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Has the personal life of a model ever turned you off?

I can't enjoy anything by Alex Blair ever since I realised that her bf derailed her singing career and pimped her out.
>>24676 (OP)

Yeah just once. Followed Dankii on social media and she was just so cringe and narcissistic. Just generally seems like a shitty person. I used to think she was stunning, but it totally turned me off her.
>>24676 (OP)

So you're turned off from a model for something that she didn't even do and was somewhat out of her control?
To her credit, she seems to have mellowed out a bit. Kinda like how Juicy Jackie was. It's not fully, but she's started showing herself and her life lately.
I'll second Dankii, who's so obnoxious she actually forced me to unfollow, despite being one of my favorite AT BBW models. I'm glad to hear she's backed off the preaching, maybe I'll check her out again. The joke is that I share most of the same beliefs, but she's a grown woman who's even worse than my 19-year-old newly-woke neice when it comes to the ADHD-style "CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY ____???" outrage-of-the-hour bullshit.

In a similar vein, I still keep tabs on Tess Holliday (Munster) but I'd rather fuck a skinny woman than meet her in real life. Hot as fuck — I won't deny it — but she seems like the worst kind of LA narcissist, slacktivist, hipster cringe monster, who flaunts her traumas and neuroses (and her kid) like Melrose Blvd accessories, or yet another awful tattoo.

Not to mention she's literally a crook. Around the time she first became an SA "icon" she ripped off a couple thousand people by taking money for t-shirts and other Tess-related merch and then never delivered. True to form, she blamed it on her trauma/mental illnesses/etc. Way to throw traumatized, mentally ill people under the bus, by implying those things make you a thief. What a POS.
I maintain that Jackie growing out of her 2012 Tumblr feminism phase is one of the most important things to happen in bbw porn. She somehow evened out as a person AND he content got better. Small miracle. I say this as someone who is generally pretty "woke" but doesn't parade it around for brownie points.

Dankii's still around, btw? I feel like we haven't heard from her in years. Girl was CRAZY narcissistic years ago but I never really took issue with her outside of her content just not being very good (but that was more a Bombshells problem than a Dankii problem).

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