
Birth control has been criticized for a long time by even feminists (the real ones not low IQ trend-chasing thots) too.

It's literally alchemy/chemical experimentation/making yourself a guinea pig by feeding yourself poison. The fact that it's attributed to "right-wing" somehow to oppose this because such medicines are used for mostly hedonistic purposes now, is a telltale sign something is horrifically wrong with society.
Lesbianism is the preferable form of birth control tbh

So practice safe sex then. Don't act women HAVE to swallow a pill or get a piece of plastic shoved up their pussy to stop unwanted pregnancies.

And practice of your pull out game while you're at it.
Pull out doesn't work as well as you think, a condom is much better than that and any other methods. The pill could work, just make sure to remember taking it as you should. Forget once, regret it for the rest of your life.
I don't doubt everything comes with risks, it's just a question if the companies lacked knowledge of it or if they knew and covered it up. I also want real evidence of these risks not just a video on social media with scary music and fallacies designed to make people afraid. I feel that companies cause unintentional harm, there likely comes a point when they become aware of the harm and ignore it. That I would describe as apathy versus sadism. If they were sadistic, they would hurt a lot more people and it would cost them money. Companies want money, there's no profit in sadism. If they openly engaged in it, they could face serious trouble.
>>24984 (OP)

Lesbians are angry and bitter and love other lesbians because misery loves company! This video is full of it! Birth control is primary use and most popular use is to treat a wide range of health related issues in young women's bodies!!! Including blood related problems and one very common problem that occurs in the uterus of menstruating young females! Abortion is much more common than the use of birth control! Birth control medication's risks and benefits are well understood by every single young woman!!!!
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That better be sarcasm, triple nigger.
>>24999 Oh hahahaaaa oh look everybody is anon again with the quips that just won't quit. Hehehe.... He thinks he's cute. He's okay
At a certain point it's not about companies, but doctors, parents and patients losing all common sense. I remember in high school there were girls already prescribed birth control because their periods were too annoying. Basically a big fuck you to whatever was supposed to happen during puberty. I have to imagine that kind of wanton use is a big reason for the side effects, whatever the stats really happen to be.
>I remember in high school there were girls already prescribed birth control because their periods were too annoying.

Would you rather embaress yourself in front of the class while having to go and get a new pair of pants/underwear several times a month?

Or take a pill?
Stick a harmless stick of cotton between your legs or destroy your brain and body with drugs.
Hard choice. Glad I'm not a woman.

I'm glad to since you obviously lack the brain cells to properly take care of yourself as a male. With a vagina you'd probably find a new way to poison or mutilate yourself.

"Hurr durr poison" my ass. As if men aren't also injecting themselves with toxic everyday. Even deodorant causes cancer, but I guess none of you wear any to know about it.
>>24984 (OP)
Well, she isn't wrong at all.
Lesbians (ahem) you see in porn aren't those in reality. The latter look like ogres and goblins alike.
>everything that I don't like is literally fascism
Lol. That's how it is.
>As if men aren't also injecting themselves with toxic everyday
Coping and projecting.
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>>24984 (OP)
Not watching this shit i'm just here to make fun of you falling into the alt right rabbit hole lmao fucking retard
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we all hate SJWs, but don't hate them to the point that you make yourself retarded

>>Coping and projecting.

Says the war stricken casualty.
Stay up toasted.
Every "uhm actually its the libs who hate women" thread is going to fall apart because the userbase on a porn piracy site isn't able to sustain a boner long enough to pretend to be sympathetic to women for the duration of a whole post

You're the one to talk considering you've been breathing in war smoke for almost a year straight.
if you experienced being a menorrhagia-addled teenager for one day your little moid brain would understand the appeal of le magic pill

I was a teenager once, and I know all about the brown pill... It's a hard pill to swallow. I consider myself an expert.
I cannot believe you think this is about not wanting to wear a tampon. Holy shit, do you know what a woman is? Do they have women in your country or have you been fucking koalas this whole time?
>>25038 Umm. I don't know...... What's a koala?
Birth control is great, it reduces the possible future number of wage slaves for the elites.

Yes, women should know the risks:

And maybe get a non hormonal IUD?

Besides, if the rhythm tracker was so great, women without the correct minstrel cycles would still get use out of it.

Anyway, birth control is great. It helps keep the number of unwanted babies lower. Maybe one day it will select out the genes of people who hate children, and all children will actually be wanted.

Maybe... But the y'all need Jesus crowd needs a quiverfull from everybody.
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>>24984 (OP)
Why the fuck are you falling for this shit? You even openly called it a retarded rabbit hole.

I didn't watch the video because it's full of fallacy even before the shit started. If women suffered increased death rates from birth control higher than not, you'd hear about it and it would be a bigger question for anyone with two X chromosomes- Instead, teenage girls frequently can't WAIT to get on the stuff so their acne and period mood swings will calm the fuck down. But as this thread shows, like fuck half these dudes know any women lmao

Here in the US, Colorado and a few other states are allowing pharmacists to prescribe low-dose birth control to women that pass blood tests, so long as they're in the age of puberty. Since BC has been linked to better mental states and improvements in anemia and such, I can't wait for it to become more commonplace as time goes on- since as viagra and Keeps show, it's hard for states to stop you talking to a doc in another state and getting a prescription from them via the mail too.
Well obviously you might be a little better off if you avoid popping pills than if you do it...

I wonder, are there any birth control methods that make you hallucinate?

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