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anyone else see this? I’ve grappled with this fetish for years but holy fuck this was heartbreaking. Kept thinking this is what Jae, Brianna, and especially Adeline, might be going through. Adelines BF is fuckin evil for enabling what is clearly suicidal eating
I'm grateful that I'm not so far gone that I'm very satisfied dating 2-300lb women who aren't horribly mentally ill, can leave the house, have normal lives, not die really prematurely etc. Love cummies but there's more to life.
I'm not gonna see this, had enough of Darren Aronovsky's emotional torture porn several movies ago. Maybe I'll check back in if he comes out with a musical comedy next lol.

But you bring up a good point, which is that a feeder fetish can be sadistic and downright deadly. I see peeping on actual ultra-sized feedee models as passive enough to morally justify, but I've also spent $100s, maybe even $1,000+ over the years on videos and memberships that directly enabled food addiction as slow suicide. Several of these models have died, as young as their late 30s.

For a long time I was convinced these women would go the same route either way, and it was just as well they monetized it for their living expenses and my pleasure. Later on I realized that with many of them the money and attention was a powerful validation of their "lifestyle." And often there were feeders behind the scenes manipulating and sometimes downright abusing them.

Yet part of me thinks we should be left alone to do what we want with our bodies, assuming we have agency. By that I mean aware of our own actions and the possible consequences (similar to how a murderer can't be considered legally insane if they understand what they were doing at the time was wrong). This also assumes there's no abuse or manipulation going on, that the model is actually doing it of their own free will. There are activities like base jumping or motorcycle racing that involve a high risk of injury and death and we (generally) don't consider the participants mentally ill and in need of intervention.

How do we feel about models who are clearly at an unhealthy size and continue to gain, yet seem otherwise in control of their minds and lives? I'm thinking of Rennaye and Pleasantly Plump, both of whom I continue to buy videos from.
Idk about her, she's very large and iirc her husband is like, deep into the fetish stuff so I wouldn't say she had too much control, I wouldn't know for sure though
Reenaye isn't married anymore and hasn't been for a very long time from my understanding, I'm also not buying she's as big as she claims to be nor do I believe she's that bad off health wise for a woman of her size, she supposedly gained all this weight on a bad ankle yet isn't bed bound because it which is a bit fishy if you ask me, one thing you have to consider is why we don't see more models op of WLS is that a good chunk of them don't have any skills beyond modeling and could only land a minimum wage at a normal weight.
As a genuine feedist I'm begging you to not take this movie seriously. It's another fucking awful representation of people this big. All those models you complain about getting WLS or that eventually retire.. This movie is a more accurate depiction of them than your current favorites. A lot of the very top models have gotten themselves this large *without* the help of some dark evil shadow person or food addiction and blatantly lie about their weights and do bad health ROLEPLAY, especially people like Reenaye. They are selling you a fantasy. If you really believe that person is almost 700, and that this movie is anything like what feedees go through, please find another thing to concern troll about. So many SSBBW fluctuate in their weight, but when they're honest about it they lose fans. Many mainstream straight sized porn stars endanger their health on the daily too. It's absolutely wild that people read so far into a Aronovsky movie or episodes of fat circus sideshow on TLC.
You're honestly not wrong. Them being fat sex workers is extra money they wouldn't be having otherwise. I'm not saying it's easy work, but they already have the equipment to make it happen. To their credit we don't know what all of them do for work on their day jobs, but we know about some of them - BoBerry works as some admin or customer service, MsFatBooty has a desk job, (former) BC Jolene I believe worked in a medical lab, and there are plenty of others that I don't know or can't confirm. But what they're doing now is cashing in on a body that would they would be only shamed for otherwise.
Self haters on this board just be waiting for any excuse to rag on the lifestyle. Nevermind you take away the model's self agency. They have brains and consider the trade off. Not everyone turns into echo or Adeline. You have to consume insane amounts of food and have lots of enablers around you. And I've experienced more large people get hurt by gastric bypass than anything else.
Most models get a modest to passable amount of income and go up a few sizes -that's it. You guys just keep hating-just do it to yourselves and stfu
Something else that doesn't get mentioned at all but is obviously happening is that some of these women are playing the medical system by drawing disability, no reason to pay for scooters, walkers, or other medical devices out of packet when you can have your insurance do it.

>>is that some of these women are playing the medical system by drawing disability, no reason to pay for scooters, walkers, or other medical devices out of packet when you can have your insurance do it.

Keyword, SOME. I see more women here end up in shacks or assistant living.
That's what disability gets you, you don't get rich out of it but if you know how to play the system which I'm sure some of these models do you can get some serious perks out of it, my uncle did it for years until he was caught.
>the very top models have gotten themselves this large *without* the help of some dark evil shadow person or food addiction
Honestly ai can't really believe the part about these women not having any kind of food addiction/disorder eating. Because if you look at it realistically you don't just wake up the next day being 500+lbs form eating one or two candy bars. Just look at some models and how the started off as severely obese children who back then where fighting to loose weight and eventually ended up becoming fat fetish models with no other options left.
Diets don't work and WLS seems to be a short term solution too in a majority of cases, so it's not like these women are going to be athletic and slim without the encouragement of fetishists. But I do think it's possible the positive reinforcement from fans when they gain plus the financial incentives encourage them to grow fatter than they would be otherwise. In other words, take away those factors and maybe they'd tap the brakes 100-200 pounds sooner? No proof of this obviously, just an opinion.

They do work. It becomes more difficult to lose weight and produce certain muscles quicker as you age. Most don't have deficiencies or stomach problems with absorption. Every body is different. As you get older the body changes its priorities including muscle development and fat storage. Pregnancies can speed up developments in the body on some bodies. It is this way by design.
They work in that if you restrict calories past a certain point you'll lose weight. They don't work in that 98% of people who attempt them fail to keep the weight off past 5 years or so. Blame the modern diet and sedentary lifestyles, or post-WWII generations' general lack of personal discipline. But practically speaking, here we are with an ever-increasing number of obese people, most of whom really wish they weren't.
>Diets don't work
This is the most retarded fucking take I've heard. If you eat less you will lose weight.
No, retarded is comprehending only three words of one message in a comment and then stomping in with a useless, redundant take. You probably wear a helmet on the way to school because you can't stop banging your head against the bus window.

Again, diets don't work because they almost always fail. If a pill that supposedly cured cancer only left 2% of patients alive, would you say it "worked"?
>>24395 (OP)
People get to be 600 pounds from a variety of factors, but they ALWAYS have a choice in the matter. Once you start reaching the levels of where there's some need for physical assistance in the day to day, the person giving said physical assistance is complicit in the matter.
>Again, diets don't work because they almost always fail.
What the fuck is this self fulfilling prophecy? Who's that the fault of, the person or the diet? This is like saying water will never be ice because it's always liquid. Fucking blackpilled defeatist, you're probably fat as hell yourself. I've never heard anyone of a remotely healthy BMI spout such retardation.

>All thin bodies are thin because big brains.
Unironically there *is* a correlation between obesity and IQ, but that's not really the subject of the argument or even the thread. Regardless, saying 'diets don't work because they just don't' is laughable.

If you believe the correlation means anything then you're an idiot and you need to go back to your precious college and learn about statistics and math. Or better yet, go back to making porno and being a goof.

What do you mean? I'm not like you. I'm better than you in almost every way. And I'm not a fuck up.
Would your name happen to be Kurt? You have the same speech conventions of an actual schizophrenic guy I know, small world if so

Maybe? Does Kurt love titties too? I bet he doesn't love titties as much as I love titties.
It's more like saying "leaving your door unlocked is risky." Nothing inherently happens when you leave your door unlocked. Your house doesn't explode or sink into the earth. But it's still risky. It being the fault of the person is obviously true, but it isn't relevant to that statement.
I’ll give it one more try: Yes, dieting works, in that if you restrict calories the body will eat itself, starting with fat reserves. There were no obese people waddling out when they liberated Auschwitz or at a Somali refugee camp.

However, if I were a public health official or head of an obesity research department at a university, and that cure for obesity — dieting — only worked with 2% of subjects, I’d look for other treatments besides “eat less, move more.”

Humans are not machines and psychology has to be taken into account with any treatment. A cure that works perfectly in theory but fails in practice is useless.
Also the fat shaming is pretty revealing. Someone brought up correlation/causation… Seems the level of hostility to my statement and refusal to understand its context might have something to do with the level of self-loathing they carry around. Like a guy who rants on Daily Stormer all day then jerks it to black chicks and drops N-bombs in the comments there. Beyond pathetic. Happy new year and good luck with those diets.
>you're probably fat as hell yourself
good god, the projection on this. no well-adjusted thin person gets that mad about dieting. it's dumb and it doesn't work, not because the basic principle is wrong, but because it's retarded individualist nonsense that imagines people's issues with weight are all down to willpower. it's like solving addiction by going cold turkey; sure, it might be theoretically possible, but it's not *practical* for the vast majority of people
>>24395 (OP)
Ergo, 2d is life.
Dieting is "eat less" but put in the fancy shape.
And I'm not sure why someone would spend their time to unstuck the people who are too entrenched in their own lifestyle.
They aren't Munchausens, obviously, to pull themselves out of a swamp singlehandedly.
Too much work, no one should bother.
>unless they're from your social circle and are dear to you, simple as

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