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Im an overweight f19. My whole life i’ve struggled with my weight (dieting, eating disorder, bullying, etc.). About a year ago i met boy through some friends of me. After some time dating he told he he’s really into me being overweight and that he has always liked that on women. Im quite kinky and after a while we slowly started to integrate piggy/feedee fantasies into our sex life. When i am horny, i love this. But when im not horny it makes me veel weird. My boyfriend knows how much i struggled with my weight and how much i hate how fat i am. He says that i shouldn’t hate it and he wants me to gain more weight. That i should just let myself go because he loves me. All though the thought of not caring about my weight anymore does sound really nice. I do have my doubts. In my head: overweight = bad. So does my boyfriend want me to be unhealthy, to die earlier, to be less comfortable in my body? Dont get me wrong i love the fantasy when im horny, but thats just a fantasy. Now when he want to actually act on it, it makes me scared. It also makes me doubt if my boyfriend is toxic, because why would he want me fatter?

Can anyone give me some advice about this?

For the record, i am 168 cm and 125 kg
It’s very hard to lose it after choosing to gain weight. Only get as fat as you want to be. Relationships don’t last forever but saggy weird skin in your 20s because you gained and lost a tremendous amount of weight for a boyfriend isn’t good.
>>24853 (OP)

Some girls look better fat. You're thinking too hard about it, and your overreliance on what your family and friends think is keeping you from doing what you know is right. You will never achieve happiness or what you truly desire by being a follower and copying other's mistakes. It's not possible. You are destined for failure by asking anon's opinions.

In recent years there has been a trend of personal fitness. I recall Obama's wife running a nation-wide project for students to help with youth obesity, for example. If you really did wish to lose weight the only thing stopping you from losing weight would be evil itself. Do not fear evil.
I'd tread a bit lightly if I were you. Young love can stick but it's often fleeting, but you're living in your body for your entire life. You gotta do what's right for you.

If you're into the kink aspect of it you can play that up and participate while cutting calories elsewhere to avoid permanent weight gain. Unless you yourself want to be larger (ignore what the BF wants here) don't gain, you'll regret it. It sounds like you're pretty uncomfortable now with the whole thing tbh and if that's the case you probably want to drop weight and accept the fact that that might mean dropping the BF. You can date again but you only get one body.

The negative health effects of weight aren't really that linear also, being 100kg is obese but really not that bad, 200+ starts putting a lot of stress on your system you won't see at 100-150. If he wants you to be bigger you likely don't know how much, and he might not say to avoid scaring you which is somewhat manipulative because people can find themselves trapped.

In short - there's a lot of people who like big girls, sometimes even bigger than you, but you have to make sure they're not only thinking of themselves and getting their own rocks off. It's impossible he hasn't picked up on the fact that you're probably uncomfortable with the weight thing and the fact he's pushing the issue makes me think he's much more self-interested than thinking of any effects on you.

>Young love can stick but it's often fleeting
Don't listen to this fool, he is of the Devil. He comes to confuse you. They always talk like this and always claim to know all there is to know about "relationships" and "love". They're stupid. Take what he says with a grain of salt and listen to your soul. What does it say?
Relationships are about give and take. He must feel you're pretty special to open up to you about this. Since you're obviously reticent about giving some of your smaller figure to your bf by gaining to show your love for him, I don't think you are ready or should.
If you ever decide to, make sure he has to give something to you. It puts you in the drivers seat. For instance, force him to take you out every so often, or every time you eat a lot he's got to do something kinky to/for you. You'll think of something.
Also, last thoughts, what if you break up with him and still wind up gaining weight?
Or maybe he should just find a willing smaller woman without the weight hangups.
You should focus on desiring a moral and wholesome marriage, especially in your country, and let pure love flourish first and your fetish stuff after that. You seem beautiful but get your priorities in order.

Als hij niet in Christus gelooft, gooi hem dan bij het afval. Ik ben bloedserieus, meisje.
>>24864 Don't listen to these bots. They are one of those that slurp up all the nonesense then they want yo steer you wrong. They love to talk about all these things, fetish, lust, decency, and priorities, but in reality they know very little about what they speak. You are better off not listening to them! Click on "hide comments".
>>24853 (OP)
Is that your dude at >>24742 (Cross-thread)?
>>24853 (OP)
>overweight = bad
Of course, you trade your years of life for sexual preference(s). I hope it is a sincere bargain.
Well, the evolutionary purpose of ours is to be a self-replicating machine.
So it won't matter if you die (sorry, just to illustrate the point) if you leave the offspring ready to continue the cycle of life.
To continue this line of thought, our technology evolved far faster than our bodies and minds do (say no to the weird dualism of mind and matter) so it would've been a perfectly good choice a thousand or more years ago from the reproductive standpoint.
On the other hand, aforementioned technology allows us to live longer, but not so sure about happier.
>>24870 I could've said more but all the arguments that I have engaged in onbthis site have been a waste and a disappointment, so I don't bother anymore. Stupid doesn't care about being wrong, it only cares about it's own ambitions.
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Yea she didn't really think this through, i wander around this site and was bound to find it. she says it's mostly to get encouragement from some other place instead of just me, other people to tell her its OK because it's kind of a little bubble we live in in which only we know about it. There's some kind and serious answers but there's also that guy about throwing certain people off the roof when they don't vibe with jesus which is just weird.

I speak for both of us that we'd rather want the post removed.
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> but saggy weird skin in your 20s because you gained and lost a tremendous amount of weight for a boyfriend isn’t good.
Why are you trying to communicate like an African-American when you're a Dutch twink dude. I get that your little gay kingdom is just a puppet of the dying American Empire but come on. Have even the smallest smidge of self-respect. Or at the very least move over here with gf so she can fatten up more. Less taxes on food and bigger portions too!
This entire thread is fake
Pics or larp
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Entire modern >culture is a consumerist clusterfuck of a mess with atomized individuals as its filling.
Its perfectly obvious that the certain patterns of thought would be carefully planted in order for certain groups of interest to achive the desired results.
The way how we talk and write, the way our language works generally reflects our own ideas and beliefs.
Post two-four-seven-four-two.
I don't think someone would bother to make an ultrathin trollpost under the vpn with rather humble results.
>>24853 (OP)
How about asking Reddit and not us.
A BF shouldn't be telling you to lose or gain weight. So yes, he's toxic. Move on.

>>A BF shouldn't be telling you to lose or gain weight.

So most feeders are toxic then since I bet the majority of feedees are only gaining so they can have a roof over their heads without having to work.
Yeah, it's called codependency.
Some people do like the feeling of being fat as fuck. Some women like being told how to look and act for a man they respect and are attracted to.
This sounds like someone going along with it to have a bf. Not good.
>This sounds like someone going along with it to have a bf
Ngl I think this describes the majority of so-called feedees
I don't even consider myself a feeder in the strictest sense and I think most of my exes (to varying degrees) pretended not to hate their bodies for my sake
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>>24853 (OP)
We can give you no advice. This is not because of what dudes like us like, but because we're not *you* and don't know what things *you* want in life. You've already been struggling with your weight for some time so it's a bit of a complex, and having someone who has a fetish for it is undoubtedly a shock to you- it's a part of what attracted him to you.

So basically- only you can answer that, and I would feel it out. You're gonna need to seriously ask yourself if you're fine changing for someone else, and if you would feel sexier and more attractive smaller, or bigger. Losing weight is very doable but the hardest detail is the lifestyle changes it requires- and some people just have lives that don't allow for some.

>It also makes me doubt if my boyfriend is toxic, because why would he want me fatter?
I take occam's razor to this question- aka the simplest answer is typically the best/most correct. He likely is in 7th heaven because his girl is into the same desires he has, and he's over the moon with the possibility you both could have a sex life akin to a shitty weight gain erotica on deviantart. Ya'll are young, what do you expect lmao, he's tripping over his own dick.

> So does my boyfriend want me to be unhealthy, to die earlier, to be less comfortable in my body?
Only if it's apart of his fetish, which tend to be under the "slob" category. Tends to be a small subset, most of us want big girls who do all the normal things of life but at large sizes.
>>24853 (OP)
Just go lose weight fatty, I swear there's no winning with these chicks, get with a guy who likes fat chicks (durr why does he tell me to gain weight), get with a guy who likes skinny chicks (durr why does he tell me to lose weight). Here's some advice for you, go get on the treadmill and put the fork down fatass. Should consider yourself lucky there even guys with this fetish that'd want to be with you
They do all that instead of simply putting the fork down, and poison's the well when looking for actual feedees, its really annoying. Same ones who will then go cry on talk show about how their evil bf (always the men, if its a woman fattening up a guy people don't care) FORCED them to gain weight.
It’s insulting. Women will weigh 2x what’s normal and don’t want to be fetishized?!? They are fucking fetish sized so any man’s reaction is disgust or fat fetishism.
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Imagine instead of communicating with one another, you choose to bitch on a porn site that both you and your SO browse.

BF should stop being a whiny little faggot and get his shit together. You're such a fucking loser. Absolute cuck.

GF should stop being a fucking emotional creature and wise up.

Do you want your partner to be happy, or Do you want yourself to be happy?

What matters more to you?

Stop being fucking baby back bitches.

Obviously you two have poor chemistry when he decides he's going to shitpost on your thread instead of talking to you face-to-face like a man.

I'm ashamed to be the same age as the both of you.
Imagine instead of communicating with one another, you choose to bitch on a porn site that both you and your SO browse.

BF should stop being a whiny little faggot and get his shit together. You're such a fucking loser. Absolute cuck.

GF should stop being a fucking emotional creature and wise up.

Do you want your partner to be happy, or Do you want yourself to be happy?

What matters more to you?

Stop being fucking baby back bitches.

Obviously you two have poor chemistry when he decides he's going to shitpost on your thread instead of talking to you face-to-face like a man.

I'm ashamed to be the same age as the both of you.
Nah I mean. If you get a chance to have a woman consent to weight gain you take it. Her body her choices. Get your bag boy.
>>24853 (OP)
I cba reading the rest of the thread but from what I can tell and what I know you two need to have a lot of good and productive and discussions about this shit.

if you don't want to keep gaining or even if you wanna lose weight then you need to give it a lot of thought, figure out where your head's at with it, and vocalise it. he needs to do the same.

communication (especially good communication) is key especially with this fetish and how much it changes your body and health.
It really does piss me off sometimes, like they should be grateful there are even men into them. Nope instead they want to demonize fetishes and then try and force non FA men into adoring them (hence the HAES and Body Positivity bullshit) then afterwards want to bitch and moan that no wants them or some other stupid thing
>people actually fell for this
>>25674 Nope. Not quite. It's a fictional fantasy and wishful false reality perpetrated by ugly who only know a life of dishonest manipulation and techniques learned after years of American reality tv. I have reason to believe that most of these liars are psychologically traumatized by an angry/abusive mom during childhood, but that's a seperate issue, and at this point it is more of a hypothesis based on my experiences with different bbws (slightly chubby girls) and how maturity levels differ between states and also daughters of single mom homes (...in my expetience).

I have read 1 post on here before, maybe 2, with most of what I'm saying. They are bbws playing along. At the heart of it is commercialism, but the ones that pretend to believe that "things can change" are always bbws themselves and they are playing along to the tune of the piper. A lovely ballad indeed, until the lie grows and then things go horrible wrong (because it always does).

Hm, I seem to have forgotten what I was going to write in this comment when I came here, but anyways, nobody, and I mean NOBODY is being fooled by this fat or bbw/chubby chaser thing. I can guarantee it. As always, some enjoy bbw, some don't mind the tits and ass

I should probably mention that I love ALL women including bbws, ssbbws, blobs, and beyond. They all get my dick hard. real hard some more than others though but I do love them all

Good job on the observation, wanna cookie?

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