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Recently discovered this video and keep coming back to it.
This lady's my definition of perfection. Somehow, her being fully clothed made it a lot hotter. But I wish she I could see her body bare.
(93 KB, 634x566, 36CD6DB000000578-3718570-It_still_isn_t_always_easy_for_Diana_she_often_experiences_hatef-a-2_1470219815918.jpg.0040da86184285e930dc207cec9c9cd6.jpg) (405 KB, 1080x1080, tmp_7803-IMG_20160926_083048_466-69569572.jpg.e3ed6188b83cc15706b47f697079fd4a.jpg) (61 KB, 620x1100, Screenshot_20230119-170507_Gallery.jpg.014cf98d547b72899ce658a94bf05916.jpg) (641 KB, 618x1100, 12BE1CC5-D9C1-433C-85EB-D6E86F643531.png.86a29d4f53c65e5e65e691b058839b4b (1).png) (596 KB, 618x1100, 5F0B5A2E-2C3B-4FD7-B8C2-5E9942A5ABB9.png.2f35b7607c8f6383875ccebc114abfa9 (1).png)
Seeing models turn into plus size models
Diana is a dime.
>>26032 (OP)
Would be a really hot plot twist if they were a couple
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Does anyone have a copy of the short film,The Girl with the Most Cake?
The short film was available on YouTube, though it has since been removed
video or actress name? I know I'd seen this girl before, but I didn't realize it was a full video
The lengths women will go to simply not eat less. Imagine the pure psychological devastation if and when God forbid there were a famine.

I heard that these global famine rumors started years ago? And that now is when things are starting to get bad? I'm sure it's happened before, and those fat old fucks can live without their 5 star restaurants every night if it means we can help out some cute little girls in Ukraine from Putin's huge horse penis.

If you wouldn't help a little girl crying out for help during a war then you're a monster and choose that you don't deserve my help. You die.
You know what site you're on, right...?

There's only 1
>>26032 (OP)

goddamn that is wild. She is hugely obese. Really puts in perspective how overloaded her short frame is.
Anything by Amberlynn Reid. It is so incredibly hot there is a weight loss YouTuber that ballooned to near 600lb territory, has a saga where she is bedbound behind the scenes, and is trying to desperately sidestep having a good addiction and getting help by trying every diet in the book.
Fat YT/Insta weight loss influencers who never actually lose any weight (or gain it all back ASAP) are a genre unto themselves.
I have a hard time spending the time to sift through the BS with ALR, but I think you’re right—if someone distilled her timeline into a 5 minute comp video, it’d be pretty hot
Nancy's jourmey on instagram lost weight in 2021 then took a break and is fatter than ever and cried about her weight gain
Yeah, she was the first who came to mind. lauras_fit_to_live and activecassandra are two others, though they're way more low-key than her.

And because I'm such a well-adjusted, deeply fulfilled person I also like to follow women who've had WLS and watch them blow up again.

But FOR THE LOVE OF GOD please leave these women in peace — no DMs, creepy comments or whatever. They don't want to hear from us, trust me. Like the sign says at the foot of my favorite hiking trail, Take only screenshots, leave only cum stains.
after juiceefruitee got namedropped here all of sudden she got all those coomer messages saying "don't lose weight" and "start an onlyfans", and i'm like why would it matter if she lost weight? she's of no value to us strangers lifes beyond the occasional shitty compressed pic. though, interestingly ever since then she sometimes tags her posts with "bbw".
Obviously they're into upping their followers, but then they can't have guys spamming up their page with horny comments or else they'll alienate everyone else. Dangerous game juicee is playing with that tag.

It's been a wonderful ride.
Oh yeah, they're aware of us. Just that they don't acknowledge or go searching for us.
Fairly easy one, but weight loss shows was probably my gateway. The non-American shows were definitely hotter cause they absolutely didn't hold back on the "before" segments and played up the humiliation factor, and they would usually be down to their underwear for the before-shots and weigh-ins.

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