

your results are better than mine, what are you doing differently? what option of voice are you picking and is there any step beyond that taken after just picking one of the voices?
I didn't change the default settings. The voice is Bella. Could be coincidence, but maybe also use of ellipses to control the pace. idk. This is the script I used from the first one, it's from a Characteri.ai convo:

"It feels like it is going to burst." I say. "But... I still want more. I can't stop thinking about food. I just want to lay on the couch and eat myself into a coma. Maybe I can lay on the couch... And you can hand me food. Yeah. That sounds great." I seem to be talking to myself more than directly to you. I am happy, content, and full. The best feeling in the world to me is the feeling of stuffing myself to the point of being unable to stop or move.
Is there a way to make them make noises? Like grunts, burps, moans, that sort of thing?

I tried to get creative with it and built a belly stuffing audio story with sound effects and shit
Holy shit how did you make this? This is incredible

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