
Everytime I feel depressed, I come here and either laugh at the retarded threads, or be grateful that I'm better off than most of the people here.
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What the genuine fuck is going on in /bbfurries/ This shit is Edgar Allan Poe level of writing.
This would definitely be the right place for it, but even then... What is there left to talk about that hasn't been bitched about a million times before in these threads?

All the salt threads ever do anymore is rapidly descend into "le coomy boomy troony doomy" bullshit and schizoid ramblings, and it's been doing it quicker and quicker every thread.
This reads like a shitty speech at the end of a children's film.

>who wakes up every day and is just ready to put people down and hope that groups of people die off?

I do.
>>24833 (OP)
Janny, oh janny. Ever watchful.
Next they'll write something in a style of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Perhaps "The Crack-Up", maybe not.
>lesser than us
That's hate speech, send the janny police force NOW!
>why can't we exist together
Said a spider in a bucket full of spiders.
No fuel in the tabks to keep going, eh?
Well. That's the point of a salt thread more less. Noice your complaints. Speaking of which. Am I the only person who doesn't like Some Bullshit? The game is mostly mediocre to me.
I stopped paying attention to these after thread 17 or 18 stopped being entertaining in a train wreck way. The last one I noticed a month or two ago was thread 20 I think but I never bothered skimming. What could've gone so wrong in the last one of these that they're not banned from being in BBWDraw and even the archives of the previous rant threads are nowhere to be found?
I don't like it too.
But at the very least it's a finished product.
And that's already an accomplishment given the fact that most of the games stay in the WIP state forever and ever.
Games thread at bbwalt is decent, to say so.
We can have some talks about the games as well.
A substantial loss, as it is.
I've managed to find a relict like this, still.

It went less from being about the artist to purr political rants and shit. Still. The mods are fuckes from deleting them. It was the only thread I think that going strong on bbwdraw.
I miss those threads, I saw yet another artist draw faggot shit today and needed to vent.
Why does twitter inevitably turn anyone who posts on it gay?
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Maybe I'm all in make believe, but I feel as if the board quality (or anything that still was there) is dropping every single second, on par with the median board IQ.
And so it is since the /salt/ threads were purged by janny thought police.
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>tranny and male
>mspaint scribbles
>occasional threads with child porn
It's OVER.
The mods are doing an ass job anyway.

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