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I'd put this on any other board but looks like most talking boards have been shot down and I guess the ssbbw guys would also have something to say. I saw this one pic by Axel-Rosered and while the girl was drawn good, that phrase in the back, I can't imagine hearing a girl say "I'm going to eat this whole stick of butter" and feel turned on. I personally made a curve from "Fuller Foods" to "Poured Down a Tube" with an uncanny valley with butter not really that sexy. But that's my opinion, defend your case butter eaters.
heavy cream + wg powder, efficient fat gain
>Brimming with Constant Flow

More like wasting of empty calories. The soup is trash. They'll be on dialysis before the alcohol gives them any significant weight. And dairy runs right through them.
>>25030 (OP)
ah yes, minestrone soup and a nice glass of milk. Those are indeed the sexiest of foods. Up there with brussel sprouts and boneless skinless chicken breasts as my go-to feederism foods.

Eating pure butter/lard/oil signifies total dedication to feederism and a lifestyle of obesity. Someone eating a stick of butter, at minimum, implies they are optimizing for maximum caloric intake.
It also probably means that she is deliberately transgressing social norms, forgoing taste, and knowingly recklessly endangering her health in order to gain or maintain an extremely obese body.

...in other words it implies she's actually into it (feederism) rather than being a life long fatty / foodie who has realized she could monetize it, or is just doing it to please her bf, or is trying to make a quick buck before getting WLS.
quick side note: if you want all of the above but also want to test for IQ and depression - see if she suggests extra virgin olive oil! Its insanely high calorie and also good for your cholesterol
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Butter tbh is kinda gross because there's little flavor and we frankly, have better.

Making an actual weight gain SHAKE is my speed. Shows that not only does she have clear goals, but she has a PLAN and recipes to see it through. I put goals over gluttony if only because the former gets results more often.
I have heard what that stuff does, imagine the smell.

Anyone who chugs that weight gain crap ends up with the stinkiest of shits. I feel so bad for any roomate or family members who has to suffer when she goes and takes a dump.
I wasn't aware of that. I just knew that when they used that stuff, they would fart like a skunk crawled up their ass.
>>25076 How can it be high calorie and good for choleste..... Ohhhhh, you were being g. Okay.
How the fuck is butter gross when you can make 3500 calorie puff pastries your feedee can eat like nothing with it but weight gain powder is a viable option when it tastes like sawdust and turns your GI tract into a water slide?

Touch grass and talk to a woman.
Honestly I don’t think this is that hard of a question in real life. You guys overeat food that you like.

One feedee I knew, who was well to do, wouldn’t touch fast food. But she would binge eat high-calorie Indian, Italian, Ethiopian food. She’d get it delivered on the daily and polish it off with milkshakes she’d make with expensive ice cream/gelato and rum. She’d pass out finishing off a tray of chocolates, half tipsy and impossibly full.

She did like trashy tv though.

She was great at putting on weight, and I found the decadence of the way she did it pretty hot. No weight gain shakes or anything…just pure lust for decadent foods.

>>Butter tbh is kinda gross because there's little flavor

So add some flavor to it or include it in a dish you lazy bum. Honestly, who the hell is out here eating sticks of plain butter. There's even a thing called compound butter. You need to explore the grocery store more often.

Sounds like she was just a boujee bitch.
>binge eat Ethiopian food

Some irony here... Got any examples?
>>25236 What is Ethiopia? Is it in the middle east region? I heard there's a lot of terrorist activity there
Are you joking or are you just retarded
>>25241 Why would I joke about one if the top 3 problem facing the modern western countries? A problem that has ruined many innocent li es and many American's mental health? These things are happening. Read the simp threads.
And what problem would that be? Terrorism?
>>25243 The government takes up no issue in labeling anything terrorism when it's convinient for them, but I'm not talking about guerilla warfare, or about some crazy dude shooting up homosexuals, I'm talking about the one they call Domestic Terrorism. It has been a growing problem since the smartphone got highspeed internet around 2006. Back then they called themselves "mobs", and from the little I knew the organizations were limited to street gangs and cyber criminals, but they have spread to work-retired individuals and minority communities, especially latino and the like.

Instead of making yourself look dumb here and causing another argument, you could've just used Google to find the answer.
take your meds
Haha! Bro, tell this nutter "No." Hahahahha!!

Fuck off, with your take your meds shit. Meds only work on actualcrazy people otherwise it will meds will make you crazy and probably make your dick limp. I need my dick hard everyday or if not then we're gonna have some problems around here! Hahaha
>>25030 (OP)
1. the whiteboard saying eat a stick of butter is a reference to a simpsons treehouse of horror
2. a woman eating a stick of butter is hit because it shows a lack of inhibitions
3. soup isn't hot
Just because there have been droughts that have hit Ethiopia doesn’t meant that they don’t have amazing cuisine there historically.

Indian and Ethiopian food is mostly sauces made of cream and butter poured over carbs.

You think a feeder is going to slave over a hot stove all day just to cook up that junk?
Ethiopian food sucks, as does most sub-Saharan African slop.
Anyway I find a variety of foods hot when I'm feeding my wife. Fast food is always good because it's addictive and calorie dense. Ice cream and cake are good because they feel indulgent and she can eat a ton.
I'd for sure never ask her to just eat straight oil or butter, that's fucking weird.
I also think any of that tv dinner trash is completely unsexy. Poverty meals aren't sexy.

>>Poverty meals aren't sexy.

Yet you're slamming down fast food and don't have a problem with it.
There's just something a bit more shameful and a lot more disgusting about eating tv dinners as opposed to McDonald's or whatever.
How so? The are designed to be healthier and cheaper than fast food. The taste back in the 90s was honestly decent and I tried about a year ago to remember the taste and it seems much has improved. If you need carbs and nutrition at a budget they usually have everything including greens. If you don't know how to cook that is....
>The are designed to be healthier and cheaper than fast food.
They're definitely not designed to be healthier, and they're cheaper because they're total dreck.
>The taste back in the 90s was honestly decent
Fucked up tastebuds, let me guess: you're extremely poor?
How are they nit designed to be healthier? Do you mean to imply that they use cheap ingredients? Because that doesn't make a meal unhealthy. They are simple, healthy meals. These days because of the craze and paranoia they offer vegitarian meals and those low on fat aswell although there isn't a huge diffrrence in yotal calories.

The taste has improved since the 90s. I love food and I love cooking my own meals because I'm a megalomaniac like that, but I can appreciate simple foods that taste like actual beef and potatoes despite being processed and frozen. The potatoes are one of those things that are usually not the best so I like to add some butter or oil so that it tastes more home cooked (I think they use dried potatoe flakes which has a distinct taste if you don't add butter or other flavoring ingredients to it). To be honest though I am content with a huge slab of beef and I'm a happy camper. I am usually hungry but not always for lack of foods and sometimes I think I'm capable of eating a cat raw.
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I associate salty foods too much with nutritious qualities, so I find sweet food to be the most fitting in a fetish context. Chubby women drinking beer from a bottle also does it for me for some reason.
On Curvage I once stumbled upon this Somalian-American TV cook Hawa Hassan and looked at a few of her recepipes,everything looked pretty tasty.

>>Shameful and Disgusting

You're participating in a shameful and disgusting fetish. How high is your pedestal right now?

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