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im freaked tf out that im becoming a feedee, and i think im gonna do it mutually to ease into it, but, whats a good 1st goal? or should i just not do it?
>>24263 (OP)
Get too big to move then reevaluate if you like it.
>>24263 (OP)

Do you want to be a burden on others?

Do you want to have health problems which includes diabetes, high blood pressure, heart failure?

Do you want the above to be a contributor to your premature death?

Do you want to endure all the above just to place a bunch of weirdo randos online who'll end up talking shit about you while pirating your content?

If you answer no to any of these, then don't be a feedee.
The rare time the F BI agent monitoring the board feels the need to speak out>>24272
>>24272 This post makes me want to go on a high calorie krispy kreme and fried pork diet.
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op anon here

i tried to see what it feels like to be really full by chugging 5 whole bottle of water and tbh it was hot as fuck

thanks anons, this is gonna be fun
Depending on your age your health will be fine for years after getting fat. The real thing is having to buy new clothes when you outgrow the old ones.

I liked gaining weight but at the time i couldnt afford a new wardrobe so wearing cheap basic stuff wore on my self esteem after spending a few years building good outfits up.

Outside of that, theres three classes of obesity. 30+, 35+, and 40+. See if you can get to 30 BMI and from there you can deliberate on 35 and so on. I wouldn't suggest anyone go above 45 for the simple reason that it feels fucking GOOD to move that big fat body around and you dont wanna get so fat you cant do anything fun. Yes thats erotic but im telling you being very fat and dancing, fucking, or just finding SOME clothes that you feel good in will feel better than being a superblob that cant move. If you were a hot white girl who could summon simps to care for you it would be different but for anyone else I say get fat just try to make it so you are actually living life as a fat person.
op here (again)

45 bmi for me is about 304 pounds, im fine with 300 pounds but i wanna do so much more, but i would only feel comfortable with doing it mutually if i were to go 300+ (which i really want to do)

also, planning to chug 3 bottles and then one or two cans of soda ltr, might give update

later, anons
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op here, great news!

i just downed 2 bottles of water and 2 cans of soda like it was (almost) nothing! and it felt... great! as i finished the last can of soda i was very burpy at first but after some belly rubbing (it got big enough for some jiggling too!) i let out some good burps and then it was smooth sailing, decided to play with my belly some more and wow. just wow. im laying down in bed while writing this and my belly just feels huge, really just begging for more. im a feedee, simple as that.

any good drinks to chug that get you bloated other than soda? the sugar got me hella shakey.

thanks anons, this is beautiful!

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