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Here's what actually happened; around 650.000 people (possibly a MILLION) showed up to protest againest Spain's bastard and fraudulent president: Pedro Sánchez.

After everything Sánchez did to Spain, he doesn't deserve to get scot-free for raising up tax prices and allowing laws that help sex offenders.

Av. Puerta de Hierro, s/n, 28071 Madrid
Lmao Spain is ripping off the plot to Far Cry 6.

>>he doesn't deserve to get scot-free for raising up tax prices and allowing laws that help sex offenders.

Every other country's head is doing this. What makes you so special?

I revealed his address.

P.S. Even the police in Spain are progressive getting more of it's men againest Pedro Sánchez
>Even the police in Spain are progressive getting more of it's men againest Pedro Sánchez

P.S So is every other country that's not a dictatorship. You must be inclusive if you don't think there's millions of Americans or Canadians who'd do the same to Biden or Trudeau right this very second.
Don't you get that you are all fucking stupid? Plus he looks fucking g. You are all stupid, evil humans. Go suck the illuminati's dick. Nwo has cameras hacked and has feet on the ground guerilla troops.

There's no better way to fight pedophilia than with a post about jizzing all over a woman who just turned 18. I know next to nothing about Sanchez but with enemies like you he must be a great leader.

It was made by a socialist.

I recently talked to him online and he told he used to vote for Sánchez, until now.

For more context on why he did this, check the youtube channel "l8zaragoza" where insiders cover what atrocities Sánchez is trying to hide from the public.

You will need subtitles.
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Socialists in Europe are either funded by George Soros, The Rothschilds, or some Ukrainian billionaire to control the European Union. NATO is pretty much the one thing keeping Europeans from burning the world down since without Joe Biden, the Eurotrash will sell their daughters to Andrew Tate so he can invoke divine right of kings. Socialists are only tolerated because Germany and France have an army of civil servants to stop arms sales.

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