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My currently 420lb wife and I have talked for years about the strain her large hanging belly has on her back. When I lift it for her, she feels a great sense of relief and is able to stretch her back and legs. She's tried resting it on a counter or regular table, but they are often too cold and of course she can't go anywhere. On and off, we've joked about how someone should invent a "belly table" - a small table with adjustable height that is on wheels, and ideally has a cup holder or place for snacks.

Recently she's warmed more to the idea of actually having this "belly table" for real. I've been thinking maybe a small rounded standing desk for laptops might be a place to start. I could always add a thin memory foam cushion to make it more comfortable. So I turn to you lads, what ideas do you have?

I did some measurements and it needs to be a table at least 24" wide and can be set around 30-34" tall. It would also be ideal if it was something that could look inconspicuous to visitors.

This was my thought for a starting point on the cheap end: https://www.amazon.com/Flash-Furniture-Height-Adjustable-Computer/dp/B004G91RK8/

And on the more expensive end: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VZZB6NT/
Have you considered a belly sling.
No, not a larp. I'm quite serious. I'll have to look into that belt, but I'm a bit worried that it will cut into the underside of her belly or roll in on itself. Just to clarify, the table isn't meant to have wheels so she can walk around with it, but rather so it can be moved around to different places easily. Curious what other concerns you have about the table approach.
Pics or larp
Actually don't bother. This is obviously a larp.
If it's stationary then maybe not a big deal but moving around I could see her tripping over the base.
Tell the heifer to suck it up. She wanted the extra weight, then she better deal with it unassisted.
Maternity belt? More like belly bra.
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Did I waste my time on a larper? Maybe. Was it worth it? Probably not
>>25863 I can't believe you fools are actually using up this board space to write this stupid gayness. I hate all of you.

Yet you're the brainlet who shows up to read this board. Go jerk off and come back with a better attitude.
Still have this on my mind. It could easily be incorporated into a novel weight gain scenario. Someone commission it, please.

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