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Hello all, Barclay here. I figured it was time for an update on the how things are running behind the scenes.

Firstly, that we have survived on nothing but one ad-campaign for our monthly bills for several years is nothing short of a miracle.
Why? Traditionally, to participate in an ad-campaign that actually, you know, makes money, you would need to run a legitimate site with a legitimate campaign.
Think, a giant site like Amazon with a giant ad-partner like Google. Each impression may be worth almost nothing, but billions and billions of almost nothing ends up being ALOT.
Then there's us. You might look at a site like https://www.worthofweb.com/website-value/bbw-chan.nl/ and see that we have enough traffic to make an 'estimated' $2000/day or $60,000/month and think "well damn, they doin' just fine"

This could not be further from the truth. The numbers you see there assume a traditional ad-campaign's payouts, which we do not have. We rely on a no-KYC, bitcoin-only ad campaign from a-ads.com.
Now, I do not want to shit on our ad partner a-ads.com. In fact, in the beginning, the payouts were quite generous and more than enough to pay our costs as seen in >>4855 (Cross-thread) .
To do that AND not have to suffer shitty pop-ups and pop-unders and malicious shit, it was kind of amazing.
During and now what looks like after the crypto winter, we make, at best, $3-5/day, not nearly enough to meet our hosting costs.
There are some caveats to this. Obviously the price of bitcoin changes constantly, and I am at some fault for not converting more of our reserves to a stable coin like USDC when the price was plummeting.

But other factors are against us. Not only do we make far less now on our ads, but our hosting provider has raised prices. All of this is culminating for us to be in a not great spot here in the coming months.

I wanted to warn people because, I can pretty much see whats going to happen if we don't figure this out. Furthermore, it's getting harder and harder for BBW-Chan to justify it's existence, from both a financial and utility perspective.
Sites like coomer.party have become THE de-facto porn-pirating sites with files that STAY UP. If you are more into the social aspect, there are curated communities like curvage and titintops that are 100% less toxic.
Yet, somehow, this site continues to be popular enough to regularly site in the top 500 adult sites world-wide. https://www.similarweb.com/website/bbw-chan.nl/#overview
So, clearly, interest is here, it's just a manner of, how the fuck do we monetize this mess where it can actually pay it's own costs.

I've been running this site since 2016 and told myself, as long as it pays for itself, I might as well keep the ball rolling. The second I have to dip into my own pockets for this nonsense, is the second the site stops being fun to run.

So here we are. Afters years of not having to beg for donations, I'm putting up a USDC donation address in case anyone wants to support this ongoing effort, but that won't be enough I fear.
At current, we make an average of $180 from our ads campaign, and would need about $120 into that address each month to make up the difference.
This could change however, with crypto on the up-swing a-ads may have more marketing money in the coffers soon. If that happens, I will take down the donation address.

At this point, we must either find a new, cheaper, no-KYC pay-with-crypto, ignores-DMCA host, or a higher paying ad campaign. Or both.
Either that, or seriously consider a downgrade in our service (slower connection, crappier server, etc).
If you are in the know, let me know. I know paying nearly $300/month isn't a great deal, but it's also hard to find the combination of things we require for less.

You can also use this thread to poke and prod at me, if you wish.

Oh yeah, I also fixed... the inability to display blank lines between paragraphs since we introduced cloudflare. How ... did.. no...one...notice.
>>Either that, or seriously consider a downgrade in our service (slower connection, crappier server, etc).

At the end of the day, what do you have to lose with this option? If you can't get the consistent funds needed, then downgrade and live within your reach.
>>25624 (OP)
>the inability to display blank lines between paragraphs
I thought this was intentional the entire time.
honestly with coomer thriving the way that it is (does anyone have any actual insight on how they stay afloat? it's crazy how much content is just... there, with no catch), I agree that I am finding bbwchan less useful these days, outside of enjoying some of the banter and shittalking in /gen/. i would say I'm unlikely to notice or care too too much if the site ran a little slower.
I really enjoy using bbwchan, and hope it sticks around. That being said, with coomer's prevalence, why not trim some of the boards down? This place could still be a place for discussion of models and tracking down obscure videos, while mostly relying on coomer/kemono's infrastructure to actually host content.

Speaking of, I think there's clear value to keeping bbwchan since not every model's on coomer/kemono's archives, and thisvid is a pain in the ass to use.
>>25624 (OP)
>it's getting harder and harder for BBW-Chan to justify it's existence

By the Emperor, it's because WE LOVE YOU, LT. BROCCOLI.
>>25624 (OP)
Thanks for the update Barclay. You're the GOAT for real. Thanks for everything you've done and continue to do.
>>25624 (OP)
>Sites like coomer.party have become THE de-facto porn-pirating sites with files that STAY UP.

The only issue is, lesser popular stuff doesn't get shared, and some content creators aren't OF or Pateron whores. And retired models who existed before OF/Pateron that don't have any content on there at all. RayneOrShine's stuff gets reuploaded here all the time, there's be no way to put that on coomer.

This place is still really good for siterips/dumps of content that don't go through that service.

Honestly wish someone would make coomer style site for clips4sale/siterips, but I don't see that happening.
>>25624 (OP)
yeah why not just trim down some of the less popular boards? at the very least BBWchan can stay a place where people can come together and chit chat about their fav artists
Just curious is coomer.party,curvage and titintops the only alternatives to this site?Because none of them come close to here in my opinion.
what is with this sudden influx of cp on this site
probably pedos
I honestly don't know what you're talking about snd I have been here all week.

Because the two people who go to them would have a meltdown. There's honestly no reason to have the pregnancy board when it's a ghost town 90% of the time. Also combine BHM into the everything else thread honestly.

I thought a mod was literally editing all my posts :P
>>25624 (OP)

If you could start supporting .webp images you could downgrade the filesize limits for posts. Maybe that'd save on cost? What's the bigger cost bandwidth or server power?

You could also downgrade thumbnails and/or use .webp

.webp is WAY better than .png or .jpg at converting filesize into a quality image.

the less popular boards probably have almost no cost though.

You could slash /tits/ and /booty/ and reduce bandwidth and server needs by 75% and also reduce trolling by like 95% but you'd likely also lose like 75% of your iphone adviewing audience.

This would move all those into the other boards and make them more of a mess than they already are.

I suppose I never thought of that before. That's actually a good point. I just feel guilty about it, since they were my idea. I do fear things might be dire though, and a hail-mary might be needed. (like gutting a large portion of the site, or limiting the entire site in some fashion I'm not wise enough to know how to do.)
With the current round of shit posts in BBW real, I don't mind downgrading the server to try and reduce them.

>You could slash /tits/ and /booty/
......Why don't we just change the name to bhm-chan, while we're at it? Problem solved!
Appreciate the honesty Barclay. Sorry to hear about the tough times. BC is a rollercoaster, like the wild west of currency.

I would hope this site remains since Coomer, as popular as it is, has major issues. Mentioned earlier is that older/retired models that are often shared here and discussed are absent. Those models that do have OF/Coomer have also a wprk-around using DM's.
It also relies on paying active members to graciously update Coomer.

Also, as mentioned, retired models would be tough to share. Example is a recent drop of Kimberly Marvel. Some may say "who cares" , but others appreciate it.

Regardless of how it all falls, thanks for all your leadership and support over the years.
don't care, why did you remove the manbaby threads? i loved those
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>Example is a recent drop of Kimberly Marvel
Am I too late?
>If you can't get the consistent funds needed, then downgrade and live within your reach.

an so we shall. I have ordered a much cheaper server that should be easily within our currently monthly budget. We'll be switching over within a week.

total storage, ie.e number of boards or posts is not really the issue. Storage is cheap. It's the speed (1GB/s) and the our unmetered (unlimited traffic) that drove the price up. We are moving to an unmetered 250mbs which, will, cut our pipeline considerably. We may need to disable videos, enforce webp, and do other efficiency things to fit within a 250mbs connection: it's been a long time since we've been down that low.

Sudden? You may be personally seeing more of it, but it is a daily struggle that wears down even the most stalwart of mods. We have thousands of auto-ban links and SHA256 image bans but these fuckers have been at us for years. I hate that it slips through the cracks sometimes and stays up way longer than it should, but none of the mods are paid and like I said, after years of fighting that bullshit, I don't blame anyone for not checking every hour on the hour for rogue CP. I know personally when I see it I log in immediately and take care of it, but I only check once a day at most. I'm mostly the backend guy these days.

I was going to post the same concern, but then I realized that he was probably already thinking about a converter for the uploaded pics, and I didn't want to look foolish. It's not the usual way of doing things, but I can't think of anything more trivial than conversion of image formats.

Jpeg was the precursor to webp and they are both designed for the same small file sizes. I guess it's possible that webp have noticeable improvement of quality or image size, but I've never needed to look into it and the main reason they went with webp was about dominance and control since Jpeg was owned by a seperate company, although it is a free and open format. They had been looking into making improvements to the internet media and probably thought it was a good opportunity to make a jpeg replacement, as the name suggests, webp. I think for video they probably partnered with Google or some chinese company to make either m4v or that other new format a9. I doubt there's an actual webm format that they made themselves.

When you really think about the confusion it doesn't make sense, but the reality is that the internet needs a format for its standard, and sticking with mpeg may potentially pose risks when new versions are needed. The way they chose on their own format is what I find most perplexing. What is the point of outsourcing a video technology that will be free and open, and using an already free and open video format, 1 with a larger adoption already? I'm guessing that because they were already leaders in the web space they decided to offer something special to the world as opposed to not making anything new. That is only my guess, and it's assuming that they had no monetary intentions of benefiting from webm.

Is there any plan to open up some sort of janitor application system? Maybe more manpower would help against cp?
Personally I would have no problem with losing video hosting on this site, if that helps reduce bandwidth needs a lot.

I basically use it for download links anyway. Photos are useful to see what models I haven't heard of look like, but if there's currently no limit on resolution or file size for photos it wouldn't hurt to introduce one as well.

>>Personally I would have no problem with losing video hosting on this site, if that helps reduce bandwidth needs a lot.

It's not like much useful gets posted anymore. 90% of the threads turn into political bickering. I rather see this site go bare bones if it means that the amount of trolling gets cut in half. They add nothing anyways.
Hey, what happened to the thread watcher feature?
It's going to be worked back in, but it's missing for the moment, sorry about that.
This server change is a significant downgrade, especially for mobile users. Still, for how inevitable the change was, being able to keep this site up since 2016 with little to work with is impressive.
Well, the new server and the new front end are two different things, does the speed on mobile feel bad or is it just the UI? If it's just visual/scaling let me know, I might be able to fix it.
On mobile the interface is near unusable. Is it meant to force me to scroll endlessly without a tab for threads?
Do you mean the catalog? It's been moved to the nav bar at the upper right.

You do have to, by default, go into the settings at turn on "fixed nav bar" so that it stays at the top of the screen on mobile though.
The speed feels good, that's actually the one improvement. The big thing is that you can't view images full screen while still on this site anymore. Now you have to download them then go to your personal downloads to view them fully in the best quality.
>If it's just visual/scaling let me know, I might be able to fix it.
The visual/scaling issue from my experience only applies when not in desktop mode, which I never used here until today. The image viewing problem happens regardless if desktop mode is being used or not.
Hmm guys I not so sure about this upgrade... I wonder if there was anything that coild've been done to make wife happy.
That sounds like a browser cache bug. Try clearing it or shift+F5

I'm able to open images inline without downloading them to device just fine.
I concur. It all works as expected only I wasn't expecting a change in site, and it's something like exactly what I did not expect for my browser's extensions and add-ons. It should be no problem but in honesty I will not need them much other than the AI program for clicks chan CSS scripts.
I've gone ahead and rolled-back the Kohlnumbra front-end upgrade until we address some isses with the post menu, the thread watcher, and a few other nitpicks.
Clear cache did not solve the problem. Would still download the image file instead of opening it.
Speed on mobile is fine on my end, I dare say even better than before. Only thing missing is the list of boards on the home page, but that’s nothing serious since they’re accessible through the boards page.
websocket test
I want the manbaby thread back.
Barclay, I am begging you get more mods to handle the relentless begging, arguing, and general stupidity happening on /bbw/ and /ssbbw/ (and other boards).

I get that they aren't paid for this, so they won't be monitoring the chan 24/7, but I'm sure it's possible to find a few more to help out right?
Kid named this site needs to be dealt with better.
I understand people don't want to "do it for free" as it were, but the fact people here are talking about not liking fatties and doing nofap, on what is essentially a porn based imageboard, is fucking stupid. Plus, the general accusations and paranoia over things really makes being on here suck dick.
I'm sorry to the people who have this fetish and don't like having it, but ranting about it on here isn't going to solve anything.
I just want to talk about fatties away from schizos and weirdos without settling for /pol/tarded rightoids complaining about fat people being literally evil plagues upon society.
It’s barely a porn board thanks to Coomer, now it’s a Chan forum.
No one’s talking about not liking fatties. There’s some huffy babies who want to act like BBWs are not an unhealthy fetish. This isn’t feabie, it’s not moderated and full of fat women in denial.
No fap here is like holding an AA meeting in a nightclubs bathroom.
/gen is "talk about whatever you like" so that's what you're gonna get. As long as the self-haters and sociopaths keep their bullshit contained here, I think it's fine. Better, actually.
I am grateful that this site exists. Was aware but didn't spend much time before Covid.
I have always enjoyed community discussion and sharing our interests and found that having abandoned the "rest home atmosphere" of the Dims Mag site, Curvage became my goto but throughout Covid and nowadays, Curvage has become a "model megasite" and I found myself here more and more for the discussions and lack of censorship --- I have had mods take my stuff down before and it was tame, just didn't suit the owner's business model.
I hope this site can continue so that free speech about our kink and the "sex for sale" climate can continue.
I don't think there is anywhere else any,ore. Is there? Respect! and Thanks!
Strange, at one point this whole site was showing a 404 error. Anyone know what had happened with its downtime?
Is there any way of just having a Patreon, or something similar?

99% of the users here don't even pay for porn, let alone would be willing to pledge money every month just to shitpost and beg on a chan-board.
Guess I’m in the 1% in both cases.

Besides, it’s cheaper to donate $5/mo to a board you use frequently than to pay for porn you’re not sure if you’ll like. That’s what I mostly use this board for at least

So you're willing to pay $5 to enable moochers and trolls to inhabit the site? At point why not just say fuck it and buy the porn instead since you know you're not going to get your money back from this site?
Especially when almost every thread either ends with excessive begging, policital arguments, or just straight racial shit posting. It's geting to a point of whether or not this site is even worth visiting anymore since one of the 3 will always happen.
I genuinely wonder if these shitposters realize the awful environment here is detering people who are willing to share content from doing so. I'm not going to reward the schizo thinking trans people are molesting our kids with BoBerry's latest or even a requested clip that's been shared in the past. Not worth my time. This site's been good to me but I've done my share.
I'm generally a free speech absolutist, because of the perennial "who watches the watchmen" problem (remember the Jess era?), but at this point I'd be in favor of a blanket "no off-topic political derails outside of a designated containment threads" rule, *as long as it were fairly and impartially applied*. We can't get rid of VPN shitposting entirely, but if enough people ate a tempban for taking obvious bait, it might slow down to a point that it wasn't such a nuisance.

If they wanted to, they can ban certain words from being typed. Just prohibit every politician last name and half of the shit posting goes away.
If a word gets banned, then a nickname or misspelling will come about to evade it. You don't want to do something like that - the site needs more moderation to pluck out the pot stirrers in everyone but /gen/. That's the whole point of a containment board.

>the site needs more moderation to pluck out the pot stirrers in everyone but /gen/

They do have moderators, but the job doesn't really pay and these people have lives and can't be here 24/7 monitoring for trolls.
Well something HAS to be done. This site is full of spam, CP, and doxxing. And that's not even getting into the regular shitposting that needs to be dealt with..
Is there an issue with having more mods? More mods, more moderation. Unless there's only 10 slots to monitor the whole site, I can't see why we can't just throw in more people who genuinely want to stop the site from degrading as it has been.

And if there ARE only so many mods that can be allowed to patrol, why not enlist the terminally online who check this site more than a few times a day? I personally come on here way more than I do social media - I'd be happy to pitch in and clean up where I see it.
Yo forgive me if this is a bad venue for this but somebody doxxed Chloe in /bbw/ and we gotta get that shit out of there. Trashy ass incel behavior.
Holy shit, that's still up? I reported that HOURS ago.
and there's cp posted on /ssbbw/ rn if a mod is around to handle that
Based retard, love you man

>>Is there an issue with having more mods? More mods, more moderation.

Eventually the mods themselves need to be checked when two start bickering with each other, a third goes rouge, the fourth turns mad with power, and the other 6 stop logging in. It's foolish to just give mod power to anyone volunteering. We've already seen that even the most "established" members here end up not being reliable. You can have all the mods you want, just do a background check first.

>>And if there ARE only so many mods that can be allowed to patrol, why not enlist the terminally online who check this site more than a few times a day?

Because everyone here has a life and can't be fully committed to being on this site severeal times a day. If you're on here terminally then you shouldn't be a mod. Go touch grass and take a walk at that point.
One of the dudes above mentioned slashing /booty/ and /tits/. Wouldn't that help mods focus down on the core boards? That way they could find the bad stuff easier.

Booty and tit can be found on reddit and other places.
>/pol/tarded rightoids
are they in the room with us, mate?
Reading comprehension, please
Been a user of BBWchan for a few years now, so I'll chime in with my thoughts.

>Downgrade server
This would suck, but is there ways to save money elsewhere? Maybe trim a few of the boards.

Personally I would be down to remove these above the others. Partially cause I'm here for fat content but also because they seem really unfocused, /booty/ especially is a fucking nightmare that needs more moderation, however they are still frequently used
If I were to reccomend what boards to cut I would say /preg/ which has virtually fucking no-one, /ee/ which is mostly garbage and empty threads, /bhm/ which is similarly low activity and possibly /elite/ for similar reasons. I think we could cut those 4 and nobody would really care.
My visiting this site has lessened a lot recently with the shit that's getting posted.
I would hope the site can stay running. Also the mods needed are found.
I really appreciate this place and LtBarclay for yrs of providing me content and a place to share.
Report anything you see. I check quite a few times a day. It's too hard to go through all the threads and clean them up. Only so much time in the day and such
Can we do something about all the Mountain Dew mouthed rednecks and Eastern European serfs trying to add inconsistent racisms to the board. It can’t be more than 5 people with 6 teeth between them.
the site is definitely looking better moderated now, appreciate the effort the jannies have been putting in.

if only the general user base wasn't so retarded, but that's not really a mod problem

Are you serious?
For days I observe the Chan being extremely over moderated. It’s bad, very bad. It’s in fact worse than under-moderated.

Just the other day someone removed a thread with a not model who might have been a man. Not moved to bhm or ee. Removed. What “genius” does that?

Whoever mods like that Boo at you!
I see how it makes sense to remove beggars. But it makes zero sense to remove discussions people were having.
That’s not what moderation is for.
We don’t need moderation like that.
Iunno, sounded like just as valid of a call. You can repost your thread in /BHM/ or /ee/, but it was on the wrong board. A jannie probably saw it first.

It wasn't mine. I was like "How do you know that's a man?" And then there is no thread anymore like at all. Like it was never there. And they did not actually looked manly or anything. Not like I had time to see for myself, unfortunately.

You know I won't go asking "Did anyone saved the link to the content of the fatty that someone said was a man and the thread got wiped the other day?" on the board. So it's lost for good.
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>One of the dudes above mentioned slashing /booty/ and /tits/. Wouldn't that help mods focus down on the core boards?

It could and would, however, those two boards alone make up half our traffic. If we're barely surviving on ads atm, I can only imagine the near instant death half our userbase walking away would cause.

>Downgrade server
>This would suck, but is there ways to save money elsewhere? Maybe trim a few of the boards.

The downgrade is done already. We are saving a substantial amount of money and can pay our bills with our ad revenue, but we have signigiantly less bandwidth and share a 1GB pipe with 3 other sites, and when we are all peak bandwidth it's not pretty.

That said, total number of boards or posts or threads or images isn't really an issue. Storage is cheap. Bandwidth I.E. the speed of our connection and the non-storage stats (total RAM, CPU speed) of our server are the real costs. Removing boards does not in any real way "save money".

>I really appreciate this place and LtBarclay for yrs of providing me content and a place to share.
Thanks man.




First, the most obvious one: any moderation is likely to end up pissing off those who are moderated. After all, they posted their content in the first place, and thus thought it belonged wherever it was posted — so will almost certainly disagree with the decision to moderate it. Now, some might argue the obvious response to this is to do no moderation at all, but that fails for the obvious reason that many people would greatly prefer some level of moderation, especially given that any unmoderated area of the internet quickly fills up with spam, not to mention abusive and harassing content.

Second, moderation is, inherently, a subjective practice. Despite some people’s desire to have content moderation be more scientific and objective, that’s impossible. By definition, content moderation is always going to rely on judgment calls, and many of the judgment calls will end up in gray areas where lots of people’s opinions may differ greatly. Indeed, one of the problems of content moderation that we’ve highlighted over the years is that to make good decisions you often need a tremendous amount of context, and there’s simply no way to adequately provide that at scale in a manner that actually works. That is, when doing content moderation at scale, you need to set rules, but rules leave little to no room for understanding context and applying it appropriately. And thus, you get lots of crazy edge cases that end up looking bad.

Third, people truly underestimate the impact that “scale” has on this equation. Getting 99.9% of content moderation decisions at an “acceptable” level probably works fine for situations when you’re dealing with 1,000 moderation decisions per day, but large platforms are dealing with way more than that. If you assume that there are 1 million decisions made every day, even with 99.9% “accuracy” (and, remember, there’s no such thing, given the points above), you’re still going to “miss” 1,000 calls.

So while I’m all for exploring different approaches to content moderation, and see no issue with people calling out failures when they (frequently) occur, it’s important to recognize that there is no perfect solution to content moderation, and any site, no matter how thoughtful and deliberate and careful is going to make mistakes. Because that’s Masnick’s Impossibility Theorem — and unless you can disprove it, we’re going to assume it’s true.

I get BBW-Chan doesn't have the scale the article talks about, but even if one in ten of our moderation actions everyday feel wrong or not justified, that's still a ton over time. I'm also not going to micro-manage the pour souls who have tried to keep this cesspool clean. I try to encourage them by not getting on their case about too much, unless I see a real shitshow happening. As far as I'm concerned, the new jannies are doing a fine job and making mistakes typical of new moderators that are not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things (which I've brought up to them), especially compared to the overall benefit vs not having them performing their cleanup duties.
I deleted it cause it wasn't worth trying to clean up. Was most definitely a dude. The whole thread was just people arguing with very little content, so it went away. I have also been cleaning up the random off topic "discussions" as you call them in threads. Discussions belong here, or at least keep it centered around the model in the thread.

So many threads have 3 posts of content and 100 posts of arguing.
They’re deleting comments that aren’t praising their internet girlfriends. This place is overrun with sad simps trying to force their views on people.
I could care less if you are critical of the girls. Off topic or trolling gets deleted. schizo shit goes in the schizo threads or in gen
kinda crazy how i try to report a picture because i know the girl in it does not want her picture posted on here and even i state it in the threads. but you guys don’t delete the picture of the poor girl no you take down me calling you guys out.
Shut up loser. She posted it online, it’s ours now.
Hats thin skinned loser. At least be honest if you’re gonna censure the fuck out of a Chan. Go eat a horse cock.
Like the ones you posted earlier. No thanks. Seems to be your thing
Dude. Keep moderating this board to be your little dick simp playground.
All you do is protect the racism and ban the free speech your candy ass is scared of.
Jannies don't touch this board, dude.

Was it addressed? I didn't see it in the reports. I had a similar experience on a Who Is She thread and it took a few days for it to be taken down so I get that feeling.
The quality of discussion in /gen/ would improve if country flags were disabled. Low-effort nationality bait is derailing way too many threads.
Nah, there's certain known people from certain nations that are known to be bad posters, eliminating them would effect tracking these bad actors.
What’s the deal with the mods here censuring Adela’s thread?
What’s the point of a censured chan? This shits gay af.
What happened to that Doomsday thread for Bbwchan site? It's seemingly and unironically more relevant now than ever before.
Oh no. Your racist shitposting got deleted. It's the end of the world. Be less of a tool
>>28836 Well I mean if it's between a crack pot or a quack! You're on the internet claiming superiority all with disgrace and grandstanding. The fact of the matter's that if you're here looking for trouble then it's no secret what you're doing. You've already lost, the fun part hasn't even started yet, and to nobody's surprise you're still posting. You must be some special kind of stupid.
Not only that, they're deleting people's comments when they feel that their internet gf has praised it more than theirs. Honestly, there are some serious weirdos moderating this board.. I doubt it's the owner because it has never been this bad before. Get your house in order.
Only shit mods here seem to leave up is racism. Pretty sure the constant white supremacy, kiddie porn and neonazi shit has left only demented idiots here.
Logically doesn't that mean you're one of the "white supremac[ists], kiddie porn [consumers] and [N]eonazi shit[s]"? I don't think you thought this through bro.
Do you have hardcore autism or do you evaluate everyone’s statements this literally?
I didn't think much of your comment until I tried posting about the bracket I'm running over on /bbw/ - I posted identical promotions on 4 models threads because we're down to the final 4. Equality and all that.

Only one of the promotions got deleted. The poll was already swarmed by overzealous UA fans and forced me to reconsider the contest. Mods are playing favorites here, no doubt. Even on the harmless stupid shit like popularity contests.
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>>25624 (OP)
Hey Barclay, first of all I wanted to say that I truly appreciate you sticking with this platform for so long, helped me get through the good and bad times of life in more than one way.
Secondly, I wanted to tell you that if you ever become unable to run the website any longer, I can offer you bunkers over at 8chan. Not gonna link them of course because I do not wish to move users from here to there without just cause, just wanted to tell you that if you ever need a temporary hangout, just remember to ask the Board Onwer of that place's bbw board.

Cheers lad.
Die BBW Chan. Please just die.

You could just not visit the site.
File dmcas when your Patreon content gets posted like a normal person
>>25624 (OP)
How do I go about contacting the admin? I've tried sending a mail to the address in Contact but the daemon won't send it.
Additionally, the Janitorial Request thread talks about a Discord, where's the channel?
(13 KB, 333x250, Ed4gZ68XoAEfya0.jpg)
This fucking scene from FHFIF changed my brain chemistry

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