
Go on youtube and you will see fat women everywhere all over the globe
Yes,because they are old+have multiple kids.
A young woman is neither old nor a mother.
Auditionately,in the past,only the rich had the priviledge of being able to be fat or not.
Most people were scrawny and some poor human sows were eating food which should have gone to their children which is how they could afford to be so voluminous,thereby obtaining a reputation of being greedy and selfish.
>Most people were scrawny unless they lived a priviliged life of luxury, or were old with children
Yeah. And girls got married and pregnant at 12. Most men died in their 40s. What are you trying to get at?
And you weren't there firsthand to see the main reason families of wealth now have a reputation of greed plus it's more likely that it's not as you say, and probably had more to do with accounts of theft, murder, and deciet that have been historically associated with the wealthy of that era (and those in authority positions in general because they have a reputation for abuse of privilege).

As I always say I would rather trust a king than a politician because a king already has all the worlds wealth and riches and more than he could ever want or need while a politician is working a job and trying to make money. It is true that being rich wouldn't make anyone any less greedy, with the opposite being more reasonably sound, but if you have two pick from two greedy leaders then it may make sense to pick the old dude who already has it all. It depends, and it doesn't matter. They may as well all be illuminati communists.

It's all bullshit at the end of the day. None of that means anything in a fight against evil.
Eat more, move less. Simple as.
>>25389 (OP)
milk is pretty cheap everywhere.
Also check out sump diet. pretty much unprocessed veg and meat stew, rice, noodles and lots of beer. seems pretty cheap but they can gain weight very fast. The routine is important. Try sleeping after a big meal and it'll be digested into fat.
Nigga this a fetish forum and here you are discussing dialectics about monarchism
Eat more of what?
Is milk supposed to be ultrafattening?
Where I live all the prices of food are increasing rapidly,especially on meat,animal products and nongrain vegetables.
I am looking for something to cut down the costs of fattening a woman
Get the cheapest junk you can possibly find like cookies, and grains like rice. Have her eat a ton of that, and make milkshakes and similar liquid calories (on that note, lots of juice and soda).

Romania is not Haiti, you can do this, just do basic math with calories and build discipline with her binge eating. Don't overcomplicate things. Have her play games and/or movies or something instead of even walking too.

>>Nigga this a fetish forum and here you are discussing dialectics about monarchism

And you're a Romanian saying Nigga. I doubt you ever seen one in real life.
the only black persons that willingly want to live there are Andrew Tate & a few basketballers
My morbidly obese female cousin is married to one. He is much shorter,skinnier and younger than her
You forgot about subsaharan africans on UN boats
>Romania is not Haiti
What if it was Haiti?
Also as opposed to the early 2010s and before now where I live you see atleast one black person daily
>Is milk supposed to be ultrafattening
Yes. As long as it is full fat milk. Look up GOMAD people have been using it to bulk up for decades. Add a cheap carb like rice and you'll bulk up in no time.
>Yes. As long as it is full fat milk
Is ~60 calories per 100ml very fattening for a liquid?
Drinking almost 4 liters of milk a day? Thats insane
>Add a cheap carb like rice
In the same dish? Like boiling rice in milk?
And then make the woman eat large quantities of it while I only eat one plate?
>you'll bulk up
Its not for me as I am not a woman and men are required by nature of being men to be fit.
When I am not horny I consider my fetish to be a handicap as it would make me feel guilty if I deteriorate my figurative wife's health.
Sweets, of course, especially those that combine sugar + fat — ice cream, butter-heavy cakes and cookies, etc. Sugar + fat spikes insulin levels in a way that either element alone doesn't so the calories go straight to storage.

For regular meals, again think starch + fat, with as little protein as you can get away with. Starch is addictive like sugar because there's little nutritional value for the calories delivered. This means she'll crave more of it because her body, despite adding fat, will say "I'm starving!"

As for cheap sources, I'm sure Romania has potatoes, bread, pasta/dumplings, and rice (white rice is especially effective for some reason). Pair those with fatty meats, sausages, chicken (preferably fried, skin-on) with gravy or some other sauce that's salty (salt is also addictive) and heavy on the oil/butter — not too much though or you'll just give her the shits.
I don't know how expensive these may be in your country, but every other fat girl I've met has been in love with cheap carbs like boxed pasta or instant mashed poatoes (you can include rice in there as well). These are all extremely cheap here. A girl I knew in school said she loved to make an entire package of instant mashed potatoes and eat it all out of a mixing bowl.
dont they forcefeed girls dates and couscous and like ghee in rural tunisia
Ok,carbohidrates with fat. How should I deal with the difference in diets between me and the missus?
I assumed this was consensual (?). If so then you eat what you want and she eats what she wants. Or eat the same stuff, just you eat way less of it if you don't want to put on weight. If you're trying to trick or manipulate her, then you're on your own, comrade.
I'm with Paddy on this one. Mashed potatoes that aren't homemade are a foul heresy, like St. Nicholas punching Arius tier. It's not hard to dump everything in a mixing bowl, plus you can add much more fat.
>>25389 (OP)
Eat high calorie foods in large quantities.
>Nigga I'm Paleo.
Go for cheap cuts of meet, and a lot of it. Back strap, pork belly (gold mine for fat).
>Nigga I'm vegan.
Potatoes, and other tubers. Nuts and seeds.
>Nigga I'm too poor.
Rice and bread are cheaper then dirt, so long as you're willing to prepare it. I did some math a while back, and figured out I could make something like 6kg of bread for something like 3USD.
I feel you bro.
Go for the above. Cheap meats, milk, but otherwise shit like rice and home-made bread. Buy canned sauces for flavours, as they're cheaper. And don't be afraid to bulk out stuff with vegetables.
If you want to copy the beer method, you'll need the electrolytes you get from greens. Plus if you find a good grocer they're fairly inexpensive extra food.
Assuming this is consensual (and, if it isn't, she'll notice anyway), simple portion sizes and more exercise on your part.
>I did some math a while back, and figured out I could make something like 6kg of bread for something like 3USD.

Yup, and easy to make. Google "no-knead bread." Just water, flour, salt, and yeast, takes a few hours but only about 15 minutes hands-on. And FWIW the shit is simple but delicious, especially fresh out of the oven.
I cook all the food and it is time consuming
>>25389 (OP)
Romania bro just a get a cow and feed her lots of milk and butter, also maybe get lard if you can.
>milk and butter
Bro that shit's expensive as fuck
3 1liter cartons of milk cost the same as 250gr of 60% butter
Not if you own the cow.
Unfortunately,I am a city slicker
A poor one at that
Here the peasants which are well off do own a cow and mostly just make cottage cheese from the milk as they don't know how to make anything else out of it
i believe that romania is having lowest overweight/obbesity rate both in USA and EU.

its around 5% while in EU except romania it is around 10-20%. in USA 20-40%

you are not lucky.
Fry everything. Drink whatever local sugary soda is cheap.
>>25389 (OP)
Methinks you are 2nd world country, no?
Going with the classic definition, ex-soviet block countries are the 2nd world.
Since you've said you are from 3rd world, I've thought you must be a chadian from the republic of Chad.
The last time I've seen a negro was in kyiv few years ago, they've sold backpacks on the market.
>instant mashed potatoes
Wtf is this literal pig slop. Bet you can use it as a glue of sorts.
Better go for goat farming, I suppose. They're less demanding and more practical to manage, imo.
>Methinks you are 2nd world country

Do you have anyhing to say about the topic of this thread itself?
How do you know?

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