
>>24665 (OP)
Here i heard a rumor that girl died not long after being at her heaviest, this was years ago and it could've been bullshit. Kind of ruined the wank for me.
it makes it you mean.

Yeah I read the same thing. But people have said that abput pretty much any girl on this board at some point, so who knows
Yeah every decent fat girl on this website has had a death hoax at one point. Btw do you have the whole sequence of her gain, it was one of the best ive ever seen.

Nah I don't. I remember seeing that though. On Imgur from memory
Yeah she died a few years back. She had a heart condition and the weight gain and clubbing didn't help things

Know her personally do ya?
How do normalfags just get fat randomly on accident. I am so jealous.
>>24665 (OP)
This chick reminds me of an ancient Curvage thread of this German girl whose bf fattened her up to like 350+ and it was glorious. His username was PEA or something. I need more info on OP
I cant remember. Did she get fat to own the libs or did she blame the libs for making her fat

18 mo wouldn't be crazy if it was intentional but seriously doubt it was. I wonder if it was related to pregnancy or medication
Fr I hope I get some girl that blows up like that some day
Tbf she went from skinny to chubby in just two months or so, and then slowly turned obese. Iirc she broke her ACL and essentially spent half of the pandemic in her couch.
Her bf might be a feedee too, idk there was a Curvage thread about her.

Y'all need to post this girl you talkin about
She had weight loss surgery and then she died. Which is ironic.
These two images are someone's face photoshopped over some chubby girl in the first, and thisguythatgirl or whatever they go by on insta/tiktok in the second
Swapped the fitbit for the apple watch and it went downhill from there, I see 😏
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>How do normalfags just get fat randomly on accident
1) hormones, like birth control or pregnancy
2) stressful life events or situations they don't know how to resolve
3) psychiatric meds

While that is fake from what people have said, that’s still pretty damn funny. Always find denial of responsibility for gains funny

Lol i've heard a few different theories on how she supposedly died, but this one is new
Damn I knew I had seen that giant belly shape before, didn't recognize they were Thisguythatgirl. She's very hot I wish she made more solo content.
Ditto. She's gorgeous but he looks like Ron Perlman's ugly little brother and has a shapeless junior dad bod. It's like a successful kidnapping where she wound up with Stockholm Syndrome. A lot of his captions are creepy too. What a waste.
Lorddd I needed this laugh today.. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds the corny captions and coaching her super off-putting
Yeah, and it's so frustrating because a reasonably attractive, non-creepy, feeder-lite couple would totally be my jam.

FWIW I was subbed to their OF briefly last year and the content is a little less cringey and more about her than him.
Love how the temperatures on the board are higher in the second shot lol.
I legitimately can't understand what's humorous about this. Haha woman gain weight? Like billions of people have done?? Normalfags are literally braindead
>Have 3TB of porn
>This suddenly makes me the hardest I’ve been in months
The only thing funny yo me is how fucking stupid the commoners are
An attractive girl getting fat and looking even more attractive is a huge boner inducer. Even more if it's a public figure, it just hits differently.


Is it mostly huge files or do you not clean out your porn drive once in a while?

Damn shawtie
>>24665 (OP)
I remember watching Tosh.0 and one of his celebrity roast jokes involved the original Daisy Dukes' actresses, they aged fine I wish they'd wear them shorts again to see their glorious fat asses busting the seams.

>>Is it mostly huge files or do you not clean out your porn drive once in a while?

Probably both. One one hand, he's probably a hoarder with multiple duplicates. But on the other hand, there's a chance that he has 4K videos that can easily be compressed.
That really classic gain from 2006ish.
Very good looking skinny woman put on a ton of weight. Had some nice belly out, double chin photos (like 4 or 5). Never was identified.

That's weird, camera quality looks a little too good for 2006 to me.
think it was a car crash tho

Not every photograph used to be taken with a telephone, if you can believe it

Who is this? Is this just a weight loss that has been reversed?
glitterandlazers/ Anna O'Brien. The first two pics are from 2016. The other four are more recent.
Jesus, I had no idea she'd ever been that small. Makes her so much hotter.
I've been trying to figure out who this is and what she is up to now ever since I found an archive of her images. Didn't know she was dead, damn.
@laurenslipglossary on ig.

Her gain is so hot it fucking hurts my brain
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>visit her instagram page
>she is they are non binary
get a grip faggot
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It's part of her cope just like the "body positivity" BS and even her initial love for extreme makeup before her gain. She already looked weird, but now she looks like she is wearing a rubber fat suit from a 90s comedy 24/7. Her hormonal profile looks messed up and she has the form of a goblin Guatemalan abuelita. A complete ugly living sausage to anyone who doesn't fetishize her super excessive adipose tissue. She puts on a public happy face constantly because she's a secular Canadian white woman who obviously wants to die when cameras aren't rolling. That's why she can't stomach her own womanhood anymore. She know he ate herself into a monstrous Form. And she obviously isn't poor based on all her cosmetics she constantly buys so she's constantly enabled to keep stuffing her face secretly, and she'll keep this up until her organs fail/diabetic coma, or gets WLS and gives up the body pos grift (Unless he widens it to a wider "choose YOUR path that works for YOU <3" message). It's over for this possessed pig.
Yes we know average Anglos love being insults to life itself, we saw the King given that Bible by the rainbow Scottish "priest" during the Coronation.
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I heard it was a heart condition but then I heard it was an accidental fentanyl overdose.
I'm going to believe the latter because a fentanyl overdoes technically causes a heart condition and so we can blame the CCP for one more thing.
>so we can blame the CCP for one more thing
Sure thing. But before we do, I hate to ask, LGBTQ warrior, or Anarchist?
As I've posted before, she adopted the gender rainbow BS as part of the same exact family of cope for why she's pretending to be "body positive"; as a makeup channel and white Canadian woman she was already insecure AF to begin with and now she looks like a literal monster hambeast. Is ANYONE really surprised in hindsight?

Why is it these mindless bitches though who end up "addicted to eating" while so many actual female gainers who don't want to die struggle to grow? Poetic.

I hope she gets her gallbladder removed.
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She just posted this LOL, behold the ultimate proof for my hypothesis.

Daddy was already ashamed and now he's horrified since she ate donuts with her makeup money until she became a waddling bratwurst.
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Just as the cherry on top, this started as ragebait but gradually became sexier the more you imagine her getting chewed out by doctors for becoming morbidly a beast in like 3 years. Radioactive levels of Copium.

No hope for her besides like a NDE or some disaster, or getting a longterm Chad feeder BF who forces her to act more "centrist" as women are wont to do.
What's the deal with fat girls and gall bladders?
Eating like shit and being obese fucks your gallbladder up. My ex had hers removed when she was about 350lbs
Mine had hers get bad at about 350 and is down to about 290. It's been making her sick which of course has led to weight loss. Shit sucks.
So I guess what I'm asking is did getting it removed affect her weight?
Bro she looks like every other Mexican woman past 25 I've ever seen
Note how that's before her transformation into a living rubber fat suit from a 90s comedy that did surprisingly okay at the box office
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that's a good analogy.
still pretty crazy how some lady can just blow up like that, almost like in one of those comedies or a cartoon where its all a joke about the pretty model getting fat after binge eating a warehouse full of cupcakes and how NO ONE could find her attractive now.
The way she posts shit has always given the vibe that even if she's not into it, her partner definitely is
Damn, who this?

Patricia Day from the band Horrorpops
Fuck who is this? Something about weight gain and muscle gain on a woman like this is so hot

>you will never have an obese rockabilly gainer gf who plays upright bass
>*huff* *puff* "Anon, all this standing is making me tired, why don't we do more classic country covers and I switch to pedal steel?"
Jesus she doesn't even look like the same species anymore
Looks fake, reverse image search results were shady too. who is this?
Rockabilly is probably the most annoying and gross aesthetic ever devised. This is what happens to western white people when they forget Jesus
it's a fake made by someone with a penchant for neotenous features. the right most picture shows jaq87's body with a different (ai?) face on top./
Anything new?
Damn, who's this?
>Rockabilly is probably the most annoying and gross aesthetic ever devised
Gen X and Millennials are the most embarrassing excuses for humans ever conceived.
That knock on rockabilly definitely hit a heavily-inked, brightly colored nerve, huh?
I think it's Katy Mixon.
If there's one thing every Gen Xer and Millennial likes, it's rockabilly music

That apple was the last healthy thing she ate
Definitely. Coincidentally, I now know a SURPRISING amount of what’s going on in Minnesota
I remember this got a lot of notes on Twitter recently with a lot of typical bashing. Even by guys I KNOW are crypto FAs hmmm.
They're 2girls1bong btw. Not into stoners but that gain is so hot.
Macdizzle gains are superior omg

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