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There used to be a prediction thread here and I always enjoyed reading it, so I’m hoping to bring it back. Share any predictions you have about any models or the community at large. Can be short-term, long-term, whatever.

I’ll say that Boberry at some point in 2023 appears on a talk show to discuss being a “plus-sized influencer.” Also from the old prediction thread, someone said they see the first 1000lb model in the next few years, so I’ll just agree with that one too.
My 5 broad predictions:

1. Someone's going to split from their feeder (or have a huge argument and get kicked out)

2. Someone's going to have a mental breakdown and go awol/retire/find a new lease on life.

3. Someone's going to secretly get pregnant and hide instead of captializing on the pregnancy fetish community.

4. Someone's going to die. Not nessesarily from health-related. Could be something sudden like a car accident.

5. Someone's going to piss off this site and have them turn on her.
Basic unimaginative boring ass predictions, use some real names dumbass

Says the faggot who hasn't made a single one. Suck my dick dry and then walk into traffic.
The feedee scene will be hurt by the impending food price inflation. Those hooked will get shittier quality food to continue, some will try to drop out and it will negatively affect entry into the lifestyle since it will be so expensive. Bros who have good jobs and can support some will have bigger sway in what models are winners and losers.
>>26083 Food inflation? I wonder who on Earth got us into this potentially catastrophic dilemma.
+1, that was some awful work. You may as well predict weather during a dry season.

Thanks for reviving a good idea OP. Just to tweak, let's keep predictions within a time frame.

I'll toss my hat in for a prediction: By the end of 2023, MzFluff will resurface one last time to try and cash in, before sleuths uncover that she also has a GoFundMe active for WLS. She had her fun, realized she can't keep up any glamorous appearance as a bedbound model, and wants out.
Dubs confirm 77 is a man who gets laid regularly and has a satisfying life
Antidubs confirm 78 is a basement-dwelling incel with no predictive capacities beyond "the rain will be wet"
My predictions:

- BigCuties will shut down permanently this year due to Heather's ongoing health problems. It might stay up as a "legacy" website where you can buy access to the content library, it might disappear entirely if the profit margin of keeping the archive online isn't worth it. I don't know the financials to have an informed opinion, so I'll handwave a 50% chance either way.

- We will never see the promised return of Big Cutie Steph. A million boners including my own will die of grief.

- We'll see a repeat of the ChubbyChiquita saga with someone new. A college-aged girl who sincerely has the kink starts posting lewds, gets addicted to the validation, and ends up getting doxed by the bad people who lurk in the darker corners of the community.

- Wildcard prediction: as the culture war heats up again for election season, we'll see someone attempt to take advantage of the untapped market niche for a "trad" BBW e-girl. She'll be thicc/smallfat rather than SSBBW and won't do overt feedist stuff, but she'll thirst trap a lot of guys who have "conservative BBW tradwife" fantasies and acquire a following of hardcore simps. However, she will be subjected to merciless trolling and doxing by the broader right-wing community who are disgusted by fatties; shit will get real quickly and she won't last more than a year or two.

- Bingo card free space: Feabie will continue to suck. Everybody will continue to complain but nobody will do anything about it.

- Meanwhile, FantasyFeeder will continue to exist in all its Web 1.0 glory, indestructible by the outside world. When the Ukraine crisis leads to a third world war, the last man alive after the nuclear apocalypse will log on for one final fap, scroll through the new stories section, and die of boredom.
It was a joke, dummy. The point is that this is shit that happens every year.
>>26062 (OP)
First TV series with an overt FA-BBW relationship that's o/a positive. Likely wishful thinking but thoughts are things and all that. Oprah told me so.

The US healthcare system on the verge of collapse, fat becomes a major US political issue, one that further splits both parties. As both defense and criticism of fat people hits a fever pitch, FAs are thrown under the bus, just as our preference is becoming semi-respectable à la homosexuality.

Randalin disappears without warning, feeds FA rumor mill for the next decade, Kelligirl-style.
My previous prediction of Phoenix recording a hardcore video actually came out, that was pretty cool.

>- BigCuties will shut down permanently this year due to Heather's ongoing health problems. It might stay up as a "legacy" website where you can buy access to the content library, it might disappear entirely if the profit margin of keeping the archive online isn't worth it. I don't know the financials to have an informed opinion, so I'll handwave a 50% chance either way.

Not likely, I've spotted 2 new upcoming BC gainer models on social media and i'm not sure if Heather is the only involved in all aspects of the site such as HTML, close associates like Tofu and FlatJack could be helping her out.

My predictions:
-Boberry won't stop putting out videos in abysmal fidelity because seeing her self In HD makes her insecure. She will increasingly use filters as well.
-Roxxie and JJ are at their peak weights, people with the right eye for it can see it already.
-The new Zelda turns out so addictive that Hayley gains a bit more than the 650 she has set her eyes on before october. Keep your eyes on ThicladyBug and Mollie too.
Boberry is 100% going to be some kind of weight loss influencer within a few years. I think she likes being fat and having legions of simps to support her lavish lifestyle, but that body has got to be tearing itself apart with how active she is.
Let's review some takes here:

>BigCuties will shut down permanently this year due to Heather's ongoing health problems.

I'll venture a guess and say Eve or other behind the scenes will take over for her and keep it running. I think Heather will probably formally retire since she's immobile and fighting for normalcy and as a result is leading to opinions like...

>We will never see the promised return of Big Cutie Steph.

I'll give it until April before I voice my support on this. It's clear she wants to make content, Heather wants a ringer to make up for star talent breaking away, but wow is this whole CCBill thing fucking both of them HARD.

>We'll see a repeat of the ChubbyChiquita saga with someone new.

My bets are on Hayley. I think there are enough people seeing a socially-awkward girl balloon up and loving it that someone will take it too far.

>Wildcard prediction: as the culture war heats up again for election season, we'll see someone attempt to take advantage of the untapped market niche for a "trad" BBW e-girl.

Doubt it, sorry bud. Points for creativity for a wildcard though.

>Bingo card free space: Feabie will continue to suck. Meanwhile, FantasyFeeder will continue to exist in all its Web 1.0 glory.

+1, approved.

>First TV series with an overt FA-BBW relationship that's o/a positive.

Now THAT is a wild card. Super doubtful but a man can wish. Best we got was American Horror Story: Freakshow.

>The US healthcare system on the verge of collapse, fat becomes a major US political issue, one that further splits both parties.

Super doubtful since there are fatties on both sides, though I will admit one party lacks enough self-awareness and regularly votes against their own interests enough to demonize fat people despite being in states primarily populated with hambeasts. The irony will not be lost on anyone.

>Randalin disappears without warning

I'm curious as to why you think that, but I can't throw out that possibility. Kelligirl's case is perplexing but I think Randalin knows she can't properly deal with her lipedema without pissing EVERYONE off. So vanishing it is.

>Boberry won't stop putting out videos in abysmal fidelity

+1, as much as she's making bank, enjoying the attention, and getting to live a glam lifestyle with frequent trips, I can't help but think there's something more to how she's feeling. Though this might be hand in hand with how some are feeling >>26098 will come to fruition. I think she's going to hit a wall with how active she is and 180 shift to a WL Influencer. Might even be catalyzed by OP's prediction happening. I will say there's a nonzero chance she's been hit up for interviews by both supportive and demonizing outlets who are perplexed a 550+lb woman is out and about and not saying at home eating buckets of KFC.

>Roxxie and JJ are at their peak weights

JJ yes, Roxxie no. I think JJ is hitting a wall with gaining and she either needs to sacrifice mobility or up her food intake to surpass that, and she's already at such a level already. Roxxie I can see going farther, but I think 600 might be out of reach.

>The new Zelda turns out so addictive that Hayley gains a bit more than the 650 she has set her eyes on before october.

That's a safe bet - Hayley is an eating machine. She actually might have 700 on the horizon by year's end.

Good shit so far, all

I could see this with Ash, too.
this is the one comeback I just can't see happening tbh, she's "gone straight" as a fat influencer/activist/fashionista and I think she might totally reject her bigcuties/c4s past
I'd bet strongly against an Ash comeback. In addition to being embarrassing to her as an influencer/activist, she's married to a guy in the tech industry and has no financial motivation to return to modeling.
I mean I am going to assume most people in her circles are aware she did porn at one point, but I agree that her behavior over the last few years makes her look embarrassed by it
I don't want this thread to get too bogged down by the politics of Ash, but she's definitely fallen into the size acceptance camp that doesn't want to achieve that by being fetishized or sexualized and that's a hard box to fit into after you've established a presence making porn. I don't know if she's making any moves to have her site wiped from BC, but she's been thorough about scrubbing her work everywhere else and has been selective about what she shows on IG.

As much as an Ash comeback would be sublime, it's absolutely not going to happen. Total sucker bet.
Lately /gen/ has done a LOT of reassessing and over analyzing ash’s modeling career and trying to figure out where her head is at now and I kinda don’t get it. Yeah she was fat as HELL but I don’t think she’s as interesting to talk about as some folks, clearly.
She gets people fired up man. There's a *multi-year long* thread on kiwifarms about her, which I suspect is in fact populated mostly by self loathing dudes who are secretly jerking off to her.
My prediction is that Juicy Jacky will gain another 10lbs over this year, meanwhile there will be monthly posts of someone saying “she HAS to be over 600 now”
>>26062 (OP)
Adeline dies and/or gets weight loss surgery.
A model or a group of models are going to get caught making content in a hospital/doctor's office which will lead to legal problems for the model/models involved.
I just assummed JJ was 600 or just over it already but I dont really follow her. I guess shes short then or I suck ass at guessing ussbbw weight
She's short and she had one fantastic year of gaining so most of us assumed she rocketed past that. On top of that, we figured she was holding off on doing a weigh in until she reached that milestone. We were wrong.
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Most folks lack a frame of reference. 10 centimeters doesn't have much meaning to me and I'd be hard pressed to estimate its size. The only reason I know how much a pound is, is because my company has food scales to help with portions.

I’ll predict that Jackie becomes the next Kellie Kay in that there will be constant talk about getting to 600 but she’ll never actually get there.
I've been with a few BBWs but only one who actually told me her weight. She was 5'3 and 230lbs, which is a bit lower that I would've thought. So I've been reevaluating my estimates. I think generally BBWs look smaller on camera and bigger in person. Whoever said "the camera adds 10lbs) clearly wasn't an FA haha
Kilograme guy mass shooting
She probably didn't know or was lying. I definitely feel like the "fatter in person" thing is real.
This is the funniest thing that's been posted here. And probably disturbingly accurate.
FatMissT dies by 2025. Extremely obvious observations aside, you can tell from her face she isn't too long for this world barring miracles.

Also I predict that the potential weight loss pill craze is a nothingburger, with new side effects discovered and/or losing true effectiveness, and becomes obscure within a few years.
Whats up with her face?
Building on this, I predict by 2030 at least, weight loss pills are out and ways to mitigate the health effects of obesity get better without actually slimming down.
I might stumble across a bbw model in an awkward way and that's it, I highly doubt models want a relationship or lay their eyes on me or any plebian.
/ussbbw/ board in 2031

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