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Just out of curiosity

I recall seeing him post a "face reveal" a while back on his DA page but unless he's a trap I doubt that was him, for obvious reasons. did we ever figure this out at some point?
That was him her. She's a transgender woman (male-to-female) now, as far as I know
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So it all looks like a solid business plan to me, but with one meager weakness to spot.
>larp as a woman
>confuse simpoids with that
>rack money for a good time
>form a cult that will gobble up any one your garbage without any hesitation
>unfortunately slip and self-insert in your own comics, confusing the subject and the object of your fetish
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I am shocked, shocked that an online weeb fetish artist who claimed to be a "girl" turned out to be a trans woman
Kip didn't claim to be a woman at first. He was just a dude who crossdressed for fun (and never claimed to be anything else) for a long time. That was the state of things back when I actually followed him on deviantart, long before patreon etc were even invented.
I only found out through bbwchan years later that he/she/whatever transitioned
>>25051 (OP)
Kip isn't trans
As far as I know, he's just a girly looking fella, kip has never said anything to the contrary, and all the complaining about kips gender comes from here
>found out through bbwchan
And you take a chan board's word at face value?
Kip is a soon middle-aged Finnish femboy, not a tranny. Fine distinction.

Maybe he'd be a good husband if he finally finds a barely chubby woman with noodle arms/neck and yet somehow a beach ball belly as he loves to draw.
please tell me you do not have 20,000+ troonjaks saved onto your computer for the sole purpose of posting on a fat fetish imageboard
True as it ever gets.
>He was just a dude who crossdressed for fun
And they tell you slippery slope isn't real.
>middle-aged femboy
More like femdude? Lol.
Or just a doughy fag with a beer gut.
Well? I do not.
so you only have 2,000+ troonjaks saved onto your computer for the sole purpose of posting on a fat fetish imageboard?
show us the folder.
post your bbw troonjak collection
Yo where can I see Kipteitei’s face I’m interested to see what the mf looks like
>>25051 (OP)
The face reveal was a major fake, he stole the picture from a random twitch (trans) streamer I fall upon completely randomly while he/she was going through a playthrough of disco elysium. I still have the evidences on my old laptop, but I'm not going to bother digging that shit up. He probably deleted his face reveal post for that reason.

Also he has a bunch of alt accounts, some pretty successful as weight gain/inflation/muscle artists (including furry ones). And he doesn't look girly at all, one of said alt accounts had a twitter with irl pictures of him. Hilariously enough he's tanned and in pretty good shape.

Obviously I'm not going to doxx him:
1: my post would most likely disappear in the nether.
2: he knows my favorite alias on the net and I don't want to have to deal with his retaliatory trolling for the 300th times.
3: we're supposedly on a truce.

To be honest I'm mostly posting this to see if it's going to be taken down. He's probably moderator on this board if not higher. Considering his involvement in this fetish and its community that wouldn't surprise me at all.
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There was actually an occasion when Kip was openly sharing photos of himself taken at a finnish animecon, but this was back when neither disco elysium or twitch existed, and troons were called traps/shemales, I'm guessing you were still learning to ride a tiny plastic tricycle around that time though.
I have no idea what Kip looks like nowadays but back then he was a tiny femboy with snaggleteeth.
>I don't want to have to deal with his retaliatory trolling for the 300th times.
>we're supposedly on a truce.
Please elaborate why a 30-plus-something guy making 7k per month in patreonbux is so invested with you that he's either constantly attacking you or making truces.
>Also he has a bunch of alt accounts, some pretty successful as weight gain/inflation/muscle artists (including furry ones)
>To be honest I'm mostly posting this to see if it's going to be taken down. He's probably moderator on this board if not higher. Considering his involvement in this fetish and its community that wouldn't surprise me at all.
Kip threads do seem to get special treatment from mods on /bbwdraw/, but at the same time, your post gives off strong schizo sperg energy so I dunno.
Last time I saw someone post like they are an anime protagonist wronged by the evil fat fetish artist, the poster turned out to be a complete autistic clown when the artists themselves showed up to give their side of the story, so I'm not buying your claims yet.
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Accurate, especially the cult, $s, and larp part. I'm not sure about the transitioning part, though honestly it wouldn't surprise me if it was true.

>Kip threads do seem to get special treatment from mods on /bbwdraw/
Something I've noticed as well, which is a damn shame. As far as my opinion on Kip goes, I think that he's a massive shitheel about as entitled as the people he complains about based on his not so secret patreon rant in this picture. Massive red flag, that. Though I do agree the person you're replying to is a bit suspect with those claims.

Speaking of special treatment, those rant threads that were created originally to keep the complaining out of the other threads have been being deleted. Why?
Apparently a few "posters" started role playing or deliberately shitposting in them to get an excuse to get them erased or something as far as I know?
Don't suppose anyone has more conclusive information on that?
>Please elaborate why a 30-plus-something guy making 7k per month in patreonbux is so invested with you that he's either constantly attacking you or making truces.
Why would you assume I care about anything you have to say, random stranger with a weirdly personal reaction to my post? Now shoo shoo, crawl back under your bridge. I'm not wasting my time with you :D
Oh by the way Kip, 350 pages in. 150 to go in my estimations ;)
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Right. Thanks for outing yourself as the complete schizo I speculated you to be, I guess.
Can you please take your meds now or do I need to ask your mom to put them in your morning cereal
Hmmm yes. Indeed... I hadn't thought of all those big breasted hoes that died. That's a good point. Maybe war is not such a good idea, but still time is ticking and we're running out of options. But maybe the big breasted hoes could be spared somehow? The cute and the marryable hoes too
The draft dodging left in America and the economic left in Europe are losing the culture war. Gen Z tend to be populists who hate the globohomo. Without right wingers as a distraction, the left is commiting suicide cause it won't built peace on a noble lie. Michael Parenti isn't going to save America, but Ron Desantis will.
There hasn't been a draft here since 1976. Are you a boomer who's been in cryostasis since Ford was in office? Are you gonna go out on your lawn and scream at hippies?

It's pretty clear who's winning the culture war and hint: it's not the Right, except in your little YouTube bubble. Every media industry where Gen Z opinions count is going more diverse and more woke, not less — music, movies, TV, social media, etc.

Laff riot that you think DeSantis is the Great White Hope. He's a religious fundamentalist with a toxic personality, unelectable outside an open air mental institution like Florida. Shit, this is a Republican who wants to punish corporations for setting their own hiring and discrimination policies. Doesn't sound very Free Market to me.

That you lick his elevator shoes and sniff his creepy wife's crotch and you're on a forum like this tells me you have no idea what you actually believe. He'll be on your computer and in your bedroom telling you what you can and can't do with your penis. Like all modern Right Wingers you're a weak-willed wannabe fascist attracted to empty gestures of power like a moth to a lightbulb.
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>be you
>I don't care
McArthur should've done the necessary thing to whoop the China back into its proper shape.
>As if there was any to speak of.
It's an idea to encourage the transgenderism in your ideological opponents. They will kill themselves before it's all will come to the active phase of the conflict.
AFAIK, it's not even 41%, the percentage got bigger. Gotta pump them up.
>inb4 being serious about this
Yes, I don't see why would that stop. Of course, as the growing part of the populace gets more and more deranged, some portions out of that chunk will chip off.
Some for sure will swap one psyop for another.
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In order to stop Ron, you must elect the Donald as 2024 President. Biden's army of mediocre comedians and press corps are getting angry at the black turbo lesbian insulting them. Krysten Sinema and Joe Manchin are the Dem leaders.

I am not right wing. Right now it's a three way fist fight between MJG, Boebert, Santos and Gaetz as the Trump Republican. The local republican party is already ousting Santos for being a drag queen and stealing from vets. I don't know how Donald Trump does it, but it's going to be hilarious watching him eat Ron for breakfast and then beat Biden. All Joe had to was scream MAGA and fund Amtrak then run back to Delaware to avoid the press. His clown show of politicians is turning Congress into a circus.
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My guy, Ben Shapiro is literally getting roasted by Steven Crowder because conservatives don't want to be a slave to Ukraine or Israel. It's getting to the point on Americans just ignoring Putin and letting him die of cancer
They're all g. Americanz are all g.
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Liberals have been complaining that queer content doesn't respect them because that hideous young adult fiction style popularized by Hank Green is seen as pretentious. There's a theory that groomers self insert themselves as Velma or Starfire to whine about being queer. I just tired of outrage politics.
Kisame here. I am liberal. The problem I have with Democrats is that lolbertarians like DocGyara hate me for compromising on civil rights and not believing in their Kato Institute facts. Socialists like SlickPen's hate me because I don't want my tax dollars to go into their queer money. So while I have my nigger rich money and am wealthy enough to afford living in the suburbs of Long Island, I don't care for performative theatre and will happily vote Ron over Dems and their army of bland mediocre centrists from the Midwest. I am not dying to protect Stephen A Smith's receding hairline or Kanye West's alimony to the Kardashians
Ben Shapiro is a total hack. Just a shock jock in a collared shirt.
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New York is home to shock jocks. I laughed at Gnarly Otaku for thinking that I listen to Howard Stern even though I don't listen to any of these podcasters or YouTube celebs. I told one of them that I pity them for being so sheltered and isolated while consooming infotainment. Sure I voted Republican, but I am not supporting Matt Walsh or Ben Shapiro. I am keeping my money like a good conservative. Time is money and corporate welfare are for deadbeats.
I know an old dude that looks exactly like that cartoon
It's what I stress when I commission art. Cartoons are supposed to act like real people. That hideous young adult fiction is full of eccentric people who can't handle political realities.
Yeah born and raised in Philly. Stingy too but his face looks like that duck
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Dark Biden already said more funding for the police and the gutter snipes in Philly need to fuck off with BLM.
I didn't know there was crime there
I just watched cops ambush an old lady and took her away in an unmarked police car at my day job. It's like how the NYPD Sargent kidnapped the mayor's daughter in NYC during the riots. Turned out he was living in a fancy house and stealing from the union. We also have proud boys in Queens and Nassau, but that's another story
Wow sounds like you love that place. Yeah I'm starting to get the sneaky suspicion that most of these authority figures don't have a clue what they're doing and are trying to make the best of things by following orders blindly. Well, most of us aren't geniuses and being genius doesn't make you an upstanding citizen. I hope this stupidness is dealt with quickly but if not and things do take a dark turn, which I very much doubt, I would much rather deal with the local law enforcement than them PLUS a federal organization or two up their asses doing fuck all for the common citizen! It's a mess. But I think we can all agree that pretty much everybody hates nutters. Even nutters hate nutters.
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Look, I've apologized to hyperpreg, but many of them believe KiwiFarms that I vandalized the wiki for Kisame. Now people want me to speak out against hate crimes and reclaim LiLi from being used as a white supremacist symbol. I currently am too busy with joining the ministry to care about fetish community e-drama. I even got 16 a hour, paid time off, and 30 hour work week with free cake. I don't see what Patreon has to offer
The IRS is one of the dumbest blunders of Americanz' country. Not only because they tax the poor more than the rich, but because it was a stupid idea by the leading owners of banks who are somehow also the richest individuals in the nation.

So I don't know how stupid you have to be to make the bank owners the wealthiest out of everybody, but I imagine that it's pretty stupid. Anyways, being rich doesn't make you intelligent and somebody's got to be a trillionaire, right? Anyways, they're all g and stupid
Oh btw the second biggest blunder was bringing slaves to the US because some stupid idiots were lazy and stupid to pay workers adequately.
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Trump makes his billions by owning land and capital gains. Without the company, Trump only has a net worth of 122 million, which is south of Mitt Romney at 250 million. Elon Musk lost billions cause he has no assets. He was born into wealth.
Yes I have heard all of that before also his ex wife screwed him over (Elon Musk) because of the divorce laws in California favoring female divorcees and being very biased (and I think Trump was divorced once too). It's very sad. Purchasing and making investments is smart unless you like the IRS up your ass. ( I've also heard)
The IRS doesn't care about taxing the rich. I was an enrolled agent. America doesn't work like a private corporation.
>The IRS doesn't care about taxing money from those with the most money
Yeah... That's what is being said. The IRS was a foundry founded by bankers with the help of other wealthy "elites" to try to prevent catastrophies such as the great depression. It's an organization made by wealthy "elites"
What elites? I am flat out apathetic and indifferent to the rich. Let them have their affairs. I think conspiracy nuts just need to stop reading James Patterson novels
Oh, now I remember from where the /rant/ threads grew from.
Kipteipol is bretty much /pol/, but without the kip.
He talks fast and wants to be seen as a big boy, but his sister stole all the fame from him on the internet.
Mumbai scooby doo?
Occasionally through the veil of dementia 1950s Biden peaks through.
>t. rump
Indeed, numbers without assets and vaporwave of monetized futurism can only get you so far.
Let's imagine for a bit that it's possible to change the gubbment policy. What would you do or propose?
I would (if we talk here about the USA) do the following:
>Up the taxes (yesn't, Laffer curve works the best at higher percentiles)
>cut the nothingburgers (see: bullshit jobs) that eat all the surplus of value
>ban the homosexual propaganda in all the media and public schools
>cut the unnecessary university programs, along with regulating the price of higher education
>ban the diversity hires and the diversity quotas (idk how to say it)
>cut the welfare (isn't this obvious enough? He who does not work, but takes from those who works is a true scum of the earth)
>deflate the bureaucratic apparatus (uhuh)
>critically review the expenditures related to the humanitarian aid, other civil rights grants (and so on)
Seriously, with all the aid to Africa and Israel it is possible to supercharge NASA instead, for example.
>impose death penalty for illegal border crossing (the mere fact of this would be enough to repel the hordes of illegals)
>Fund the repatriation programs (yes, the stingy would pays twice, but better late than never, it already did cost billions to keep the financially defunct populace around)
What else?
>>25051 (OP)
I'll be honest, I don't understand this site's obsession with hating kip. He's just a dude who draws fetish comics. Some are good, some are bad. I'm not saying you can't dislike his comics or anything (lord knows they have issues) or even complain, but there's this parasocial hatred on here that just baffles me. Has kip personally wronged any of you? Scammed anyone? If not, just don't jerk off to his comics. It's really not that hard.

I have no idea why this thread veered in topic the way it did but it should say something that people naturally decided that debating the pros and cons of the american tax system on a fat fetish forum was a better use of time than trying to stalk some random hentai artist. Get a life.
Nobody like kip cause he's a trans boomer who play heavy on stereotypes of women to sell the work. Fat artists are cringe
He is set up well, has decent earnings, has a quite an army of followers.
If not the biggest frog in the swamp, but the very least not the small one for sure.
However, this doesn't mean I find his business practice honest, professional or compelling in any kind of way.
So I'm free to poke this all with a stick to see what happens. Ideally, someone would bite.
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It is no longer financially solvent to fund eccentric artists at the height of the pandemic. Artists are stuck in the past of glamour and delusional behaviors with vanity project. The common man cannot relate to any of these girly cartoons for it's a fantasy. Men have to be businessman to make money and pay bills.

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