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I'm latino but anyone else tired of how so many retarded white women only date black guys, especially the big booty ones, you see it in porn and everywhere and these idiot still want to complain about shit and lives matter lmao

Pretty much every stupid pawg on IG only dates blacks guys and if she does videos, is always with a black guy. Nothing special about them either, their so called "bbc" only the pornstar have it huge. Ugly ass faces and broke for sure.

Deep down, these women don't like who they are, they don't like being white, that's why they only date black guys and hate on the white man. They even make it public "I don't date white guys" lol it really sucks to be a white man nowadays.

These women hate being white and their white culture, that's why they support black lives matter and only fuck black dudes, and never give men other races a chance, not even white guys, who for the most part, are the best looking men around and who have the best resources and status.

Goes to show how retarded these women are. And of course, the black guy mainly date white girls, also don't like being black. That doesn't mean they would like to look white, but they envy the power and benefits the white man has in this world, so the closest thing to do that is owning a white woman.

If George Floyd had been indian, mexican, arab, no one would have given a crap and these blacks would have certainly not protested for them.
What did you gain from posting that goofy shit?
Funniest part is that if you google interracial amateur porn, 99% of the time, the black guy in the video has just average dick, Yyou'll still see BBC in all the titles though because having a black cock suddenly makes it big lmao
What did you really gain from posting that goofy shit?
I'm exposing how these blacks have so many benefits and privileges that many white guys and men of other races would dream of and yet they still have the nerve to complain. They have easy access to big booty white women and still complain about shit in life?
>>2463 (OP)
Delete this thread. This isn't the place for racist rants.
Delete this angry weirdo's fucking post please! 🙏 - Fellow Latino 👨🏻
Its a very valid post. Easily 95% of the dumb big booty broads on these forums only date blacks guys and you can confirm it through onlyfans, IG posts, etc.

Imagine you want to date these women or even just hook up and she only date black guys? Most people on this forums are not black. Some may be, but the majority are geeks who wish they could fuck these women, but they could never.

Its annoying as fuck that every single time you find a pawg in real life or the internet, she is dating some black or fucking only black guys in videos, seriously tired of that shit.

At the end, what make men do the things they do is having a woman and getting laid, you work, get a nice car, house, etc so women can like you and find a partnet. Otherwise we'd all be broke and playing video games all day.

These blacks have plenty of priviliges and this is one of them.
You're only crying because they're not with guys that look like you. If they were, you wouldn't have a problem.
thats the point dumbass, most idiots on here are not black
Someone please just delete this thread and ban the scumbag who started it.
Fuck Black Lives Matter, but fuck this dumbass post too. We'll keep fucking your snow bunnies.
>>2463 (OP)
One can understand your perspective and observation. But you're looking for love/lust in the wrong crowd. The majority of pale and fair skinned women do not only date black men. The ones with onlyfans, pornstars, strippers, etc, they may be predominantly into black guys but that is a different section of people.

Also you said white guys are the best looking people around....that is highly subjective.

Just look into the right crowd and you'll find plenty that only date white guys, latinos, arabics, etc. It's all about the crowd you choose to look at that will shape your perspective.

The vast majority of women prefer a 5'10 male with at least a 6inch and moderate to high income. I'm black 194cm with an 8inch and I've seen some sexy white women who weren't into me and that's completely fine.
Do you have proof of that?
Off to >>>/gen/ we go, where everybody can be as asinine as they want.
I'm latino and this shit is cringe as fuck, i fuck any bitch i choose, i got good dick, you're just jealous of black men cause you probably got a small dick. Stf man, we gotta stay united!
My theory is that thick women like black guys because black men have historically liked thick women. Yeah, everyone likes a big girl (even more so now) but the blacks have always liked thick women more relevantly. This is the thick women way to say thank you and sorry for slavery and racism.

It works out. There are positives and negatives to being in any social group. Men have an easier time getting to leadership positions that make the big bucks, but they will get arrested if they hit a woman. Asians have smaller penises, but tend to be smarter and make more money. Blacks had a lot of shit happen to them, but they have first dibs on all the thick women.

Get over it.
Close the browser, and get out into the real world.

Nothing on the internet is real. It's all just 1's and 0's and people's imagination. Stop giving value to shit that isn't real.

Get a hobby, hang out with friends, do something with your life that isn't imagining what people that you don't know and will never meet are doing with their lives.
>>2463 (OP)
>If George Floyd had been indian, mexican, arab, no one would have given a crap and these blacks would have certainly not protested for them.

And if the central park jogger had been black, Donald Trump would not have called for her alleged attackers to be put to death. "And if your aunt had wheels she'd be a trolley." Woulda, coulda, shoulda,

You went from interrracial porn, to white guilt, to women's self-esteem, and used George Floyd as an example of black racism..?

Dude, just get $100 together and find a local escort. Your stress level will go down and you will think a whole lot more clearly.
“Im Latino.”
Sure Chad

“Women only fuck blacks reeeee!!”
It’s porn it’s all fake you dipshit also lol found the incel. Everyone point and laugh at the pathetic racist incel xD
>>2463 (OP)
>anyone else tired of how so many retarded white women only date black guys, especially the big booty ones
If you look at actual statistics, the number of white women who go for black guys, much less exclusively, is much less than you make it out to be. Although I will admit from my own people-watching that BMWF couples do have a disproportionate amount of fat white girls.
>you see it in porn and everywhere
Porn isn't representative of reality, and interracial couples are still very much a minority group.
>these idiot still want to complain about shit and lives matter lmao
Police brutality and what you're bitching about are completely separate issues.
>Pretty much every stupid pawg on IG only dates blacks guys and if she does videos, is always with a black guy.
Internet isn't a proper representation of reality.
>Nothing special about them either, their so called "bbc" only the pornstar have it huge.
Depends on what study you go by, but even the most generous of them doesn't place a gigantic difference in size between them and white guys.
>Ugly ass faces and broke for sure.
Subjective and more likely, but not guaranteed, respectively.
>Deep down, these women don't like who they are, they don't like being white, that's why they only date black guys and hate on the white man.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the women in question were indoctrinated to hate white people as a whole.
>They even make it public "I don't date white guys" lol it really sucks to be a white man nowadays.
Fact that it's socially acceptable to shit on white guys nowadays aside, I disagree. Even if there's a small contingent of people who won't date white guys, most women are at least open to it, if not outright prefer it. From personal observation, a fair number of "woke" black girls seem to prefer white guys, whether they're willing to admit it or not.
>These women hate being white and their white culture, that's why they support black lives matter and only fuck black dudes, and never give men other races a chance, not even white guys, who for the most part, are the best looking men around and who have the best resources and status.
Alright, I think it's safe to say you're LARPing at this point. But again, looks are subjective. Resources and status is debatable, given that Asian men are a thing.
>And of course, the black guy mainly date white girls, also don't like being black. That doesn't mean they would like to look white, but they envy the power and benefits the white man has in this world, so the closest thing to do that is owning a white woman.
Or maybe they're just attracted to white women.
>If George Floyd had been indian, mexican, arab, no one would have given a crap and these blacks would have certainly not protested for them.
There would have been some degree of outrage, just not global protest levels of it.
If there is so many porn movies with black men it is because black men watch more porns than everyone. If you produce porn you will earn more money with black porn.

If white girls dates black men it is mainly because they have a problem whith her father. They need more a shrink and self esteem to find .
Most of this girls feel very bad then when they have babies who don't look like her. After few years they are socially trapped in a black world and have noway to come back.
>>2463 (OP)
Mixed race here (I look white). Black's definitely have it easier. The media defends you, they shill BMWM relationships everywhere. Everyone is ready to give you a job so they can score social brownie points. Women will forgive them if they do not have jobs, dress like thugs, etc, etc, etc.

I'll also say that Women it have it easier too, as do Boomers, LGTBQ, etc. If you are White, straight, male, religious. Be prepared because everyone hates you.
You're perfectly right. The world is against us.
The world is against racists. Just look at the failed Trump rally in Oklahoma. If you’re scared that “the world hates you” guess what you’re probably fucking wrong and need to change your ways. But nah keep whining about everything and projecting your insecurities. Everyone else is gladly leaving you all behind and only you have yourselves to blame
>If there is so many porn movies with black men it is because white men watch more porn than everyone.

Fixed that for ya. The biggest consumers of porn are white men, especially with interracial porn.

Also, the majority of interracial dating/marriage that white people do are with Latinos. White Latinos in specific. Black men/white women are grossly over-represented in the media, usually as a tool to get cheap attention and views or to whip idiots into a frenzy about pseudo-intellectual race politics where some-fucking-how the biggest demographic and most represented at the highest levels in the country is the most oppressed.

Jeff Bezos and his ilk are about to become trillionaires from exploiting the dying middle class, working class, and the poor, but it's the black man who's winning.


Keep looking at the black man across the street while the white man keeps his hands in your wallet.
This guy fucks
>failed Trump rally in Oklahoma
- The Live stream of Biden's rally pulled in a mere 1500 viewers at it's peak.
- The Live Stream of Trump's rally pulled in 400,000 viewers at it's peak.
- AOC and others stated the bought tickets to make it look like turn out was down. So the convention center oversold tickets on purpose and would give people seats on a first come first serve basis.
- When the retarded left realized this, they went to "protest" at the rally by blocking the entrances to the convention center.

Fuck off with your lies.
We’re literally only talking about the live crowd size. Distract and whatabout all you want it won’t work.

What happened to Trump’s base of support? Still can’t explain why he went from full arenas to this. There weren’t ticket limits the rally wasn’t stopped by protesters (if it was doesnt that prove Trump is weak?), and AOC is irrelevant to this. Blah blah blah obvious lies. Won’t work.

Guess why no one went? It’s because his base supporters are abandoning him. The jig is up. And soon when he’s gone everyone will see the straggler supporters and shun them to high hell where they belong. Just like you.
America is done with the lies. Times Up.
Don't be stupid. Interracial porn are made for black men. These movies presents black men and white girls.The target consumers are black men only.

Trump or not Trump that change nothing.
Remember Bill Clinton's presidency. What did he done for black people ? He built more jails that's all. So keep voting democrate.

Who called me racist when i said the world is against us ? There's nothing racist in what i said.
You call everyone is not with you racist. You're probably more racist than everyone.
It was a failed rally. Even Trump is aware of it. We know because Trump and his family are already looking for somebody to blame and fire because of it. Trump needs the crowd's energy. And online viewers can't cheer him on live in real time.

Is it a great time to be black? Well, yes, and no. Slavery, Jim Crow, red-lining, etc. are gone. The systems built to keep us separated and subordinated are being found and fixed. Things are getting better, generation by generation. But they have never been equal generation by generation. I mean, for comparison, when was it ever NOT a good time to be white in this country?
>Don't be stupid. Interracial porn are made for black men. These movies presents black men and white girls.The target consumers are black men only.

White women like those movies too. Plus there are also the "Looking for BBC" and cuckold type sex groups in real life. You are only paying attention to the black man here. But remember, there is also another person in those movies too.
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I like how I'm banned from the politics thread, but this dumpster fire is allowed to keep rolling on.

I'm mixed race too, but you don't see me using interracial porn as a soapbox to bash Negroes with.

>I'll also say that Women it have it easier too, as do Boomers, LGTBQ, etc

Wow, it's almost like it's not easy being ANYTHING in this society.

>>2463 (OP)

>Pretty much every pawg only dates blacks guys

...Well, he's not wrong. Got me there.
>I like how I'm banned from the politics thread
No you aren't. You can't be banned from specific threads you fucking idiot. You just change your IP every once and a while and pretend for attention because no one will respond to your shitty opinions and troll posts. Goddamn do I wish this board had moderation.
It’s the same guy on every thread with the same shitty opinions. He really thinks we all can’t tell his obvious IP switching act where he replies to his own messages within ten minutes of posting them
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Listen, you cunt, I have a phone and a PC and I switched between them. Couldn't use a proxy if I tried, there are firewalls for that. (As you well know.)

>with the same shitty opinions.

Because "lmao drumpf" is such scintillating conversation

>he replies to his own messages

Text limit, idiot. Never hid the fact it was me.
Lol he wrong and mad again
Do you have some sort of humiliation fetish? I'm done replying if you're just getting off to it.
Psychological projection is a defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
Congrats on discovering Wikipedia, at least now your run-on sentences won't make my eyes bleed
>>2463 (OP)
>posts a whole essay because white women won't touch his lil clit
I'm white and I've never had a problem with pawgs/chubby white girls (not that i really try dating other girls), stop looking at ig whores and acting like the represent the average woman, reality is many fat white girls date black men is because white men on average prefer fit chicks and they have to looks somewhere else
>>2463 (OP)
You will never be white.
Grow up and be a man you baby.
Didn't even read the whole thread but dude. Who the fuck cares. So we're allowed to like fat birds, but birds (fat or not) aren't allowed to like black fellas? Cop the fuck on lol
There has to be a word or phrase for when somebody just randomly Kool-Aid Mans into public space to deliver the racism nobody ordered
Based and redpilled
Both of these are so spot on
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>>2463 (OP)
You're not being racist, you can actually point out what is going on while idiots here calling you "raciss" cannot. Many non-latinos and non-whites also can understand what you're saying with this prevalent white guilt afro-fetishism that is being spread around by whites and self proclaimed liberals in the west. Many of the women who choose these paths have emotional problems and/or are gullible idiots which is why they do what they do. Not only in the US but other countries/people/cultures being corrupted to partake in this white guilt over african slavery.

I do suggest you step away from western porn and western media. Almost every white liberal/jew porn site tries to fetishize and popularize nig male+non nig female porn. Even if you choose to fiter interracial the porn site still tries to get you to watch their abhorrent porn.

It is really fucked up.
Interracial Porn is common in the US. It was born out of the Black Power Movement following the success of the Blaxploitation Genre in the 70s, which contained socialist themes of rebelling against the system. There is no "guilt" of African Slavery. It's just that Hollywood doesn't like the grittiness of the 70s
>Many of the women who choose these paths have emotional problems and/or are gullible idiots which is why they do what they do.

So, why do you think that so many white women have emotional problems that send them running to black men? I mean, if we're talking about race, then what race GAVE them those emotional problems???

>Even if you choose to fiter interracial the porn site still tries to get you to watch their abhorrent porn.

...or, if you think it's so abhorrent, STOP WATCHING PORN!
Rule 34 is in full effect.
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>I do suggest you step away from western porn and western media. Almost every white liberal/jew porn site tries to fetishize and popularize nig male+non nig female porn.

>>2463 (OP)
>you see it in porn and everywhere and these idiot still want to complain about shit and lives matter lmao

How dumb do you have to be
how smooth must your BRAIN be
to think PORN realistically depicts race relations
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Chill, dudes. It's a stunning non sequitur. Not worth being angry over. Or replying to.

Porn is very white, like most media. "Interracial porn" seeping through the cracks triggers some people. It's pathetic on its face. (Funny how they aren't bothered by white-on-Asian porn, though.)

As if to illustrate this, Harley Dean walked into my store last night, and I did not recognize or know her at all. My black co-worker had to explain who she was.
>>2463 (OP)>>2463 (OP)
Little meat energy on you 🥴 trust and believe I prefer POC women over those Caucasoid hos 🤷🏽‍♂️
Real life isn't porn, also blame it on your cultures for being so harsh on fat people, I see more black cultures that are fine with obesity than I do with other ones (save for maybe Samoans), to the point there are even well broadcasted shows for them (look up Ghana's Di Asa which praises aspects of obeisity meanwhile all you have statewide is TLCs My 600 Pound Life, which portrays the people as pathetic jokes). So where do you think white fatties would go if they are treated like shit by their own men, but like goddesses by that of another.
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I have a theory as to why that is. Let me preface by saying I have no evidence.
>Protestant ideal: agrarian society, grim eating habits
>Hyper-capitalist ideal: The Axiom from Wall-E
So we get these contradictions. Rural votes count more than urban votes, so we buy Iowan votes with farm subsidies, then dump the excess corn into our food and other nations' food. Rugged Alpha Individualists are more likely to blame lifestyle and eating habits. This has a knockdown effect: The common perception of universal healthcare is a bunch of Amerifats and trannies paying for surgery they shouldn't need. Michelle Obama's focus as first lady was reversing the trend of childhood obesity. It's one of those things you see Japan do well, because they don't take shortcuts. Americans don't want to pay for free meals. We used cheap ingredients or simply cut portion sizes, so now she's pretty much associated with disgusting school lunches. The UK tried the same thing with similar pushback.
>>2463 (OP)
I am Black and I merely think that Interracial Porn and NTR merely have the plot beats of Soap Operas or telenovas, but with none of the risk or consequences that makes them fun. The appeal is merely good girls like Hinata, Orihime, or Suburban Christian Woman having an illicit affair mostly out of her choice with the unobtainable Basketball Star or Rapper or Preacher
Black Women with Big Butts are far more assertive than White Women
I hope that's true. I prefer darker women anyways to the modern mentally ill white woman.
If you filter interracial the porn that appears should all be solo or same race people.
Also what the fuck do you mean rule 34 is in full effect?
You're watching too much porn, bro. Even IG hoes aren't a realistic depiction of the dating scene.

I'm white, but I've gotten thicc, tall, chunky black women just fine. My in-laws are black, and while they might tease now and then, weight isn't much of an issue in their community. Black women are never shamed for being big, so I think that carried onto black men, where they'll treat all women as potential lovers regardless of race.

If you're a white girl who has been called "fat" all her life, of course she's going to latch onto the type of guy that wants to nail her and talk about her as if she's the hottest thing in the world.
>>2463 (OP)
Bloody hell, I thought COVID would've done away with all you crackpot racists. Seems like you survived, unfortunately lmao Cry about it or die about it, lumpfish
Nah bruh, there's just a lot of stupid ass white women out there. Social media and the pressure to show their friends they are "woke" is why you see this everywhere.

The reality is that the majority is not that way. I mean, some chicks just want the the black seed, the same way some dudes want a fat girl. It's the way it is.
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A lot of these politically correct people are merely educators who living in university campuses. They're just a superstitiously cowardly lot. This is why they're afraid of the Batman or the Headless Horsemen who used to travel across the back roads, or Vampires and Demons. These psychologists cannot put people in a category and throw a temper tantrum over something as mundane as a Trump Supporter flying the American Flag.

The thing is that these academics are merely upper middle class conservatives who cultivated an image of counter culture rebels. The poor saps don't understand why the common man would not want to vote for Joe Biden, or his son Hunter as they've shown to use racist language. Oh well, Barack Obama can be stuck with the legacy of enabling racist as he lets that law degree go to waste
I honestly have to say I agree with the person who made this post, I'm tired of seeing Big Booty white females (also black Latina woman and etc) only dating/fucking black guys, he's right, the white guy has it hard nowadays, we have to fight for white pussy that black guys get freely, we pay for pussy that black guys get for free, we watch big booty women get sucked up by black guys that when they're done, they go for more black and that's all they want, he has a point, end of discussion
This thread is a year old jesus christ stop acting like it's new
OP, as a white guy I hate to cut it to you, but on average black guys are just better looking than white guys. It's not all about the dick size. They look better shaved so no issue with balding, their skin ages better and they go gray later. I'm not hating on my own, but just take ten random black guys and ten random white guys and guess which group is going to have the ugliest motherfuckers. Really ugly black guys are a rare thing. Really ugly white guys? Not so much.

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