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Hey Chan.

I got some SERIOUS question to all the Brothers & Sisters among this Forum, who could possibly give me Help/Tips and maybe were in the same Situation.
Short Story time: My GF found out about my Harddrive with all my BBW-Porn on it while cleaning our Room.
She than took it away from me and only gives it back to 1) delete everything i collected (500GB) 2) smash the Harddrive... OR 3) show her one Video of any Model so she knows whats going on in this "Scene"/Fetish.
She wont break up, since its just porn BUT i wont get it back unless i choose one of three options.
I realy think i show her one Video?! But i dont know what model? ~300 Pounds? ~450ish pounds? or shock her with a ~550+ model...
I mean i know how i reacted as a teen seeing the 450-500pound models for the first time...
And its extremely weird when shes next to me watching some belly jiggle.
What should i do?
I still collect to this day but need my Super-Nice & expensive Harddrive back for maximum collecting potential...

Oh she´s 210pounds btw.

Thanks for every answer.
>>24 (Dead)q61 I think you should avoid starting new threads unecessarily because when you do another thread gets bumped up.
Oh, wow. If this is for real, it's a hell of a situation. I'd show her a vid of the hottest biggest woman you could that's not repulsive to a normie. Either Juicy Jackie or Adeline before the mobility aids. Something with stuffing or food play. And admit that it's hot. You're already in hot water, might as well make it count. Good luck my brother
>has a huge porn collection

>has a bbw girlfriend

You greedy rat bastard. You have a fattie all to yourself to plump her up even more and you choose to still have a massive porn collection that I'm sure you didn't do a good job hiding or even bother to encrypt.

>She than took it away from me and only gives it back to 1) delete everything i collected (500GB) 2) smash the Harddrive

If you're going to collect that much porn and NOT have an off site backup, than that's a huge issue. The porn must mean a lot to you if you're having issues destroying it, so why not have a backup of something that you like so much?

> but need my Super-Nice & expensive Harddrive back for maximum collecting potential...

Annnnnnd you still haven't learned your lesson. She's going to forever keep this tab on you and will watch your reactions everytime you two see a fat chick at a store. Yet your cluck head can't seem to figure that out yet.
>>24164 Foolish mortal. I will enjoy this very much so indeed even more.
I introduced my gf to my tastes with a video of Foxy Roxxie eating McDonalds then accidentally destroying her sofa, she loved it.
>>24170 Aren't you cute. America #1 forever
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I knew that there are some monkey brains that answer like this... But here we go *cracks knuckles*:
>You greedy rat bastard. You have a fattie all to yourself to plump her up even more
This little fattie hates her body and even more the whole fetish, so no chance of fullfilling this "fatening up" will occure on her.
>choose to still have a massive porn collection
Who on this whole Site does not? I mean i love my GF but this fetish has some awesome models around... nothing weird about it imo.
>I'm sure you didn't do a good job hiding or even bother to encrypt.
Yep i did not hide my Harddrive, i mean why its just a Harddrive, but with a password security.
But i should have hide it better you are right.
>If you're going to collect that much porn and NOT have an off site backup
I never thought the day would come that my GF bothers about a simple Harddrive stuck to my Laptop...
>The porn must mean a lot to you if you're having issues destroying it, so why not have a backup of something that you like so much?
In some way it means alot since theres alot i collected over the Years. Alot of Bigcties, alot of models who not modeling anymore means content is very rare, a few Customs and C4S Vids... you know its my Collection ofc it means something to me. Would you just delete all your Porn so easily? I think not!
>She's going to forever keep this tab on you and will watch your reactions everytime you two see a fat chick at a store
Thats already a thing since i told her i like her even fatter, but again she hates her body/fat, so i need to be extra carefully when we are out shopping etc etc... I guess thats woman, same with thin chicks.
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Thanks for this constructive answer homie.
Iam so uncomfortable thinking about showing her a Roxxie, Jae or Juicy video...
Back when we fresh dated i showed her Aliss Insta, and she just said thats too much thats not good looking nor healthy bla bla bla... was a big mistake back then... And now showing her a 500+ Model? Damn iam struggling out here
>Yep i did not hide my Harddrive, i mean why its just a Harddrive, but with a password security.

So how would she know if there was porn on it? And if you're the type of brainlet to have a porn drive out in the open with visitors around, then you deserve to get caught.

>>I knew that there are some monkey brains that answer like this

Says the nigga asking for serious advice on a chan board because he fucked up.

You can't enjoy what you never had.

>I never thought the day would come that my GF bothers about a simple Harddrive stuck to my Laptop...

You're only saying this now because you got caught. You knew before hand how much she hates her body and obesity as a whole. And now she knows that you're into that.

>Would you just delete all your Porn so easily? I think not!

If it means that it'll make the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with happy, then yes. Porn is a crutch for relationships. If you're making such a big deal over it, then you should break up since you're not mature enough to make decisions on your own or be considerate of her.
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>You're only saying this now because you got caught
No not realy, look at normal people, to they care if their Wife/Husband has a Harddrive what on it? i think not.
>You knew before hand how much she hates her body and obesity as a whole. And now she knows that you're into that.
Forgett to mention that she know since we first started dating. She just never wants to get above 220+ pounds.
>If it means that it'll make the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with happy, then yes. Porn is a crutch for relationships
That sentence hit different you are 90% in the right, but i still like the Collection i have... i mean it does not stand in our way, i choose sex and time with her over my collection, still its a grown mans "adult" collection and it should not bother anyone.
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>Says the nigga asking for serious advice on a chan board because he fucked up.
Yeah i do, maybe theres someone with the same situation?
>So how would she know if there was porn on it?
iam dumb thats why she knows
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>>24161 (OP)
STOP! i found where she hid my Harddrive. Just gonna transfer everything on my new Harddrive and not make any mistakes. Thanks for yall Monkeybrains communicating with me.

See ya in hell :)
Fucking nerds.... smh

It's always the foreigners who end up having an extra chromosome. I blame all that war smoke.
>>24185 Yeah you're right and Cool
>>24161 (OP)
Show her a vid of a smaller (ish) model around 300 lbs. Keep in mind, to a normie, even a girl who's 200 lbs that's insane size and any more can only look repulsive. Do one that involves stuffing so she understands that aspect of it.
Dump her. Find a chick who doesn't hate her body. It's not worth this bullshit.
I mean, mukbang is a thing. Go for a 220-250 pound, conventionally attractive model doing a stuffing/belly play video. Just make sure it's not one with too much immobility talk or other things to scare off the normies.

It's really not the end of the world. Kinda weird that it bothers her so much though. just saying.
Hey look here’s one

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