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All I want in life is to be obese with a cute chick and share the experiences and struggles with her. That’s really hot to me. There is a fat chick I’m talking with right now, we’re not dating but I wouldn’t call us friends either. She seems to flirt with me a bit and she’s very nice I plan on asking her out soon. But my main problem isn’t that, it’s that I have a fat fetish. I don’t want her to think that’s the only reason why I love her but at the same time I would want her to know of it. I want to ask her if she’s interested in getting fatter and show her that some people like fat. But at the same time, I don’t want to pressure her, make her uncomfortable, or make her feel as I am only with her because she’s fat.
Tough day at the job? Yeah. Marriage can be difficult sometimes if you're an idiot.
>>25765 (OP)
Rule number 1. You never use the word fetish to a woman. What you do is ask her out, take her to a nice restaurant. See what she orders. Does she get a salad, or something a little more endulging? This will help later down the line. Be fun and interesting and make her really like you. Get her attached. She can’t live her life without you. After a few dates invite her to your place for a movie, with a shit ton of snacks for the two of you. Try your best to eat everything, and hope she does as well. Make a joke if you need to. “Babe, these are all about to expire so we NEED to finish everything.” If she takes the bait, and pigs out, you are on your way to a fat piggy wife. If she doesn’t, no worries, yet. Either way, don’t try to get her to eat a lot of food for a while. She might catch on. Spoil her with sweets and come cooked meals with butter. Take it slow and play the long game. Hope this helps.
Weight is a common topic when you're dating a fat girl who isn't happy with her weight. She'll realise you like fat girls when she complains about her weight and you start telling her how beautiful she is. There's no need to tell her "I'm into BBWs" or "I like fat chicks". Just say things like "You look stunning in that dress" or "I understand you. I mean, to be honest, I find you extremely attractive, but I'll be there for you if you want to lose weight". Women are not stupid.
On the other hand, if she's happy with her weight, well, she'll know that you like fat chicks if you talk about your previous partners or girls that you've had a crush on, or Idk. Talking about stuff you like is normal in a relationship. A girl I dated told me she liked elbows. Was it weird for her? No. Was it weird for me? No. You just like fat chicks, it cannot be compared with actual fucked-up fetishes like scat.
Piling on to say do NOT mention her weight, at all. Most fat women, even super-confident ones, really don't want to be reminded they're fat. It will probably come up eventually but let her be the one to mention it first. Compliment her on her appearance as you would with any woman — that goes a long way. Be chivalrous and go out of your way to make her comfortable when you're out and about or hanging out at your place. I'm talking about ample seating, not too much walking, stuff like that. I get off on fat women struggling too but you'll kill it if you put her in situations where she's made to feel self-conscious about her size.
—Are you attractive? Emphasize the fetish, it’s the only reason she can pull you.
—Are you on her level? Don’t mention fat or fetish she probably will want to lose weight and upgrade boyfriends but you can maybe get some by dating her.

Terrible advice. You have nothing to gain by emphasizing your fetish, no matter how attractive you think you are.

The answer is to just date this girl and not mention your sexual preferences at all. Make it self evident that you find this person sexually attractive by dating them, and telling them that you think they're attractive. There's no good reason to explicitly bring up that you're into fat women early in a relationship unless you're asked.
This. To echo what's been said before by >>25801, if you're dating a fat girl the topic of weight is inevitably going to come up. It's who she is, it's what society has forced her to reconcile with, and it's either a constant trial or a badge of honor depending on how she feels about herself. I have had dates where they actively tried to better themselves and lose weight, I have had dates where they wallow in their misery, and I've had dates where they are perfectly fine with who they are, but the topic WILL come up.

Be supportive, emphasize you like them, and for fuck's sake don't fetishize them outright. This is not a DeviantArt story where you show them a picture of a 500lb model and tell them that's what you're into and suddenly they're open to giving it a try. Everyone has seen fat influencers by now, they know there are men out there that want to see fat chicks showing off their stuff. Just treat them like a person and don't worry about confessing anything; they already know you're not pitying them and you like how they look. I swear, this is the FA version of "don't be nervous, just picture the audience in their underwear" for public speaking.
Nah man. I’ve been able to get with normie girls willing to pile on the weight. They are fine with being a fetish if they get to date a winner in public.
Honestly, they know what a fat hog they are. If you’re straight up and not embarrassed to be with a fatso in public plenty of women will happily pursue this fetish.
>You have nothing to gain by emphasizing your fetish, no matter how attractive you think you are
I have nothing to gain by emphasizing my kinks..? Are you crazy? People were dancing around this in the 'Is Feedism similar to BDSM?' thread. Of all the kinks in the world, it's as if fat fetishists are the most reluctant to talk openly about theirs. Why is that, really?
>People were dancing around this in the 'Is Feedism similar to BDSM?' thread
Feel like this anon >>24713 (Cross-thread) made a really great point there.
First day in society? BDSM is seen as deviant and can be sidelined or left in the bedroom. Feedism unfortunately has entire lifestyle industries hounding anyone that puts on a little bit of weight they're putting their lives at risk, and the effects are hard to conceal after continued enjoyment. There's safe BDSM and no one is concerned with anyone getting ropeburn or if their ass is sore for a few days, but fuck us if we want the already-obese girl to eat a double bacon cheeseburger and enjoy it. I'm not saying it's completely different; it's apples to oranges in terms of fetish similarity over apples and Lamborghinis with others I could name.
Give it 10 years or so, and dating fat girls will be normalized. All the body positivity stuff really turning mainstream.
>First day in society?
It was a rhetorical question. Sometimes it's important to state the obvious; you would do well to try it without a dickish inflection. Yes, kinks don’t exist in a vacuum; but when it comes to fat fetishism, I don't think it's an apples to oranges comparison. There's a whole host of kinks that have real world contexts that are potentially problematic and are thus open to opposition from the same lifestyle industries you speak of. Those industries and the shame they help disseminate will never completely go away, so it's on us to not internalize that shame. Now I agree with the general assessment of your initial post and that OP should follow it, but to insist that there's flat-out nothing to gain from being candid (even early on!) about your sexual preferences (as if fat fetishism is still this uniquely unspeakable social taboo) like that other anon said is just ridiculous.

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