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Well guys, I was with the girl I like and I have in the past told I would to spoil her with sweets and baked goods, and she jokes good naturedly that will get very fat since she lacks any self control around sweets.
If we get married, I want to tell her that I like larger women, I have hinted and She doesn't at all mind being the chunky housewife.

Let's say she likes the idea.
She is curvy but still small, She is 5'10
What food would be good to cook for her and give to get her pack on the pounds?
Ice Cream, Cake, Potatoes?
Move out of your parents houee
>>26178 (OP)
>If we get married, I want to tell her that I like larger women

Why do you people wait until AFTER getting married to tell your dirty little secrets? Do you not know how expensive divorces are?
>>26193 Ummmmmm because it's sexier that way? You don't know somebody until you marry them. You don't marry someone unless you you love them. Love is a spiritual thing. Why would you ever purposefully do something to lessen the odds of a long and fruitful marriage if that's what you desire? I spank her butt and get close to her. I tell her "I want to make love to you and your sister". She says "You're mature for a boy". I win.
> Why would you ever purposefully do something to lessen the odds of a long and fruitful marriage if that's what you desire?

I already said that divorces are expensive you dumbfuck. The courts are obviously going to side with the woman and leave your ass living in your parents attic like you currently are.

If it's before marriage it won't cost you a dime if you seperate due to inconcilible differences.

Why would your wife divorce you over your sexual desires? That's the part I'm confused about? Has that ever even happened? That's not love. That doesn't sound like love to me.

Maybe you meant that things become stale in sex so the marriage breaks apart? If my wife told me she like BBC I wouldn't divorce her. That's wrong to do.
>Why would your wife divorce you over your sexual desires? That's the part I'm confused about? Has that ever even happened? That's not love. That doesn't sound like love to me.
Tell me you've never actually been married without telling me
One thank you for the suggestions.
Two what the fuck are you talking about?
You need a job and to move out of your parents home before you pursue a relationship with a woman, because you're a 27 year old kid with no prospects. No BBW is gonna want that. How would you even feed her?
He's a TradCath, he doesn't understand shit about anything.

Leave him alone. He's 27. He's just a baby. He doesn't KNOW about making love.
Fuck off David.
So is she, shithead.
And 2, I have a job.
>>26178 (OP)
Few things are missing here. She clearly thinks of you as a friend or worse, a brother. You're clearly not being up front about your fat fetish/feederism. It's likely she would be repulsed at such an idea tbh because more than likely she has image issues. Did she really say she wants to be the "chunky housewife?" Somehow I really doubt it.

And you end your post with this fantasy that she is in fact into this obscure and abusive fetish? Really weird bro.

Also, 5'10" isn't small at all, it's actually quite tall for a woman. You really need to get out of your retarded Trad Cath echo chamber because you know jack shit about women, especially women living in the 21st century.

Get a job loser. You're no Architect.
>>26787 I agree with most of the facts you've pointed out here, however you fail to realize that none of it matters. Not on this planet, or any other planet for that matter. What I am most interested in is why you felt the need to post this garbage? Seems so much work, and it sucks. You should relax.
These autistic incels need to learn from someone because obviously his parents failed him terribly.

I pray my son doesn't turn out like this guy. With the proper guidance, he won't.
>>26790 Your son is gay then. I am not judging, as I love beautiful lesbians, but... yeah. Your son is probably gay and ugly. And if he's not, then good for you, miss anon. I wish you all the best, but I will thank God in Heaven that I am not part of your family, so keep your daughter.
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Are you lost?

Fat people aren’t “failed skinny people.”

There are plenty of people (male and female) who either enjoy feedism in the right context and/or are perfectly happy being fat. I know body positivity is a scary concept, but you should imagine it sometime.

The few obese that I know of that have gone on diets did so against their will because they had no other choice and during which time most of them were ignoring the fact that they were miserable, or trying to subsidize their misery by other means like cheat days or expensive food options.

Reasons can vary from spouse asking them to loose weight for aesthetic or sexual reasons, having to loose weight for the dating scene, having to loose weight because of health risks, having to loose weight for surgeries, and others.

Most obese I would imagine have no issues about self-esteem or looking obese. Perhaps some very young college freshman that feels the pressure to find a boyfriend or something extremely specific like that but it's not normal. Ironically you can usually tell the skinny girls because they tend to be the girls with boyfriends and the girls who have sex often, so it's more than likely that the extra weight gain is a product of their lifestyles and probably that is why a thin girl is more likely to have a boyfriend and to love having sex, not the other way around. It's similar, for example, to a young man watching porno because he doesn't have a girlfriend. There are plenty of married couples that watch porno together, but if you are young and have a girlfriend then you're probably not watching very much porno. You may be too busy hanging out, working, or I don't know, having sex? Anyways, in conclusion, decisions that a person makes in their life can lead them towards gaining weight for a time, or staying virgin until 30 even when that wasn't their intention, and even when they haven't technically made any mistakes. It definitely is a matter of what the person prioritizes internally and otherwise subconciously desires for their life that plays a role in the outcome of events. Nothing can stop you from doing what you want to do, but evil individuals can make it difficult by getting in your way. Other than that it is a battle of desires that become internalized, and depending on those desires the result is a fat person or a skinny person.
My son isn't even 1, you pedo faggot

I never said they were failed skinny people.

And I agree, people can mutually enjoy the fetish. There's nothing wrong with that. But the incel OP has this fantasy where this poor depressed woman is secretly into getting fatter for his weird fetish when it's clear she isn't into getting bigger. I would even dare to say OP has never cooked a meal because mommy has been doing it for damn near 3 decades.
He will if he has subhuman trash like you as a dad.
I won't be lectured by a mentally unstable former Marine who acts like Tim McVay.
Not to mention your tongue is in Ayn Rands STD ridden cunt.
Not to mention you are a literal Mexican going on racist rants complaining about Russians being Sub Humans.
Ah yes, Mexico.
The people killed thousands daily for cannibalism and human sacrifice before Spain cleansed it and preached the Gospel.
As opposed to Russia. which has been a Christian country for over a thousand years, with a horrific 70-year interlude.
Don't make me laugh you filthy wetback.
I have been working at a sawmill for over a year as my day job.
So mind your fucking business and let me talk to the others in peace
Also, you are subhuman because you a fucking racist, not because you are Mexican.
Secondly, your terminal coom brain is fucking disgusting.
Thirdly you literally were married by a Catholic priest in a Catholic Church.
Stop being a whiny little faggot and go to Mass and Confession.

Don't bother me again

I'll leave you all with the words of the Gypsy King Himself.


I like this guy
I won't be lectured by a mentally unstable former Marine who acts like Tim McVay.

Bitch, I've been employed since high school, moved out of my parents' house at 18, served my country honorably, married with a kid. Meanwhile you are the exact opposite of all that.

>Not to mention you are a literal Mexican going on racist rants complaining about Russians being Sub Humans.

Absolutely Russians are degenerate. 90% alcoholism rate, 70% divorce rate and the most abortions per capita in the former Soviet bloc. You're a fucking Polack you retard. Your ancestors are rolling in their graves for your cuckoldism for Russia.

>Ah yes, Mexico. The people killed thousands daily for cannibalism and human sacrifice before Spain cleansed it and preached the Gospel.
As opposed to Russia. which has been a Christian country for over a thousand years, with a horrific 70-year interlude.

Congrats, you paid attention in 6th grade social studies.

This is probably the most pathetic poster on BBW chan. Notice how this man-child doesn't give an update because she probably jilted him for a man with a job and actual prospects.

Kisame here. I have a job. I can't move out my parents home cause I only make 1.6K-2.4K monthly and landlords are asking for 2.4K in rent. I don't know what coke these landlords are snorting, but I don't have the extra 2.4k from refunds anymore cause Democrats are childish toddlers who think taxes need to be high. I can only afford a Toyota Tacoma with my income.
I would also like to add that NYPD, the state troopers, and county police are exhausting the budget with their retirements. There's a good reason Aldi and Lidi are multiplying, normies can't afford Stew Leonard's, Trader Joe's, Neiman Marcus, or Whole Foods. That's like an extra 100-300 dollars. I used to get paid 18hr-20hr as a waiter to throw away those $1000 steaks and $400 wine that politicians like. I just didn't go to Chase or other places cause that's like the gulags for waiters
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Let's be realistic. Millennials aren't freedom fighters. Millennials have high health bills cause they got drunk and hit with the yaoi paddle at some Midwest con.

Everybody picks on them because at some point every generation started becaming a bigger bitch than the previous generation. These generations have easily undone the efforts of decades of men putting in work and gaining girl's respect across the nation. It got so bad that ugly virgins will call a dude in her class a "pussy" without flinching. It got so bad that every generation is more unemployed than the previous. Every generation is more gayer than the previous. I have heard latina women in their 50s and 60s openly calling latino men bitches and pussies. Too scared to do what must get done. Too scared to ever be able to fuck a girl right. That sort of thing or like "Oh, I pulled down my pants and showed him my butt and he instantly peed on the floor!" which is the equivalent of being called a pussy. If you think that's bad, you don't want to know what those fine ladies with large silicon breasts and wesring barely any clothing have to say about whites and about those of african descent. It's infinitely worse.

Compare that to the contrary of how things used to be. Girls loved and respected us when we were in highschool. I wont go into too many details, but I don't remember once having a problem with a girl. On the contrary, there was an opportunity once where I had sex with an older lady and without me trying very hard she was head over heels and telling me that I was more of a man than any other man that she had ever been with. Btw, that is 1 of the reasons that I enjoy getting girls drunk, because that's when the truth actually comes out, but that's not the only reason. There are several reasons.

This is hopefully just enough information to allow your mind to wonder what could possibly be wrong with these younger generations and why was the abrupt change so harmful to the social fabric of society that is the woman's happyness that which without the pussy is like a dry basin, and when a woman is not getting the dick she so deserves and craves, somebody is bound to pay the ultimate price.
Wow, one giant excuse, I'm impressed. Learn a trade, go to school and major in something that matters. There are ways to earn the money enough to leave your mom's tit. Part of adulting is figuring that part out. Or move to a cheaper area.

Don't be like OP, a perpetual "fiction" writer, with zero practical or personal skills.
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I don't know. I posted SlickPen's picture on that Kisame17 page off KiwiFarms. I am currently employed at Shake Shack and busy taking food safety training. I flat out don't have the time to write pregnancy fiction.

Hey, wtf are you talking about? No, nevermind, just stfu.
I am not longer a fabulist. Have fun with all the dysfunctional nutcases like DasRitter

No. You either work for Google or you hacked Google's servers that had some people's certain phone data, or youtube. It doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that the truth is known about who you are and who you work for, so that we can enact justice and retribution for the mental torture that you have put my cousin through. Das right. I want your head chopped off. But first we have to find out who you are and who you work for, don't we? Because it's been 13 years and you're still yoo much of a pussy to take credit for it like a true terrorist. You're globohomo terrorist. Nit even as good as your predecesors.
I don't know what you are talking about. Man, you fat fetish and pregnancy fetish people are high on fentanyl.

Girls. Girls. Girls. Girls. Girls I do adore
I am a nobody now.
I honestly just plan on living in my car, then again I have no relationship, it'd be hard to shove a 400_ pound woman into a corolla lol
I don't know what to say. I got rid of the lavish colored and black and white pregnancy commission people liked about Kisame17. I cut my art budget from 900 to 200. I am saving up for a pick up to do more grocery shopping since the 2 hour bus trips are time consuming.

>I am a nobody now.
The problem is that I still don't know wtf you're trying to tell me.


Don't worry Kisame, you're probably just gay.
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Kisame. I am not gay. Black gay guys are /fit/zens who purge. Don Lemon' and Jussie Smollett are your gays. I took up art because to control my rage, which is great enough to scare my brother who's a professional wrestler and my cousin who's a security guard. It doesn't help I am a Fundamentalist
I was anemic and emo listening to Avenge Sevenfold, System of a Down, My Chemical Romance, grunge and nu-metal before becoming a cook. I am glad that we finally started playing Beck and Linkin Park at my job.

That post sounded pretty gay imho. Plus you posted a pic of a gay dude? Seems like. I don't really care whether you're gay or not, I'm trying to understand what you're trying to tell me.

Btw, is your aunt hot?
>to control my rage

Gay autism
Kisame here. I am not gay. I am French. CrossCrescent just want to own the copyright to Li Li, my ninja OC, but I am baffled. Art in Haiti and France are free cause we're an egalitarian society.
I like commissioning breast expansion and pregnancy feitsh pics as a hobby and not interested in the showbiz or how hot the woman is. I was bored to tears by Satsumalord DocGyara, and Gnarly Otaku's boorish attempts at manhood. I don't know what they do down south or in Europe, but drinking and talking about manhood sounds turbo gay.

All the women in my family are health care workers.

I like France. There are many things about France that I love, especially French culture, and especially when it's old or ancient. I also love French girls.

Copyright has nothing to do with ownership. It has been stated plainly on this board by me and others numerous times. Copyright and ownership are 2 different things. You are the property owner of anything that belongs to you or that you make. If you make a character especially you are the owner of that character. Nobody else can be the owner of that character unless you sell it or give it away, or something like that.

The part where the law comes in is where things start getting more complicated. Once you choose to bring the law into it for any number of reasons including for copyright claims, then you have to go by those rules that govern copyright. Copyright is not necessarily needed to prove ownership of a character and characters are 1 of those rhings that are most easily protected by the law as there is an abundance of work that has been done over the ywars in those regards, thanks to pushes made by large corporations such as Disney that had the money and the influence to get some of these laws passed that could protect copyright on a nationwide level, and that we can now benefit from those laws today.

In order to sue you will have to prove ownership if the defendant claims that he is the rightful owner. There are a number of ways that you can prove ownership, both legally and by other means, but to spare what will most certainly be a costly legal battle most prefer to use copyright lawyers. Another easy way is to use an official government office, to put a legal stamp on a documentn for example. This stamp can quickly be confirmed as authenticity and provided that the stamp has a date on it, which most of them probably do, then the defendant unable to produce ownership proof would lose the case.

There are different ways to bind a document or to make objects legal, for example as is used with evidence in a criminal case, or when they take a prisoner's personal belongings (This is why they don't give you back your money because it is not yours and they would have to fiest verify that it is legal tender before giving it back to you.) ;) You can fill a form to request your money and they will probably deduct a fee from the total.


Okay, but is your aunt hot or not?
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This thread is a toxic waste dump tbqh famalam all you niggas straight retarded deadass Fr no cap
I rather not answer my question since my aunt is a social worker for NYC and Eric Adams is now putting counter terrorism units everywhere. I also have trouble expressing human emotions.
I just want to make pregnancy and breast expansion art since it's the only time I can express emotions.
I think it doesn't matter. Pregchan is dysfunctional without Kisame. I rather just play video games and ignore the preg community drama.

Why do you feel compelled to express emotions that are not genuinely yours or that you don't have?
Simple, being le stoic badass is boring and I just want to have fun.

>Not gay.

Okay, noy gay Kisame.
Not wise to mess with the "gay" person who can make pregnant and big breasts characters look competent.
The fuck would he do? Masturbate harder? Jesus, why couldn't you be into trains and Minecraft like the other auts.

>"gay" person who can make pregnant and big breasts characters look competent

Post 1 pic as endicative proof of this statement being factual.
Anon, nobody cares for preg community problems. It's like I told PrettyPlumpandProud: conservatives are going after your porn and not me.
Not interested. I am saving up to see Shazam this weekend. I have life outside of pornography.

I don't know what you just said, and I don't care. I enjoy large breasted characters, even the competent variety.
Autists like me have the least amount of demands. We just want stuff to be like Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, Dragonball in terms of design. We're not interested in some girl boss like Gnarly Otaku or DocGyara who wants to work on group projects.
He clearly doesn't know how to read.
Do you think will support neonazi subhumans in Ukraine? The ones who slaughtered 250,000 of my people.
I take Christian Russia
You unironically support murdering police officers you sick fuck.
Deny it if you dare.
Yes, we have a wetback Coomer I used to know who still thinks I am unemployed.
He also thinks single moms should be forced to turn tricks in alleys because helping the poor makes you a commie,
He also thinks Fracnsico Frank is a come.
This greaser shitbag is out of his fucking mind.
He also supports murdering cops.

Sounds like a cool dude. He probably fucks vagina.
America is far worse.
Get head your head out of your arse taco bender.
Everyone lives with their parents and has a job these days you stupid wetback

Oh so everybody's going to turn gay now just to overthrow the government? Good idea, but no thanks. I will die 1 day in the arms of a beautiful little girl or else I will just die.
Sounds like someone over-compensating for having a tiny dick by being a man whore.
Also who said Tim Mcvay was unemployed?
He was a decorated Gulf War veteran who got brainwashed into white supremecy.
I literal just wanted to make a wholesome post about how to help my gf gain weight and it gets derailed by some deranged taco bender former marine who supports murder of police officers because they are oppressors.
Also he calls blacks niggers, and then defends the Black Panther Party.
This guy is fucking nuts.
I can't make this shit up.
I am unfortunate enough to know this fool.
You sound like a pedo LMAO
What the fuck
Neo Nazis tend to be Irish Catholics who live Upstate in NY, or desert communities in California or Arizona. All they do is snuggle guns, fight the cartels, and African American street gangs. They don't care about Ukraine. Russian isn't a Christian country. It was under the Tsars, under Putin it's libertarian or an-caps. Russia is liked for their cheap gas
No, he was a northern klansmen like Trump's dad. NY would rather ignore the klan burning down neighborhoods Long Island during the 20s or Charles Lindbergh's America First views to focus on the fake liberalism made by celebrities.
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Kisame here. America has been sucking since the 90s when I was born. It's just that I hate Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire because they'll never be as chill as the Ruby Ridge guy or the Unabomber. Fox News, and big conservatives are just whiny neocon babies who dodged the draft. It's why I am hoping Fox News loses and gets taken off the air for promoting hate. I am convinced getting rid of Batman the Animated Series and Fox Kids killed the network

I am. And I do. :)

She's not your girlfriend though.

And you're trying to trick this poor depressed girl into your fetish. You already weird her out enough bro, just cut your losses.
Dude fuck off. You disgust me.
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Kisame here. Catholics are malignant narcissists. Just look at how the Daily Wire tried to talk down to SUNY Buffalo college students. They didn't show the crowd cause the average Buffalo resident is 300lbs and loaded on meth, needing state troopers to stop them. The numbers check since cops had to stop a fat dad from killing the Buffalo shooter in court. I doubt Catholics can go those bulky upstate women. It's not like those me downstate NY women who wear yoga pants everywhere. In DasRitter's case, he most likely got some crazy Filipino or Latina from some poor as fuck country with dictatorships and paramilitary death squads.
Can I just say I am so happy the two most notorious autists on /gen/ are finally playing together?
As an NYCanon I'm rooting for the hometown hero here
Kisame here. I already decided to take a break and do something about my OCD.
God I finally know what wrapping a lemon wedge around a gold brick and bashing my brain in with it would feel like...
It's like trying to follow along with a conversation with these 2 in it... Shit. That shit hurt trying to read through it all. It is a wild show though.

My girl is from Spain.

Take your meds schizo
Who me and the schizo?
I am not your bro.

Also the girl you are thinking of? We comfortably went back to being friends, and I am now dating a Latina.
Secondly, I will not be lectured by a disgusting perverted freak with disguting sexual tastes who has the gall to criticize me encouraging a girl to embrace her curves and enjoy being treated like a princess.

You are vile and perverted.
And I could care less what you think

See you..
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Knowles is pretty based.
Not going to lie.
He should ditch the Jew though.

See ya
Kisame here. Loser! Nobody cares about the loser dad Micheal Knowles. If he bullies transgender children again, he's going to get his face caved him. Same goes for that non-fascist Matt Walsh. Catholics need to be hunted for sport again
Going to be hilarious when your gf castrate you for seeing porn
This thread is the stupidest shit I've read on the internet and then there's that 1 long post that didn't get deleted.
Kisame here. I already got my certification on food safety at my day job. My next objective is to save up so that I can get a Toyota Tacoma by the end of summer.


Go join the mob if you're bored go stalk some civilians.
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I am not listening to a nation ruled by Hindus. You just mad that the Tories and Thatcherism has failed. Get back to working for Sikhs and the EU, nonce!
Say what you want about DasRitter, he's a worthy opponent. I forgot about politics.

You're country is a joke that everybody laughs at. You're the only ones that don't know it

>I forgot about politics
Which politics are you talking about? America don't need opponents. America needs entertainment that doesn't suck, artists that don't steak, backs that aren't nutters, politicians that aren't murderers, less corrupt secret government agencies, and possibly 1 more wall on the northern side in the future.

>artists that don't steal
NY politics is pretty much more like the British Parliament. It's deliberately ineffectual as to prevent a lord protector from having a monopoly on politics. The rank and files are just in politics and entertainment to represent us.
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Entertainment has been sucking because cartoonists don't want to listen to the conservative suits. They think screwballs like Daffy, Goofy, Tom and Jerry would sell. I don't know what to tell you about Japan, it's the opposite, they don't want to sell Goku, Ash and Pikachu, or Tai and Agumon. Cartoonists think entertainment exists in a vacuum.
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As for comedy, Kisame likes underated stuff like Seinfeld, Office Space, Everybody loves Raymond, or classic Looney Tunes stuff. I've clashed with artists like Satsumalord, CrossCrescent by pointing out that not everything needs to be drama or high art. That high concept science fiction like the Matrix fell out of favor cause there's just no nuance like Goku from DB or Yusuke from YuYu Hakusho.

Bruh.. Americans must stay perpetually high. Do you brush your teeth before you smoke in the morning? Fucking gimme your weed. You don't need that shit in your life you fucking loser.. You're dumb as fuck as it is already
His only "girlfriends" are online using anime characters as their Facebook profile picture. A Latina or any kind of Asian woman would never waste their time on a manchild whose idea of being a grown-up is working part time.

Ritter unironically believes that me having multiple BBWs sexual partners is worse than pedophile Catholic priests being snuck from one archdiocese to another to avoid prosecution. The kid is very deranged.


I'm gonna lick my wife's pussy and sniff her asshole tonight just to spite you while you jerk off to hentai and Russian child porn.

I can't relate even though I am the infamous Kisame. I work 30 hours at my day job cause there's limits in place to prevent overtime. I am just saving up for vacation during the spring and summer as well as finding time for financial courses.
All smart people do is hyperventilate over the possiblity of a terror attack on Tuesday and conservatives threatening the Manhattan DA. I don't have time for moral outrage.

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