
(69 KB, 350x513, jujutsushi_wa_yuusha_ni_narenai[1].jpg)
I found this neat looking Light Novel called "The Shaman Who Couldn't Be A Hero" or something. I don't really care about Isekai stories but damn was it hot to see a light novel with a genuine tall BBW (180 cm 100+kg) as the main love interest, with fanservicey scenes centering around her massive tits, ass and plump belly, and the MC being infatuated (heh) with her...

Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, yep. Around the first quarter she ends up slimming down, and it's so disappointing. I get that Japan is even more mixed on obesity than the west, but it was refreshing to see a big fat chick in a role like this. Sure, they had the standard weight woe and all that but they could've made her arc about gaining confidence in her body, especially when the MC flatout admits to being into her regardless... Why can't the cute fatties stay fat?
You should find some grass to touch instead
Except you're literally on this website too?
>>25604 (OP)
This is a standard plot in fiction either in Japan or America, that fat characters hate their weight and are a lot happier upon losing it. Once they do it, then they're hot and sexy and life is finally better as they can find love and can stop being picked on. Weight loss is inspiration in fiction, as a character learns self-control and shows dedication. Being fat means to be unhealthy, to be lazy, to be stupid, to be gluttonous and filthy. Losing weight supposedly frees one from these things. I also notice the Gonk trope where when a woman gains weight, her face becomes ugly and somehow losing weight gives her prettier facial features and doesn't transform her into a butterface (Hot body, ugly face)

I did start a thread asking if one of the motivations behind WG fiction is a rebellion against this plot. I just wonder if there's a collective frustration in the fat admiration community towards these plots. How characters can never embrace weight gain forever. They must lose the weight they gained in a single episode and never spend the rest of the series being fat. I just wonder if the WG plots of characters embracing their curves is us rebelling against these plots. That we have characters who love being big and loving their curves and who aren't going to go on diets. This too is sexy, as we are seeing people embracing themselves.

I think if we want these plots to happen less, we need more fat acceptance in fiction. Perhaps we should have more people in the fat admiration communities write and help make this fetish mainstream. To have plots where fat women are sexy, where characters gain weight and keep it for the rest of the series, where a character wearing revealing clothes and having sex isn't treated as disgusting.
There are plenty of BBW-oriented chick-lit novels and romances where the protag stays fat, but they're written by women so they almost always lack the fan service aspects you're talking about. That's what separates mainstream books from even the best DA/FF-style fetish fic.

Closest I ever saw was Flesh by David Galef. It's written from an FA's perspective and Galef copped to being one himself. Unfortunately the 3/4 of the book that isn't about BBWs is really boring, focusing on Southern culture, academia, and racial justice. You can tell Galef was way more inspired writing the fatty parts but the other stuff was probably shoved to the front so it wouldn't seem too fetishy/objectifying.

I remember that thread and participated. I'm with you, and I actually feel a well-written genre book (mystery, horror, sci-fi, etc) with a non-creepy FA and non-self-hating BBW could be a huge hit. But even with the explosion of self-publishing it's still a business dominated by gatekeepers who tend to be conservative. They also tend to be hyper PC and I wonder if a hetero cis male writer could get away with writing a fat female character without being accused of... something.

Seems you literally don't know where you are... Should I call your mom?
How can they be conservative and PC? Those are two different beliefs. PC means to be aware of how offensive stuff is, Conservative means to defend offensive stuff and have fiction continue to have offensive elements.

I wonder if the solution is to have FA writers who can deliver on BBW fanservice and tell a compelling story. Some writers think of sexy stuff to put in their story, others are more focused on storytelling/plot/characterization over what sex scenes they can put into their story. Even if we have more FA writers, it doesn't mean they'll all indulge in BBW fanservice, some of them may be more focused on telling compelling stories and not making excuses to have Plumper women in fiction.
>How can they be conservative and PC? Those are two different beliefs.

Think small-c conservative, the literal definition rather than the big-C political version: "averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values." Offense is always in the eye of the offended, but Big Publishing is coastal media which means their tradition is capital-L Liberal, which means feminist, which means anti-objectification of women's bodies. That's what I meant.

Anyway I agree. I read a lot of crime fic and noir and that genre has a lot of sex baked into it. I know a lot of modern sci-fi and fantasy does as well though it's not really my bag. Either way, unfortunately the women are invariably model-thin or "curvy" at best, meaning size 10 or so (still way below the American average fwiw). My dream is to discover an FA author who writes as well as anyone else but his female ingenues happen to be BBWs.

I've been trying myself to bridge that gap with my writing. My stories feature fat women in a crime fiction-noir vein, that have a lot of plot and such but hopefully also deliver the sexy. Thing is I do dig deeper into the fetishy aspects than would ever be allowed within mainstream publishing.
Wait a minute... If I had a nickel for every BBW loving crime fiction writer I'd heard of, I'd have two nickels.

||Unless you are who I'm thinking of. In that case, one nickel||
I think there may be FA's for various shows and movies but in collaborative mediums, it's harder to convince other people working on it to agree to certain scenes. How do you think others would feel if someone asked them to bring their sexual fantasies to life for a show/movie? I imagine stuff get's shot down quite a bit in TV/Movies. I imagine if an FA were to suggest BBW fanservice scenes, they would likely get shot down by other writers, actors, etc. How would you feel if on a project someone asked you in lurid detail to work on something that was clearly fetish fuel for them or them making masturbatory material for themselves?
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Meh, doesn't stop Tarantino and co.

But really though... Consider the author seemed into it in my example, I wonder if it was a fan or editor thing (prolly not cause there's no art of her slimmed down)
IIRC the creator of Jujutsu Kaisen wanted a fat love interest for the MC but it was axed by editors too
Also I'm curious now. Can you link that thread?
I guess with collaborative mediums, sometimes the writer can get away with putting their kinks in their work, other times their ideas can get shot down. I guess it depends both on what kink they're putting in their work and who they're working with and if they would allow the kink to be in the project they're working on. Like maybe they would be cool with BDSM, but only if it isn't frequent in the story.

Really? The Main character of Jujutsu Kaisen would have a plump love interest? Where did you learn that? I just want to make sure it's true and not just a rumor some rando started somewhere on the internet. Like if the creator actually said this in an interview.

Here's a link to the thread.
>>23886 (Cross-thread)
What I was asking is if one of the feelings that goes into WG fiction is frustration at how WG plots in TV/Comics end. That the character loses weight and is happy that they aren't fat anymore. But to us, we're upset that they couldn't be fat for the rest of the series and if this frustration is one of the feelings people in this community have when writing WG fiction. I also wondered if this frustration grows after seeing WG plots end this way series after series after series. That no character embraces their WG for the rest of the series. With our stories, women don't diet, they don't end the story being a string bean. They become fat and embrace their fat and find happiness in being fat.
Share some art and lines from it.
Sorry I was responding to >>25662 about what art and lines from what they're referring to
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>>25604 (OP)
Meh its not like you guys support the few stuff that actually has a fat MC as the focal point, I barely hear anyone on here talking about Alakshmi especially now since its getting translations, and its one of the most blatant ones thats getting officially published.

Considering its japan and they have manga's made specifically for fetishes or pure fanservice I really don't see why it'd that much of an issue for FA stuff
I think this thread was made to complain about why stuff like Alakshmi or Plus-Size Elf isn't more common. While there is manga with BBW characters providing fanservice, it isn't more frequent. I'm sure we would be happy if we see more mainstream Ecchi, harem, shounen, and seinen series that have BBW characters providing fanservice.

I also wouldn't say all manga is fetishy. While a fair amount of stuff is known for fetish fuel, there are creators that work to make stuff that is known for complex story and characters and less so the sexualized character designs. The works of Hayao Miyazaki and Osamu Tezuka's work on Astro Boy and Kimba the white lion comes to mind with this. But I digress.

With why Japan isn't as big into Fat admiration as other kinks, is because various Asian countries are known to be fatphobic, even a little weight gain is treated as horrifying. I think this is why Gonk characters become sexy when they lose weight. This symbolizes how fatness makes one ugly and how losing it can make you beautiful.

Before you bring up Sumo wrestlers, the media can be weird about how they look. A fair of stuff going for a muscular/fat look, others giving them gonky faces. It may be a carryover of how fatphobic various creators are. Even athletes that are strong fat, get the benefit of being made to look ugly in fiction even if they're revered in their own culture. There are artists who do do BBW stuff. But I imagine it's hard for them to do something mainstream that indulges in this kink because of how fatphobic their culture is. This is probably why Anime/Manga with BBW characters is a big deal, because the creators were able to get away with it and not have their ideas shot down by others working on the project. Whether it's other writers or higher ups that distribute the work.
pochama ni is a manga about an FA and a fat chick dating. its not really fanservicey, but the ML is touchy and very explicitly into her fat body. theres a side plot about another fat girl disliking her body and "healthily" losing weight, but FL stays fat and likes being so.
I'd die to have your first time is a FFA/BHM manga. ML becomes skinny for a period but his happy ending involves him being fat and his wife being desperately sexually attracted to him
thats it for het pairings, on the off chance you like BL theres the following:
hoppe ni himawari (FA/BHM)
minegishi san wa otsu kun ni tabesasetai (feedee BHM/feeder)

I'm always looking for FA manga/manhwa, and considering my standards are "fat character remains fat" my success rate is depressingly low
oh how could i forget musume no iede. its an ensemble shoujo and pretty much revolves around the MC being an FFA
theres a very minor side character in ao no flag who gets a fat gf
I know that there are examples. My main point is that while this material does exist, it's not as common as stuff that has thin curvy women fanservice. Plus it isn't popular or mainstream. There's tons of fanservicey manga that has thin curvy women providing fanservice, but stuff with BBW's isn't as common and popular. I have heard of these series. The most popular series I can think of with BBW fanservice is Plus-Sized Elf, but that's it. The material exists but it's often not common or popular.

The mention of these series brings up another point I made. There is Fat admiration material, yes, but most of it is manga. I imagine various mangaka can have editors/publishers that let them get away with Fat fetishism in their stories, but how many anime series/movies have this? Again with TV/Movies, there are more people who can shoot down ideas. I know there are Anime shows/films that have BBW characters, but again it isn't as common as stuff with thin curvy women. I think I just hope to see more shonen, ecchi, harem anime that has more BBW characters. I am seeing more modern stuff with BBW's maybe hopefully we'll see this someday.
Sauce pls
Isn't there an anime about a middle aged fat guy and this younger woman who loves him for being like a marshmallow or something?
I think when I describe something as popular, I think I mean to the level that a casual fan of anime has heard of it, and it becomes talked about a lot on the internet. The stuff mentioned on this board isn't popular outside the fat fetish community. I know there are different levels of popularity. There are series that are well known like One Piece, Dragon Ball, Bleah, Naruto, My Hero Academia, and the works of Hayao Miyazaki. I wouldn't say that something with fat fetish elements be Dragon Ball/One Piece level popular, maybe the type of popular where you see clips of it being popular on YouTube and the casual anime fan has heard of it would suffice. Just to have more anime that's willing to engage in BBW fanservice and it is trending enough on the internet would be all I ask.


Ojisan to marshmallow I believe
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I understand where you are coming from, its always going to be a niche fetish over there (granted there are a lot more exposure now due to social media sites), it just makes such that the few instances in which we get actually get them people should support it even more. Actually in regards to Sumo there actually was this one manga called Rikijo with a female sumo wrestler (shame it released around early 2010s instead of now where it'd be better appreciated). I feel there were many to early instances of this fetish showing up, where there wasn't a strong enough network so it never really went anywhere, another example would be in Buyuden where the author made the MC main love interest get fat and stays as such. Another one from that era that reminds me a lot of Alakshmi was Metsuko Ni Yoroshiku wear the author was pretty blatant about it (funnily enough its the same guy now working on one of the Dragon Maid Spin Offs and even there he managed to get in a weight gain fetish chapter). That one got axed at 18 chapters while Alakshmi is on its 26th and still going, which really shows you the difference in environment now compared to that era where there was very little support.

Yes Ojisan to Marshamellow which is what I would've wanted in fat fetish fan service anime, but obviously with the fat character being a young woman instead of a middle aged man, so close yet so far...
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Really its only within the last few years that officially published Japanese fat fetish stuff has been getting something resembling actual support(even with the titular Elf San Meth started out with cast being "anime fat", then after a while just have them as bulbous as they are now). Maybe in a few more years who knows.

You're right, it is somewhat easier for this kink to thrive in Manga. The next step needs to be if these works can get anime adaptations and/or more original anime has BBW characters providing fanservice. If a mainstream Shonen manga has this, to have multiple BBW characters, that would be amazing, especially if it got an anime adaptation.
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In mainstream shounen at least currently you just have fat chicks as side characters who come in as a joke of the top of my mind most recently was York (which it'll be funny to see her animated when the anime gets to it) and that one captain from Bleach who gets fat as a joke, Anko in the Boruto (but many fans aren't happy about that) there's several others. The most you'll get for mainstream to accept them is usually as gags than outright being sexy, unless being sexy is the joke (but usually in that case they just give the women egg shaped bodies).
Also they usually try to make fatties as unsexual as possible (borderline gonk most times), it'd be interesting if they just gave a fat chick a massive pair of tits and ass in addition to their belly
>>25604 (OP)
But you really shouldn't expect a definite form of a fetish inclined content in mainstream manga/anime. Why would you even think that?
I know it certainly must be a rewarding experience to see a piece of media that does feature some sort of your sexual preference, but again the chance of that is extremely low. It is not nonexistent, however.
I'd say most of the time such characters are used a comedy prop, simple as that.
Das ist genau das, was ich von einem Trottel wie Ihnen erwartet hätte?
I agree, it is in the literal impossible to make something in the "mainstream" while it is everything but it.
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I don't know where people are getting their information from. Pornography in Japan is always self published by an illustrator who does not work in the industry. Magazines like Shonen Jump are on the decline due to the declining birth rates and social life in Japan. Politicians blame women for entering the workforce while Japanese women blame men for not wanting to marry and settle down as to watch anime. I'd take it with a grain of salt since Japanese people tend to be conformist and form friends since childhood while individualists are just outliers. Another factor is that middle age otakus tend to get married to 20 year old women and have the child anyway.

As for pornography in Japan, the body modification genre is on the decline due to stricter censorship laws, so fallen princesses and idols getting fat and being fulfilled by an Orc or Oni is on the rise. Orcs have no personality but a desire to abolish order and claim women as a spoil of war. It's unknown if they are serious or just copying Piccolo's plan to abolish order and create anarchy or Nappa's plan to breed with women. Considering that the alternative are the hypno rapist like Scirocco or fascist pedophile like Char, being a fat wife to a demon king or an alien is a step up from being mind broken.
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I don't take Naruto seriously since Orochimaru went from talented kid, to war hero, to Ed Gein, to domestic terrorist, to ninja Gary Glitter, to Thin White Duke in Part I. He only lost the Leaf apparently operates like a Black Ops group and had their glowies like Obito and Itachi to shank Orochimaru. It's like how Bleach tells us that Yamamoto with send his lieutenants to shank Aizen at anytime. Then again, I don't expect adult protagonists like Isshin to be popular cause they don't want nothing to with politics
What does this have to do with the point of this thread? This is about complaining how most anime/manga are unwilling to have BBW characters. Not rants about various series.

I agree there would be cultural differences that can lead to a difference in porn plots and what the porn focuses on like if it's thin/curvy women, muscular women, BDSM, BBWs, etc. I was wondering if part of why this kink doesn't appear as much there is due to how fatphobic they are. While we certainly aren't accepting of fat people here, there's still a fair amount of BBW art and appreciation here. Whereas, it's harder to find in Japan. I imagine that this leads to a lot of anime/manga not wanting to do BBW fanservice.
My intention wasn't specifically anime and manga but fiction in general, or how if a character starts out fat that somehow means they have to have a weightloss arc, rather than staying the same; I do like this discussion though
I think it veered into Anime/manga because what you used was a light novel and then someone brought up Alakshmi and plus-size elf.

I think the other reason anime/manga was brought up is how much of it is known for being fanservicey. How many times we see women with big boobs in revealing outfits or who end up in sexy situations. As well as having plots and characters that exist to provide fanservice. Just me pointing out how they are unwilling to do plus-size fanservice. I brought those mediums up because I note how many creators put their kinks in these mediums. With some works just be devoted to cheesecake and characters getting in sexy situations without it leading to explicit scenes. Though yeah in american cartoons, comics, games and films, I do see creators who can get indulgent with their kinks.

I would say overall, yeah we don't see plus-size fanservice as a common thing in these works. I would also imagine that many of these creators aren't FA's so they wouldn't know how to make a fatter body sexy and attractive nor would be willing to since it would be asking them to put stuff they don't find sexy into their works. Many of them wish to use fat people as jokes or examples of what not to be.
I think in order for there to be more fat characters that stay fat, we would need more creators willing to portray plus-size characters as beautiful. Sometimes there are creators that are FA's or they are wanting to show more builds for their characters. The more builds more characters thing however tends to be less fanservice and more, have women that aren't all thin and curvy, but to go for designs that aren't sexual. Not that this is a bad thing, we have porn, we should use that to get turned on with. but I digress. I think if we would want that, we should have more FA writers do plus-size fanservice in their stories.

I did wonder how to do a science fiction/Fantasy story with BBW fanservice. That I have an actual plot, story and characters but have BBW fanservice whenever possible or when it works.

I watched a video that described the 1980's movie heavy metal as Id driven. It made me wonder how would an FA write a Heavy Metal inspired story. Something that is an adult sci-fi/fantasy work that isn't afraid to be dark, violent, gritty and sexual and how that would look versus how writers who have thin, curvy women being naked would look. Like would they justify why there are plumper women in this setting or just have them be there just because?
I think that if we want more works with BBW fanservice, we need more stuff with FA creators. I know there are works by Non-FAs that have BBWs in their work, but unless more and more Non-FA creators are willing and dedicated to have BBW characters, we may not be able to see more BBW fanservice. Plus some of them may not be interested in sexualizing plus-size women in their work.

I disagree. The best "golden" bbw porn was in the 80s and 90s. This success lead to the bbw porn into the 2000s being high quality and also succesful, but it wouldn't have been possible eithout that period where bbw porn was niche and high quality. With success comes the unfortunate parasites that will come to feed and turn the bbw scene into a disaster (which is exactly what happened) because they don't care, they are only in it to make a quick buck. That's what we artists call the "snobs".
I don't mean porn, I mean fiction that has moments where plus-size women provide fanservice. Not porn, I think a fair amount of people in this community would like to see more and more movies/shows/comics/video games/anime/manga have plumper women provide fanservice and be treated as sexy/beautiful while being a good story with engaging plot and characters. Again try to have stuff with BBWs that isn't just pornography. I know that there's porn with plot, that can be well written, but what I'm referring to is a story that isn't made to sexually titillate, but to tell a story with engaging characters. When I use porn, I will refer to stories from softcore (We see skimpy outfits/nudity) to explicit (We see stuff that is very NSFW).
>>25791 What about more better porno? You don't want to see that?
Yeah but it will make this kink feel niche. Many of us want this kink to be mainstream, to stop being ridiculed and be accepted. I think for it to be like homosexuality unique and accepted but still it's own thing.

I wouldn't mind seeing better written porn, but I want this kink to be in more fiction. It just feels limiting that the only place to see BBWs is in pornography and not in anything else. The push I'm making is for there to be more fiction outside of porn with BBW characters. There can still be well written BBW porn, but there should be more mainstream works that showcase this kink as well. It should also be in a more positive light. It shouldn't be how we're all planning to fatten our partners to immobility or how we manipulate our partners into unhealthy weight gain. It should showcase how much stuff is fantasy and how we do accept weight loss for health reasons.

Anyway my point is, if the only works with BBWs is porn, then it limits this fetish. It feels stifling that I can't see BBWs in TV/Movies/comics/video games/anime/manga. It would feel unique if more mediums had more BBW characters. If the fetish is to grow and inform more people, it will need to be in more non-porn works.
>>25796 Why are you only thinking about your own needs? Why aren't you thinking about what is best for le fat girl? We all know what she needs and craves, and it isn't "acceptance" or mainstream popularity. This isn't a fucking joke or a contest. This is a matter of love for life and death and there is nothing on the planet more important than the girl, if you're a man.
I know we have porn, but if we keep BBWs to just porn, we aren't changing the mainstream message. We can have a chance to say that plumper women can be sexy and beautiful. Plus we can show the mainstream media that we aren't crazy, sick perverts that manipulate our partners into engaging in unhealthy behavior. That we can be like the BDSM community. To have works that portray this kink positively and work to change the message about who can be beautiful and sexy. I feel that if this kink stays to just porn, things won't change. Fat people will continue to be jokes and punchlines, moments where they are near nude/nude/sexual will continue to be treated as disgusting. We will be seen as abusers that force our love interests to engage in unhealthy behavior. I want a chance to change things by bringing this kink into more and more non-porn works.
>>25798 Everybody already knows. The pretenders acting like they don't know have ulterior motives and lie. A huge butt is good not because it's beautiful, but because it's huge. It is seldom beautifully shaped (even though I admit that most of that is purely in the eye of the beholder).

Fat girls have internal struggles as do all girls. There's nothing wrong with fat acceptance, but that is not what they need, and gaining acceptance is not going to bring them success or satisfaction. What they crave is peace, love, and perfection. Unfortunately for them they haven't a clue where to begin looking for it. Their minds are warped by the lies of 2 generations.
So you want to see more fat women (only women?) in media outside of porn, to make the "kink" more acceptable, but doesn't that reinforce the connection between fat women and fetishism?I'm not sure whether you want SFW WG stories and comics in normie media or just fat people existing without being a stereotype in them. And I don't agree with equating a fat preference to homosexuality. For one thing being fat is a state that can be changed for most people (homosexuality doesn't have a proven genetic origin, but let's park that for a second.). If you can hypothetically cope with your GF losing weight than this "fetish" isn't a huge part of your personality as you think it is, but if it would be an issue you're aren't too dissimilar to the "stereotypical feeders" you speak of but instead of overtly enabling them to have one body type you're doing it softly.

>Anyway my point is, if the only works with BBWs is porn, then it limits this fetish. It feels stifling that I can't see BBWs in TV/Movies/comics/video games/anime/manga. It would feel unique if more mediums had more BBW characters. If the fetish is to grow and inform more people, it will need to be in more non-porn works.

This thread was about manga specifically, Movies & TV don't feature rendered or drawn characters.
You're right not everything with BBWs should be fanservicey. There should be stuff that shows how plump women can be beautiful/sexy without it being a fetish.

I think I got caught up in how this thread started as few anime/manga are willing to have BBW characters or to portray plumper women as beautiful/sexy. A lot of those series are willing to do a lot of fanservice scenes with thin curvy women, thy are less willing to do so with plumper women.

BBW women being only seen as beautiful shouldn't be the only means of how plumper women can be accepted by mainstream society. I feel that sexualization of women may not go away 100%, maybe just reduce how much it's done. How about that? Maybe have some more stuff that can do BBW fanservice but not have it be ultra common and how works that show how someone can be interested in BBWs without it bieng a kink?

The sexualization of women in fiction is complicated and may not end completlely. While more stuff with BBW Fanservice would be appreciated, we should have stuff that shows how fat women can be beautiful and those who find them beautiful aren't FA's.

I think the parts of FA acceptance into mainstream culture is due to the perception of us a bad and evil. Either we're crazy for thinking that fat women can be sexy, or we manipulate women into adopting unhealthy lifestyles to fit our sick fetishes. I just wanted to have portrayals that aren't this and to show how most of the feedism is a fantasy. As much as we will write stories about women fattening up to immobility and finding out that they enjoy it, how many of us would actually do so in real life? How many of us would feed a woman junk food constantly in real life? I think the better portrayal in fiction for FA's I would ask for is pointing out the difference between what we practice as a sexual fantasy, and what we do in the real world.

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