
(217 KB, 1200x1075, E_08qiLUYAwjBkq.jpg)
How do you guys feel about jerking it to models who have died? Should I feel bad about it? It's just that they probaby died because of their fatness. Curious what people think about this topic
Watching porn of a deceased model is no different than watching a movie with a dead actor or listening to a dead music artist. A work of art is always going to outlive the creator.
In most cases, it's just makes it even hotter. I have a dark side, and it's pretty dark and pretty sick. Knowing a woman ate herself to death is a part of that dark and sick mindset of mine.
I admit it creeps me out when I find out a model has died, especially when it's obesity-related. This is mostly because it makes me question my mental health and why I have this weird-ass fetish. Then that feeling fades and it's like normies who jerk it to old/dead porn stars or whoever. Living, dead, you're fapping to a representation of an actual person, but not really -the- person. An object of fantasy.
Earlier commenter had it right: porn is a form of artistic expression, and art is meant to outlast its creator. There's the added complicating dimension of morbidity inherent to this fetish which can either give the viewer a charge (if they lean to the dark side) or cause them discomfort (if they lean to the light side) when watching posthumous content. I think either is fine, though those of us with dark inclinations probably have an ethical imperative to keep that kink somewhat in check. Though it should be said that most models who have passed away have not done so due to obesity (as most probably assume) but due to complications from WLS or other unrelated illness.
patty isn't dead tho?
Also John waters hung out with patty?

I think the production crew got them together for this scene since he was a director. It was the whole schtick.
Patty is dead. Also John Waters may not be a chubby chaser sexually but he wrote and directed Hairspray and fat tranny Divine starred in every one of his movies til she died.
>may not be a chubby chaser sexually
He might be one of those artists that finds fat people "fascinating".
I think growing up gay and weird in 50s-60s conservative, Catholic Baltimore he has a thing for outsiders in general, and fat women are kind of the ultimate outsiders. All of his films show weirdos getting over on normies in some way.
Gay boy making an alliance with fat girl is so common it's a trope.

>>and art is meant to outlast its creator.

When it's preserved right. Porn has a poor track record on that, especially fetish content. Countless sites and videos over the years have been lost in the sands of time. And it's going to continue. Decades from now, there would be little evidence of Goddess Shar, Boberry, or Carmen Lafox on the internet.

Most fuckers still use mechanical drives and Google/Mega for their main storage options. Fat porn especially will never be well preserved at this rate.
I have 3TB divided over 3 HDDs that are about year old which I plug in a few times a week, how long will they last? I've never dropped them and they aren't subject to volatile temepratures.
Freecom and Seagate are the brands
Structurally they should last a long time. Functionally is another story...

I've had my own company 26 years and I have backups of client files since the beginning. Thing is, those early files were on SCSI drives, that required a special OS extension to use. Eventually I backed them up to DVD-Rs when those became a thing and SCSI became obsolete, then a firewire drive, then optical, then USB-A and B, and now USB-C and the Cloud. (Granted, I'm a Mac guy so planned obsolescence is more a part of my life than others, but you get the idea.)

This was all within a couple of decades, and I did it because it's a necessary part of my business. I'm way less compelled to do this for my porn stash, which is why I basically have nothing that's more than 10 or so years old.

Then you have file formats themselves. Still images haven't changed much, still mostly JPEGs, but video is still distributed in many formats that may or may not be functional as operating systems evolve.

I agree with 25524, this stuff is ephemeral even with the best intentions.
>>25460 (OP)
May she sit on Dunn's face in heaven

Another point that hasn't been brought up is that people are only going to save what they like and nothing else. Only the site owners will have entire backups (if they even care to save them when their sites goes down).

That being said, I'm working on an off-site as well as an online backup in case my main storage gets stolen/destroyed/randomly dies.At this point I've spent money on porn, might as well invest in some backups. Especially in 10 years from now when a lot of these models either disapper and purge their store or their site goes down.
I've heard of some older drives lasting as long as 40 years, but I doubt they make them that quality anymore.

They say USB sticks lose data after a few years of not being plugged in, but I plugged in one of my highschool ones nearly 15 years later and everything was still intact.

So basically. YMMV. Actually, not may vary, will very.

If you're super concerned with this: Magnetic Tape Backups I've heard when kept in optimal conditions can last a long time.

Finally, there's the "M-DISC" which claims it will last 1000 years. Not sure how they can guarantee that.
>Freecom and Seagate are the brands
Can't tell you anything about Freecom, but Seagate has the most drive failures of any brand.

I'd say Western Digital, but they've been too busy screwing customers over with SMD and not telling us. I believe the NAS drives don't suffer from this, and I got one last year to put in my crappy backup server and it has worked just fine.
I was going to visit her on a trip to Las Vegas and was shocked later to hear she was RIP however heard later she lost weight left the bus and faded into the normal world and was living in the area. Rumor was false.

Don't know if it's the Elvis effect.
But I don't see many women dressed up like her marrying people and doing tribute modeling around town.

As a rule, I do not jerk to dead ones. I think out of respect, but have no problem fantasizing about two exes that went on to glory.
>two exes that went on to glory

A few more and you're posting Henry VIII numbers.

What happened with king henry? The catholic church thing is what you mean?
Tangentially... I'm saying Hank 8 had 6 wives, 5 of whom left the marriage dead. You've outlived 2 exes, so...

Or maybe it was just a lame attempt at a joke on my part.

Joke? Do you know what a joke is? Keep thinking it's only 2 loser
>Finally, there's the "M-DISC" which claims it will last 1000 years. Not sure how they can guarantee that.

That format is basically dead at this point. Only two companies even produce discs nowadays.


>>I'd say Western Digital, but they've been too busy screwing customers over with SMD and not telling us.

It's due to their ani-shucking rule, which is B.S. Like I already gave them my money, so I should be able to shuck the drive and use it as I please.
Funny choice picture-wise: All dead models OTHER than Goddess Patty are pretty much a non-starter.
>All dead models OTHER than Goddess Patty are pretty much a non-starter.

I'm trying to think of an example but can't lol. She's still a top 10 go-to when I need quick relief.

You seem to know stuff... Question: Is there a way to password-protect an entire drive without locking every single file individually? As in, password to access the drive but once I'm in, I can look at any file on it. Every app I've seen has to go through and index the whole drive.

You can probably guess my issue: I have a 4TB portable with 3.5TB worth of porn, 100s of 1000s of files, so obviously unlocking each as I "need" them isn't feasible. Plus it would take days for the app to catalog and encrypt (?) them in the first place. But I'd love to make it so only I have access. Lord help me if this drive falls into the wrong hands lol.

Oh and I'm on a Mac, if that helps/hurts. Thanks for any advice.
Summer from BigCuties still does it for me.
>You seem to know stuff... Question: Is there a way to password-protect an entire drive without locking every single file individually? As in, password to access the drive but once I'm in, I can look at any file on it. Every app I've seen has to go through and index the whole drive.

Full disk encryption. Should be able to do it on Windows 10+. Think it's called bitlocker.

He's on a Mac, so bitlocker wouldn't work. He'll have to use FileVault, which is pretty much similar.
Thanks guys. Mac-based indeed. I checked out filevault a while back and the problem was what I described, that it had to encrypt every file. This made it unusable for quick access, given there's probably 100k files on my drive. Maybe that's just the nature of the beast.
Everybody has their link I suppose. I’m more concerned with ‘who is taking pornographic pictures and videos of these models after they day’?
We’re not talking about necrophilia dude.

(Unless you’re joking in which case, bravo.)

Hmmmmm, there is VeraCrypt that you can try out. It's free so you got nothing to lose.

Also have you considered to scheduled backups to an offsite drive or NAS perhaps?

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