
>>25976 (OP)

Just ignore him and move on with your life. You bitching about it is making it worse as you're giving him more exposure.
I'm not going to reply to them. I did, however, report most of the posts he made. Besides, VPN usage to get around restrictions is not okay
>Besides, VPN usage to get around restrictions is not okay

According to who? If the mods here don't care enough to do something about it, then why should you?
If the restrictions include preventing access to simply annoy everyone, that's when VPN usage crosses the line.
>See coal
>Post the most vile shit known to mankind

It's just that easy

Also why are you British?
>why are you British?
I just live in the UK. As a result, my IP's recognised as a UK IP address.
Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you soon Anon. <3
I'm OK, but thanks anyway.
>I'm OK

Apparently you're not when you're so distraught over someone using a VPN to troll.
I honestly think the internet became a boring place when people went after trolls. Without Trolls, the shills and the conspiracy nuts who would be harassed are now ruling the internet

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