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I don’t know what to make of Feabie to be quite honest. Is it a dating site, a social media site for FA’s and BBW’s or just the bland and boring version of bbwchan?
First off, a few positives as I don’t want to completely trash it:
It runs decently enough, it’s easy to navigate, it allows for solid customisation options for your bio and it allows you to have private pics which allows you to share pics only with people you allow to see them. It is also the biggest platform of its type which keeps the community somewhat all in the one place which doesn’t just limit its users to paid subscription content creators

It looks old as fuck and badly needs a revamp. It looks like a relic from the windows vista era, it’s pixelated and rough looking. It has annoying notification sounds and the lack of ability to post videos (seriously even if they allowed to post videos it would make a world of difference, you could at least post some memes or something instead of YouTube videos)
The feed is full of the most boring stuff I have ever heard in my life. Maybe it’s just me because I have never used twitter in my life that seeing people just post plain text fucks with my zoomer brain but Christ on a fucking bike it’s the most bland and boring shite I have ever seen in my life. Funerals I have been to are more fucking lively. It’s just pure cringe. Shit like “i JuSt AtE a WhOlE pLaTe Of PaStA” or “I’M fEeLiNg So SlEePy AfTeR wOrK” like who gives a shit? If it’s a woman they will get loads of likes and replies engaging/agreeing with whatever dumb take/statement they post from desperate men (me included at times I won’t lie) who want to fuck them in the hopes that she might notice them or if it’s a man who posts you are just ignored (with the odd exception of SSBHM’s). Questions will be thrown out and then never be replied to. It’s full of old women spurting random shit and old men who post their random ye olde music from youtube who have that dumb 50 year old selfie where they don’t smile in the photo in their bio (you know the one) and post shit like “what too chat?”, my fucking God like…
A lot of messages you send to people are simply ignored or are opened and never replied to. A lot will have something along the lines of “don’t be boring or I’m blocking you” or you have to pay to get a response from them. Even if you do try make conversation (e.g. like me, follow the advice of “don’t be an autist” and just be a normal guy, ask follow up questions and keep the conversation going etc) most of the time they will just get bored of you because you didn’t entertain them enough as if they were a child in need of constant stimulation. One time I read someone’s bio and asked them about a topic they said they were interested in (you know, making conversation) and she told me I should look it up myself as she didn’t want to invest the “emotional labour” in explaining it to me as if it was a burden even just to talk to me, talk about being seen as dirt beneath someone’s feet… Some also act like they are God’s gift to the world and are so full of themselves it’s insane. There is confidence and then there is arrogance and the latter is often found on here. Am I crazy or is this not just narcissistic behaviour?
A noticeable portion (not all of course) are only there for your money and to promote their shitty onlyfans. I personally don’t think Feabie should be used for promotion of your side hustle. Posting shit like “Findom” in their bio, fuck off, get your own money YASS QUEEN SLAAAAYYYY 💅👅💋👑💄🌈
I must also recognise that it is also us guys who are at fault with this state of Feabie (this is not unique to Feabie also). The word “simp” often gets over used but I think it describes what a lot of these men on here are. We are simping way too hard for these women and it needs to stop. It is getting us nowhere. I am talking to the fucking wall here because no one will listen but you know it’s true. If you were just to treat them like you would any other guy or just see them as normal people you won’t put up with half the shit, you wouldn’t want to even be their friend. It’s only out of desperation that we put up with this shit because we are lonely and that’s shite. Have a bit of self-respect and cop on a small bit. Sure, you might then feel that if you don’t do the things you are doing you might never get a shot at love or a relationship but you won’t get it the way you are going about it either, so choose the one that leaves you with a bit of self-respect. Everyday I see and army of simps following along with whatever some of these women say, especially to some of the more notable faces. It’s sad and pathetic.

Then you have the odd assholes who don’t know how to behave or at least pretend to play along who either send dick pics or spout racism or transphobia or whatever ism, ist or phobia that pisses the women off or just act like a genuine creep. So now they either deal with simps or people they think are dickheads who they despise which gets them to have a negative view of all the guys on the platform, fucking it up for the rest of us.

This whole post is pure cope I know. I had hoped I would have found better luck on Feabie than other dating sites/apps but no luck so far. I try to do it the “right way” that people have suggested but it just never works. I’m not trying to be a woman hater or anything this shit just sucks

I heard Feabie was far better a few years back. How was it back then? How was/is your experience on Feabie? I’m curious to know the men and the women’s side on this.
I was on feabie near the beginning, and it seemed like a less terrible FantasyFeeder, at first. Met a few people, but ended up leaving after one of the upgrades pretty early on due to the problems you state. Both feabie and FF are terrible places, really.
feabie banned the majority of its most active user base towards the end of last year after some disagreements about moderation. a lot of these people were low quality spergs but a handful were genuine cool people who posted interesting things. don't understand why feabie kneecapped themselves like that.
If you're mildly attractive and know how to talk to girl and fat girl feedee type in particular then you'll be swimming in the pussy
>>25779 I guess that would depend how many fatties are in your area and how popular the app is in your are you're welcome
Protip: Search for autistic women who have this fetish baked into their brains and love fat and will actually vibe with you and aren't just NPC whores. Also pray.
>>25789 A protip from a pro. Look at that, everybody. Thanks, dude. You're helpful. Where would we all be without your support?
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Feabie is the means to an end.

It is a lot better than fantasy feeder and other sites of that ilk, but be prepared to deal with a lot of morons, frustration, and patience; I was on it from 2015 to 2022

1)Women on the site get more attention than men; there are fewer women.

2)Men on feabie and all dating sites ever made get less attention, save for the guy making provocative posts and/or pitting women against each other like Toddfather.

3) Other than stopping people like MamaHorker from telling the DailyMail about feabie, There is no community beyond women getting catty and starting fights.

I met my current girlfriend within a month of joining, but I stayed around because I'm remarkably ugly.

>feabie banned the majority of its most active user base towards the end of last year

Yes it did, A lot of the people who got banned are now doing porn

>If you're mildly attractive and know how to talk to girl and fat girl feedee type in particular then you'll be swimming in the pussy

No you won't.
I notice you are Canadian. Are there alot of Canadian women there? Is it just big cities, or rural areas too?

I've never bothered to join because while I do like BBWs, I always got the feeling this was more for feeders/feedies, which I'm not.
I was a regular on Feabie in... let's say 2017-18ish and then again in 2020. I have a burner account I occasionally use to keep tabs on it, mostly out of morbid curiosity. These days it just kinda seems like a ghost town, or a shell of its old self at the very least. A lot of the models seem to have fled and it's just a bunch of small time Onlyfans scammers and white trash randos now. Say what you will but there WAS a time in Feabie's existence where you could hit up multiple models and prominent fat online girls and if you played your cards right, you'd get something out of it. There was a sort of Wild West-ish quality to the place which is long gone now.
>I notice you are Canadian. Are there alot of Canadian women there? Is it just big cities, or rural areas too?

There are models and ppl from all over including places where the stigma is still pretty large against fat women like japan.

>I've never bothered to join because while I do like BBWs, I always got the feeling this was more for feeders/feedies, which I'm not.

Feabie only directed it toward "fetishworld" to compete with other sites in "fetishworld", and for clout. The same company made furzu for furries

My girlfriend and I were never part of feedism or feederism or w/e,

Feabie users made feedist.net because they felt normies (or vanilla/smolfats) were getting more attention than the feedists, but feedist.net is no longer a thing.
>There are models and ppl from all over including places where the stigma is still pretty large against fat women like japan.

Ah I see. I'm in Northern Ontario, and I almost never see any BBWs, and the ones that are tend to be over the age of 45. Thought about doing one of these sites, but I don't really want anyone finding my profile. Might impact my ability to find work.

> My girlfriend and I were never part of feedism or feederism or w/e,

So is it a legit good place to look for if you are looking for something long term? I'm not interested in anything except something that's going to eventually lead to marriage. I know, a hard thing to believe in 2023.
>>25749 (OP)
From a female point of view:

I often compare Feabie to going to a bar. You are a fat girl and go into a bar with hundreds of fat fetishists. If you are broke, you might talk to the "unattractive guy", because it gets you free drinks . But broke or not, you are searching for someone attractive. I mean, who doesn't?
Women on Feabie do answer men. For me, I first look at your pictures.
Attractive? I visit your profile and check out how old your profile is.
Not new (>1 month)? I check your posts and if I think we'd vibe, I answer.

The problem I have with Feabie is, that men get overly sexual fast. I don't have any sexual pictures uploaded, my bio states I am not a feedee. I just want someone who doesn't mind I am on the thicker side and doesn't treat me as an object. But Feabie seems to be more of a coomer /e-prostitute side.
>The problem I have with Feabie is, that men get overly sexual fast. I don't have any sexual pictures uploaded, my bio states I am not a feedee. I just want someone who doesn't mind I am on the thicker side and doesn't treat me as an object. But Feabie seems to be more of a coomer /e-prostitute side.

That's my problem with most dating sites. I'm looking for a real relationship, but then I get women who act like e-whores, or they expect you to treat them like one.

It is so sad that everything has just become about sexual gratification and not about building real relationships. I'm just a guy who likes women on the thicker side looking for a meaningful relationship.

Hope you find someone German Femanon.
>Ah I see. I'm in Northern Ontario, and I almost never see any BBWs

Rural turn outs are going to be smaller; there are fewer people living there.

I did talk to a few people from Thunder bay and Sault St because I used to live in that area 10 years ago, but they would vanish from the site pretty quickly because they didnt want anyone in their community knowing, or because "reasons".

Back when I joined this girl named Wubs got outted in public when she was out with her friends, and this was all the way in Florida and she did not like that.
>I did talk to a few people from Thunder bay and Sault St because I used to live in that area 10 years ago, but they would vanish from the site pretty quickly because they didnt want anyone in their community knowing, or because "reasons".

Yeah that's the problem in this region, gossip. I understand why they vanished. It's not like a big city like Toronto where you are mostly invisible. I'm in the Kenora region right now, nice little down, but dead as fuck. Since there are so few people, every recognizes you, but it's nicer than some other other decaying holes in the ground like Thunder Bay.

Good to know I didn't waste my time on there. If there are no women in the region, there isn't really a reason to sign up then.

You are not the Military guy are you? The one with the kid?
>Yeah that's the problem in this region, gossip. I understand why they vanished.

I didn't, I was really naive, so this was really enlightening

>It's not like a big city like Toronto where you are mostly invisible

These two points were part of the reason why I moved, and then moved back.

>You are not the Military guy are you? The one with the kid?

Lmao, sounds like Goss!!! Ive never been in the military and I don't have a kid, but I'd rather not say anything else.

Thunderbay was really interesting for the 5 years I was there for but I'm finding out more and more from people living there that it wasnt the place for me in so many ways. I did love it there for a bit tho.
>These two points were part of the reason why I moved, and then moved back.
I'd like to move to a big city for a time, but I don't think I could stand living in one long term.

>Lmao, sounds like Goss!!! Ive never been in the military and I don't have a kid, but I'd rather not say anything else.
Oh okay, I thought you were the military anon. There's a guy on here that was with the Canadian Military. I was talking to a retired vet IRL and we talking about BBWs, and he said "Yeah that's not weird, Guy I new back in my Norad days was into em." If you were him I as going to ask if that rang any bells.

> Thunderbay was really interesting for the 5 years I was there for but I'm finding out more and more from people living there that it wasnt the place for me in so many ways. I did love it there for a bit tho.

It used to be a good city in the 80s, but after the recession, it just stagnated. It has nothing going for it. Industry has all dried up. Bowater is pretty dead. And so on. What they need is an events center. It'd be prefect since it's the biggest city in the region, you'd attracted everyone from all over.

You're the exact opposite of most guys then. Women have swung in the e-girl direction because they get so much sexual harassment they figure "why not get paid for this shit?" And it works.
Go to church (a real traditional one like tradcath or best Orthodox, not horrors like United Church of Canada), and find the best girl for you (who doesn't seem like she could be skinny forever if she isn't fat).
Or they’re just whores.
No, it must be the men’s fault these women are selling their bodies.
I already do go to Church, there's no BBWs there. and
If I'm thinking you mean like TLM goers lol no those people are fucking nuts. They don't even have that in Northern Ontario either.

strong incel vibes itp
I think Covid ended up killing off what little remained of the community on Feabie. Events were already starting to dry up before, particularly compared to the mid-2010s, where they were plentiful, but once 2020 rolled around, they all but vanished off the site. That definitely did some damage to the community.

Simping for girls in the modern dating climate is basically a variant of the prisoner's dilemma. If all men were to simultaneously stop treating women like goddesses, then the "Content creation" market would all but dry up overnight, and they'd be on more equal footing in terms of dating. However, the guy who throws out the fruits of his labor for scraps of attention from women will have a leg up compared to other men, so if it's just a handful of guys doing it, the guys who don't get screwed over. Given this, as the number of simps increases, the harder it becomes for them to stand out, while also making it harder on the guys who don't simp. But ultimately, it's in the self-interest of a guy who wants a girls attention to do so, even it would benefit just about everyone if no one did. And because of how these guys are, >>25868 ends up being the outcome.

I think the loss of a lot of shit users was worth any loss of actually decent users. Admittedly, I have issues thinking of any actually decent users that left during that wave. Most of the good ones left well before.

>But broke or not, you are searching for someone attractive. I mean, who doesn't?
I can only speak for myself, but I'd much rather someone who I can barely see, or even a greyface, who can keep good conversation going over an attractive woman any day. From the perspective of a guy, it's usually uncommon to get messaged first. So it's fairly easy to respond to everyone who does so.
for what it's worth I'm a grey face on Feabie and had two lengthy conversations on it, one girl asked for my pic to keep the chat going, the other didn't mind that i was anonymous.
>If all men were to simultaneously stop treating women like goddesses, then the "Content creation" market would all but dry up overnight, and they'd be on more equal footing in terms of dating.

If you mean porn with "Content Creation" it exists because men 1. like to get titillated 2. seek out novelty. It doesn't really put a dent in the income of anyone but broke dudes. Accept
that posting on a board with "women" in the URL is incongruent with the MGTOW mindset and that we'd do a lot for a lay.
Everyone that disagrees with me is an incel.
Bitch people used to not paying for pussy hate what feabie is.
Could you imagine this ego?
Feabies beyond saving. These women want a man attracted to their fat without it being a fetish (it’s a fetish to find someone that fat attractive).
So they’re in a fetish community, looking to extort money by pretending to be interested in the only men capable of finding them attractive.
The issue is that at this point, there's an abundance of porn out there for virtually every taste. Unless someone's looking for something impossibly specific, there's no reason to pay out the nose, unless you have incredibly niche tastes (which usually isn't the case), or are just that desperate for crumbs of attention from women, that you'd blow a substantial amount of money that could be used for literally any other purpose to make a woman pretend to give a flying fuck about you. The fact that there's so many men willing to bend over backwards for it dicks over the ones that aren't, and more or less creates a hostile "Play the game or don't even bother showing up" mindset, not just in porn circles, but in dating circles as a whole.
> These women want a man attracted to their fat without it being a fetish.

I don't get why it's wrong for it to be a fetish. Guys who like thin women have a fetish for thin women, guys who like fit women technically have a fetish for fit women. There is nothing literally wrong with having a fetish. Fetish is just another way of saying "This is what I find attractive".
General consensus is that "being treated as a fetish" is more or less equivalent to being treated as a piece of meat to stick your dick in, rather than an actual person. Obviously, having a fetish and objectification aren't necessarily one and the same, but it's commonplace enough, and the line is blurry enough, where a number of women are wary of it.

>being treated as a piece of meat to stick
What would you prefer to be treated as?
Honestly. Unlikable hoes with nothing going for them made up this phrase to put the blame on other people for not loving their personality.
it's odd that we aren't capable of having a normal conversation without devolving into the typical chan "wahh women bad! ewhores! why wont they let me get away with treating them like trash because they're fat and undesirable to everyone but me".

also, this is autistic as shit, but fat women aren't a fetish. fat is the fetish. the definition is inherently linked with objects/activities. you can like a fat woman without liking the fat itself and that's just called a preference.
Even taking that argument at face value, it's something that happens fairly universally. Even a woman on Feabie who has no body pics nor any indication of being into feederism will generally have guys coming full force with fetish shit in their PMs. Granted, it's not as frequent, but even then. Don't even bother trying to deflect this being an actual issue.
As a fat woman into the kink, the way I think of it is this: I fetishize my own fat and my own body, I understand that other people do too and I like that and I also don’t mind giving their eyeballs access to that. But I’m not giving them more of myself in terms of time or energy than they’re willing to give to me. If we’re all on the same page that we’re just fetishizing my body, great have fun. But they’re not owed much more than that unless there’s chemistry and a mutual attraction. I think a lot of guys approach with the idea that I should be flattered by their attraction alone and I need a little more to go on than that.
That's what I think too. There are guys looking for more than just someone to have sex with. Using such a broad brush to paint all guys who like BBWs as perverts just reeks of someone who's immature.
Are they morbidly obese? We’re only posting women whose weight labels them as a medical, historical and evolutionary abnormality.
If it’s a preference it’s like a preference for amputees, “little people”, and geriatrics.
>>25949 not really. i could see where you're coming from if someone "prefers" a woman like echo or vanilla hippo, but as a fellow ameritard im sure you know that more than half of americans are obese. a 5'3 woman who weighs 200 lbs is not only obese, but morbidly obese.

and i think you'd have a hard time convincing anyone that having a preference for a trait that nearly half of your local population has is comparable to being a midget fucker
I fully believe there are men who search for irl relationships, that's why I haven't given up hope yet. But the majority of men who message me are coomers and the result is the extreme amount of e-prostitutes. As I said, I don't have any sexual pictures, I don't horny post, my profile states I am not a feedee.

Imagine you talk to someone, the usual small talk "how are you, what are you doing" and then, out of nowhere "did you stuff yourself today, piggy?" I don't even know if this is normal talk between feeder/feedee?

I think that's also a problem for men, talking to a woman who seems interesting and then suddenly you get an OF link. Must be disappointing too!
If fat normies felt like forming their own social network they could. I doubt fat chicks could attract an audience without the fetishists.
Feabie was built by feeders for feeders.
You’re literally obsessed with disease. It’s a weird fetish to like obese women the world over. Cope harder brah.
Dimensions in the 90s-00s was an attempt at just that and it was very popular (it's a shell of itself now). It had fetish-related boards but the majority of the site was FAs and fat women hanging out. There were arguments all the time but it rarely got toxic, and the site was well-moderated. A lot of people hooked up through it.

Its downfall was colonization by ultra-online spinsters who decided it was their site. There were hardcore feminists who were anti-fetish/anti-objectification and couldn't even deal with stuff like WG contained in a separate board, one they never had to visit.
>>25982 it's weird that you're into this fetish and still think like this. it must be really hard to come to terms with your sexuality if your perspective about it is so miserable. read a book or something bro. you don't have to be rotted like this.
>I fully believe there are men who search for irl relationships, that's why I haven't given up hope yet
The only thing I can say is, the best way to meet these kinds of guys is to go out more. Where? Well I don't know where in my country, there's nothing to do here. But you live in Germany, don't have things like pubs there?

If you aren't opposed to it, you could try churches.

> Imagine you talk to someone, the usual small talk "how are you, what are you doing" and then, out of nowhere "did you stuff yourself today, piggy?"

Ouch. That made me cringe. Things like that are a red flag for sure. Unfortunately with the rise of hook culture, you get these kinds of weirdos.

> I don't even know if this is normal talk between feeder/feedee?

Couldn't tell you. I'm not a feeder. Maybe someone else who is can weigh in.

> I think that's also a problem for men, talking to a woman who seems interesting and then suddenly you get an OF link. Must be disappointing too!

Or a woman who just wants to have sex. What? We barely know each other! I'm not going to get close to someone unless I know this is a real relationship. I hate this modern era. I honestly think if I was born 5 or 10 years earlier, I would have had an easier time meeting someone.
I aint reading all this shit
Feabie has always been a social media for talking to people for me. In real life 300 and 400lb women probably won't catch a look from 90% of guys. They have to date bottom of the barrel type guys. But on feabie they get to be considered 9s and 10s. Date/talk with the best looking guys.

I'm not a coomer and an average looking guy, I find trying to date fat women in real life or on normal dating apps much better than feabie.
Feabie has always been a weird social media*
> I find trying to date fat women in real life or on normal dating apps much better than feabie.

Which sites/apps have you used? I signed up to a bunch, but either they're not popular in my area, or there isn't anyone looking.
Your social economic class and specific area will vary. All of them. Just get good at knowing when someone’s got head shots because they’re obese.
There’s really no benefit to feabie, finding fat chicks is shooting fish in a barrel for most people.
Okay, I'll give as many of them a shot as I can. Thanks!
Is "Dea" still on Feabie and did she show her face yet?
Can you upload some good pics to a place where they stay up for a limited time if you're OK with that? Can't say too much about why I can't do it myself y'know but it's not in bad faith.
I must live in a real dead zone or something. Since the 5th, I signed up for around 20 sites, and there's nothing. *sigh* I guess in small towns it's a matter of who you know.
My man. Small towns are full of fat fucks. Be in shape, wear decent clothes and go to Starbucks/McDonald’s enough and you’ll meet more fat women happy to be fetishized than all of feabie has to offer. If you’re not doing well enough to be meeting and talking to random women irl, you will not get any online.
Okay, Thanks!

Just one last question, how would you approach someone at one of these venues? I'm fine keeping the conversation and friendship going, it's just getting over that initial hump.
If (especially fat) women aren’t making it easy to talk to them you need to go back to lift, groom and dressing yourself until they’re basically starting convos with you.
Really? That's good news for me then. I have regular chicks already come up to me, so hopefully that means I'm good enough for fat women. Just haven't had the chance to run into a fat woman yet.
Honestly, I found fat women harder to pull than attractive skinny women. They’re already used to getting pumped and dumped, being someone’s side piece or vacation fetish fuck. So they play as if it’s casual even if you’re trying to date them.
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I once hit on a miserable and obese frumpy blonde woman. She actually faced the other way to confuse me until I stopped talking. I've never been so brutally rejected. Might as well have just said, "Swipe left."

Idk that just sounds autistic

As a fat autistic woman here, classic move.
Sounds normal for most fat women. They’re kinda used to being huge hoes and protect their ego by rejecting anyone close to their own level. It makes the white knights here so hilarious, they’re defending women who probably considered them pre-pubescent bald fatties.
>calling anyone an incel on lierally a porn piracy board while also being a user of said porn piracy board
lmao, idiot
Now try being an obese man and having all these high standards for a woman who will pay for your food. Being a woman is such a meme.
>if you're broke, you might use ugly men for money
>I just want someone who doesn't treat me as an object

Yes, all girls desire to be loved truly and unconditionally by a perfect, handsome, rich, intelligent man. Is that really so much to ask for? Why does this surprise you?
>hot feeder
>large penis
>decent job

In this economy??? Honey what are YOU bringing to the table? Netflix and chill except you're morbidly obese? You're probably only overweight too.
Oh I missed the second post where she's proud of being a whore too. Kyrie eleison.
This is the feabie in a single post.
Notice how single and angry they’re getting.
They ran thru these men and are upset with the leftovers not being up to these women’s insane standards
Feabie was on Podcast About List lmao
How do I get one of the hot skinny feeders to be into me, a very tall, very fat, very strong guy?
don't be a fucking loser that's all.
Fair. I try my best not to be.
Just work on yourself, make sure you're on top of the things happening in your life, it doesn't matter if you have a bottom of the barrel job and barely anything, whatever you have make the most of it, keep working on it, stay clean and try to better one thing at a time in your life, you got this man.
Dude there are no female feeders.
Next to no women have a fat fetish.
Pretending to like chunky dudes is weird virtue signaling fat chicks do in public.
You're just not fat enough that's all.
There are VERY few female feeders but they do exist and the ones that do seem to only date their skinny boyfriends who they "fatten up" (i.e. they gain 15 lbs and the feeder posts "look at my piggy" with their puffed up bloated stomach on the feed.)

I have a shit job (currently searching for a better one), but have my degree, a nice large single bedroom apartment, and a great dog. WAGMI.
Pretty much every good guy (and girl) has been off the dating market for a good while. Most decent ones are as well, and the last remaining ones are more of a "Niche taste" sort of thing. I don't blame them for having to wade through pools of actual shit-tier guys, but they'll likely have to go with decent or remain single.
What is with that ethereal_softness girl, is she the new willemdahoe?
What is she doing?

Creating “burn books” and dramatizing every element of her online persona.
How did you find this out?
What did Willemdahoe do? I get both of these women are too open about their personal lives on a global feed of strangers but im not sure exactly what theyre up to.

As in making books just for the purpose of burning? like a modern art stunt or something?
There's a girl on feabie just called Supergirl. She posts some of the most hilariously bad warp job photos I've seen in awhile and is straight up acting like they're real and NO ONE says a damn thing about it and just comments as though it's real. Her photoshopped pics remind me of when someone does a celebrity wg morph on deviantart or some shit. if anyone wants a laugh check out her pics
I'm genuinely not sure if Supergirl is trans or not. She has that uncanny valley look and I think she photoshops all of her stuff on purpose it's pretty obvious.
>>25749 (OP)

P sure Supergirl is trans and photoshops to feminize her face. Given the cost and resources involved in affirming her gender identity, this is just what some people have to do.

On the topic of Supergirl there is a general consensus that she is also the same person as Shehulk which is her "Lesbian girlfriend." I would also bet that the wackjob that refers to her stomach in the 3rd person as "Bella" is also the same person.

Jade_R is the one I was thinking of as being the 3rd alter ego.
Oh shit really ? I thought I was the only one that got a suspicious as fuck vibe about the "shehulk girlfriend" too. Felt like high chance it was a second account and some weird ass mental illness fantasy on public display. combine that with the uncanny valley shopped pics and she gives off heavy "don't leave me in the room with her at night' vibes . that's some unsettling shit
I think Jade_R is just an autistic teenager exploring their kinks. But shehulk and supergirl give me majorly weird vibes.

I just don't understand why nobody says anything publicly about this. But I mean whatever. Not hard to see that they are pretty fucking far from even "eccentric"
jannies will ban you for outing people and name dropping. Report them privately.
Lmao piggyfan finally got permabanned. Thank fucking god.
what did she do, never seen her
I honestly can't believe anyone would think Supergirl was an actual woman and not some dude larping as a woman.
The most interesting part of feabie to me isn’t the women, but the dudes who’ve been on there forever with no success. I see this Phil guy posting incessantly on girls’ pictures and I think he might be a little retarded. I’m curious what his story is, how he still holds out hope after 8 years or however long feabie’s been around.
She would constantly shit talk the kink, complain that she "couldn't get fat because I'm an up and coming pop star!" this was also why she wouldn't show her face, shit talked her fat best friend of 12+ years incessantly out of jealousy, and would say how she's the ONLY TRUE KINKSTER on feabie. I never saw her face but she had a great (skinny) body. I think she dated that guy Mr.Peanutbutter at one time.

should I report them for catfishing? lol
as someone who has been there since 2016, i just dont delete when i go away. i dont log in when im taking a break. ive had 2 relationships fro feabie and a handful of dates. its just easier than swiping through 90 hinge profiles only to land on a chubby girl who is somewhat my type
IIRC they changed that some time ago where you can openly name people who have actually harassed you to a point where they could be banned for it.
Dudes like the Phil guy are basically a lost cause when it comes to dating, but I think most guys don't find success on Feabie because the number of girls who are both attractive and have decent personalities is minimal, at best.

Most of the girls are butt ugly, and most of them are recluses with limited social skills, whose "internet friends" outnumber their real life friends
>I think most guys don't find success on Feabie because the number of girls who are both attractive and have decent personalities is minimal, at best.

There's definitely an "evaporative cooling" effect where the least desirable women are the ones who are most active online because they have nothing else going on in their lives. Women who are sincere feedist pervs looking for a real-world relationship rather than transactional sex work, and who have the qualities that would make them an attractive real-life partner (sane, employed, good personality, a life outside the Internet), tend to be a lot more low-key. When they do put themselves out there in search of a mate, they get snapped up quickly by worthwhile guys who likewise have high partner value beyond just being feeders. Both of these groups tend to lurk on the fringes of the community but don't get involved in community drama.

I do think there's something about feedism in particular that kind of breaks women's brains if they already have a tendency towards Internet addiction. For an SSBBW, the delta between "Internet celebrity for simps online" and "worthwhile men showing interest IRL" is very wide, much more so than for a woman who's conventionally attractive. Even ChubbyChiquita has admitted this on her Tumblr.

And to be fair, any woman who puts herself out there online as a feedee is going to get hit with a firehose of sewage from the vocal minority of disgusting creeps who are also unfortunately a part of this kink. So I understand why pay-to-play has become the default mode of interaction in online feedism, although as an oldhead it makes me sad that the community has lost some of its innocence.
“ I think most guys don't find success on Feabie because the number of girls who are both attractive and have decent personalities is minimal, at best.”
Gayest thing I’ve ever read. If you like fatties there are hotter fat women with better personalities at your average Dennys.

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