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This is maybe the dumbest thing I spend any time thinking about, but I always find this side of fat fetishism so interesting. The rules are simple: name a model, folks respond with their take on how much of a real-life fat fetishist/feedist/etc. she is. Is she a full-blown fat pervert, a "body positive" warrior who just happens to be fat, strictly in it for the money, in the throes of food-fueled depression, a mix of two or more, or something else altogether?

Let's start withhhh... Roxxie.
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I'll say Roxxie is a healthy blend of into it and savvy enough of a businesswoman to know what works to sell. She's paced her gain well enough that she didn't dive headfirst into gluttony for a romp and did enough variety to keep herself fresh. She's not food obsessed and making the best of a situation, she doesn't seem like she's secretly loathing this whole scene and cashing in on depression... she's hot, she knows it, she's totally good with indulging, and she's living well. Really I'd be surprised if she hated where she is in life.

I know we're going to see a lot of big names in this thread and their intentions have been discussed to death, but I'd like to throw in a name not brought up often - Sasha. Previous maker of plus size clothing, occasional model of her own designs and others, former BigCutie and content creator at large. What's your take?
I don't think Sasha's into it, based on her IRL instagram and such. At her peak weight she was hiding it with camera angles and baggy clothes, etc, which doesn't say "feedee" to me. That said, I believe she has a knack for channeling the sensuality of fat and eating which makes her really good at acting out feeder-type fantasies. I'm 100% fine with that.

I'm really torn on Rennaye. Yes, she's gained a ton over the past few years, and I'd say she and Ivy are the best at feeder fan service, yet something tells me she's just particularly savvy and intuitive about what FAs want. Again, that's cool by me as long as she delivers the goods. I would like to know though.
I mostly agree with this assessment of Roxxie but I think she's a little more into it than you do. One quirk of her's is that she's always giggling in her videos, which to me feels like she's either legitimately turning herself on, or that there's just a certain level of comfort with the material and being herself on camera.

There are maybe five other women I would say this about, but IMO Reenaye almost has to be a near-Heather level fat pervert to be making the content she's doing now. I do not believe she's actually 700 pounds but I definitely buy that she can tap into all this weird and morbid stuff because she actually gets off on it. Friendly reminder she's also married to that Deviantart guy so you have to imagine she's doing fat kink stuff in their private life too.
I feel like there are dozens of levels of “into it” and every individual girl is a little different. A lot of them have grown intol savvier businesswomen than they probably get credit for, some are just better actresses. But yeah when it comes to WG porn, you can fake enjoying it, you can fake numbers, but you can’t fake physically getting larger. That being said my headcanon is that Heather brainwashed a generation of fat models into embracing the hedonistic/feedee lifestyle and we’re still seeing the trickledown from it today
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That's a very tame take on it. Obviously every model is different with how they approach this whole fetish market. The whole point of this thread is to try and suss out which models have a genuine interest in what we like as well and which ones are just cashing in. I accept the analysis on Sasha - as much as she dabbled in fat fashion and is still modeling, I don't think she's enjoying it sexually. And I agree on Reenaye, especially considering who she's married to. She wouldn't be basically documenting her life on C4S if this wasn't appealing to her as well, and the time for her to pump the brakes if this was all an act was a couple hundred pounds ago. I'm sure she's not a fan of the frequent hospital visits but the gluttony and consequences thereof? Absolutely.

Here's one for you - Krissy. OnlyKrissy, Krissy87, Ssbbw87, whichever. Currently 550 pounds, updates about once a week on OF. Thoughts? I'm getting a "my boyfriend finds this hot, I'm not into it but I'm not miserable yet" vibes.
I have a crackpot theory that Reenaye is going as hard as she is with the extreme and morbid stuff because she’s almost done being a content creator and wants to burn the candle very brightly and cash in before calling it quits. She’s been in the game a while, her kids are probably getting older, and naturally there’s gonna be a part of her that wants to downsize a bit and ease the physical toll her weight is taking on her. Fully agree she is a legit fat fetishist but she also comes from the Ivy tree of doing as much carny exploitative shit as possible to monetize it. The hospital vlogs and crying videos are a bridge too far for me but I get it. Also she’s absolutely faking her weight because nobody blows through milestones as fast as she is claiming (I don’t care about this, she sells a fantasy). Just my two cents.
I feel like feedistdani on OF, if you haven't seen a video, is really into it. She's pretty smallfat at the moment, but just hearing her talk about it (probably the hottest vids imho), she's either really turning herself on, or a really good actor.
She’s not married to him (Saxxon) any more, they separated some time ago. But I’m torn about the 700lbs thing. Possibly, but I could believe that she’s also faking it.
I’d say Heather, Ash, Ivy, Susanne, Brianna and Jae are definitely into it, basically anyone over 600lbs. Tara and Adeline are a slight exception in that they likely weren’t but have succumbed to just going with it because of how huge they’ve become. Caitidee and Leighton maybe, the latter perhaps more than the former. Jackie and Roxxie, unlikely. Can’t think of any others right now.
Leighton has GORDA tattooed on her ass so at the very least being big is part of her identity. Jae/Brianna I can go either way on. Jae low key has one of the most extreme gains ever but I always get world weary/“it’s a living” vibes from her.
At this point I'd say Reenaye and Ivy are making the content their making right now because it's the only way they can stay relevant in the scene anymore, not because their into the fetish, I also think the bulk of their money comes from drawing disability due to their size.
Couchqueenie is wholesale not into it and is literally just doing it because it turns her boyfriend on. Bets on when their relationship will crash and burn?
she's into the humiliation/submissive aspect of it though. she has stated she will not intentionally gain
Here’s my take, from online vibes and also from meeting a number of them in real life (bashes, dates, etc). As the other women on this forum may attest, I’ll point out that women’s sexuality tends to be a bit more “fluid” than men’s. Plus, this is all speculation, since no one knows for sure. Sometimes not even the people we’re talking about, tbh.

Almost certainly:

- Curvage Casey
- Carmen Lafox
- Ivy
- Heather
- ChubbyChiquita
- Luna

Kind of actually into it:

- Renaye Star
- Pleasantly Plump
- BigCutieGigi
- Mochii
- AnnaOli
- Brianna
- LisaLou
- Jodie

Only into it a small amount and with the right person, but hey it pays the bills to play it up:

- Lauren Lush
- BigCutieSasha
- Candii
- Roxxie
- Jackie
- KellyKay
- BC Ash
- Adeline
- Becca
- Tara
- Cookie
- Caitiedee

Probably not into it at all, but hey:

- Dee
- Ivanna
- Kayla
- Morgan Louise
- DoubleDenise
- BobbiJo
- Sadie
- BoBerry
- Celia
- Jae
- PlumpPrincess

I’m sure I left out a bunch of folks. Of course, nothing above is for certain, so feel free to debate or disagree with me.
Ivanna's 100% into it, i talked to her for a while and she's definitely gaining on purpose, she can eat like crazy.
This is fun. I would bump LisaLou and Tara/FatMissT to top tier because I get young and naive vibes from them. LaurenLush goes in a dumpster self-loathing tier below the ones you've listed. Celia's open refusal to do any feedist content is refreshingly honest, I guess, and it makes me think she's a content creator who just happens to be majorly obese, as opposed to a creator who makes obesity-centric content. Someone on here claimed a while back they'd spent some time with BC Ash and back in the day she was fully ABOUT THAT LIFE but it's hard to imagine she's that way anymore. Adeline goes in a special "my life spiraled out of control because of this shit but what else can I do" tier with the other members of the elite weight class like Vanilla Hippo and Juliet Summers (RIP).

Personal anecdote, several years ago I hit up SpanxBeluga (this was either when she was still modeling under the name Blake Monarch or not modeling at all) on a traditional dating app and she, unprovoked, told me she wanted a feeder fuck buddy. She's a LOT bigger now so I have to imagine she's pretty into it. I've seen a few of her vids with FupaTrooper and they both come across as pretty genuine feedees, although Fupa has since lost a decent bit of weight.
>Almost certainly:

>- Carmen Lafox

Am I missing something here? She's been radio silent for over a year now. Her OF is still just old content from 2018/2019.

How is she higher up the list than other models who are active and post new content?
SpanxBeluga is most definitely into it as she’s over 600lbs now.
To what end tho? Like she's just a self loathing fatass. There's no fun in that other than for the dudes who *also* hate fat women.
>>24240 eh, her leaving doesnt preclude her from being into the kink, maybe she just didnt want to make porn anymore

>>24244 agreed, i know most of these women have some sort of mental illness or neurodivergence going on but you gotta be a special kind of fucked up to permanently mess up your body solely to achieve a body type you dont like for a kink you dont even have. if she wants to be humiliated, being called a slut or being pissed on his much less permanent.
>maybe she just didnt want to make porn anymore

maybe she shouldn't be the almost certain category. I bet $100 she's slimmed down and is living off her OF back catalog now. Nobody who's serious into gaining is going to go radio silent for this long with no reason.
Yeah. I just assume her boyfriend enabled her depression or something and decided to capitalize on it. Bad vibes.
To be fair she was verryyyy large in her insta photos from last year. She couldn't have slimmed down THAT much. Maybe her quality of life was diminishing.
> from last year

It's almost 2023 and we haven't heard anything from her since then. She's not active anymore, let alone into it now.
kinda following up on what this guy said about heather's influence, it's always fun when girls pair off into different friendships and you can kinda tell one of them is the ring leader but it's the other girl who gets fatter. like when they were roommates I just kinda pictured Ivy passive aggressively coercing and bullying Violet into eating more and more until she grew into a barely mobile hulking hog beast and Ivy just kinda stayed a functional 400ish pounds. like she definitely put on a fair amount herself but she outsourced the extreme gaining to Violet and still made a ton of money off it
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>Only into it a small amount and with the right person, but hey it pays the bills to play it up:
>- BC Ash

Ash is the real deal. Here are her gaining tips she wrote down.

As for some other BCs:
Jolene: Not really into it, she moves in whatever direction trends are heading towards
a few years ago that was weight-loss, now it's HEAS.
Leah: Also not that much into it, just naturally big (still is).She was originally going to model for another site (BODacious) when she was way heavier. During her run with BC she tried to lose weight to alleviate health problems.
Holly: Started modeling because her BF is a horndog who told her about BC.
VeeLynn: Nearly the same as above but switch BF with BeccaBae.
Personally Cookie to me feels like she might be in the tier above? The thing with her to me seems that she is very aware of the potential consequences, and she has kids, so she doesn’t want to go all out because of that??
Hope that makes any sense…
Like none of these women are into it.
ChubbyC at least looks the part, the rest have been gigantic since before puberty. I doubt it’s anything but making lemonade outta fat hoe lemons.
Cookie also has a plus-size fashion/lifestyle YouTube and instagram out there if you know where to look. She may be playing the feedee game for the cameras (and she's pretty good at it, IMO - not too over the top, comes across as a real person more easily than most of these girls) but she's another girl who's made her size part of her identity and is trying to do something good with it.
Also, this has barely anything to do with this thread but someone on /gen/ once said "Kellie Kay lost 200+ pounds and still keeps fat fetish kayfabe like she's Bret fucking Hart" (paraphrased) and I still think that's one of the funniest things I've seen in all my years on bbwchan.
The former BigCutie Kelly's personal twitter is still loaded with feedist stuff, years after she quit modeling. That to me is a pretty good indicator that someone's INTO IT into it.
FWIW, has she regained a bit? I checked out her instagram and she's looking plumper to me.
this "gaining tip" stuff is so asinine lmao. fun to be reminded that Ash has always transparently been about making money off people in the laziest ways possible.
thats exactly the kelly/msfatbooty dynamic lmao
I always thought Ms Fat Booty wasn’t into the fetish till it paid the bills. I remember her on MySpace totally against any fetishizing her fatness.
>Jae low key has one of the most extreme gains ever

waddya mean by this, pal?
not the guy you're talking to but Jae's been around since 2008 and if you look at her oldest stuff on bigcuties she's TINY relative to wear she is now. I'd say 350-375ish in her oldest preview pics. rare that we really see anyone stick around as long as she has and actually gain over 250 pounds. it helps that she's 5'11" with broad hips and shoulders but she's like purely BIG in a way you don't see super often I feel like.
always thought it was super cute and endearing when Juliet would perkily say stuff like "gosh I wish I was even bigger" or "hopefully I'll be 700 next time" during her old stuffing/measuring vids. her little accent, unfffff. her 800+ pound unbathed depression phase that we only saw through leaked vids with no sound was a bummer but I'd be lying if I said I haven't returned to it more than a few times.
100% fat for cash. My read on her is lonely/depressed person who found acceptance in the community and did porn/BC to fit in.
As she promptly disappeared off the face of the earth once she broke up with her boyfriend, I think it's fairly safe to say KittyPiggy wasn't into it.
That whole Brit contingent always came across super weird to me. I think ChubbyCupcake was more into it than KP and pretty underrated in her own right IMO.

Partially related, Chloe's still going at it post breakup. The way she doesn't try hard to "act" sexy or moan or do anything like that makes me believe it's less of an act for her. She has zero personality but it weirdly works for her. She comes across very authentic, like she couldn't fake it if she tried.
If there's one Brit that is CLEARLY super into it, It's AlisaBonython.
She'd be pretty much set for life with her plus size modelling but her Onlyfans is FILLED with her just being a fatass.
I had no idea she was gone. That's a shame because she was one of my favourites. But I'm not too surprised to learn that she was only doing it for her boyfriend.
>That whole Brit contingent
I think Bonnie is into it, to some extent at least. She's been a slow and steady gainer for a long time and she seems reasonably enthusiastic in her videos.
I wonder about Porcelain. It would be unfair of me to say she's just cashing in, but I do think she might be making the best of her situation. Her partner always seemed like a weird dude to me, not gonna lie.
I also think Bonnie's into it. She'll play up the gaining/perverse aspects for the camera but I don't doubt she's having fun with it at least. Like if you asked her if she really wants to be an 800 pound immobile blob in real life she'll roll her eyes and say c'mon that's all fantasy stuff, but it's not like she doesn't think it's kind of hot.

Porcelain's boyfriend is another greasy looking Deviantart guy, so take from that what you will. I find her pretty hard to read, personally. She's also not modeling anymore, I believe?
Porcelain's going to be opening an OnlyFans after her webmaster closed up shop. I can't get a read on her either - I think she just likes food, but might need to be coaxed into being fat on camera.
Really? Can't find any info about this
juliet's got one video where she eats an entire pie and then randomly blurts out "god I'm ready to fuck right now" and it sends my dick straight through the ceiling just thinking about it. girl had much more camera presence than you'd expect.
I always felt like she wasn’t. Bony always seemed like the type to fail at being a skinny hot bitch and instead go the low effort route to crowdsourcing her life off of getting men’s attention. It’s so low on the fetish side, just Instagram quality content.
C'mon, you can't just say that and not share!
I somehow missed Juliet making good content, by the time I became aware of her it was nothing but grainy Realplayer-tier vids and rumors about whether or not she was still alive. Shame, since she was gorgeous.

you've gotta watch some of Ash's videos where she just rambles for 15 minutes about how hot it would be to be the fattest person on earth. you can tell it's genuine without a shadow of a doubt. that plus her gain make her up with heather as one of the most legit in the scene imo.

as far as why she left, I assume she was getting more into fat activism and the objectification of modeling became more problematic. just a guess, but she seemed fully over the scene. she's definitely still into the fetish though, I wouldn't be surprised if she's still gaining if she's able to
Agreed, Ash was absolutely into it. In my opinion as a horny pervert, her 600 pound weigh-in video is probably the single hottest piece of recorded media in the history of this fetish -- when the scale reads 600, she instantly gets this enormous wide-eyed grin on her face and exclaims "I weigh 600 pounds! This is the best day of my life!" You can't fake that level of enthusiasm. But the last couple years of her modeling were so depressed and phoned-in that I got the impression she wasn't enjoying it any more and had hit a point where the impact her size was having on her life outweighed the hotness of it. It could just be that she was sick of dealing with coomers, and wanted to focus on fat activism and save the kink stuff for her husband, but I really got a vibe of "oh god, this used to be fun but now it's not" from the last couple years of her videos.

It does low-key look from her Instagram like she's gotten even bigger, if only another 40-50 pounds. Could just be "point of no return" weight, but maybe she's still doing feedist stuff in the bedroom with her husband (definitely a feeder, he's a bash scene guy who dated Aria/Cuppycake before marrying Ash), and I can understand wanting to keep it private once you have a full-time partner in your life.
I agree with a lot of this stuff. Ash has always been kind of hard to read IMO but the sense I get is she was very much into it when she was younger, but was also susceptible to peer pressure and the influence of Heather and Kellie Kay. If you believe the people on this board who claim to have hung out with her she was allegedly VERY into feedist culture and the gains back in the day. Eventually it stopped being fun, started being more of a job/chore, she gets older, gets more exposed to fat activism and fat fashion, and turns to that as a way to sort of live her truth without having to do porn anymore. Her last video for BigCuties is a really bad, unedited thing where she’s the size of a HOUSE and just gets out of a chair, walks to the camera, mumbles “they get what they get” and that’s it. Pretty indicative of where she was at mentally, if you ask me. I have no idea if she’s bigger/smaller now because I don’t have Instagram but my guess is she’s one of the last models who would ever lose a bunch of weight (like Kellie, for example). She made her bed and now she’s laying in it.
Oh, and the other leader of the “this was fun when I was younger but what have I done to myself, oh my god” group has to be Luna Love. Her day to day life must be awful.
What makes you say that?
Luna is incredibly unfit compared to other similar sized models. I get the feeling that she doesn't leave the house much. I'm also pretty sure that she is single. No sure what you can take away from that but it can't a good quality of life compared to more active models.
she's really short and spherical, her fat distrubution is crazy for someone her size. I have a hard time picturing her being able to do much of anything on her own
>her 800+ pound unbathed depression phase that we only saw through leaked vids
Is it possible to see these?
at least one of them should still be floating around on spankbang if you search ssbbw and dig for it. the video quality is really bad and there is zero sound, but she is astoundingly fat in them if that's all you care about.
I'm glad someone else noticed this. The Roxxie giggle is a big tell that she's loose and relaxed and putting on less of a "face" in her content. She's probably not pounding gain shakes and stuffing herself with piles of fast food every day off camera (almost nobody is and you'd be naive to think otherwise), but you can tell she's super comfortable in her own skin and with the life she's chosen for herself. It's what makes her one of the top tier fat fetish models imho.
Cookie recently came out and said she’s done gaining and is gonna lose some weight. Said she went a little further than she was comfortable with and was staring to have health concerns. Tbh I wish more models were that forthcoming.
What’s the consensus on Jackie these days? I was watching some videos earlier and it might just be a bad case of the ol’ coom brain, but I weirdly think she’s almost exactly who she says she is, a mega hedonist who doesn’t really care if she puts on weight but can’t help indulge deeply in all her bad habits. Obviously she’s playing her persona up for the camera a lot but with her I just kinda buy it. She might not be a gainer in the Luna mold but you don’t get a body like Jackie’s without eating like a pig constantly.
Hey, i like this thread. I actually thought of bringing it up for discussion once because there are such variances between SSBBW models that claim to be into gaining to immobility, women who are simply hedonists, and those who are faking it. Here's a list of currently-relevant SSBBW's that I am using *my opinion* to categorize on how into the gaining fetish they are:

Actively trying to gain weight as fast as possible:
- Ninjah
- Celestial Susanne
- LisaLou
- Reenaye Starr (probably; giving benefit of the doubt here)

Actively trying to gain weight, but at a slower pace:
- Tara/FatMissT
- Brianna
- SpanxBeluga
- Roxxie
- Jodie
- Bonnie
- Ivy Davenport
- Nara
- ThickSadWorld
- JLoves333
- LittlePumpkin
- Hayley/Gingerbunny (apparently?)
- Caitidee (maybe?)
- Hazel
- BigCutieGigi

Hedonists and Food Monsters who can't help but gain:
- Adeline
- MzFluff
- BoBerry
- Sasha
- Jae
- Heather
- Steph
- JuicyJackie
- PlumpPrincess
- Kirby/Lvlynightmare
- MassivelySweet
- Pleasantly Plump
- Avery
- Rachhole
- MsFatBooty
- FatWaifu/BubblyBooty
- Xutjja

Used to be into it, not really into it anymore, but now it's too late to undo:
- Ash
- Luna
- Violet James

SSBBW Models who aren't into gaining but don't necessarily hate being huge:
- Jenni Bombshell
- Marilyn
- Kennedy
- Rosie Jade
- BigBootyAsshley
- LadyJiggles
- LadyBrads
- CeliaBBW
- Shannon Marie
- Vivienne Rose

Not into it, in some cases tried to get out of it, but stuck doing it because they don't seem to have an alternative:
- Echo
- Sadie
- Randalin
- Krissy
- Jenna/DoughBellyGirl
- Fatasha/Goddess Fatty
- CandyGodiva/HungryFatChick
- BigBootyBeautyXXL
- PurpleWings
- Leta

Actively Losing Weight:
- KellieKay
- Bbwsweetpeaokla
Mochii's 100% into it and it's very apparent she gets off hard on this stuff. She recently returned and is cooming hard to overeating.
doughbellygirl/Jenna spends all her free time posting her shit all over every fat fetish subreddit, if she's not into herself she's at least VERY into marketing her body as aggressively as possible. celestial also does this but in that case I just kinda feel bad for her.
>Hedonists and Food Monsters who can't help but gain:
- Adeline
- MzFluff
- BoBerry
- Sasha
- Jae
- Heather
- Steph
- JuicyJackie
- PlumpPrincess
- Kirby/Lvlynightmare
- MassivelySweet
- Pleasantly Plump
- Avery
- Rachhole
- MsFatBooty
- FatWaifu/BubblyBooty
- Xutjja

This is an interesting category. Adeline, Sasha, Jae, Steph, Juicy Jackie, Avery, MsFatBooty and Heather have definitely actively tried to gain, i'm not buying the food addictione excuse. Plump Princess too, the thing with her is that she doesn't want to push much further now and considering how her BFs influence her content it wouldn't surprise me if her BF during the years she gained the most was more fanatic than the others. And Did BubblyBooty even gain that much? she's still below 500lbs as per her latest weigh-in.
The out of control food addicts is pretty much all of the above. It’s not much of a secret for many of the girls listed. Anyone whose dated models will confirm this.
Adeline thread has her answering a question about immobility saying she digs the aesthetic but wants to be able to move/function/etc. reasonable answer IMO.
It’s fetish porn work. They’re selling a fantasy.
Most were fat as children, tried to lose weight before getting attention as a bbw. They’ll blame their fattened on diseases in private: pcos, depression and lipedemia
Many have posted anti-fetish content prior, or had boyfriends that told their truth.
Not gonna specifically dox the sad fatties who turned lemons into lemonade.

Go to sleep you old wench. The young girls are trying to fuck and they want dick.
A) time-zones it’s morning, B) this is common knowledge, C) wut?

There's definitely some ex-purposely gaining SSBBWs in that list category of hedonists, but they all generally got to a point where they are just happy being where they're at and no longer trying to actively gain, yet they can't help but do it anyway because they are food monsters.

Heather is immobile due to weight and Covid and she isn't actively trying to gain.

Adeline admitted she used to purposely gain but now she is just eating how she wants and letting things go how they go. She doesn't actually want to be immobile though she apparently is turned on at the thought.

Steph has gotten absolutely huge but i don't see current evidence of her trying to gain, though maybe if her fucking BigCuties site would ever reopen..

JuicyJackie is just enjoying the ride. Same with Sasha.

I probably should've put Avery under the trying to gain at a slower pace category.

MsFatBooty is not at her peak and not trying to get back to it but i believe her lifestyle will lead to fluctuations as she isn't necessarily trying to lose weight either.

I definitely don't think Jae wants to gain, but she can't help it. If Jae could magically flip a switch and be skinny, i think she would.
>it helps that she's 5'11" with broad hips and shoulders but she's like purely BIG in a way you don't see super often I feel like.

whaddya mean by that descriptor
MsFatBooty will never drop the weight, she's unable to, even though she wants it. Such a hot trait combined with classical beauty.
Giggling is pretty normal performative feminine behaviour. I would do it if I was trying to act hot too. Not saying that Roxxie isn't really into gaining, but giggling isn't really some secret psychological indicator
Seriously, imagine playing up feminine charms with giggling is some kind of gotcha.
True category for all: food addicts who were obese since childhood, for whom being fat is a shameful identity. They get hooked on the positive feelings and ego boost of modeling. They can date actual chads if they’re “into the fetish.”
It’s not so much that they’re into getting fat; they’re into being attractive and this is the only way to get it.
just a hunch but I am fairly certain that Steph backed out and is lying about the issues with CCBill to back off the coomers
If that's the case, why even do that IG premium? I genuinely think it's Heather & co. dropping the ball. It's clear people still want her to do stuff, she's fatter than ever, and they definitely brought her on to save face after some of the bigger names left.

I think Steph needs to open a proper site or an OF if BC is going to jerk us around like this.
Bro you are a literal retard if you haven't noticed them by now, and you're still playing along to get along.

The most evil people on this Earth are old, ugly, and poor originally from a ghetto somewhere. Their greed knows no limits. They will lie until that day finally comes. I hope it's this year only because they are as stupid as they are corny.
(bc she's a 600 pound southern white trash broad and not particularly intelligent and my guess is she doesn't really want to do this and Heather offered her a nice deal before she backed out)
Tell that to the custom I ordered and got within 48 hours. I'm inclined to believe the fat chicks.
Roxxie is so obviously into it and it’s crazy to me that people think she’s not. She’s married to a feeder and if you scroll through her tumblr it’s clear she really has the fetish. She even shared her feedist awakening story recently. And her feeder husband’s tumblr is called allthingsfeedism, so I don’t think they’re faking it.
There's a lot of bitter people on /ssbbw/ now. Half of the subs have posters that straight up hate the subject models with some gratuitous scatposters shitting up the vibe. The posts against Roxxie are especially egregious - she's been doing this for 15 years with a pretty consistent and steady gain and you have the gall to say she's not into it? You can make that case for literally anyone else in this fetish but I genuinely can't see it for Roxxie.
Counterpoint: it’s hard to believe anyone who was fat before they got into it and does it as a living.
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I’m sure I’ll get heat for this, but hear me out.

I don’t think she’s into getting bigger at all. She’s probably not even happy being as big as she currently is, but it’s how she makes money and it’s why her husband is with her, so she goes with it.

She doesn’t have a lot to fall back on. I don’t think she’s ever had a real job and if she were to lose weight she would would be a saggy 30 something who’s severely under qualified for any job outside of the service industry.

This picture is from over two years ago. If you compare this to her current pictures, it doesn’t seem like she’s gained any weight over the past two years at all. If she were actually into this fetish, it seems like she would have added on at at least a bit of weight.

Pretty sure she’s just pandering to her fans to keep the money rolling in.
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Oh and she’s not even very good at lying. In her most recent live stream she said she was 520lbs. 😂

Boberry is 560. Look at this picture and tell me Roxxie is really only 40lbs less.

Bo is a few inches taller, her butt sticks out further, her belly hangs over the table, and her arms are even bigger.

Dude.... They are both obese and gorgeous. Together they are probably the 2 most beautiful fat girls in the entire world. Who cares

I think you’re missing the entire point of this thread.
I think she's into into but has just reached her personal limit. People can't keep gaining forever without some serious tradeoffs and whilst she is into feederism I don't think she's into immobility. Like who the fuck would be into that?

Like you can be into gaining but also not want to be bed bound.
Is she into it? As much as someone who wasn’t thin and intentionally ate themselves to morbidly obese.
>She’s probably not even happy being as big as she currently is, but it’s how she makes money and it’s why her husband is with her, so she goes with it
boberry is straight up built different my dog. she's a genetic anomaly. people can carry their weight differently and being "a few inches" taller almost always makes a massive difference. y'all boberry stans been cooming so much you're starting to ejaculate brain cells.

shoutout to Rox tho because that leather jacket look is FIRE.
ya prime boberry is like the bbw model equivalent of a pro bowl left tackle. you see her body type and it doesn't fully register as humanly possible. don't think comparing her to Rox is the fairest mindset but the boberry fans will do what they do.
I mean I have to be honest here I see a lot of people always saying “well if she liked it she would never stop gaining”. Mf these women are like 550 pound blobs of fat that are nearly immobile. Do you know how much food it would take to gain even more weight? And like they are already fatter than most humans are physically able to be, the fetish is fulfilled. Why do you think anybody on earth except deeply mentally unwell people want to be like 1000+ pounds?
Roxxie explained in her recent livestream that she’s gained slowly and struggled with weight plateaus in the past, but wishes she could’ve gained faster. It’s much harder for someone who’s already like 500 pounds to gain weight. She also said she’s gained about 110 pounds over the course of her relationship with her husband, which means she gained another 110 pounds before she even met him.

People refusing to believe Roxxie is into it just seems like guys not believing women can actually be horny and have a fetish, which is ridiculous. Trust me, women can be just as horny as men. With the possible exception of Chubbychiquita, Roxxie is the most obviously into-it model on the scene right now.
ChubbyChiquita is 10000% not into it especially since she got gastric bypass surgery

Curvage Casey Isn’t into it she just fakes it and sees us all as gullible for buying her content of fake gains. She has a belly sure but she isn’t gaining at all
> ChubbyChiquita is 10000% not into it especially since she got gastric bypass surgery

at least make up believable bullshit, if she'd had surgery wouldn't there be a massive visible scar running across her stomach?
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>ChubbyChiquita is 10000% not into it especially since she got gastric bypass surgery
Even if the surgery thing was true, I would nevertheless find it very hard to believe that she's not into the fetish side of things
as far as I know she got her gallbladder removed which is not the same as "gastric bypass surgery", it's been known she has other medical issues and they've consistently got in the way of her gaining weight
Dude I’m telling you she did. And after gastric bypass you lose the weight gradually. But they can get fat again if they don’t stick to the plan. Perfect example of that is bbw Dumpling. They get these weird looking little scars on their tummy that look like little cuts.

Trust me she got the surgery and isn't into it. These girls all talk to each other about how they are not into it amongst themselves and see us as idiots.

Nah man these girls just get fat by accident. They find a way to make money off it due to their greed and once they see an out they take it. They only do it for the money.
And i’ll repeat this again to you man since you think i’m against you by telling you the truth. No, there would not be a massive scar showing. Its a tiny one and after the surgery they gradually get a smaller belly until they have a saggy stomach with excess skin drooping down. Then they cut it all off and only after they cut it all off with another skin removing surgery that is when they get the scars. Just like that ex model big cutie Sammi if anyone remembers that wacko.
Retarded incel alert
think you could apply that mentality to a lot of girls tbh. lisalou for example seems pretty into it but she's still young, once she's in her 30s the effects of gaining 200 pounds that quickly are gonna hit the poor girl like a truck.
>>28758 You're lucky this is gen. Schizo.
She claims she put on 300 since she started gaining and tbh I believe her. She has “smallest of the fat girl clique” vibes when she’s solo but I was stunned to see she goes toe to toe with like
Caitidee in their pics together. Chick is a HOUSE but I agree she’s gonna burn out quick
LisaLou is only like 450 or something iirc… she still has lots of room to grow. She’s also very active and has mentioned multiple times that she has multiple partners who all seem willing to assist and enable her, although despite my multiple requests she won’t let me be one of them. Guys she isn’t like Hayley going from 550 to 600 in a year or Adeline going from 500 to 700 in a year. She still has lots of room to grow. She also seems relatively upbeat and happy unlike Luna who seems very whiny and negative.
>although despite my multiple requests she won’t let me be one of them.
Gee, I wonder why
Here’s the real answer to this post’s question. All the models doing it for money are not into it. The ones that gain for free are. If the models who do this for money were into it they’d be immobile like heather the creator of bigcuties

You can just feel how much people dislike being around you.
Man you guys are always so mean to me. I'll never understand why. I stand by what I said about Luna though, she seems so angry all the time.
I spent some time with them at a bash yeeeears ago, possibly when Kelly was still with BC but I may be wrong about that. They were fun to hang out with but I agree with >>24614 on MFB. She's an odd duck.
lisalou a straight up optical illusion. by herself she looks big but next to Roxxie I'm like... man what the fuck she's actually enormous.
Pretty much BoBerry's story. If she could get more attention being a third of her size, she would totally flip the switch and be that way.

But she's also for sure a glutton thanks to her obesity at a young age, so even if she did wake up one more at 200lbs I would guarantee she wouldn't stay that small for long.
picturing her as an instagram thot who gets fatter from attention, hooooo lord
>>24120 (OP)
Wasn't aware roxxie has been around from since we still used flip phones. How old was she in that pic?
>>32351 She was probably super cute her entire life, tbh. I would've loved to have been her first boyfriend and tasted her pussy. Her vagina must be lovely.
Roxxy was posting here 13 years ago. That pic might be a little earlier than that even
Fat don't crack.
Make up and filters.
White girls her age need those to hide the cracks. Man the simps are out today.
yeah old heads will remember Rox was around a bit back in the day. so was anorei collins, who legit got her start posting nudes on the tits board.
No way - you serious? Didn’t know that’s how she started out
We also used to have parties on tinychat with ano, roxxie, and Emma bailey
yeah this place was waaaay different back then. not that there were TONS of women hanging around (Rox and Anonrei are the only ones I remember LOL) but it was less of a hive-of-scum-and-villany vibe.
Damn I got into this fetish way too late. Glory years are over and I never got to take part. Gonna start sounding like Ted Kaczynski with the whole “OnlyFans and its consequences…” shite.
Back then fat women had class about it. We didn’t have this body positive bullcrap and these women were dirty slurs for engaging in men who accepted their massively overweight bodies.
Watch Shallow Hal or something from the era if you really don’t get the Garfield level effigy of gluttony fat people were at the turn of the century.
Monetization OF, patreon, curvage clips ruined the scene. Now you have fake gainers who gain and lose the same 10 lbs while LARPing about how they can’t wait to be immobile or gaining is just soooo hard. Before you had people actually into gaining because they wanted to and thought it was hot, not a route to free money. And because they thought it was hot they loved to share it too and post. You could chat with them before the “don’t even talk to me if you aren’t going to pay me” attitude.

Muffinmaid gained a ton and posted free Vimeo videos and built up a huge following before going paid. Now you see random dime-a-dozen fat girls introduce themselves on curvage and announce they got approved as “model” same post.

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