and it's not anti war. Nam was a normalfag war. You want doomer kino, watch All Quiet on the Western Front or Civil War. The Civil War broke Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy while WWI was silent generation doomer kino. I argue Joker from Full Metal Jacket was the best protagonist of the worst war.

Yes, prior to this story I had seen it at least 10 times.
Military guys are de facto class traitors and complicit war criminals. Get a real job, yall produce nothing but death, destruction and oppression.

You singled out mercenaries. Why?
Russia is using PMCs like the Wagner Group to wage war in Ukraine cause their own army is getting decimated by Ukrainians. Apparently they are operated by Putin's chef. I swear nothing about Putin makes no fucking sense. His grandfather was a cook for was a cook for Stalin and Lenin while his brother died of illness in Stalingrad. Then again, Stalin was into John Wayne flicks and it makes me wonder if America is dealing with a guy LARPing as the Duke.

All of that is possible, but what it doesn't do is surprise me. What I wonder is, so many evil nutters in this Earth why did you only speak of payed for mercenaries? Is it because you wanted to stay relevant to the thread?
Nobody wants to fight WWIII my guy. Only Evangelicals like Pat Robertson want nuclear war to satisfy their bloodlust and fetish for the rapture.

That was slightly funny. No. There's plenty on the both sides of pro anti ww3, but it would be no different from any other world war. I guess you can say that's 1 of the reasons to try to avoid it, in this case prevent it or should I say delay it. Eitherway as everybody knows there are certain things such as terrorism that demand that something be done sooner rather than later and this too hopefully could help in preventing a worldwide war, unfortunately there are some evils that can only be put to rest by death, lest they never wake again.
Yeah no, I am tired of culture wars. I rather touch grass than be Kisame.
>>26683 Too bad that you are 1 individual, and that you're ugly.
You are just cranky that your bloodlust for endless eternity of combat is being granted and the war is background noise. Toomey was right to not give war boomers their benefits
>>26685 You sound older than I, and like an idiot, so I'm not certain, but let's all agree that the world as it is right now is fucked. It's not good for starting a family.
Not really. I am lazy and unproductive when I have my pregnancy fetish art. I am also medicated at the moment.

Story 3

Sorry for the gap, work and life take precedent.

So I get back from deployment, cockier than ever and I had accrued over 30 days leave and My command allowed us to take 30, which I did.

My relationship with Kendra is a bit strained as she was acting pretty distant and she was actually busy with school. I had also heard through the grapevine that her and my friend had crushes on each other but never acted on it because of the whole me in Iraq thing, which I doubt but whatever. I tried to be affectionate/romantic towards her, but I can tell she was over me. We broke up a couple days after I get home.

A friend of a friend of mine was dating a girl at one the bigger state universities and she would come down to the city every weekend to visit this friend of a friend, name not important. I barely knew the guy but he was partier like I was, enjoyed going to clubs, drinking, etc. His girlfriend too. Anyway, my first real weekend back, she brings her friend Melissa. Melissa was so damn beautiful. Dyed blonde hair, deep blue eyes, 5'6", classic Anglo-Irish beauty. I could tell she had sizable tits at first sight. She was also very funny and a partier as well. Her drink of choice being a sorority girl was Natty Light. We go to the club, Melissa and I are hitting it off, joking and drinking, I finally got the testicular fortitude to ask her to dance. I'm not a dancer mind you but we were having fun, really connecting. She knows I'm into her, I think she's into me. She starts grinding on me and looking back my way lol, it's really getting me going. So we're pretty trashed get back to my friends house. Him and his girl go to his bed, we're allowed to sleep on a spare bed. I forgot to mention a third girl was accompanied them. She was BBW but honestly pretty ugly. Ugly girl, Melissa and I share the spare bed. Melissa and I cuddle. Not much else. We say goodbye but I get her number and we're talked a couple times during the week.

We make plans to pretty much do the same thing, drink, clubbing, drinking the upcoming weekend but in her small town. At this point I'm completely smitten with her. I think she's into me at this point. We were both drunk after the club and went to my friends sisters house to play some drinking games. We're giving so I went in for a kiss and she asked wtf took me so long. Things played out, we finally call it a night and we did more than cuddle. I finally got to fondle her soft, giant tits my God. I flat out asked her how big and she told me 38EE. She let me suck them too. Best reference I can come up with is her body was very much like Nicole Peters from the 2000s. Face like Diora Baird. Things pretty much go like this my entire leave. I asked if she wanted to do a long term thing and she said she'd give it a shot. I did not fuck her, she did not want to give up her virginity until she met the right guy, which I respected and I wasn't pushy about it.

When I get back to my unit from leave, we talked every day, for hours. She was my first love. This was March. I knew we'd have a 4 day weekend for Memorial day, so I did invite her to where I was stationed, Camp Pendleton. To my surprise she said she would. When the weekend finally came I was so nervous. She got to the hotel first. My command were being fucking assholes before the 4 day weekend. Once we got libo, I high tailed it to downtown San Diego. We basically made out and dry humped all weekend. She didn't want to have sex because she was on her period, which I did verify lol. We did exchange our first "I love yous" which was one of the best moments of my life. I did get a blowjob the night before she left and I shot one of my biggest loads after a couple days of blue balls from sucking her perfect tits and showering together. I loved seeing her massive areolas tighten/wrinkle up after they were in my mouth.

So we're still talking everyday, I love you every night. I'm a fool in love. I decided to take some more leave in the summer. Had a 4 day weekend for the 4th of July and went home on leave for a week. We stayed in a hotel back home, and I finally take her virginity. She was so beautiful, gave me the doe eyes when I entered her, her pupils dilated, we whispered I love you. All that shit. After that we couldn't stop fucking. Everywhere. My friend who introduced us was house sitting for a friend. We fucked in his bathroom and in his tub. We fucked in the back of her car on a dark country road. Her tits always bouncing. Her ass was also very nice. PAWG material for sure. Very wide, perfect asshole. She was bald down there, which I told her I prefer bush which she obliged.

So we met up more than a few times, always partying hard, lots of sex when we were together. We finally got to have a Marine Corps Ball (the birthday, it's a big deal). I of course invited her. My battalion raised like $60,000 to rent a hotel ballroom in Vegas, rooms for the 4 day weekend and an open bar. Prior to the ball, I was bragging to everyone how hot my girl was, how massive her tits were. She wore a dress to that definitely showed em off. Even my section chief pulled me aside and said "anon, you weren't lying." She was definitely one of the hottest broads there. I was in my dress blues looking sharp as fuck. Man that was a good night. Lots of drunk fucking in Vegas.

Anyway, fast forward, dated her for 5 years. The relationship got stale, I suppose when I got out of the military and started going to school. She had graduated, wanted to start a family. I was a broke student. I do miss her.

One thing that annoyed me though was she would give me shit for dating a BBW. I wouldn't call her a BBW back then, she was definitely on the verge especially after the freshman 15 and those tits.

I got more stories of course.
Thanks for posting your stories milanon, I like reading these. I know nothing about the service but this one took me back to my own barhopping/clubbing days.
I served in the US military for 11 years. There was a girl who joined my unit around the same time I did, and she was probably in her early 20's at the time. She had an average build at the time, but looked like the type who would easily gain weight if she didn't stay physically active. Sure enough, 4 years later she was discharged bc she gained and was deemed physically unfit. I'm still friends with her on social media and can tell you the gaining did not stop when she was discharged. She's undoubtedly north of 300 pounds now, judging by her most recent pics

And no, I never did anything with her because despite her build, I never found her particularly attractive
Define fat. I thought you had to be gomer pyle to be discharged from the military. I am skeptical of the military's physical fitness since they can't subdue a fat Trump from the beast motorcade. Every women in law enforcement I see are respect the booty types.
This story is particularly attractive tho
Jesse Kelly on Twitter said (multiple times but deleted the tweets) that he knew a lot of guys in the Army who liked to 'wrestle heavyweights.'
Being in the CAF at a Reserve Infantry Unit, I have to say when I go on base I have seen plenty of purple trades who had incredible shapes.

There was this one women in the training camp near Ottawa, I think she was an engineer at the time. Quite the exaggerated pear shape.

Also the Navy and Air Force in Canada got plenty of BBWs in and around the Air Force base that I work on. It is incredible when they wear the DEUs, they can be kind of trim.

My current girlfriend is a mixed gyal with Carribean heritsge about 5'8" 210 lbs, DD cups and a fat ass.

During Remembrance Day, she came over and I introduced her to my cohorts. My Warrant later brought it up during a drive back from Petawawa, of how much of a rocket she was.
Also are field goggles a thing for you guys as well? Where you see someone that you wouldn't normally find attractive, yet, the proposition of field box is catching your attention?
Being arty in the USMC, we didn't interact with many women in the field but when we deployed on a Navy ship, sea goggles were definitely a thing. Being at sea for a month or two at a time, I definitely remember a few fatties who I flirted with them that I would consider ugly.

When we were prepping for deploying on the Navy ship, they kinda eased us into it IIRC. Like we spent a weekend on the ship, moved into the berthing, slept on the ship, came back to Pendleton, did a field op, then went back to the ship, the ship actually left the dock and we stayed off the coast of San Diego for a few days. That's when I got my sea legs. I remember getting reprimanded by my gunny during this time because I was flirting with some female sailors. "Stay in your pay grade" is what he told me, meaning to stop trying to fuck the E5 when you're an lance corporal (E3). I suppose I could have gotten in trouble for fraternization but I was a bit more subtle when senior enlisted were around. Most of my flirting and socializing was done on the smoke deck. I didn't end up fucking any of the Navy gals, fortunately lol.
That's because field wives are fuckmeat for the platoon officers. It's why women are kept in the back for NYPD. Rule of law boomers don't want soldiers banging the fuck meat on a F-16 at mach 10 or on an Apache attack helicopter while gunning down the cartels or communists. Russia is losing Ukraine cause their men want fuck meat and taking the war like a game.
I remember working in the clinic on base recently.

This 5'8" pear shape walked in talking loudly about the cpap machine for breathing.

Also one MP was quite the BBW, my cohorts were disgusted, I was not.
I remember seeing an absolutely massive pear SSBBW civilian in some federal agency's field gear (khaki cargo pants and khaki long sleeve) waddling around KAF.

Other than that our S1 was cute little porker, just under having to do the tape test I would guess.
Imagine being desperate to fuck hoes... instead of being desperate to kill. Fucking pussies. At least destroy some evil humans that are possesed by demonic entities that plaugue this Earth while you're out there not getting any. Stupid.
settle down jorp
>I remember seeing an absolutely massive pear SSBBW civilian in some federal agency's field gear (khaki cargo pants and khaki long sleeve) waddling around KAF.

Tell me more, sir.
That's it, the whole story unfortunately. Only in KAF for a few days and then spent all deployment on a small VSP with no women.
Peacetime army, can't help you there. Especially in the CAF where deployments are just training assistance.

Unless you are CSOR (CANSOF) and you get moved around alot.
So, I was working in the clinic on base, helping the medical techs with their laptops. There is this one Corporal, who is a MILF, about 5'8", brunette, nice eyes and curly hair, about 190 to 210 lbs, slightly pear shaped. Really bubbly personality and self-depricating humour. She also has like ADHD, but it is way different, my ADHD is subdued, hers is not.

I have to prepare her laptop for the weekend. She comes into my office and has to wait. I am working away. She sits down on the metal filling cabinet behind me and says sarcastically "I thought this cabinet would break or bend under me, like it normally would...", I am like "Why would you say that?", she replies "Because I usually sit on these things and a break, guess I have to eat more food....". I said to her "No comment..." and continued to prepare the laptop.

Her sense of humour was so different. I know she was being sarcastic and self depreciating, but man, it made my day.
Self-deprecating **
I've heard some wild stories. Not to many about fat girls though. I definitely remember a few fatties enlisted, a few were good friends. When they got back they were all thin or muscular.
ATIS? Or army?
Infantry, but in a non-infantry role. I work with WTIS/ATIS by proxy.
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Arty Marine here. Can't believe I forgot about this memory. Deploying on a navy ship in 2005, you had your fair share of BBW/thick sailors but one stood out. Still does. Every now and then a random buddy of mine will send a pic of this woman because she ended up doing porn in the late 2000s early 2010s. I think she's strictly a IG thot now.

Anyway, we could see this woman's large ass through the blue Navy coveralls. These coveralls were notorious for not doing women any favors. I'm not gonna say her real name but she went by Mya G as a porn star.

All the Marines, E-5 and below knew this chick by name on the ship. I didn't really socialize with Staff Sergeants and above but I'm sure they noticed her too. She was undoubtedly the hottest chick on the ship. I was an E-3, she was an E-5. I knew I had no shit but one night I said fuck it, in Darwin, Australia, I saw her in a club. I had a few shots in me at this point. Walked up to her (she was with some navy fag) and offered to by her a drink, which she took. Tried to play it smooth but I was nervous as fuck, trying to be a little self deprecating. Asked if she wanted to dance, she said no. Got laughed at by all the black Marines lol.

But damn, what a great memorable ass.
>>29198 That lady's uglier than my grandma, brother.

Yes, most navy chicks are ugly.
>>29202 They let you all wear thongs in the navy? No wonder. If you can't tell. Marine. I warned the name scuba because I somehow always end up in some shit.
How tf would I know? I'm not well versed on thong regulations of the Navy during the 2000s
>>29204 Don't mind me. I've a knack for stupidity. Stubborness gets us into trouble. Basicly everybody I know went into the navy.
>>317470 (Dead) Baby brother, you know that I miss you now that you're gone. I never got the chance to say farewell. I just wanted to say that I will never forget those words you said to me that day, and that I will cherish all the fun moments we had smoking drugs and robbing nipples. To me you will always be but a hero that died for what he believed in and that loved tiny pink pussies. I wish you well, little brother, and I hope to see you again someday. You've been on my mind a lot recently, and I don't understand any of it, but today I salute you. Your love for beautiful onlyfans tramsexuals from Russia and Europe will live on, little brother. Forgive me for not understanding and not being as bold as you. Perhaps if I had been more forward all of this could've been prevented. I'll keep that in mind. Please take this as my formal apology. I apologize for this cruel world and these horrible humans, and that I wasn't better or my best I apologize to you for the lie that 1 time, and I promise to do my best to find put who did this to you. Sincerely, your childhood friend and family.
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USAF crewcheif here. Most of them women in my field look like dwarves because of the weight lifting requirement (If I remember right its called "X Factor" and you to OHP 100 pounds) which results in a massively male dominated job. Theres a couple of cute barely 5' chubby chicks but I have zero interest in dating military women. Still a virgin at 21 and military women dont tempt me in the slightest
I would say alot of the Logistics and truck drivers within the military are pretty thick to BBW.
>still a virgin at 21

Bro I'm 25 please touch grass and stop comparing yourself to the worst of normie trash or Boomer grandparents who grew up in a less insane world. You ain't never getting fatty coochie if you don't go the trad marriage route. Start going to military chapel I guess. And tbqh you should heavily consider leaving the service ASAP anyway
Marry a dependopotamus and buy a firs charge. Next.
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You're not alone, brother.
>twf studying neurolingusitics, and there are literally zero women
I have never been in a relationship, neither I want to be in one. I have spent too much time alone to be comfortable with the other person. I don't even know what I can possibly talk about with them. It's a completely alien concept for me.
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Fat Nam Boomers hang out at American Legion or VFW cause they sold their house for money. That Daniel Penny had excellent ground game and pulled out the jiujitsu movies that these UFC boomers pull. Combine that with Lacrosse, and B-Ball and Nam Boomers can body anyone at 200lbs. It's the same reason Superman beats Goku. Goku's 5'9 and underweight while Superman's 6'3 200lbs. Goku's glass jaw is his biggest weakness while Supes have a mean left hook
Any other cool stories since?

I keep seeing large women in the clinic show up in uniform. Incredible, how do they pass the annual fitness test.
>fat nam boomers

>be me last year
>in bratislava
>sitting with a friend outside a cafe near mcdonalds
>two ~60 y/o american men standing outside mcdonalds
>both with disgusting pregnant-looking beer guts
>one wearing a "vietnam vet" cap
>why he thought anyone in europe (especially slovakia of all places) would give a single fuck that he fought in vietnam, i don't know
>overhearing their conversation
>the guy with the cap is bragging about all the different countries he's visited mcdonalds in
>me and my friend desperately trying not to burst out laughing at them
I think that was the most American thing I've ever seen in my entire life
Fat Nam Boomers, Korean War Boomers, and Afghanistan boomers in the states just drive their Escalades and Pickups. They were told to adopt the customs
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>a tear of patriotic pride runs down my jowls
>this is why we fought at Valley Forge and on the beaches of Normandy
FYI, Vietnam vets more than any others really got fucked. So I indulge them their displays of pride, however little the people around them GAF. Most were conscripted and told they were fighting for God, freedom, democracy, etc. And then in the early 70s, when it was revealed the architects of the war had no idea what they were doing and why, much less a plan for victory, public sentiment turned and the blame went to the vets themselves, rather than the architects. (Why architects Cheney and Rumsfeld stayed employed and were allowed a do-over 25 years later.) They came home traumatized and then called baby killers, imperialists, etc. The only people who embraced them were the hyper-nationalistic right so that's where most of them went.
As a liberal CPA, I just don't buy into war as a big business deal. I just like cheap guns like AK-47s, M-16 rifles, and tanks and missiles.
I'm aware of all that, it's just that the
>displays of pride, however little the people around them GAF
is pretty funny when they do it in Europe rather than America. The vast majority of Europeans don't know very little about the Vietnam War (apart from a vague sense that the Americans were "the bad guys") and certainly don't give a fuck about it whatsoever.
Like, the notion that anyone in Slovakia (or Ireland, Britain, Germany, wherever) would "thank that guy for his service" is absurd and hilarious
He doesn't expect anyone to thank him for his service, it's just his favorite hat. My favorite hat is my high school's logo, I don't expect anyone to give a shit. If you came here in a Dundalk hat, no one would think you expected people to talk to you about Mick Shelley.

>being a fat fetishist while disrespecting McDonald's imperialism
Nam Boomers are common in the suburbs of America. They get respected because Gulf War and Iraq War Vets are the tough guy who watch Top Gun II and play shooter. Nam Boomers will literally drive Escalades, Cadillacs, and own Glocks while talking about loving their country. Trump boomers are heated for being fat meth heads with the agility of a cheetah while wearing Yankees, Cowboys, Redskins Journey.
Maybe not a Dundalk hat but there are lots of Irish guys who wear jerseys on holiday. Sometimes for their local club (as in the club of their parish, not even their county, which would be a bit more understandable). Lest you accuse me of hipocrisy, I think that's cringey as fuck too.

American fast food imperialism is based but I like fat young women, not fat old men lol
I don't think it's cringey, I play rugby with Irish guys who will wear club jerseys to a darty and I like seeing the designs. Eventually you get too old to wear sports gear out and about, so we have to enjoy it while we can. I wore a Japanese baseball jersey in Germany once lol.

Sure, but you shouldn't laugh at that behavior, you should give it somber reflection and gratitude. Kneel for the flag, stand for the Arches. Like how I hum The Peeler and the Goat when I see a tub of lard with a belly full of Guinness waddle out of an Irish pub here.
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>Like how I hum The Peeler and the Goat when I see a tub of lard with a belly full of Guinness waddle out of an Irish pub here.
Underappreciated BBW category. I've spotted a lot of Irish-American fat dimepieces at St. Pat's parades over the years.
Yeah, fair enough. Over here rugby guys are usually seen as being insufferably posh. It's pretty rare to see a working class person who plays or watches it.
I actually saw one at work yesterday but she had that cracked out Gary Busey look in her eye and was very loud lol. I generally like Irish Americans though (which is not the standard opinion, most Irish people don't like them)
I should clarify that when I mentioned Irish guys wearing sports jerseys on holiday in my previous post, I was talking about GAA rather than rugby.
Irish guys wearing GAA jerseys on holiday is so common that it's basically become a stereotype. Rugby jerseys are less common but it does happen
I don't know how this could have happened, but there is one MP on base who is about 5'6" at around >280 lbs. Extreme pear shape.

I don't know how she is able to pass the FORCE test and be fit for her work.
She's probably fucking the E-7 in charge.
Huge pears in uniform are my ultimate. I would kill a cop for decent pix/video.

If only I could. The base is so small, that it would be hard to do without someone seeing.

Also, she took a course with me, so she knows who I am.

She is married and has kids, I don't think she fucked around.

I did see her once in the gym, she was being winded by the female personal trainer.
Yeah I get it, but this is a rare time I'm jealous of someone in the military lol.
The uniforms do not fit like normal clothes, they don't accentuate in the way you think they would.

Features would be softened or minimized.
Fabkay92 on kik

I’ll share pics with any military guy (or girl) that wants to see and obviously likes bbws.
Fabkay92 on kik. I’ll share with any military guy (or girl) that likes bbw and wants to see me.
I geuss the irish are chubby chasers
I geuss the irish are chubby chasers
I was discharged from the Marine Corps in 2014. I was a field radio operator. My girlfriend while I was enlisted(we broke up later) weighed about 310 pounds. I took her to the Marine Corps Anniversary Ball for the unit I was in based out of Camp Pendleton, but the ball was held in Laughlin, Nevada, probably because it was cheap and people were allowed to smoke indoors.

I enjoyed the charter bus ride with her there so much, and our stay in the hotel that night. We stayed together for about a year after my discharge. I particularly enjoyed giving her back massages because her back was so soft and squishy and I loved the way her fat rolls looked. She was very comfortable to be with, and dressed very well, with a great sense of humor. She didn't want to have children though, so that was one of many reasons our relationship did not last.

At one time in the Marines I fantasized about her being my own "dependapotamus". I had heard the older Marines discussing this phenomenon of wives of Marines sitting at home with the children and gaining a ton of weight. The idea sounded attractive to me. It wasn't going to happen with this particular woman though.

I still of course love SSBBWs. I would happily marry a woman who weighs over 500 pounds. Maybe I am the stereotype OP was looking for.
Awesome story! Now, I'm wondering if there are any FAs in spec ops (since OP said they were watching a podcast about SOCOM mainly AFSOC pipelines and prepping for them)
It's certain that I would have joined the army if my government didn't do what it does.
So, in theory, I'm almost an FA in the military.
I'm sure all countries with consciption have plenty of FA's, Ivan. 🫡

Just learned that in Norway females also being conscripted. Cool! Always wondered if it possible to finde fat girl in active service. Alright, atleast strong-fat type
Very few fat conscripts, since they don't have the capacity to take in all eligible, so they focus on taking the best ones. A girl I know narrowly avoided it for being too heavy because she was 155 cm 87 kg, limit being a BMI of 35.

All the big girls I served with struggled in one way or another, none were strong fat. The biggest one had quite the stomach and gigantic boobs. I remember during first responder training I was going to give her first aid and her stomach just spilled out of her clothes.. to say that it was distracting me from the task was an understatement. Even thought there was a dire lack of fat girls it felt like only hot girls got conscripted, weird that.
Gosh dang it! Your country forced you to shoot MG3, ride on leopards, and touch chubby hotties in uniform. You one lucky son of a gun
Well I was in the air force so no tanks and MG-3 are mostly retired, but we had one shooter per section that had a minimi, which unfortunately was not me. Had a Hk416 as my service weapon, and got to.. uhh...shoot with a Glock a few times. Otherwise it was a meaningful year 10/10 recommend not trying to ditch it to any norwegian kids reading this.
Did you volunteer for the air force, or were you drafted there randomly?
Kisame here. Fat people are typically in the Marines. They're USS Alabama types who want to use math to launch missiles. Fat air force are typically the ones managing the attack helicopter or doing cargo work fantasizing about bombing villages
I guess it's pretty random and wherever they have vacant spot at the given time. I've heard others geting the choice on where they wanted to serve, but I was a clueless 18 year old that didn't know anything so I just did what they told me, if I knew better I'd ask at least what options I'd have. Being a regular soldier (guard duty, driver, support) in air force or navy has quite low status compared to many other thing you could be drafted for among people that care about that.

Some things such as the getting into the King's Guard are from my understanding pretty prestigeous and you won't be getting there randomly, at least not at any high position. Same for paratroopers etc.
The Airforce doesn't operate attack helicopters in any meaningful scale. That's the only type of aircraft that the other branches fly more than the USAF. Thats literally why the Army has warrant officers and the Airforce doesn't. Its for the helicopter pilots
The way this reads makes me think you're a larper with no real practical knowledge of the military or how it operates.
Most conservatives I know tend to be "muh family served in Nam or Afghanistan" or "Muh son enrolled in Syria". Or "I have a child in the trades" the fat military Boomers care more about affirming honor at McDonald's
What kind of political brainrot is this? I didn't say anything about conservatives or anything. All I said is that that guy sounds like he doesn't know shit about the military, yet is trying to speak with any kind of authority on the subject.
Please seek help.
You didn't serve in the military either, draft dodger. Pointing that out doesn't make you master gunnery
Kisame here. I bothered to check the Post. They've been reporting about some public school teacher at Hillcrest High being harassed by pro-Palestine black teens. I doubt it and the other incident given how dumpy Queens is. I don't know what TikTok is. I am guessing Gen Z are being edgelords cause they're the child of Gen X
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I just think fat nerds just became popular again because it's easier to animate than some fat paratrooper boomer and easier to use. Animators don't care for Disney because it's so paint by the numbers it hurts. I had to explain there's no politics in Transformers, they're just marketing 2 hour toy commercials. Top Gun 2 was military movie boomers wanted and it was "muh F-16s, Muh Mach 9, Muh I graduated the top of my class!"
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I've been telling pregchan, Chounyuu, and 4chan that they've been chatting with an AI impregnating Kisame17. That five text post is way too immaculate since I don't know Coachella Valley or the West Coast too well. I am flat out too busy maintaining a day job to care for the kink community
I'm in right now, retard.
Cool story bro! Did you get your legs blown off 4F?
>>26331 (OP)
Who's going to cancel them? Does Spec Ops/SOCOM have an overlap with the FA community I didn't know about?
I think he's lying since the military is begging Biden not to throw America in another endless war to appease war hawks. There's been a lot of activists pretending to speak for people. I also heard Russian wives are hating Putin for killing their sons in a pointless war
I joined to pay off college debt I accrued because I had no skills. No fucking way I'm staying in. It's all a petty political game and I fucking hate the government even more so than I did when I joined.
That is pretty tall.
What is she? White?
It's dendapotumous but it's meant as a slur. I don't like it. Planning on enlisting if Trump wins.
Hopefully, I can get into the Big Red one like I wanted since I was a ten-year-old kid, then apply for air assault school so I get into the 101st
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That depends. Were you recruited from a jail or insane asylum for your bloodlust?
You sound like an autist so I'm gonna be blunt about your prospects.

If you're waiting to enlist only if/when Trump becomes president then you are a fucking idiot.

You're not getting into the Big Red One. You're gonna end up as a cook or motor T. We're in peacetime so the military can be picky about who they let join. I doubt you're even physically capable of going through basic infantry school, let alone airborne school.

Yes, my wife is white. Armenian, German, Irish.
Trump never went to the military. He went to military school which is or rather was for troubled teens. He's popular with military cause he's not another neocon
Oh u didnt get in. So u bitch instead. Loser.
The military isn't enlisting anyone anon. It's easier to just let Netanyahu self destruct.
Worse, Trump's dad paid of a doctor to get a 4F deferrment. Someone poorer went to Vietnam so he could stay and bankrupt the family business.

Military like him because he's a fascist. That's not a slur, just a plain fact. He's threatened to start wars with everyone including Canada so the idea he'll keep us out of conflict is ludicrous. The only reason there were no major conflicts during his term was that everyone from the SoD to the joint chiefs of staff kept him in check and he didn't have the balls or political muscle to override them. Things will be different this time.

Writing this as someone who hates Biden almost as much, but knowing the lesser of two evils is less evil.
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Trump is an immigrant with no education who became president while evading taxes. Trump voters are just contactors. They're just scary cause 15 of them can take down 600 Ron supporters
Union weak without trump. So is your mother bootie hole. Deep in the ground. Sad bagging her tits
Bannon, Stone, are fucking weak without Trump. I think Guliani is okay since going out in a fit of libertine rage and fucking big tits women is true Nelson Rockefeller conservatism
I know you mean well but conservatives are such utter cowards that they're being beaten by Trump. Even the press is losing to Trump cause their critiques are milquetoast or tailor made for the internet. It's the same reason Green Day was biting in 2004, but dated in 2024. Green Day aren't going to fight in the Israel-Hamas. It's the same reason Eminem stopped Slim Shady or It Ain't Me isn't playing. That angry loud march stomp music is popular with military guys and Trump voters.
The Heritage Foundation has been usurped by Trump, a fitting end of war boomers who want to LARP as Tom Clancy novels.
Why not be a cook or motor T with the 1st?
I think I'll do just fine
Kisame here. I am a /ck/ and it's not glamorous. It's made up of immigrants from Latin America who either works for union or corporations like McDonald's. The few whites who work the job are homeless who quit cause the 9-5 messes with them. The guests are aging boomers who seethe when the electronics or fat Troons with rainbow hair. Only the Indian or Muslims with D-cups are available. All the strong mommy who breast feed with their G-cups in front of the /ck/s all go to the stadium
When I started, I was paid 7.25, it's just recently I make $16-20 hrs and they cut hours
My preference on non combat arms MOSs is either Mechanic or Medic
I come from a family of health care workers despite being Kisame17. They care more about becoming LPN to make overtime.
Military hawks hate the internet-right because I am too "weird". The military still wants the approval of the old right Prescott Bush, Romney bankers. The old right is too busy getting drunk and laid at Skull and Bones
Also, dude, I am not trying to be a Ranger or SF, if was younger (and I 29 year old in trade school learning welding atm) I could apply myself likely it made through Ranger school.
SF? Maybe.
Me, I want to be an Air Assault trooper.
Not Special Forces.
Every unit needs mechanics.
Also, you lob shells, you aren't a Raider or Marine infantry, chill out.
(Yes I know every Marine is a rifleman, Chill the fuck out)
I want to be in the 1st Infantry as a Rifleman, then perhaps the 101st, barring combat arms, Medic or Mechanic. If Mechanic, I'd ideally stay until I reach MSG and then go into the reserves as a lifer.
82nd or 1st Cav is not desirable. Fucking shitbirds

It's over before it even began. Just stick with welding at this point lol. You're already too old.
Virginia is always needing welders. Texas. Close to the gulf.
Waaaaaaait, is this fuckin' Das Ritter?!?! Lmao
Who is that?
That means, "the knight" in German.
Fuckin' hell, you're still on here, Ritter? You no chance of achieving this goal of joining the military because

A. You have Tourette's
B. You're 29 and still depend on your parents
C. You're 29 and you're still working part time
D. You have no work ethic or desire to better yourself. You'd break down the first time a Drill Sergeant yells at you for fucking up.

I applaud your efforts but maybe you should focus on getting a full time job, moving out of your parent's house and getting a girlfriend, since I imagine the depressed fatty your were talking to is no longer doing so.
I remember by first time getting yelled at in a room filled with elites. As much as they wanted to start laughing they knew I was the one. You cant fucking BREAK ME!
Dude, I am an Italian American guy from Suffolk Virginia with a BA in Philosophy, true that was a bad choice, lol, but still.
>BA in Philosophy

The military fucking hate pinkos with their liberal arts degrees more than they hate Trump supporters. They've been begging the Donald to stop listening to these literature majors and business majors from DC-Arlington-Baltimore. The military also fucking hate Italians like Cuomo
Also Virginia is a fundie confederate state and not a military state.
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We have the RDS as a potential VP for the Donald.
The Goombas and Latinos will own the US, Anglo boy, with the Gael and Slavs joining in for the fun.

Also I went Christendom College.
A small trad Catholic liberal arts school that wants Catholicsm to be the state religion.
We even had Chuck Norris give us wn endorsement even though he is an evangelical.


God Bless Robert E Lee
>The military also fucking hate Italians like Cuomo
The Military is chock full of us wops you retarded faggot.


Catholics aren't allowed to fight. The archdiocese would block them from enlisting. Timothy Dolan isn't going to let Italians die for Biden
Also Catholics hate the mob. I doubt they'd let a Gambino or a Gotti wannabe fight in the war. They rather let RFK Jr be president
Ron Desantis lost because his only frame of reference are elderly boomers who haven't voted since Reagan '76. Nikki Haley isn't winning either cause Trump voters hate her guts. Trump fuhrer will plant their jackboots over the neck of fat boomers till the hope of democracy is snuffed our their eyes come February.
Democrats should have had the guts to nominate someone more energetic than Biden. Trump Part 6 is going to be the saddest of all campaigns tbh

Biden is long on good policy but short on ability to communicate it. Too much time doing, not enough time bragging or whatever
Democrats want Trump Part VI because their base loves franchises. I voted for Trump in 2020 and got kicked out for being Kisame17, but even I admit that the left's strategy isn't well thought out. If he gets convinced, he wins. If he gets disbarred, he wins. If he loses Trump Tower to the courts, he wins! The guy has to do the minimum. Biden has to crush his army of student revolutionaries and stop Netanyahu. Netanyahu, Zelensky, and Xi makes Trump look reasonable.
No offense but Democrats are obsessed with the guy more than I am to the point that MAGA is being accused of having low energy. I could be busy.
All jokes aside Trump is America's Cesar for interns and purposes, if his dad let him go to Vietnam and he came back alive then it REALLY would be an even closer parallel.
Like Prescott Bush and George Romney, Fred Trump wasn't going to let his son fight in Vietnam.
This gave me a good laugh. Ideally Ronny D either gets the VP or Attorney General jobs. He is a good ally, we get Nikki out of the way and we win again, Trump goes full Salazar and kicks ass, throws the Kike of Kyiv under the bus called the Russian Army. get the Israelis to behave like human beings and not mad dogs and we should be okay.
Trump needs a missile shield so we can pull the rest of BRICS away from China and curb stomp those fuckers, put a right-wing government allied with the US and Russia in place, problem solved for everybody.
Yeah, but that is not DJT's fault, he probably would have been happy and proud to go.
Well Bush the Elder was a Navy pilot.
The fuck?
I'm Italian
Whatever you say, Disciple of Netanyahu. Go bomb some babies.
I argue anti-Trumpers are hurting Biden more than helping the president. Hailey is going to lose cause those fat medulla oblongata conservatives with their better than u mentality angers Marines.
Sure thing gówniak...
Is this the Marine Arty guys again?
My dude, what the fuck do you think you did in Iraq you dumb mother fucker?
Killing people for the Military-industrial complex and ruining a prosperous country.
Vai a fanculo tua madre, frocio ritardato.
Nikki haley vs Donald trump
Thanks for derailing yet another thread you useless turd. Enjoy your mom's goulash tonight.

And yes, there are dead Muslims in Iraq directly and indirectly because of me. Ask me if I give a fuck. Meanwhile you were beating off to anime and comic books.
This thread is for military members and veterans who happen to be FAs and those that are interested in our stories.

This isn't a thread for people who haven't joined or are too pussy to join. Pretty simple. Mods need to ban Ritter and Kisame
I am barely on this site. I can't enlist cause I was 10 when then war on terror started and am 33, which makes me too "old" to enlist anyways. Mods aren't going to listen to boomers begging for VA to admit them to Walter Reed. You're stuck with DasRitter the sovereign citizen cause that's who worships the military
He's your gay lover. The military appeals to conservatives with a strongman fetish. I am not into this stuff. Have fun cause I am still on vacation.
LOL no.
I don't even know this fucker.
Also, 35 is the cutoff for the Army Navy, and Airforce. Marines is 28. you can enlist if you want.
Also, why does this Das Ritter guy have the Arty boy's undies in a twist?
I myself don't worship the military, I like the brotherhood aspect and soder is a manly profession, and I fell it is my civic duty if I can.

>There are more than one Catholic 29 year olds on this site I'm sure.
>Goulash is Hungarian.
>Low IQ Jarhead confirmed
>Too stupid to know Polish people eat Kabasa and Perogis
My dad is from the Bronx. He is; like De Niro in a Bronx tale.
I took the mta when I was 8 years old. These young boys today are fucking pussy faggits afraid to be YOUNG SOLID MEN!
BY MYSELF. Everyday!
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My mother is a Slovak woman from Pittsburg, I mean that is close, but not Polish, no.
I mean is Jarhead secretly gay for this Das Ritter guy or something? I don't know either of these people but this seems kind of deranged. Like he is obsessed with getting back at him or something.
Seems like he is over-compensating for something.
Not even making a tiny dick joke, I am saying he got bullied or his parents didn't love him enough as kid.
The DIs didn't PT you enough dude.
Most ppl ur size wouldnt dare talk shit to me. Somebody better this person I like to fucking get wild & thrash everything
No, I am just good at Psychology.
I personally think you may have PTSD-related mental issues
You should see a psychologist.
Anyway, I made myself pasta, catch you later. please touch some grass all ye terminally online niggas.
LMAO watch out we got a tough guy over here.
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I deep nude all your photos. Damn hoe have you nake on the web
He said good so that means ypure not an confident person. You lack the ladies so porn forums is youre rural. Come on I comecacross your kind all the time. Out of my way small fish
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America always care about it's image over substance. Libs whined Obama cares too much about bombing Yemen so he looks tough on terrorists and he ordered the kill on Bin Laden. The white house is full of nerds who want to be the guy from Independence Day or Tom Clancy novels or Vic Mackie from the Shield. HW Bush-Qualye was the last serious adult president
so this is what being touched at a young age and working from home feels like. Real schzio females on here>>43501
I don't work from home. I work in fast food. Just found out it caught on fire last night and the zoomer got burned
PT is nothing, unless you're a weak little schizo.

That's why you don't belong in this thread you stay at home faggot.
Stop it, both of you. You're both wasting your breath/time arguing and bringing us closer to the thread being bumplocked.
My branch of the military makes your PT and everything look like baby play
Which branch?
It doesn’t exist in your country. I’m on a mission in America observing specific ethnic groups.
Thought so, another pussy LARPing. You're worse than the stolen valor faggots parading as SEAL snipers.

You're probably suicidal and on a lot of meds to keep the thought of what a piece of shit you've become in the back of your mind. You might as well go through with it
I am convinced Trump voters and MAGA is trolling the news at this point.
Any mother fucker who schizio rages at anons on the interwebs and makes suicide demands. Aren't you supposed to be married?
Grow up for God's sake I suspect he may be full of shit. Unless he is... CHINESE.
Mods, please lock this damn board before t devotes anymore into a cafeteria brawl at Leavenworth.
Military suicides and PTSD are karmic justice for signing up to go invade foreign countries instead of just getting a regular job
Take your meds, schizo.

Fuck Muslims and commies too.
I don't have shhzofrenia. Project much?
My dude, don't be a twat.
And don't feed the schizo VA Mental ward escapee
Nobody cares what you think, Colonial Williamsburg
Okay, that made me laugh I give you that.
I haven't been but I plan on dressing as a Jacobite to troll the reenactors,after I get my welding certification
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And people care what you think?
Nigga you need the Ghost of Master Gunny Elmo Hanney to smoke you until you start shitting blood.
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Biden already has a good grasp at foreign policy and veteran affairs. The only reason he's losing is cause like Truman, he's a Dixiecrat who hates the public and gets soldiers killed in the middle east to subvert democracy. There's also the matter of betraying America for Europe. Hambeasts think that billions are going into space programs instead of government programs. African Americans voted for Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and Bush because they're still conservatives who find the civil rights silly. Fat Black vet boomers don't want to be cannon fodder
My paramilitary group can climb building, sink ships and collapse a cottage all beforefore youre beloved Nazi Seals even wake up for bacon.
You children wouldn’t know real military service if it shot you in the head from 100 metres.
Riiiiiight, my multiple stories of bagging multiple BBWs from my time in the military.

Why are you even in this thread. Nothing in this thread applies to anything you've ever done in your pathetic life, you NEET incel faggot. GTFO my thread
A Discord group called full of autistic schizo retards LARPing as Aragorn and Serbian soldiers is NOT a paramilitary group.
Artists on Discord are losing their fans cause the algorithm detects porn and notifies Patreon cause them to delete their works.
Quiet you now, Croatian scum. We will find you once we’re done with the Zionists. Yugoslavia will reign again.
Ohhhhh I’m so scared of you krautlickers. Us true Americans oughta give you the old one two if you tried this shit in a small town
Kisame and Das Ritter, the dynamic schizo duo killed this thread.

Thanks you for your service guys
I am on B-12 and playing Persona 3 Reloaded on the PS4. I am off the opinion that boomers are messed up demanding Christians be America's military.
Black Men just want to build generational wealth or be a hired gun. They don't want to be cannon fodder. I can only theorize Trump is popular because Biden wants Black Jesus on Black History Month
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>>43798 Dude I have a full-time job, plus trade school, and a life, I don't even fucking know who you are. This isn't YOUR thread you god-forsaken faggot
I don't even know who the fuck this das ritter guy is. This retard Artty Marine derailed this thread in his demented rage against non-existent goblins in the shadows. Take your meds schizo. Go back to your wife.
Shit, are you talking about Based Aragorn? Okay Mister Arty Marine, you got that right, when did they become Serbian Nationalists though? I am happy am left that cesspit years ago.
Riiiiiight. Hey btw, TradCaths should be thrown off a cliff.
Look man, if you think your pathetic antics are going to wound me? I don't really hurt by random faggots on the web. You have some serious issues that you derail the thread for some random guy who is not even here. BTW I have met a ot of schizo in my day, you act just like them so you cleary are one. Please go to the VA psyche ward until you get your head unfucked. No one cares about what you think. Atop derail the fucking thread and stop bullying the civies. Your fucking job is to protect the citizens of the US and uphold the Constitution. I'm pretty sure Chesty Puller would either have been sent to the brig, a psych ward or have you shot if you were one of his troops. Also, my uncle is a Vietnam Marine, so shut up with this THE CIVILANS ARE BENEATH ME" shit. We came here to hear the Miltary guys talk about being FAs
You are ruining it for everyone else, tell your stories stay on top and stop chasing imaginary goblins, this Das Ritter dude likely has better things to do than talk with some VA psyche ward escapee as I'm sure everyone here except for Kisame does. If you want to act insane go talk with that idiot. I do find it amusing that he clearly lives rent-free in your head.
Kisame is not a Serbian nationalist. This much I know for sure. Those serbian spec-ops guys know what they’re talking about.
Remember when you wanted to promote a Discord for TradCaths and it was unearthed you lived in your mother's basement and had no job? Fun times.
Mean while whites got a head start in the 1960s-1970s with business loans & bank loans for homes without any substantial effort. Because of their color. But hear you are declaring your deflated opinion because all you see is whites as superior race. No one is dumb you asshole system put in places to only benefit higher class whites who used to be middle class in those previous times but somehow moved up in the tax brackets without doing any real or hard work to obtain the their tremendous wealth. But here you are telling the world blacks just want hand outs. Excuse the fuck out of me but white ppl have been given hand outs for generations while making lower and middle class immigrates work extra hard for the same god fucking damn pleasure. And thats GAME. System!
The problem is laziness. The college educated whites are incredibly lazy intellectually, just look at white feminist or paleo conservatives…advanced degrees being applied towards forming a worldview on ad hominem anecdotes instead of historical fact and quantifiable evidence.
Whites suburbanites live in a fantasy that they’re the only workers on earth. Truth is their wealth is just a great society era redistribution of unpaid slave labor to a segregated class of high school educated weakwilled, weak wristed dimwits.
Eric Adams is shameless in demanding K-Street bailing out Midtown from it's failing institutions. He wants to be the old money blacks. Most blacks hate Jay Z, Beyonce, P Diddy, Lil Wayne and 50 Cent cause they're Trump supporters who own small business and chains. They live in Republican strongholds. Mr and Ms Black Regulars want to be military, police, so they can gun down people
Doubt it. Trump voters don't have a degree and only have a convoy to their name. There's pastors who want life to be like the 70s when they controlled the Republican Party and not thaf lunatic Ronald Reagan.
What the fuck are you talking about? Goddnam Schizo. Mods, this guy is a menace. {lease ban him, he's is runining everyone's fun.
>Lunatic Ronald Regan.
>Is this faggot for real?
The best thing for this country would be to have a Monarchy installed like John Adams wanted and run the clock back to how it was under Thomas Jefferson, but with all the good stuff that came after.
Now enough of the politics.

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