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I just spent over $100 on Doordash buying quantities food I can't possibly hope to eat in one evening.

How do I eliminate this fetish and get my life back together?

I'll die, if I don't go broke first.
I'm 6"3 and weigh 250 pounds. I've worked very hard to lose the weight I already had. And every few weeks or months I erase some, if not most of my progress.
It's almost, but not quite, like I have two identities in my mind. One hedonistic and one logical. The hedonistic side of me completely disregards health and well-being for short term rushes of pleasure, for long term suffering.
>I just spent over $100 on Doordash

That doesn't say much since Doordash is already overpriced as fuck for what you get. Half the time you spend more on the delivery than the actual food. And they have the nerve to ask for a tip afterwards, just fuck off at the point.

But back to your issue. Number 1, get off this and any other fetish site and stay off. Number 2, restrict what and how much you eat. No midnight snacking or unessesary meals. Number 3, keep a strict schedule and do not derail from it under any circumstances. No cheat days or craving killing.
About two Taco Bell different party packs. One pizza from Pizza-Hut. 3 double cheeseburgers, 2 large fries, and 2 quarter pound doubles.
I threw most of it away after the immense guilt and shame, regardless.
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Get a partner who is willing to gain and live your fetish vicariously through them.
If you can't do that, then like someone else said, swear it off and walk away.

Yeah....that's a huge ripoff. That's barely $70 and some change had you went out and bought the food yourself.
I didn't have to tip. But I chose to do so as a courtesy for the convenience of delivery.
My advice as someone who went through similar guilt cycle and binge?

1: Just actually gain some weight. I used to do the same thing all the time but would always waste food and then excercise/diet out of guilt and shame.

Eventually I did end up gaining weight. At first it was incredibly fast and thrilling. I felt like I was going to end up immobile SSBHM size it was so fast and the thought was terrifying but also incredibly addictive.

Turns out that once you gain weight up to a certain point it becomes incredibly slow even purposely gaining. I realised a few things: That being fat wasn't anywhere near as embarrassing as I imagined it to be and people generally don't care that much, That I was actually pretty happy with my body now and don't feel the need to lose weight, and that I no longer had that desperate animal desire to binge and gain anymore. I just enjoy the foods I eat (far less than I used to when bingeing) and live my life.

2. Home cooked meals and then store the leftovers. Just make a huge pot of pasta, or if it's the "junkyness/unhealthiness" that is important to you, literally just cook a pizza/burger/whatever at home. Like a 1/3rd of the price, doesn't really take very long (and absentee cooking too, just chill on phone or pc while timer is going) and tastes way better than the shitty ones you're ordering because it's not made by a teen who doesn't care.
>...I was actually pretty happy with my body now and don't feel the need to lose weight, and that I no longer had that desperate animal desire to binge and gain anymore. I just enjoy the foods I eat (far less than I used to when bingeing) and live my life.

FWIW this is one of the most important aspects of SA: that once you stop hating your body, you stop abusing it. It's my usual response to people who say SA is just a license to get fat. People who most need SA are already fat, and tend to get fatter no matter how horrible they feel about themselves. But it seems advocates don't like to showcase the idea because it implies SA is a weight loss strategy, which it's not. It's a strategy for better mental and thus physical health.
i might be being stupid but what is SA? self acceptance?
>>25261 (OP)
Is not surprising.
Get yourself a pet or something to eat all the excess food.
>inb4 indoor swine farming, exceptionally enticing venture!
What does that abbreviation mean?
NATO classification of soviet arms and equipment, carrier rocket Saturn-Apollo, Stormtroopers of Ernst Röhm?
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Shouldn't you be fighting a war instead of trolling on here? Oh wait I forgot that those who have an excess amount of chromosomes aren't allowed to fight.
Not for the draft anyway, jut trust me they will feel it wheb the going gets rough! You should pray now while you can. That is what I recommend.

“Size Acceptance”
What kind of movie is this with Ben Stiller!?!?

You've never seen Dodgeball you rock dweller?
>>25261 (OP)
genuine response as someone who has struggled with binge eating for most of my life:
1) delete food delivery apps from your phone, delete your accounts on them, everything. if you want to binge on mcdonalds at 1am, get in your car and get it yourself
i used to be getting fast food delivered multiple times a day at my worst, these apps are cancer on both your savings and your health, its best to go cold turkey
2) eat on a schedule and eat enough during the day
"starvation mode" is pretty much bullshit, but it will make your body want to everything it can when it has access to it. essentially what I do, is eat every 4 hours, so its usually breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, with 4 hour gaps between them. you can eat whatever you want for any of these, and adjust them to suit your desires.
good luck anon

>>if you want to binge on mcdonalds at 1am

What pre-covid era place do you live in? Almost everything in the US closed by 11pm. Sometimes midnight.
In the city most close @2 and so.e of them open 24 hours plus some of them are joined with other restaurants in a plaza
really? all (or at least the vast majority) mcdonalds are 24hrs here. i havent really noticed a change in opening hours anywhere tbh
I almost worked at a McDonalds once and spent a lot of time there chatting with the manager (owner) so this is all true although perhaps things have changed since covid as was mentioned
You dare say murican with that flag in your tag are you kidding? You’d be a burnt field without us. We’re the reason your flag still even exists. Ungrateful

The U.K would've been a burnt crisp without us 80 years ago, yet those fags are ungrateful.

And those Aussies got their asses kicked by a bunch of flightless birds, so they can't say shit either.
>>25320 Look I don't know wtf is any of you guys' problem or why you always feel the need to be so goofy but I will just say that thank God you didn't have it your way because Australian women wouldn't be amongst Earth's top most beautiful women if you had it your way! They would be ugly as fuck and covered in tattoos and fucked up and old! Also there would be a lot less of them! And probably less BBWs too with huge tits pink nipples! No!! You don't have my permission!

Shut the fuck up faggot. You have permission to kiss my ass.
Wasting food is downright evil. You couldn't have donated it at least? Given it to a neighbor and said it was from a canceled party? Gave it to a dog? Wtf is wrong with you?

Don't ever, ever do this again please. Do not waste food. At least PRETEND to have compassion and God will help you.
you have to find someone to share your shit with. its the only way. Darrien was my way out and I fucked it up and she'll never take me back now. but you still have a chance. in the infinite sea of stars, surely there must be someone out there that would get down with some crazy fat fetish stuff. There's someone out there for everyone.

don't give up.
I loove nutters because nutters think they're intelligent!
> You couldn't have donated it at least?

"hey homeless man living in the underpass. No sorry I don't have any money or cigarettes. But I do have this cold taco bell that'll tear you up and make you shit yourself. Ah don't worry about it, you already smell my ass. The chalupa squirts will blend right in".
Hey why don't you go be a girl on another site, huh?
How can you talk about God while also posting on a pornographic website?

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