
I swear, everytime a new model thread is created, it always starts off with:

>I'm suprised there's not a thread made for her yet

or some variation of it.
>>24288 (OP)
>”models nobody talks about”
>posts 3 pics with no names
Why do I even bother
Thicladybug, bbwbadgirl, and ella-jo-28. Relax yourself

How about doing it right the first time instead of continuing the retarded-ass trend of posting photos with no names.
You guys always find the dumbest shit to be mad about

>>posts pictures without names

>>gets mad when people call him out on it

Don't be a retard and do it right the first time.
Funny story, thicladybug lives in my city, I’ve seen her a couple of times in public, the first time I saw her I was with my ex (gf at the time), we were in a hot topic, and I saw ladybug at the front of the store, i shit you not she was much wider than the little door for the employees to get to the cash register. I could not keep my eyes off her. She’s a lot bigger in person and I was kinda pissed I was with my ex when I could’ve been making moves on lady bug.
(560 KB, 1536x2048, 69e95446-7268-42d5-be59-028f4122be21.jpg)
>You guys always find the dumbest shit to be mad about
Only the ameiricans. They continually rule every attempt at online discourse. How can one nation be so autistic? too much processed corn syrup?

Any way to answer the question. Lady J is pretty hot but very overlooked. Maybe cos she doesn't do nudes.

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