
(25 KB, 1280x1280, 1280px-Doomsday_clock_(1.5_minutes).svg.png)
With the fall of yiff.party, I thought it important that I start a second thread where people concerned with our hosting / payment status can get confirmation if we are / aren't going to be up next month, since the last has been locked.

Our new hosting provider costs us €219.00EUR/$262USD a month, due on the 5th of each month. This is over double our old rate of €85EUR/$100USD we had on novogara.
At current, we make about $300-400/month from our a-ads.com campaign, depending on the price swings of bitcoin.
With those stats in mind, it's more important than ever that people disable their ad-blockers to ensure we always make our payment. Please, if you've kept your ad-blocker on since we introduced our latest ad-block detection script, consider disabling it going forward. I know every site and their mother asks you to do this, but in our case, there is no other way for us to make our payments.
Hold fast! We are paid for Jan 2023.
Our domain name is paid for through Sept 2024.

>>22330 (Cross-thread)

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