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In the chikin nuggit thread, there's this spammer who just won't stop. I tried reporting multiple times too.
>>25497 (OP)
to keep this up i want to add that someone is posting cp archives in bbwdraw
could someone kill that please
if you guys need help on this site im down im here almost everyday anyway
Honestly didn't think that literal child porn would be staying up this long. Mods, this isn't an issue you can sit on and wonder if removing or banning is the right choice - this is illegal shit and morally reprehensible.

Tbh, how many mods do we have on this site anyway? I feel like I'm on here all the time and probably would be fine helping moderate the boards I frequent, but I get that it's touchy to bring new people on.
adeline has stooped to a new low in her efforts to bring this site down
They're not even relevant in this site! Is this going to become a situation like the soyjak party takeover in bbfurries?
yeah, honestly it feels like theres never any mods when we need em
The thread has been rightfully sorted out now.
I didn't understand the issue so I clicked on it — fucking yikes. Sheltered soul that I am, that was actually the first time I've seen literal CP on the internet and I'm kinda shaken.
how tf did you not understand it was wrong
please dont tell me you used the link
i just reported then hide the thread
The post said: "In the chikin nuggit thread, there's this spammer who just won't stop. I tried reporting multiple times too."

I didn't know what they were talking about, assumed it was commerical spam or trolling or something. I clicked the link to see what they were talking about. So my big lesson this week was to check my curiosity when using this site.

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