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Do you usually see fat people in relationships with fat obese people?
About as often as I see skinny/skinny and fat/skinny relationships. I think enough people are fat these days that it doesnt affect most relationships. I wouldnt be suprised if there are just as many avg women dating fat men as avg men dating fat women. The trick is finding a fat woman that's actually hot. As much as I like fat chicks I'd rather date a hot skinny woman than an ugly fat one. There's a much better chance of a skinny hot girl getting fat than an ugly fat girl getting hot.
I don't know if it's just where I live (big liberal city) but I NEVER see avg women dating fat men. OTOH I see average and even attractive men dating fat women often.
I think part of it is just that in my age group it seems that all the guys are jacked and all the women are fat.
I'm in NYC and feel like I see more "mixed" couples now than I did 20 years ago but I'm not sure. I'd say thin women with fat guys is notably rarer than the opposite.
Zoomer? I'm a middle aged guy but I've noticed this too about the younger generation in my area. Compared to when I was growing up the girls tend to be fatter (not BBW necessarily, but thicc/chunky), and the boys tend to be fitter.
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this is all based on IRL experience (people I see walking on the street + people I know personally). might be worth mentioning that I work in healthcare so I meet a lot of people and also tend to pay attention to their weight (me being an FA notwithstanding)

for straight people, ranked from most to least common:
>elderly couple where both are fat
>elderly couple where only the wife is fat
>elderly couple where only the husband is fat
>middle aged couple where both are fat
>middle aged couple where only the husband is fat
>middle aged couple where only the wife is fat
>couple in their 30s where both are fat
>couple in their 30s where only the man is fat
>couple in their 30s where only the woman is fat
>couple in their 20s where either one person or both people are fat
>couple in their teens where either one person or both people are fat
the 20s demographic is the only cohort on this entire list where I think anyone involved has even a remote possibility of being an FA. in all other demographics, people either
>just don't care
>are willing to overlook it
>straight up dislike it but put up with it because they've got kids etc
>any of the above can be combined with the possibility that they "settled" or got together out of desperation, especially for couples where both people are fat

you may notice that I ranked fat man + thin woman couples as more common than the reverse (with the exception of the elderly demographic), contrary to what others are saying ITT. again, this is all based on people I encounter or know personally

for LGBT people it's harder to do a linear ranked list, but
>lesbian couples where only one woman is fat seem to be pretty common (but the fat one is usually butch/ugly). this is arguably common enough to constitute a stereotype
>I have also seen it happen several times where the fat woman in the above scenario transitions (i.e. FTM) or is non-binary (I am aware that referring to a non-binary person as a woman is politically incorrect but I don't care. I have never met a non binary person who was biologically male, over the age of 30, or attractive)
>fat butch lesbian couples (i.e. where both women are fat) are also somewhat common, but are possibly less likely to transition (this is pure conjecture on my part)
>fat feminine lesbians (even just to the point of having long hair) seem to be almost nonexistent
>side note: it is extremely rare to see an "out" lesbian over the age of 40 in Ireland, so I am just taking about lesbian couples in their 20s-30s here
>fat middle aged gay male couples aren't super common but they do happen (see my earlier comment about "settling")
>every fat gay man in his 20s-30s I've met was terminally single
>ditto for fat trans women (MTF) of any age
>another side note: I have never met a trans man (FTM) who was into men, despite how common this seems to be online

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