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Does anyone have any advice on how to get with a fat girl? She’s super nice but she is VERY fat. I feel nervous that if I asked her out and started dating her people would find out I have a fat fetish. Would anyone assume that I have a fat fetish just cuz I’m dating a fat girls? I’m also fairly skinny with a bmi of 21
Jesus Christ we have this post every week. Grow a pair.

I've dated fat girls my entire life. Most people do not give a fuck. People care much less about your life than you think, and they care even less about who you stick your dick in. Do you openly make fun of other people for who they date? Of course you don't, because you probably don't care. Most adults are the same, and most people aren't that rude.

I mean sure, guys from work or whatever have probably talked about how fat my girlfriend is behind my back. I'm not completely naive. But guess how much impact that has had on my life? None.

I don't know where you people get this idea that you'll be a social outcast if you're seen with a fat girl. Life isn't a 90s frat boy movie. Go talk to her
The convict is correct, my wife is almost 350lbs and no one has ever, ever said anything. When we first started dating my mom said something to the effect of "she'll probably never slim down, you know that right?" and just dropped the subject when I said "Yeah, I know." Her fat friends seemed mad jealous, but even they never once said anything out loud. Who cares? If you really like her and it's what you want, just do it. I wasted a good part of my twenties being unsatisfied with skinny girls, I wish I hadn't. Whatever you do though, don't be a fucking coward, own up to what you like and treat her well. If you can't do that, leave her alone.
This is all you need to know, OP. For the first time in the history of this website an Aus flag has made a post worth listening to
Appreciate that thanks. I overthink lots of the things that I do but putting it in this perspective makes it seem like no big deal at all. I’ll grow a pair and ask her out.
Good man, don't fuck it up, be brave and strong, don't give a fuck about what people think, and treat her well, like any other girl. I mean it's true, you do like big fat girls, why would that bother you? You're worried about people assuming you like big girls because you're dating one? My brother in Christ, you are posting this on BBWchan, it's safe to assume you do like fat girls. Just be normal, she wants more than anything to be treated like a normal girl, be affectionate with her, hold her hand in public, she maybe never got to do that stuff before. I always treated my wife just like the skinny girls I used to date, and I could tell she really appreciated it. Walk slower though, and watch that you don't tire her out, that's a real thing you may not think of right away. She'll appreciate you noticing that. Godspeed anon, and keep up updated.
You gave some nerve talking about Christ you filthy Americanz
Wow reading that really motivated me thanks man! Haven’t done anything yet but I’m not gonna let this chance slip by also thanks for the advice!
It's just a meme Colgate, calm down
Any update anon?

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